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Apr 2016 · 402
I Love You
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I want to say I love you but
I don't know where the line cuts
Between liking you
And loving you
Between beating red blood
Or beating blue,
I'm confused
Over what's the correct hue
Because when I say I love you,
What does that mean to you?

Does I love you
Mean I'll end up wifing you
Or we'll make one from two.
Does I love you
Means if you speak your words
Like 'wash the dishes' they'll be heard
Or is it more of a proverb,
'Like you can lead a horse to the lake
But you can't make him drink the water'.

I think my I love you
Is a complete different view,
It's a taste
Of sweet sugar on a rainy day,
The taste
Of cake eaten yesterday,
It's sweet.
It's more than sweet though,
It's a sight,
It's an array of lights to form a show
Like how I'll show you my life lighting up
When you repeat those same I love you's.
My I love you's
Is a sound
Not the rattling of chains
To keep two souls bound
But the sounds of bells
That gets dented and dinged by cupids arrows.
My I love you's
Is the smell of fresh roses
That tickles the noses
And shows how I'll keep you closest.
My I love you's
Are more than that,
Because even I don't know my I love you's
Because it's a sentence
I haven't put meaning to,
Not until I finally met you.
Reddit - inspire poem.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I resist the restraint
That society creates
I see people paint
Outside of lines
Outside of times.

Individuals invested in impromptu
To distinguish themselves old from new
To let out a little light for those with a dimmed view
Just to give chance to dreams and hopes people pursue.
We all face challenges and blockades we have to go through
It's part of being human.
I'm a human, and you are too,
~Let's not make boxes from lines.
As people all stand in a line
All aligned
To follow a set order,
Just to buy a box
Encasing the new Phone.~
Apr 2016 · 501
9 Seconds.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
In 9 seconds it'll all be over
You'd hope you weren't sober
As it enters your body.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
Pray on your four leaf clover
That it'll only last 9 seconds.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
Time might feel slower
As you resist restraints.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
But the stench of sweat odour
Will scar your remaining life.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
You'll feel a burden like boulder
Too heavy to carry.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
You'll never get true closure
But it's not a choice.

In 9 seconds it'll all be over
As volts of electricity pass your shoulders
And in 9 seconds it'll all be over.
Apr 2016 · 146
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I woke up last night dead,
Demonic voices echo in my head
And all of them clearly said
'Tell her you like her',
'Maybe it'll surprise her'
'Maybe she'll call you a liar',
And I'm thinking I'm just a nervous guy
Each word escape my mouth stinks of shy
And will a false bravado makes my words, lies?

I like her
And I guess I'll show her that I care about her
Well because I do care about her
But she spoke of a certain world
And I was too scared to doubt her
So my thoughts and feelings became a storm
And a resultant of lightning as clouds stir
I broke branches of certainty.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
To your surprise, she's crying.
Cuts and scratches dripping blood
With her own shredded skin
Rain crimson pain that was
no longer dripping from the glands
of her eyes.

'I'm ok' she lies,
And as the blue sky rain heartache
The storms shadow casts over her
And the darkness within her
completely surrounds her every breath,
'I'm ok' she says,
As she awaits her own mortal ending,
her death.
Apr 2016 · 193
This too shall pass
Star Gazer Apr 2016
This too shall pass
I reassured myself
Cleaning the shattered
Remnants of my
heart by myself.

This too shall pass
I repeatedly told
myself as I
found myself
crying in the
corner of my room.

This too shall pass
as I act
as my own
adhesive and held
myself back to
one piece.

This too shall pass
as I see
her walking away
from me.

I don't think this will pass
As I tell myself
dreaming about you
every single night.

So I reassure myself
This too shall pass.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She paints masterpieces
Creates beauty with her hands
Her soul restore paper creases
And she brings beauty to all lands.

She brings beauty onto papers,
Beauty that came from her heart
She doesn't need to see skyscrapers
To put charcoal on paper and start.

She brings beauty into this world
Because she makes silence, musical
From all sticks and stones hurled,
She will always be beautiful.
Apr 2016 · 307
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You stumble out a dry cleaners
Or a 24-7 convenience store
And with your weapon of choice
You brandish and challenge
The chains of the legal system
For a little profit or as you deem
Method of survival.

