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Feb 2016 · 575
I Couldn't Wake Up
Dr O Feb 2016
Tell me where you belong
On a day St. Valentine was too young
To even know what love was

Such a love so strong
For you I will wear no mask
But on the first day St. Valentine saw
That all he knew was wrong

Such a heart knows no enemies
And such a smile knows no hate
Such beauty even the Saints do call
As such a girl deserves it all

As with you my love, every day is Valentines
He whispered to her in warm embrace
Let's go away from this place
Away to the land of you and me

The land of me and you
Keeps disappearing when I awake
As today is the day the Saint knew
That he overslept past Valentine's Day

On his day, St. Valentine celebrates with tears
As for him loneliness sought ease
On this day, St. Valentine falls to his knees
Sometimes I think its just him and me

On the last day, St. Valentine celebrates with a gun
As it was he who lost his only one
For she was afraid of love and devotion
Yet only with a bullet is love a potion

She didn't love me enough
To wait until Valentine's day
Instead she shot in my smile
  Before she turned and walked away

They ask St. Valentine why he doesn't smile
And he says its because the clouds are grey
But when my mother asked me I said
I couldn't wake up in time
For Valentine's day
Feb 2016 · 414
Dr O Feb 2016
The reflection is my best friend
It has become my reality
The ultimate anti-universe
Showing us if there is a up
There must also be a down

The reflection puts me in another universe
I am now the observer
Of my ultimate anti-self
I am the ultimate third person view

Harsh sounds echo in the back noise
They die out with sinister
As the first note twingles my soul
The harmonies breath into the air
The notes match up with their partners
The protons meet with electrons
Equilibrium is reached
Peaceful sounds
Of a ****** story
Please don't you ****** me
Because I'm unprepared to die as you see
But today I drowned her
And now she is dead

Every note reaches my ear
I record everything
I can now hear everything
Equilibrium is reached

I murdered the girl I love you see
Because she would not marry me
Next day as I was a runnin' home
I met the sheriff standing at the door
He said young man come with me and go
Down to the banks of the ohio
Dec 2015 · 424
Color Wheels
Dr O Dec 2015
Pitch black comforts usually fade into darkness
Such an irony that presents an enigma
Here to welcome you to the dark side of matters
A reflective one with all faults in his stars
One to wonder if he left his mind too early
Into a forgotten landscape of manipulation
For him too talented to simply observe the world around
Pulling the strings speaks much more pleasure
For one too bored by the concept of simplicity
Chaos must ensue for his talent to shine
Shadows must lurk for his hear to beat
People must suffer for his eyes to open
Control is the name of the game
Over on the dark side of matters
"Evil" doesn't explain the confusion within
But rather just labels without knowing
His heart made of thin glass
Only looking for love
Always in the wrong places
The one thing he can not manipulate
Will haunt him forever
The heartbeat now dissipates
Because his heart existed never
Darkness aids my pitch black comforts
A true enigma that speaks irony
Here to bid farewell to the dark side of things
And into a barren field so blue in color
Yet so gold in elegance

I stood inside the pitch black room
Windows and doors lined the walls
Different colored lights streamed through
Each hole in the wall a new place
Some were locked and barred down tight
Others ajar and welcoming
Some doors rusted and hard to move
A few windows cracked and old
I stood there thinking
Which doors I should see
What windows could possibly be
The exits to this room
Keys of all sizes covered the floor
Some were easy to find
Others heavy and cold
And for some I knew which key went where
But others I’d have to try over and over again
The room grew dark as I stood
And keys began to disappear in the dark
Windows shut and doors slammed closed
It was time to leave my little room
I looked about and dropped to my knees
Rummaging through the pile
The darkness crept faster and faster
Seeping in like liquid
But then in an instance
I heard a voice
A faint calling from a window
With panes of pleasant wood
And as I neared it slowly creaked
Beckoning me to follow
A warm calming air came out from the crack
The key was already in its place
A key of bronze and solid build
I gripped the edge and swung it open
Just as the pitch black darkness enveloped my room
And I lunged
Right though that small window
Where I found the most lovely field and sky
With people I’d never met but knew from long ago
A field of teeming blues
A field of royal gold

