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980 · Apr 2014
When I'm gone
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
Here I am home all alone empty .
With my emotions along drifting.

When I'm gone will yall sing happy songs
Or will you weap cause you'll miss me after all.

Will you wait to Im in the ground, to tell me how
much you love me. Would you want me when Im not
around to hug me.

When I'm gone aint no coming back, no worries, no
shame, no pain, no games. You'll never see me again.
Do not take me in vain I only live once show me love
while you can.

If not this thought will drift in my minds deep abyss.
Thinkin of how you'd feel if I was gone and will I be
#spiritual #sadness #emotional
632 · Mar 2014
like a tattoo
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
having a tattoo is the best tabboo. whether its on my sleeve on my heart or my mind. like a tattoo those feelings show but lie deep inside . I walk around written all over of what creates me . I wear this like a tattoo.
594 · Apr 2014
Earth of tears
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
My emotions corruptin my mind.
racing waters flowing from my eyes.

When I look into the skies the rain complains.
Its telling me things it fears and is hurt
by what it hears.

As it hears the disharmony and cannot be ignored.
It runs deeper beyond my mind's core, splashin
even more.
574 · May 2015
Naked Truth
d'lexus phillips May 2015
I believe in the naked truth .The relationship combined within the mind of a man or woman in which you've vibed . Seeing what's blind pulling layers of what's hidden inside. ******* yourself with your vent of truth,we gazing at the stars whether the bed or the roof. Yes I believe in the naked truth,I want you  to be You.After this we'll do , we can make love ,because I've seen through. Before you lay down not everytime ,sometimes undress their mind you can find the love you've been seeking for the longest time.
#*** #love #vent #relationship #truth
525 · Apr 2014
I believe
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
I do not only believe that we can fly
I believe in things beyond my mind's eye.

From mermaids to unicorns and dinosaurs.
I believe they all once lived before. I actually
believin in alot more. I know its seems slightly
odd. But you never know whats here in this  
mysterious pod.

Like fishes in a pond I swim in my imaginations
mind thinkin beyond the worlds beliefs. Which
gives me a relief of understanding. That maybe that
theirs not jus Man here. But more deep in shores or
extinct but not fully seeked.

Cause we're in reality's belief thinkin we're crazy to
believe in such things. Yet we never know what the creator
made . The universe is too big you see . No its infinity
think in its space .
#thoughts  #beliefs
453 · Apr 2014
The mirror
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
I've realized that sometimes I dont seem to see who I am to be. Which caused frictions physically and mentally. At times I can be my own worst enemy. And when I rest my solid body, the process of life becomes a hobby. Where in its mirror I see a reflection of light. Whether within me or without I see art. Alot of times I fall apart in its cycle controlling my emotions. Often creatin erosion of fear askin why am I still here. And when I see myself cry I see my tears. In the mirror I cant help to see not only me but my flaws and morals in me.
#mirror #inspiration
450 · Apr 2014
your melodies
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
Your melodies bring me joy sometimes pain, and maybe the sound I hear when it rains. Your melodies bring back memeories where I find myself being my worst enemy
or at best a friend of me.

Your melodies puts me in a transe and makes me wanna dance. Your melodies sooth my soul
and makes me feel whole when I'm alone. Your melodies show me art when I feel like falling apart .

Your melodies vibrate through my ears and I understand what it hears.
Your melodies express itself and is there when I need help.
Your melodies at times keeps me around even when I'm feeling down.  And I always love to hear its sound.
437 · Apr 2014
The 4 letters
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
Oh how I adore this word.
Sometimes misused or a verb.

And if you say this word I'll say it back.
For Love is not just a word and thats a fact.

You can Love how someone acts.
Or Love someone skinny or fat.

Love is much more than that , too
deep to explain. Its power is beyond mystery
387 · Apr 2014
This is Art
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
This is Art someone once told.
Making your best creation when you're alone.
Giving you warmth when the world's cold.

This is Art looking at it deeply.
Wondering how u did something so neatly.
Your story your thoughts, your drawings,
your life your sorrows, your now and your tommorow.

