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 Aug 2014 Dom
Olivia Kent
 Aug 2014 Dom
Olivia Kent

"Come into my parlour,"so says she.
For,she is the vicious queen,
Suggesting that perhaps he needs to die,
Female mantis kisses,
as only femme fatale, can do,
Attraction of the keenest,
Trial by jury.
Injury perhaps,
She used, abused you,
spat you out.
She's never safe to be with,
of that there is no doubt!
(C) Livvi
 Jul 2014 Dom
Ryan Jakes
Why finger paint on paper
why use paper at all?
These tiny prints of blue and red
look great on the living room wall.

The purple suits the bathroom
while the kitchen's in the pink.
the green attacked the bathtub
as the black conquered the sink.

The hallway's like a rainbow
coloured smears for all to see
the bedroom wall? an explosion
in a skittles factory!

Oh I see! It was an accident!
Your fingers ran amok
hyper loaded with these colours
and their spree you couldn't stop!

You stand there flushed, with tear in eye
while staring at your shoes,
as I pull my best angry face,
it fails, you look too cute.

You know what works, though young in years
a Jedi knight in 'jamas,
your mind tricks quickly smoothing out
My rage at each disaster.

I take full responsibility,
this mantra now my own,
never have a lie-in
when Picasso-boy is home.
It's so hard to tell someone off and appear serious while laughing...thank god for washable paints!

— The End —