The perfect way two stories could be told.
Dec 2015 · 330
Suffocating Whispers
Dr O Dec 2015
The lack of color reflects light visibly
Darkness permeates my perception
All chaos combines into infinity
My mind becomes my invention

I am not a monster it whispers
Enslave my mind with the darkness and color
Let me see this fabricated world
For all the chaos it has to offer
Dec 2015 · 337
Dr O Dec 2015
I broke bread with the darkness
The angels in Hell left me a rose
Where my mind will now take me
Heaven only knows.
Aug 2015 · 431
England Rains
Dr O Aug 2015
No clouds hang in the sky
Despite those England rains
Some say heaven just cries
Some call it England pains
Some say love goes away
Some say its just a game
All these girls in my life
They say its a gamble of names
One will come, one will go
As clouds fill the sky
True feelings will start to show
Love will come, love will go
The rain will start
Then it will snow
But no clouds hang in the sky
Despite those lovely England rains
And if no clouds exist
Then my love always remains
Even though it rains
On those lovely England hills
The sun still reigns
And my love stays still
Even though it storms
On those pretty Florida trees
Nothing can separate you from me
Mar 2015 · 593
Silent Fear
Dr O Mar 2015
When your world begins to crumble  
When the screams get too loud
When things fall apart

Fear the quiet ones

As they know more than you do
Mar 2015 · 420
Coward's Way Out
Dr O Mar 2015
It had to happen
It had to happen sometime
I had to drag your body out of the woods
Blood smeared with the stench till in the air
I had to tug you by your feet
While your hair still swayed in the wind
I had to pull you into the living room
Of the house your presence disgraced
You left me because you are pathetic
It had to happen sometime
You had to die sometime
As a life worth living
Was a life you refused to live
Feb 2015 · 258
Lonely Saints
Dr O Feb 2015
Oceans flow freely during the cold night
My heart falls slowly, with your face in sight
For with the moon, the ocean is gentle
And with you, my life is assembled

The birds chant loudly, morning during spring
My tears flow gently, eight months they do sing
The singing serves, to wake you from your dreams
Every time I sleep, I see what could have been

St. Valentine, celebrates with his gun
I love you, today you were my first one
And for Valentine, loneliness sought ease
My heart stops, gasping for love at my knees
Feb 2015 · 591
Dr O Feb 2015
Flashbacks and anxiety
Reverse time to the mistakes
The lies
The false truths
You distinguished between the two
Reverse time to the frustration
The second-guessing
The self-criticism
You always tried to change
Run the clock forward
A new man
Yet same memory
You now wait for the pain to fade
Run the clock forward
The time will change
A new hour will come upon you
Followed by a new day
But beware
That new day you cherish
Will bear the same hour
Thats when the flashbacks will arrive
And anxiety will follow
As even though time moves on
The clock still goes in circles
I hate anxiety
Jan 2015 · 435
Dr O Jan 2015
The jungle of nature predicts
Some men are dogs
And some men are wolves
The dog shields the flock
With a snarling glare
And magnetic dignity
Yet answers to the shepherd
And obeys the law of the stick
Yet those who thrive in havoc
Those men are wolves
The wolf defends his own interests
With its piercing yellow eyes
And graceful autonomy
The wolf answers to no creature
But the will of the Earth
As in the mind of the wolf
A dog is no more than a sheep
And wolves don't lose sleep
Over the mere opinions
Of helpless sheep
Jan 2015 · 553
Little Summer Boy
Dr O Jan 2015
If the Sun truly loved the sand
Then it wouldn't leave during the night
The air wouldn't turn cold
The desert would forever be bright

If the Moon truly loved the sky
Then it wouldn't leave during the day
It wouldn't disappear in a hurry
And take all of our stars away

If Romeo truly loved Juliet
Then he wouldn't have drank the venom
He wouldn't have been so foolish
To believe love was possible in heaven

If I truly loved you
With all my heart
Then I would never give up
For one day we will not be apart