Seen in your view written by you in
your essence. Your pain and your blessings.
The colors of your life . This is Art it isnt
wrong never leave it alone its right.

This is Art
#dedication #poetry #art
363 · Apr 2014
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
It is not only external.
Not a shield of the greatness in you.
Not the amount of makeup you use.
Its the spark in you and the things you do.
358 · Mar 2014
like waves
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
These life experiences move instantly back
and forth. A swaying motion that doesn't end.
Emotions come and go but our lives stay in
effect. Life is like waves to me.
355 · Feb 2015
d'lexus phillips Feb 2015
When I'm all alone fighting my own threshold I can't see anyone but...The times I feel like life is not worth living I can't see anyone but...Those days I hide myself in my cave feeling enraged I can't see anyone but... The Times I need someone to lean on the most but they seem "ghost" I can't see anyone but...When I'm frustrated needing someone to talk to when no ones relating , I can't see anyone but... Those days I feel  I don't belong even in this place called "home",I can't see anyone but...The days I wanna be loved but I get shoved away, I can't see anyone but... The man above, not even visible to the eye though the water is draining when I cry. I can't see anyone father , the one who understands never underestimates my plans . I can't see anyone but.. the man upstairs the one I know who care and with my problems I share. Those days I feel like I can't he shows me I can . I can't see anyone but... the guidance of spirit who gives his unconditional love to the living. On my worst days when my heart is hurting in the held in tears start bursting. I can't see anyone but... I go against the odds and realize besides all these people he's beautiful in my eyes. No love is better it lives forever inside...   (Thank God )
#lonely #pain  #inspiration #comfort #God
In your darkest of moments and you feel no one really cares even when you stare into their eyes ; theirs one love who is always there, always remember him .
344 · Apr 2014
peace of mind
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
My peace of mind varies with the world with its fast pace.
Sometimes it seems life is like a race .

So I find my own space and release al the tension from my face.

Do I dwell No! Yet I do feel alone. I'm at home and my mind
is that place.
331 · Mar 2014
day and night
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
day and night I see, both light or dark I dream. My failures and problems bring me down. Only to wake up to the birds beautiful sounds. when the sun drops I stop to look at the moon full or cresent like a hook. Oh what lessons I learn through stress and strife. To bring me the blessings of day and night.
323 · Apr 2014
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
Taking your mind places its never been.
Visit places you've never seen

The creative world of your dreams.
Even though reality makes it not what it seems.

You may have stared off into space.
But, You're seeing a beautiful place.
320 · Apr 2014
d'lexus phillips Apr 2014
I wonder all the time.
Our dreams get shot down when we wanna shine.
I wonder why its weakness.
When everyone cries.

Why is their so much killing?
When we could be helping eachother for a living.
I wonder all the time, lies are advertised and we
are tricked to buy.

Why show hate to who is in love with you.
And come back when they find someone new.
I wonder all the time why the food in the store
is not given to the poor.

309 · Mar 2014
when the lights shut off
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
so when the lights shut off am I promised to sleep tight.
am I sure that everything's going to be alright. when the lights shut off I drift my head back sometimes on its forehead. giving it all the glimpses of hopes and dreams in this dark room. which often makes me feel gloom. I sleep waking up feelin good , only to realize all the things I should of could've but never done. to face more obstacles yet to come.
292 · Mar 2014
I am broken
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
Even though my body responds
to happy words spoken I am BROKEN.
Even when my mind tell itself to open
I am BROKEN. Even when my problems
seems to have rosen i feel BROKEN.
289 · Mar 2014
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
rain so peaceful and silent. can block out crimes and all the streets violence. I love it so joyous and plain . why don't people appreciate this beautiful rain?
242 · Mar 2014
I'll give you
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
I'll give you love when no one else would.
I'll care for you like no one else should. I'll
bring you a wish you thought you never had. I'll
hold you tight when your feeling sad. I'll give you
my all and  I hope its enough. It seems like people
are just shadows when times are tough.
229 · Mar 2014
d'lexus phillips Mar 2014
What lies behind my mind are dreams.
Dreams that only I see. What I dream
about I believe. I have a vision somewhere
better that I've never been. Hold on to dreams.

— The End —