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 Aug 2013 d n
Hana Gabrielle
 Aug 2013 d n
Hana Gabrielle
when my fingerprints
are full of ink
tip tapping on the keys
I am subject to denial
I have not lived with enough
of myself
to write anything
worth your time.
 Jul 2013 d n
M Clement
I have a
love, no,
a fascination
with animal masks
and the anonymity
that comes with.

I find them
equal parts
horrifying and entrancing.
It started about a year ago. I played this video game called "Hotline Miami" (yes, the same one I did a terrible poem of recently). In said game you are a no-name protagonist (people have taken to calling him "Jacket" in the similar vein of Edward Norton in the film "Fight Club" being referred to as 'Narrator') who dons an animal mask before going in and slaughtering anonymous Russian mobsters (the game is set in the late 70's, early 80's).
Ever since then, I've looked at animal masks with this weird sort of reverence...
I recognize that makes me sound super creepy, but I promise, there's no maliciousness or intent to **** in these words, just an odd fixation.
I think that's why I'm so excited for the film "You're Next" even though I HATE horror movies...
 Jul 2013 d n
M Clement
I almost believed I saw you
Today, on Normal Street,
But your hair was different

And I was different
And you were different

And as I believed I passed you by
Today, on Normal Street,
I realized
Our ghosts merely passed
And nothing more.
 Jul 2013 d n
M Clement
I could be on Ecstasy
But I’m not.
I’m a pill.

I could be on Crack or ****,
But I’m not
I’m white, and rock solid

I could be on Marijuana,
But I’m not
I don’t even have enough green to buy groceries.

I could be on poetry,
But I’m not
I’m just formal and wordy.
 Jul 2013 d n
In my room
Counting all my misses
Discounting all my blessings

Swinging from moods
like happiness is my spouse
Versus the rest of my emotions
In a Vegas hotel
Where other room keys are being grabbed for
With great trepidation

i'm still waking up alone

I'll find her somewhere raging in my veins with
My darling madness and her trigger finger itch
While I'm balling my fists
Divine intervention decides who wins

In the summertime I become more manic
The sun becomes my touch of fire
Prometheus rising out of panic

Doctor doctor,
Thanks for the chemicals
But I wanna feel more than just "ok" all the time.
Detox to make me God some of the time
while the rest of the time
I'm just running on empty
From a routine
Back to my room
 Jul 2013 d n
Edward S
I'm burning it all down,
The crumbling wall that has been stabbed, beat and drowned.

Why am I burning it down?
It's because I want to re-claim my crown.

Too many people have grabbed it, and had me bow down to them,
That's now about to change, I am no longer as weak as I was.

The walls around my kingdom will be rebuilt,
And NO one will ever again make it tilt.

I'm tired of always losing control,
I'm taking back the kingdom they stole.

My guards will be stationed every step of the way, beginning at the bob-wired very thick metal front wall,
No longer will my kingdom fall.

This is the last time I will feel like this,
Me always feeling exposed will not be missed.

The doors have been shut,
The ropes and chains holding the doors will not be cut.

My kingdom has been burned to the ground,
But now I have been re-crowned.

I re-built the kingdom form the same ruins, covered with endless black smoke and black puffs of ash,
No longer, will my heart and mind crash.

Now I sit on my throne in my kingdom,
It is large, with 49 big thick steel doors leading to the centre in all four directions, it is no longer easy to enter my dominion.

I do not need a queen,
All she will do is steal my crown, and make me go demean.

Some call it tough love,
I just laugh, and know that I will no longer get the big painful shove.

I built it up, to bring to bring it all back down,
I built it back up, stronger, and heavily guarded, it will no longer be a ghost town.

It is mine to control,
I took back the kingdom they all stole.
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