I think you are the Sun
And I am the Moon
And we can not find each other
Whatever we try to do
Dec 2014 · 447
Cigarettes and Wine
Dr O Dec 2014
Cigarettes in the night keep me going
Sometimes I act as if that were true
Maybe occasionally for a varied feeling
A false sense of relaxation?
Maybe along with a short cup of wine
A distorted feel of elegance?
The red wine surely does bleed the sense
The sense of extravagance to burst new colors
New colors into a recently black and white life
Such a perception that is so false
As if putting makeup on a corpse
Colors mean nothing without a palette
A palette to mix and match
Certain humans come along
With their self-approved elegance
To give fruitful advice to the artist
" But black and white are colors too"
Incorrect fair human
White is the presence of color
While black is the lack of
Even though my world gets smaller
It takes no shape without love
My palette is empty
My thoughts are yearning
Regardless my wine remains plenty
And my cigarette remains burning
Dec 2014 · 518
Dr O Dec 2014
Blood rushing to my head in the night
My memory slowly starts to fade
For my dreams full of energy and light
My reality still remains a maze
Dec 2014 · 1.6k
Dr O Dec 2014
Some say love is a mountain
There is a steep climb up and a steep fall down
But why should I climb to the top
To just fall back to the ground?

Mountains are a paradox
For on top it is always winter
If love is truly is a mountain
Then with that mountain I am not familiar

From mountains you can fall
You can slip and you can die
But be careful mountains will trick you
Because you can not truly touch the sky

Some say love is a mountain
I say love is the sky
Because wherever you may go
It will always be in front of your eyes
Dec 2014 · 358
Perfect, Straight Hair
Dr O Dec 2014
Perfect, straight hair dark as ever
Fabricated smiles, pearly forever
Beauty like Gatsby's Daisy under the sunset
Eternally grinning with life, so perfect in your mindset

Graceful mask, made from fine gold
The most elegant way your story can be told
Loneliness eradicated by the tug of a rope
A fake presence, one to give false hope

Superficial heart pumping to seem so kind
Your actions serve to turn the angels blind
Perfect, straight hair real as never
Fabricated smiles, bleached however

For a face to resemble to one so charming
Then unravel something much more harming
For your sorry forgiveness you should not ask
As to pretend that the Devil pities your mask
Dr O Dec 2014
Everybody's gone to the spruce tree
They say the tree shines magic bright
But when you get there you realize
All it does it turn black into white
The ultimate wish
Dec 2014 · 993
How Was Your Day, Tamir?
Dr O Dec 2014
A 12-year old boy walks in
The dry Cleveland air never disappoints
It was his first day at school
"How was your day Tamir?"
Spouts his mother from the kitchen
As she prepares the evening dinner

School was ok I guess
I could do better in my classes but whatever
Basketball practice was fun

A 12-year old boy walks in
Today is especially cold even for Cleveland
The snow stuck like it was there to stay
"How was your day Tamir"
His mother asks from the living room

School was ok
Can I can go to the park tomorrow?
I want to have a snowball fight with my friends

A 12-year old boy walks in
Dry cold air is the perfect weather for bleeding
He walks in and tries to cover the holes in his chest
"How was your day Tamir?"
His mother asks
Just like any other day

Mommy I went to the park today
But my friends never showed up
So I made snowballs on my own
And I played with my airsoft gun
Mommy all of a sudden the park was empty
A car zoomed right in front of me
It was only a few steps
The police car door opened
And they shot me Mommy
I was reaching to give them my airsoft gun
Mommy I'm dead now
The holes in my chest they won't close up
Nobody saved me Mommy
I'm so sorry I made a big mistake
I didn't mean to scare people with my airsoft gun
I won't make the same mistake next time
I promise!
Mommy please forgive me
I promise next time I will have more control
Mommy give me another chance
Mommy please cover my red holes
The problem is this may as well have been the how Tamir's life goes

Men with guns should fear for their safety the least

I'm pretty sure if you tell a 12-year old to never doing something again
He will listen

He is 12
Nov 2014 · 414
Painting Red
Dr O Nov 2014
Repainting blood-stained walls with red paint
Pointless to some
Enlightening to others
The blood represents
What I saw
Saw I
Your 'importance'
Your 'brilliance'
Your 'superiority'
The blood stains on your cracked mirror
That you stepped on
While walking with your head
Too high
The red paint is my facade
The blood will remain
But the red will contain
The anger
Brotherly love?
Not even God would believe me
They say the blood is too thick
I tell them the paint is too thin
The blood will remain
But the red with contain
One day
If I am to forgive you
If I am to paint
over our blood stained wall
We need to make sure
That the wall
Wouldn't crumble
And turn
The red paint
Back into a glossing pool of red blood
With no medium to invade
Forgiveness is a gift not everybody has
Oct 2014 · 319
I Suppose Its the Winter
Dr O Oct 2014
I suppose its the winter
That our hearts are all black
Because sorrow is in the air
And death is at our back

