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The warm sun has set,
And a blade with blood is now wet.
Over his eyes, cold night now falls,
Hearing now only the lost's calls.

Struck by his sworn brother,
Destined to oppose one another.
One life now taken,
The other now forsaken.

Once together so close and fond,
A seemingly eternal bond,
Now shattered and broken,
The memory only a token.

The Darkness and the Light,
Fate-cursed to fight.
One meant to die,
One left to cry.

Now on this dreadful day,
A soul has been sent away,
Guided towards its end
By the gentle hand of a friend.

Face flooded with tears,
Having met their darkest fears,
Long has he cried
For the one who by his hand died.

The regret and sorrow
Stole his hope for tomorrow,
He hid all alone
His only desire to atone.

On this path the fallen knew
Exactly what he had to do,
A wonderful life given
Taken by a sword now driven.

On this now silent face,
There was no sorrowful trace.
He saved his friend from death,
Even though it cost his final breath.

So often too soon,
The sun gives life to the moon,
But in harmony their souls yearn,
Eternally bound to repeat and return.
I've waited so long,
To hear my destiny's song,
But all that plays
Are the sounds of wasted days.

I cast off a life,
With potential rife,
Hoping for something better,
A spirit without fetter.

I've dug this pit,
In which I now sit,
Wondering if my choice was brave,
Or if I've dug my own grave.

Here I have waited,
Endless yearning unsated,
For something unknown,
A light yet to be shone.

But have I fallen to far,
My heart now just a scar?
Where once I was bold,
Am I now only cold?

I may never know,
Until to death do I go,
For this answer I want to see,
I will wait, as patient as a tree.
No matter how dark,
Your life is a spark,
A burning light,
To drive off the night.

Your life is your song,
Sing it loud, sing it strong,
A beautiful sound,
Possibilities without bound.

Your life is a wonderful story to be told,
You have but to write it and behold,
As free as a dove,
Rising up above.

— The End —