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 Dec 2013 xxxx
chloe marie
Never been sure who to be
Never been sure who to believe
Who am I supposed to trust?
Who am I supposed to keep my distance from?
Why isn’t there a handbook
Indicating who is a demon and who is an angel?
You can see the halos when you’re up there,
But don’t they know that down here we can’t see a thing?
Demons and angels all look the same to me
And if the only way to see the difference is up there,
I’ll have to take my chances
I’ll probably pick the wrong choice,
Just like flipping heads or tails,
And only then I get to see the difference
The problem is that
By that point,
I’ll be seeing it from down there
Because knowing me
I’ll pick heads over tails
Leading me to walk over to the sweeter looking one
Who smiles and waves in such a reassuring way
Who coaxes me into evil intentions
Yet I don’t mind
Because, oh lord, what a beautiful voice
So rich and full and inviting…
And lying
Lying Lying Lying
Every single word is a lie
I say, “Let’s go down that path
With all the trees and butterflies”
Then you say, “No, that road scares me,
Let’s take the darker one”
So I go along
Since I have learned that you’re always right
The path gets darker with every step I take
And soon it’s not a road but an inky black cloud
I can’t see
“Where are you!?”
Fear grows inside me
Then I see you:
Blood red eyes, leather wings, daggers for teeth
You laughed then, an evil, bone-chilling cackle I’ll never forget
As you approached, folding your sickening wings around me,
I knew where I was going
Finally now I can tell the difference:
The halos from the claws
Except this isn’t exactly where I wanted to be
I’m not up there
Although, through the process,
I have learned that you don’t always get what you want
Now, all I get to do is watch as more victims get roped in
Lured by the fake smiles and seducing faces
And I can’t do a single thing about it
 Dec 2013 xxxx
Someone Else
 Dec 2013 xxxx
The reason I fell so hard
Was because I thought
That you were a guy
Not a girl spinning me
Into her web of lies
You seemed genuine
And I fell for you
But now your words
Have no meaning
Because you
Weren't you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

wrote this months ago. seems relevant still.
 Dec 2013 xxxx
Barely Inspired
 Dec 2013 xxxx
Hungover and tired
I am barely inspired
Mouth tastes of regret
At least it's not *****
At least I'm alright
Not like last night
At least I didn't
Make a mistake
Or take too much
Or consume a lot
Or get a toxic rush
Writer's block *****
No creativity in my blood
No energy in my veins
I keep trying but
Failure again
And again
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Dec 2013 xxxx
Which Consumes You
 Dec 2013 xxxx
With every moment that passes
My love for you strengthens

It seeps into the smallest cracks
Of my foundations

You are the air I need
In order to breathe
On my own

Such an ace
Such a stud
I feel so lustful
I feel so in love
I feel so beautiful

You touch my soul
And my heart
Like no one else

You affect me more
Than decaying health

Your words weaken me
But not in a bad way
I love you deeply
Like a poet adores
His or her poetry

Like a lovesick fool
Loves the thrill
Of seeking out
The love interest
Which consumes
His or her bitter life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Dec 2013 xxxx
Plain Simple (10w)
 Dec 2013 xxxx
I could stare into your eyes for a thousand years
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 xxxx
Happy thanksgiving
All of you are a blessing
Thankful for your love
Thankful for your support
All of you are so special
I mean that, ever so much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 xxxx
Just Damn
 Nov 2013 xxxx
Alexander, ****.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

He's the nicest guy there is.
 Nov 2013 xxxx
My poems are all so different,
I'm definitely not organized.

I write without thought,
I post without a doubt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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