I suppose its the winter
That our tears are all frozen
Because the heartbreak never leaves
And the earth grows no roses

I suppose its the winter
That our smiles are all fake
Because the pain always stays
And our love never wakes

I suppose its the winter
That all I see is snow
Because the world I once knew
Is the world I no longer know
Oct 2014 · 944
Dr O Oct 2014
I never had the pleasure
Never had the pleasure to meet you
Or ask how your day is going
Or give you a hug

I never had the pleasure
To be your friend
To call your name
Or to even make you smile

I hope you look from above
At your family and your friends
I hope you smile at them
Because one day everyone's world ends

One day we will all face our time
One day we will all depend on grace
You have inspired us all
You should always smile across your face

Even though I never knew you
Like many others did
We are all humans
And an angel's love never forbids

One day I'll be rushed in a stretcher
One day I will breathe my last second
One day I will have the pleasure
Because one day I will meet you in heaven
R.I.P. Claire Wagonhurst
We all love you
Sep 2014 · 327
The Fault In Our Perception
Dr O Sep 2014
Oh those beautiful stars that shine so bright
Give the forgotten light and the lovers delight
And make the darkness shimmer in the night
Only lay destruction and incinerating fright
When they strike Earth with all of their *might
Sep 2014 · 387
Dr O Sep 2014
You make us accept death
You make us chant your name
You make us crave the afterlife
You play with our minds
Religious propaganda is littered with lies
A word to the wise
Heaven is nothing but a disguise
Aug 2014 · 356
The Old Heaven
Dr O Aug 2014
Glancing down a bridge in the outskirts of Heaven
The water seems dark
Not dark as in color
But dark as in deception
The meeting with his followers concluded
He walked out of his blazing inferno
He bribed the boatman with lavishes and riches
God overslept on Sunday morning
The golden river carried the Devil through Heaven
And into each one of our heads
As we took the Heaven that we live in
And turned it into nothing more than destruction
Don't underestimate demons
We have been deceived
And only the water knows
Something so beautiful into something so ugly......
Aug 2014 · 273
The Genesis
Dr O Aug 2014
Something sinister to it
Something that makes me smile
Mirrors are hilarious
I see my face
I mean my mask
That is actually my real face
Bright shining smile
Pitch black eyes
Feels like home
People are scared of me
They don't know who I am
People only fear my face
I mean my mask
That is actually my real face
I don't know what I am
What am I?
During the day I am *****
During the night I am Gomorrah
I am disorder
I am asphyxiation
I am horror
To some I am an angel
To some I am a hero
It just makes me laugh
The curtains open
I enter the scene
Humanity is broken
So there is no need to scream
I know no boundaries
I see no tears
Soon you will all be drowning
Because some angels can be very insincere
The most evil man ever?
Aug 2014 · 416
Warm Ice
Dr O Aug 2014
I heard your voice again
For the first time in 2 years
And everything that I thought
Everything that I convinced myself
I had passed
The pain
The sorrow
The regret
The hatred
The love
Came rushing back
And stunned me
Like a cold bucket of ice
Against my burning skull
And my decaying mind
The beauty of your revenge
Mirrors the beauty of your smile
Because when ice strikes blood
And gashes the vein
It slowly melts
Into the wound itself
I should have known
That the strongest heart
Is not one that doesn't break
But one that doesn't pump

I'm so sorry.
Will you ever get out of my head?
Aug 2014 · 734
Dr O Aug 2014
I kneeled before you for retribution
I came to your temple to break bread
But even though my soul is now clean
My hands are still stained red
Aug 2014 · 584
Dr O Aug 2014
The deranged man prepares his own mask
And designs it to show his true face
For too long the world has been black and white
And now he has decided to brighten his existence
Walking through the doors with a insidious smile on his mask
Two guns buried beneath his coat in the midst of summer
His anxiety transforms into elation like water into ester
As he recalls the day he first rejected propaganda

