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 Jul 2013 Djs
Marshall CB Hiatt
I can’t sleep,
When I crave company.
I can’t eat,
When I crave warmth.
I can’t see,
When I crave you.
 Jul 2013 Djs
Marshall CB Hiatt
“Goodnight” followed with love.
     In my head at least.
 Jul 2013 Djs
 Jul 2013 Djs
She was a lover of augmented volume
To muffle her thoughts
She was a lover of alcoholic beverages
To drown her thoughts
She was a lover of casual ***
To distract her from her thoughts
But above all
She was a lover of not loving

The most unfortunate love of all
 Jul 2013 Djs
Jesse Belcher
His days are filled with books and a beautiful view.
He reads all day, then watches the sunset, every day from his room.
All kinds of books that penetrates him to another world,
for as kind as he is; at school he tries to go unnoticed. Find a corner and curl.

Nobody knows this boy who has so much to offer.
He doesn't get a chance, 'cause the cool kids like to see him suffer.
He slowly peeks around the corner, to see if they're around.
He has to get to English, the bell just rang the final sound.

Almost there he see's the door,
picking up the pace he trips to the floor.
He hears laughing and see's them pointing at his falling body.
It's the same everyday. Is there someone real he thinks. anybody?

Late that evening just finishing his latest book,
he goes to his view just to take his evening look.
Something was different, there was beauty he couldn't see.
Definitely something different, there was odd colors' behind his red oak tree.

Adjusting his view to perhaps get a better peek,
he saw a beauty he couldn't explain. He tried to holler down, but couldn't speak.
She came out from behind the tree,
Who was she he thought, for he could not see.

Cautiously he walked outside,
usually reserved he didn't know why.
He saw her just staring like a woman with so much on her mind.
He wanted to speak to her: what would he say? Just be kind.

"Hello", he said, as he took a step closer.
She turned around, and it was over.
The boy never knew something so beautiful could be so close.
For after a romance novel, from his dreams they arose.

After her initial shock she said "Hi, you must be my new neighbor."
"I just moved here from Florida, I'm not use to the chill."
The boy mesmerized thought he took one too many pills.
He tried to talk, but it just wouldn't flow, and as she stared at him
he saw her face contort, and she started to go.

He said "wait don't leave. I'm just not use to people talking to me."
He was actually a handsome boy if they would take the time to see.
He said, "my name is Cole and I live in the white house just there."
He pointed to it and noticed she didn't look. Instead at him she stared.

Her gaze made him uncomfortable, for he thought it a prank,
but the more he looked the deeper he sank.
She said, "Cole, I like that name,
mine is Lila." Lila Verame."

He saw her shiver and recalled her comment about the chill,
so he took off his jacket, and placed in around her hoping the warmth she would feel.
"Thank you" she said as she looked in his eyes.
Cole said "your welcome, this should keep you dry."

Lila giggled and said, "what do you mean?"
"There is a storm coming. I can smell it. After awhile you sense things that don't have to be seen.
She never heard a boy talk like this,
she said "so after awhile living here, there'll be things I can sense?"

Cole puzzled, said "sorry if I talk a little strange."
Lila smiled and said "no I like it, from where I'm from it's a nice change."
In Florida it's all about how good one looks in bikini's.
It's nice down here to have you talk about the scenery.

Her green eyes sparkled as he talked like never before.
Lila laughed, smiled, and even seemed interesting all the more.
So many thoughts were exchanged before the first rain drop fell,
and as Cole walked Lila home, she knew there was more to him than anyone could tell.

Back in his room he pondered the day and thought; just wait til school.
I'll be a ghost; just made a made up fool.

Cole didn't sleep as he thought what would transpire.
It was a small school and she surely would burn like a candlelit fire.
Being new and so beautiful,
It was going to be interesting for sure. Very eventful.

Anxiously and nervous he looked in the mirror,
no matter what he did, he knew he would be inferior.

The steps leading inside came faster than he ever could remember,
God why couldn't we have had a huge snow storm like it does in December?

He stepped inside and sure enough,
there stood Lila with the boys who thought they were so tough.
He avoided contact hoping not to be seen.
especially from Lila. Lila Varame.

The day went on and not one class did he have with her.
Although sad, at least she wouldn't see all the trouble the cool guys stirred.

