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The rush of nostalgia in your blood
The joy in your heart
It was supposed to feel that way when you see them again.

For me, it felt intoxicating.
The bitter poison in my heart tasted like a snake's venom.
The taste wasn't pleasant at all because the memories weren't.

And it was all because I was different.
High school didn't feel like a bed of roses.
It felt like an uphill battle.
I had to cry at night, crumble bit by bit, convince myself to keep on going and so much more.
And it was all because I wasn't like any of them.
I stood by the very essence of who I am.
I didn't just sit there and uttered nothing.

I was myself and being myself was the adversary of society.
It was the fear of those who couldn't be themselves.

The fight of having to stay true to who you are was one hell of a fight.
In the army full of people staying true to their stereotypes, I had to keep on going by being myself, even if it felt like the world was crushing me.

And now, I promised myself from this day on, I will no longer be a victim of this. I will no longer spend my time with people who didn't support the essence of who I am.

From now on, I will be selfish and I will shed the old skin that I've been dragging for years.

I will constantly drink from my well of self.
I will wear the skin that I've been longing to wear.
I will repeat on loop my faith in God, my dreams, my future, my life.

This is my way of forgetting and regaining peace.
This is my way of saying goodbye to the people who didn't even try to know me, and didn't want to try to know me.

All because trying to know something new or  being a part of something new was too much work, and discriminating wasn't.
it feels better when you imagine a non existent universe in your head.

because it's a place that make you feel that you could breathe better.

And when you think of such, it's a place that the soul yearns to be in.

But sadly, only the head has gone to that place and not even the body and soul can go to such place.
Writer's block.
Always blocking our creative minds.

And I am experiencing one right now.

Ugh, ugh, ugh...

What to write, what to write...?

Can't write something ******.
Can't write something that's not well composed.

Can't write... Ugh, ugh, ugh...

What to write, what to write...?

Love, ***, Art, Hatred, ****..., what?
You tell me. You tell me star-writer.

I guess, I need a potion for ideas...
Like alcohol.
That'd work.

Lol, let's drink then.
It's about having writer's block. Lol, I literally had Writer's Block when I wrote this... Lol!
Walking away...
From all the troubles of the world...
From all the dramas of the world..

Is one thing I wish for.

It some how struck me because...
Unlike some, I never really wished for...
Power, Fame, or too much Gold...

I only wished to live in a small town...
Have lovely set of friends...
Have a decent home...

Is what I wish for...
To remain simple....

Be closer to God...
Have faith in Jesus...
Pray everyday...

Is what I do...
To remain grounded...

Running away from Society...
Is one thing that will keep me...

From becoming a person that I am not....
Random Poem but it speaks of what my thoughts are and how I wish to run away from everything. And my love for Jesus. He's great and awesome :)

lots of...

But I love...
Sleeping late.
And waking up early.

Having a conflict with two different things yet...
All I want to see is...

The Moonlight.
And The Sunrise...

... Both beautiful
And divine...

What do I do then...?

I guess...
Only see both Sunrise and Moonlight...
In my dreams...

When my eyes are shut, and my mind becomes...
Colorful, and the soul... Becomes imaginative.

I guess...
This is what sleep brings you.
Things that the human eye, can't really see.
I need sleep, you know?
His first impression was
true love
Then he sensed
the lies; the misery
They attempted
one last time
Only to relive
the pain
for love
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