Multiple gun shots reminiscent of an opera hall symphony
Uncontrollable laughter between the endless barrel explosions
His heart warms and he first begins to feel the feeling of love
As the ****** rejection of conformity never felt so gratifying
57 bodies lay now devoid of duplicitous propaganda
The sane man removes his deranged mask
And revels in his good deed to the world
Screams and sirens express the degradation of conformity
As the sane man delivers just one more round into his sane mind
And leaves a world of insane people
With 57 other friends.
The mind of a psychopath
What if they're right, and we're wrong?
Aug 2014 · 911
Dr O Aug 2014
The lonely boy rejects propaganda
Scouring around with blood red eyes
Nobody spares him a glance
Nobody looks past conformity
He opens his mouth to speak
But nothing can be heard
Nobody bothers for his words
Nobody cares beyond conformity
He sits in his bedroom with his father's revolver
Nobody extends him a hand
Nobody grants him a soul
They label him
They say he rejected conformity
They say he should have asked for help

The masked man rejects propaganda
Scouring around with blood red eyes
But only beneath a blood red mask
Alone in an isolated world
Slowly cleaning his wounds with ether
Because as painful it is to reject propaganda
To reject conformity
At least the ether will guide him through it
Out of conformity
And into the darkness
Aug 2014 · 411
Heaven at Night
Dr O Aug 2014
Bright souls travel to heaven at night
A place where the broken heart finds
Brightly lit up with angels and lies
Aug 2014 · 535
Dr O Aug 2014
Caring in the heart but selfish in the brain
Cancerous without a remedy
Dear lord help our soul
As it will be the downfall of many
Jul 2014 · 1.0k
Tectonic Plates
Dr O Jul 2014
Hell inches closer to Earth each day
Or is it the other way around?
Just thinking about the world these days
Jul 2014 · 533
Dr O Jul 2014
I would hear screams at night
But my ears are flooded with arrogance
Ones who love to praise themselves
And assert their dominance in everyday register
All I hear is reckless passion
Uncontrolled patriotism
All I see is a blood red
Bleached white
And Stained blue
The ignorance may shield within the borders
But the unspoken truth walks in the wasteland
You come in my country
And you **** for power
Bullet wounds paint the blood red
Dead Americans homage the bleached white
Enemies tossed in the ocean spit the stained blue
**** stained on the Holy Book
Then us blamed for a 9/11 hour
You come with your dominance
And you **** for power
Others nations shake their heads
They find you nosy
They find you a bully
But the blood stains our earth
You are a murderer

But there is one day that will come
When the little boy will hurt his thumb
The bully will step on the wound
And the little boy will fire his gun
The bully will slowly die
And all the little kids will look to the sun
They will all hold hands
And nobody will need to run
All the little kids are finally free
Even though the bully is dead
The little kids will celebrate
And they will spit on the blood red

But the white and blue will already be gone
God save this country
Jun 2014 · 534
Socialist Mentality
Dr O Jun 2014
Just a basic idea
In the midst of more complex thoughts
As far as deceitful propaganda is concerned
Combined with the angelic nature of politicians
How is the true purpose of democracy served
When we vote not for best candidate
But for the one who will lie to us the least
Its a problem we refuse to address

The amount of times we act blind to politics
Is actually insulting to blind people

How about instead of fighting for power
And that ******* called money
We fight for equality
And harmony
No need to lie if all you're trying to achieve is harmony

But it won't ever work
Humanity is forever stained
But the Socialist Mentality always remains
So there is something from life I can gain

I can say I didn't care about money
I can say I didn't care about power
I can say I was a loving and thoughtful person
So maybe can God when my clock strikes the hour

Maybe what I said wasn't completely true
But at least I lied the least


Vote for Nothing
Work for a kind heart
Jun 2014 · 906
Drummer Boy Mentality
Dr O Jun 2014
Just keep looking straight
Don't turn right
Don't turn left
The mindset of the blessed

