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Muhammad  Ali- Poster,personification and Palsy

When I was young,I had posters of only two;
Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali ,you.
I was uninitiated to understand Che Guevara.
Frankly,my dear; I had no clue.
Rest in Peace, Muhammad Ali ,Sir.
A part of my childhood and adolescence goes with you.

From Cassius Clay,the champion
to Muhammad Ali,
With the whole world as his nation,
You were an awesome thing to happen to religion.
A  naive thought-One may argue.
But I was small then,
it was a child's view.
My young mind questioned,
how could you float like a butterfly
and how could your punch be
like the sting of a bee?
It was you who made me understand,
what Metaphors do.

You began to move slow.
I saw you shaking too.
Your body suffered,
but you remained unshaken.
More than what it could,
You allowed me to know,
What this 'Shaking Palsy' could not do.

Rest in Peace,
I bid adieu.
It all feels strange,
this world is new.
But the World is not that brave.
Muhammad Ali, Sir,
without you.
532 · Jun 2016
Father's day
Stealthily ,they came to the room,
the Room is bathed in dark hue,
to keep a card ,by my side
and a wallet ,navy blue.

'We didn't mean to wake you up.'
'My heart glows in warmth,
When I see both of you.
How can I sleep now,
When I am happy as a pup?'
520 · Jul 2016
Puppy Love
Whatever I did,
I did to impress you.
A pathetic line to take,
but almost true.

I still hope,
that you take note,
Of things ,that I do.
Chances of anything more
are remote

— The End —