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Along my path is many a grave,
Remnants of those I couldn't save.
Their lives fell away like sand,
And tears fell as I laid them down with my own hand.
Though I know no amount of sorrow
Will let them see tomorrow,
I can't help but feel my heart break
Shattered by misery for their sake.
So now for the life they couldn't live,
There's nothing that can give
Any solace from the guilt
That causes my soul to wilt.
As I sit remembering their faces,
I wish I could take any of their places.
Let me tell you a story of day and night,
of weakness and might,
of loss and love,
of worlds below and above.

Let me sing you sing you a song of a broken heart,
and dreams torn apart,
of being left alone,
and a soul wishing to atone.

Hear my words and know them well,
Listen to the promise in what I tell.
Through rise and fall,
I'll go beyond it all,
no matter how long I must wait,
in the end I'll make or break my own Fate.
There's a man with a certain brand,
Left untouched by Death's hand.
Some would say there are things worse,
But he knows the blessing for it's  curse.

He let his beloved die,
And that is why
He's left to wander in hate
Blaming her for this fate.

If she hadn't taken his heart,
It never would have broken apart.
There he laid the blame,
Ever cursing her name.

So it was he chose his path,
Trading empathy for wrath,
Living forsaken
The cost of the life he let be taken.

So he lived on,
To a new centuries dawn,
Keeping himself away
From the world's new day.

Once day while sitting alone,
He heard laughter's tone,
And began to fear
What could be near.

There he found a girl,
Who would sing, dance, and twirl,
But it was her familiar voice,
That lead him to a fateful choice.

There in her face,
Was a resemblance he couldn't place,
A comforting smile,
Something that's been missing for awhile.

Though this meeting had to end,
His heart she promised to mend.
She laughed and said farewell,
Though her name she wouldn't tell.

True to her word, she returned,
And doused the fires of rage that burned.
She brought a star's new light,
To cast on his eternal night.

But this could not last,
And she was lost to his past,
This time sadness,
Driving him to madness.

Deep he hid,
In a desperate bid
To save the dying coal
That was his soul.

He drifted through many an age
Sitting in his cage,
Until one day he was found
And greeted by a familiar sound.

As he looked upon her face once more,
He realized what he should have before.
The one he had betrayed,
Had forgiven him and stayed.

She chose to be reborn
To save him from his  scorn,
To absolve him from his sin,
Again and again.

From then on it went,
Each of her lives she spent,
In life the brightest sun,
And the coldest night when her time was done.

From then on it went,
Each of her lives she spent,
An eternal spirit caring
For his immortal body despairing.
Any feedback welcome
I first saw her in the day,
Such a wonderful sight,
But I had nothing to say,
And she disappeared into the night.

As I laid down to rest,
I saw her again in my dreams,
I thought I knew my heart best,
But she struck a new chord it seems.

The next day I searched around,
Everywhere low and high,
She couldn't be found,
But still I had to try.

As twilight began to fall,
My hopes began to rise,
Once I heard a call,
And I couldn't believe my eyes.

My heart skipped a beat,
She was standing there,
Just as happy to meet,
Asking if I had time to spare.

All the night we walked,
We laughed and we joked,
And during the time we talked
I was so nervous I almost choked.

We stared at the stars,
And played a few games,
Waved at passing cars,
Without knowing each other's names.

But soon came dawn,
She said farewell
And was gone,
But we'd meet again, I could tell.

So it was our love took shape,
Meeting in the dark,
Lost in our nightly escape,
Warmed by a shared spark.
A soul, fading alone,
A heart, made of crumbling  stone,
I've ended up here,
Wanting what I should fear.
They'll never know
Because I'll never let it show,
These abyssal cravings,
My internal ranting and ravings.
So let it all drop
As I fall to the bottom's top,
A rising fall
To answer the Void's call,
To become a new ascendant,
In transcendence resplendent.
As a world begins anew,
I will be myself true,
Existence remade
In a better image that will never fade.
Out of two, one was left
To remain torn and bereft,
The price of an ended life,
Is the beginning of strife.

For so long he suffered and bled,
Wishing to have fallen instead.
Knowing only sorrow and regret,
Unable to forget.

Wandering countless nights cold,
Embraced in misery's hold,
It was himself he hated
As for death he waited.

But what he did not know,
Was that wherever he'd go,
Was one watching in vain,
And sharing the pain.

The soul of the fallen brother,
Keeping watch over the other,
A shared wish to atone,
Together yet alone.

So suffered this tragic pair,
Down this path they share,
Until the Master of Light,
Felt pity for their plight.

He took the broken soul
And shaped a new whole,
Now in the form of a beast great,
Set on the path of a new fate.

The Master, now in disguise,
The last of many lies,
Told the wanderer of a beast,
Hiding in a temple to the East.

The wanderer paid little heed,
It would be just another deed,
A chance to die,
Was something he wouldn't deny.

With a strange feeling in his heart,
The hunt would now start.
With luck his life would end,
And his soul he could mend.

So the beast he found,
And on sacred ground
The battle began,
Until twin rivers crimson ran.

As they both fell,
The beast began to tell,
How his brother had to suffer
Because he wasn't tougher.

The wanderer then knew,
Just who he had slew,
And began to smile
As he recognized the trial.

As the two were dying,
Side by side lying,
The brothers were grinning
Like they did in the beginning.

Making a vow with their final breath,
To stand together even in death,
The two found their peace
In their souls' final release.
How many others have known,
The fruits of Chaos' seeds sown?
This is the sorrowful tale,
Of one seeking heaven and creating hell.

Once a star so bright,
Filled to bursting with light,
And as gentle as a stream,
Knowing many a dream.

But even strong fires begin to dim,
And beautiful flowers wilt at the stem.
This star fell from the sky,
And the Light began to die.

Now left in the Dark,
A soul left bare and stark,
At this point too late,
Lost in their hate.

Living in the shadows of life,
They found something in the Strife.
Setting aside their wrath,
They began a new path.

Even when the days were long,
It could be said nothing was wrong.
Maybe having it all,
Was the cause of their fall.

But it doesn't matter how,
It's all gone now.
The pleasure and the pain,
Wiped away like a stain.

How many know what it's like,
To lash out and Strike,
To tear and destroy,
Your own sense of joy?

This is the the story of the lost,
Nothing was the cost,
Nothing was the prize,
Past and future only lies.
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