On the left there is bloodshed
On the right there is sorrow
Straight ahead is the goal
And the goal we must follow
For one to love from afar
With feelings too strong to know
Just keep looking ahead
And then the love will grow
Just keep the rhythmic pattern
Be careful don't miss a beat
Always tell her you love her
Never consider retreat
Soon the battle will come to you
Soon they will try to silence the sound
Don't you worry Drummer Boy
Just let your heart fall to the ground
After a few beats you will arrive
For the goal you have achieved
Hold her and never let go
For you have her because you believed

Just keep looking straight
Don't turn left
Don't turn right
The mindset of the cold, ****** fight
Don't give up if you truly love her
Jun 2014 · 330
Chaos Overlord
Dr O Jun 2014
Keep smiling
While indifferent faces
Hand you pity
Keep smiling
But don't forget to grin
So you can remind them
The dark places you have been
Keep smiling
So you can show them
That you would be spitting in their face
If chaos erupted
But don't forget to grin

That could ruin the whole thing.
May 2014 · 1.2k
Heartbeat Dicatatorship
Dr O May 2014
The heartbeat dictatorship beats
Emotions with the string of a puppet
Difficult decisions deceived as beneficial
Easy choices masked as treason
The truth can not set free
If the truth fills personal opinion
Real truth demolishes happiness
Real truth despises the elated
Real truth shows beneath plastic masks
Beneath the puppet strings
Real truth governs the heartbeat dictatorship
Real truth is the single leader to bow down to
And pray:

Dear lord keep me from danger
Keep me from evil
Keep me from sin
Dear lord set fire to my heart
So you can believe my heartbeats
And smell my pulse
Dear lord lay destruction on my soul
So I can be capable
So I can mask
Dear lord be with me through all
So I can feel your presence
And feel powerless
Dear lord cross my spirit
And keep me from the devil    
So I can scream in peace
May 2014 · 524
Bloodshot Eyes
Dr O May 2014
Double the vein flow in my pupil
Oculus transformed into a mesmerizing red
Reminiscent of all the ghosts
That all haunt me when I go to bed
Visible arteries to look vivid
An intricate complex of vessels
Dear God help my soul
And allow my eyelids to tremble
A cross of the heart and a blink of the eye
Blood slowly permeates the vision
The demons put on their robes
And remove my vessels with a incision
Bloodshot eyes all clear of blood
Deception by the inner demons
Dear lord help me tremble
And keep me from treason.
Exhaustion is masked by our drive to keep going
I see that as deception.
Mar 2014 · 501
Dr O Mar 2014
I feel the weight on my ribs
As they crack one by one
Each more painful than the previous
Until the last one snaps, done
The pain travels fast
Signals straight down from my brain
But the feeling stops at my neck
Because the noose is much too strained
Oxygen levels decreasing
Left begging for my last breath
But there is no need for self-pity
When you're so friendly with death
Mentally broken and physically faltering
Whole body gone limp
Arterial blood ceases to flow
Because the veins started to crimp
Resting deathful on the cold floor
Pascals of pressure on my chest
Oh the places the mind can lead you
When you get murdered by stress
Stressful nights with no sleep, worst pain in the world.
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
Dr O Mar 2014
Bright lights shine with thoughts forced to conceive
Manipulation of the mind hangs from a titanium thread
For it is what is seen that delivers into the mind
And struggles our thoughts into fictitious wastelands
Politicians smiling with promises promised to keep
Wearing full-body suits made of wealthy propaganda
Lies and perjury residing under the carefully groomed jacket
Wet blades dripping with blood tucked away into the inside pocket
The illusion of the appearance shall enmesh the mind
And continue on to beguile the vapid thoughts
The hearty see leadership while the blind smell autocracy
As the sense of smell is not yet controlled by propaganda
But soon it shall.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Pictures of Muhammed
Dr O Feb 2014
A lone Muslim weeps alone
Mind entirely westernized
Heart in the Middle East
Shown by his father how to love
With faith of course
And to find peace with himself

A country built on blind pride
Unfortunately yields ideal life
Four planes taking ****** detours
Captained by servants of Allah
To die as martyrs in His name

The lone Muslim sits in a classroom
Silence during the 12th anniversary of 9/11
A peaceful religion forever stained
The teacher prints out pictures of Muhammed
And hands one to the Muslim with a smile
Almost asking for retaliation