Finally at lunch, walking outside,
He found his spot. His spot to hide.
Today seemed different for more guys sat at the cool spot.
Then he saw why. Lila, they swarmed to her like flies do to the rot.

She seemed confused and not liking all the racket,
and then his eyes lit up, as he saw her with his jacket.
No it couldn't be. If only she knew how Cole got treated.
He wouldn't fight, for everyday he went home defeated.

Finding courage he never knew within,
he strolled the cool kids way confident and with a grin.
Lila saw him for the first time that day,
and the smile on her face couldn't be contained.

He stopped as he noticed her smile,
their eyes never leaving each other all the while.
No, no, no, this can't be.
I'm just Cole. Why would she be looking at me.

But she was looking at him and walking all the same,
and then he heard the cool kids laughing saying his name.
It's over he thought, now she will see,
here they come to humiliate me.

A fire started to burn deep inside,
no more he thought not this time.
As they made their way,
he stared in her eyes feeling something. No matter what he was going to stay.

They teased and goofed trying to make him feel alone,
but with Lila looking he stood like a marble stone.

Through all the jokes he stood staring at her.
"I've been looking for you," she said. "Please get me away from them nerds."

For the first time in his life Cole didn't go home and read a book,
he spent it with Lila, and in her hands his she took.

The boy, the nerd, got the most beautiful girl in school,
and deep down she was so kind too.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months.
Cole was the new man in school. He was even blunt.

What if I told you that Cole and Lila found what some don't believe.
What if I told you they were soul mates. Is that something you could conceive?
Well in this book Cole found love and not through they eyes of a character in a book.
In the moment of opportunity. The opportunity he took.

He could have kept to his novels and his evening sunsets,
but he saw beauty and he took that chance.
Who would have know their love would have reacted.
who would have known, he'd find love by sharing his jacket.

Some people never get the chance,
to show their is more to them than what you think.
Just take the time open your ears,
or you could miss out on something special....faster than a blink...
I wanted to go so much further with this, but my back is killing me and I need to try and sleep.
 Jul 2013 Djs
gabrielle boltz
i've never been
particularly good
at writing happy poetry.
i write at three in the morning -
if i were happy,
i would be sleeping.

and you ask me
why everything i write
is on tear stained pages,
filled with loaded statements,
references no one will understand -
it's because at three in the morning,
my brain is drenched in caffein
and leftover insomnia,
so i don't care
what anyone thinks -

especially you.
 Jul 2013 Djs
Ryan's Sky
A dozen words are worth a picture,
When you get the perfect scripture.
A dozen seconds, worth a minute,
If only you were in it.
 Jul 2013 Djs
They say a mark of a true writer is being able to write about feelings they've never felt so vividly and accurately that no one would ever think the writer didn't know what they were talking about.

I beg to differ.

I find it much easier to write about meeting a beautiful boy by chance, bumping into him at a cafe after spilling my drink on him, getting to know each other after I offer to buy him a coffee as a hopeful apology.

I find it much easier to write about a perfect family, one that rarely fights and is always enjoying themselves.

I find it much easier to write about having friends who idolize you and aim to mimic your every move and entertain your every whim.

I find it much easier to write myself into lives I will never be able to live, than sit down with my own experiences and write about the lonely broken hearted soul with a family who couldn't care less and friends who don't exist.

I find it much easier to write about feelings I've never felt and places I've never been and people I've never  loved. Taking my own life to the pen is something I'm scarcely able to do.
 Jul 2013 Djs
Emma S
Your eyes are blank
Your voice screams desperation even though you think
You're acting calm

Your whole life is falling apart
You have no home
No money

All that is left is your own ****** up brain
Your friends that are just as lost as you
If you don't run now it will be too late

As I try to look into your brown eyes
Filled with pain
You do everything to not look at me

I want to help you
You are a good guy and you deserve so much more than this
Please promise me that you will try

Make your eyes look full of hope
Your voice sweet with love
Make your heart calm

Don't waste your life
It is too precious
This is about a man that two of my friends and I met. He was an addict and he sat down with us and we talked to him. He was a very nice guy and if the drugs would't have made him so... Slow and unhappy he would have been a real sweetheart.
I felt so sorry for him and I tried t make him understand that he needs to change. But to be able to change yo have to want it yorself, and I guess he didn't really want to.
But he mad a big inpact so... here's a ''poem'' about him.
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