Every night he prays to the clouds
Allahu-Akbar Allahu-Akbar
Identical with cries of the Taliban
Irony fills the air
As pictures of Muhammed come to mind

A lone Muslim surrounded by smiling bigots
Who can't help but ask if Jihad exists
Or question if Ramadan works
Judge his every move
And deny their prejudice

A lone Muslim weeps alone
As he remembers the day he lost his heart
The day conformity was shunned
A man rejected from love due to religion
Turns into a terrorist
And begins to walk with a suicide vest

Peace and love for everything
Now replaced by guns and hate
Political parties staining beautiful thoughts
Preaching American hate and Muslim supremacy
Things Allah would be proud of

My religion will always be stained

"Allah forbids you not
With regard to those
Who fight you not for Faith
Nor drive you out of your homes
From dealing kindly and justly with them
For Allah loves those who are just"
Feb 2014 · 498
Memory Grave
Dr O Feb 2014
I plow the bitter soil
Deep enough to protect from elements
But not enough to wake the cold souls
Planting seeds in a cemetery at dusk
An idea that suggests a paradox itself
Allows me to see the world lucidly
I plant my memories
One by one into the filthy earth
Filled with dark holes and lost souls
Only within arms reach of the dead
The cemetery is unusually silent
Then again dusk is too early for life
The crows are not yet flying
The living are still dreaming
I plow the now sodden ground
Soaked by tears of the dead
I plow a grave to live in
Far away from my memories
The irony doesn't bother me
I just want silence
So nobody wakes up.
Feb 2014 · 485
The Dark Jester
Dr O Feb 2014
I feel the weight of a man
Weighing me down to the ground
The man looks awfully familiar
Cheekbones decorated with dry asphalt
Eyes of a former dead sergeant
Tears diluted with arterial blood
I look at him and I see myself
A future permeated by embarrassment
Perception embellished with infidelity
A mind truly absent of simplicity
A man who once sold his heart for his pride
Content living without a soul
As his pride remains intact
I feel the weight of a man
Weighing me down to the ground
And furthermore into my grave
The demon that awaits seems deceitful
But for what is deceit if things seem as they are?
There lies the ambiguity of demons

I just hope he isn't me.
Feb 2014 · 536
Dr O Feb 2014
A blazing inferno lights the never-ending night
Each item burns slowly enough to watch it suffer
But not enough to hope for it to survive
First the shelves start crumbling to the ground
Once filled with duplicate journals
Divulged into pervasive memories
Now replaced by eternal hellfire
Then the carpet catches flames
Burning through the soft yet opulent texture
Erasing past footsteps that once existed
The desk meets the fiery blaze
Hours of work melting away into budget plastic
Leaving no indication of the modest
Only the charred
Finally the bed starts searing
As the occupant still dormant
Scalds away any last memories
And dismantles the memorable dreams
As neighbors peep through the window
And laugh with uncontrollable disdain
While the room burns to the ground
The next morning when the occupant wakes
In the middle of his charred home
He walks outside and greets his neighbors
But nobody can tell whether he is almost dead
Or almost alive
Just scarred enough to seem as both
Jan 2014 · 701
State of the Union
Dr O Jan 2014
Mr. President tell me about our nation
About our flawless education
About our free market economy
About our personal liberties
Don't forget to mention
Our obligation to world police
Our vile ****** in the Middle East
Our educational school shootings
Please don't forget to mention these things
Because it would be a shame
Not to hear of our dominance
Dedicated to Mr. George Bush.....
Jan 2014 · 2.3k
Dr O Jan 2014
I speak the language of the ambiguous man
Two false tunnels leading to the paradise once existent
Suffocating in the soul the heart pumps mysterious labyrinths
Intricate twists, lively turns, dead ends, corrupt memories
All leading to the same two doors
Handles made from cherry blossom to conceal ****** wrists
Misleading as barren rock behind the sodden waterfall
And deceitful as the smiles of killers pending demise

I like to fool the world with my duplicitous decisons
Peeping through one door just to go through the other
There lay two paths divided in a somber world
The ambiguity of man prevails
Only when a single door leads to the innocent simplicity
But the truth about lies prevail
When the man not knows what he does
And navigates through his own mindful solitude

I intrude in a broken world filled with people most pernicious
Some call them deceivers while some call them philosophers
Depends on how they see the truth of ambiguity
Two parallel bridges to cross a sea most demoniac
While only one bridge armed with the truthful support
But the world feels much too simple without rails to grasp
As there is nothing to hinder the peaceful descent
Smoothly into that paradise once existent

I'd fairly not speak about the truthful man
But rather the lying hero
For he has more knowledge with the concept of ambiguity
But whom does the stray bullet in the revolver take?
The truthful man or the lying hero?
If the truthful man chooses not the rails out of pride
And the lying hero slashes his wrists out of regret
At first I settle with those who favor the liar
But if I had two bullets
I would see that the pride would also suffice
As the ambiguous man shall die twice
For ambiguity is anything but simplicity
Inspirations: The Road Not Taken and Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
The Insignificant Others
Dr O Jan 2014
If you take my gun
You may as well take my rights
I have the right to bear arms
To protect my fortress
To defend my family
I will use everything
Machine guns
High-power rifles
So I can feel secure
Around bullets of death

3 people lie motionless
Blood seeping from shell wounds
In the middle of a crowded mall
12 people lay lifeless
Two years since their last death
In the middle of a movie theater
28 innocent souls lay empty
Most of whom couldn't understand
In the middle of a elementary school

What other people do with their weapons
Doesn't concern me
I will protect myself with my shotgun
My machine gun
My high-powered rifle
Maybe I'll teach my child how to shoot
So one day he can protect his family
With assault weapons

The victims of the crazed people
Those insignificant others
Are not dead by the shooters gun
But by the shooter's insanity
Those insignificant others
Were just poor, unlucky souls
Insignificant souls

When I get older
And not fit to live
I'm going to give my machine gun
My shotgun
To my son
So he can hold the fortress
And protect his family
From those insignificant others
Those poor, innocent souls
That will awake from the grave
That will trespass his property
That will look him in the eye
With the wounds from Sandy Hook
Aurora Movie Theater
Columbia Mall
Still viciously bleeding
And dare him to shoot again
To protect his cold-blooded ignorance

RIP Brianna Benlolo and Tyler Johnson
Drop all of your guns. Bullets are what **** people. Maybe one day when you're seeing a movie with your kids, you'll see gunfire from the same gun you say serves to protect.
Jan 2014 · 729
Inferno Regained
Dr O Jan 2014
Some say Heaven is far away
Some say in our hearts
To enter in you must obey
And play the lord's part

Some say God walks on earth
Some say in Hell
God what must I be worth?
For the ferryman to silence his bell

I can repent to all my sins
I can promise to be better
But that would be where the lies begin
And where you send to me Hell forever

Lord I have learned!
Lord I am ready to cross!
But you don't exist
Because my soul is already lost

You sent me to the Devil's home
He welcomed me with grace
No longer will I have to roam
To one day see your face

You taught me to repent
Only if I stand by my word
But I've gotten used to death
As all of my vision is blurred

I am finally lost.
Jan 2014 · 656
Ode to Mira
Dr O Jan 2014
I feel the feeling
That engulfs me whole
Into a paradise of despair
I never had a sister
You never had a brother
Yet now we both do
Your youthful innocence
Your elate brilliance
That loves me regardless
Brings me to tears every time
I leave you
You don't understand
Who I am
But even if you did
You would still adore me
Through all of my spite
One day you will understand
Who your brother really is
That day I will walk down to Hell
So you can one day walk up to Heaven
And if you come calling
I promise
I will fight through the torment
The torment of my wicked past
Just to see your face again
My beautiful sister
Jan 2014 · 474
Our Demons
Dr O Jan 2014
When I was six
I met a new friend in my dream
He taught me how to fear
The devil inside me

When I was nine
He appeared right before me
And taught me how to lie
With a smile across my face

When I was thirteen
He came to my front porch
And taught me *******
With as much pain as possible

When I was sixteen
I met the girl of my dreams
Who taught me how to love
With all the happiness in the world

When I was still alive
I introduced my love to my friend
And she ran away
But came back
With a friend of her own

When I was sent to hell
Along with my friend
She was already down there
Talking with her friend

At that point I knew
That we would get along great
But only in Hell
Where the Demons are friendly
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