Somewhere between buying a gun
Finding a gun, or owning a gun
You forgot what it was like
To be a caring brother,
To be a worrying father,
To be a loving mother,
To be an innocent sister,
And when you finally,
Look the eyes of the
about to be soulless,
As you let off alarms,
That ring more than just pain
And blood,
But rings of
your own
guilty conscience,
And heartache for the victim,
You have forgotten what it's like
To be a part of humanity.
Apr 2016 · 328
Luck [10W]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
How did I get lucky
enough to have met you?
Apr 2016 · 249
Star Gazer Apr 2016
7 Billion people and I'm truly alone
Walking through the land where the light touches
Being a sheep and following steps I've been shown
The moon my chains and the sun my crutches.

I am alone but never ever lonely
I watched what alcohol does to tired eyelids
The way you'd add if before you say only
Like if only a bed time was enough for kids.

I was certain it didn't just happen to me
It wasn't just me who fought tired red eyes
Replacing sleep with admiring a creepy tree
And filling heads with caffeinated lies.

We haggled over maybe ten to fifteen longer minutes
But shut out our minds and lives at night as we
fought sleep without realising we were already in it
and we embodied the likes of a calming blue sea.
Apr 2016 · 358
Who Am I?
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Star Gazer born and bred under the little specks of light in the night.
Saw gloom part ways with doom through divorce and hatred,
Kept true to name and kept constellations as sacred.
Star Gazer wasn't dumb, wasn't smart, wasn't dark nor bright,
But kept up his shoulders and with each step taken, a fight.

That's what people say about me however,
I am different to what others perceive me as.

I have been and still try to , write my feelings out,
Keep my mind away from clouds of dust and clouds of doubt,
When I first started to write anything at all, I-
Drowned a paper and smothered it within the oceans
Of what I would slowly realise are my emotions.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Star Gazer Apr 2016
When I was a kid
I lived with my grandparents
And god forbid
They ever enjoy each others company.
I grew up being taught
That if your feelings come short
Just go water the plants
And all your sadness turns to naught.
I was only a kid at the time
But even I knew love wasn’t in their mind,
It was more of a tolerance.

Flowers only bloom
In the face of peoples gloom
Because every rose petal
Lives from a pain that settles
inside all of us.
Apr 2016 · 216
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Cast a spell on me
For I believe in magic
Since I have met you.
Apr 2016 · 404
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She wears waterproof mascara
Just so it doesn't dribble and dab
Across her face.

She wears a beautiful smile
Just so her soul remains partially
Intact with others.

She wears heartaches
Across her sleeves
In the form of tears.

She wears sadness
In her mind and heart
Until she is worn out.
Apr 2016 · 618
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Too weak for the word-
Love and too strong for hatred-
What word do I seek?
Apr 2016 · 138
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She kept to herself most of the time
But this time
This particular day
She let out a smile in his direction.

Suddenly her life turned upside down.
Apr 2016 · 177
Happy [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Exposing white pearls
that settles between curved lips
as the eyes twinkle.
Even with a fever and a sore throat- I can still smile and be happy  

You all are amazing. Keep writing you beautiful people

-Star Gazer
Apr 2016 · 729
Poems She Can't Write
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Her body,
The canvas of each poem she couldn't write.
Each cut of a blade,
Each edge of a razor,
Each ink of a bleeding pen,
Each pierce of a broken page
Spells out all her unread poems titled-
'Maybe this is better...'
Apr 2016 · 428
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Dear Daisy Dilly Dalley
You noticed I wrote Dilly Dally,
It's because I've been to large valleys,
Roamed through the darkest alleys,
Saw exquisite masterpiece in art galleries,
Met people named Margaret and Mallory
But I still can't address you as Daisy Buchanan.

The green light across the pier still flickers
And even though I bicker
with my subconscious state of mind,
I wonder, is this luxury life-
worth living without you?
Without you by my side?
The green light is but a taunt now,
saying go- yet at the same time
creating a tension in my heart-
saying this.....
will never happen.
Please come back to me,
or at least write a letter back to me-
Give my best to Tom as well...
                                                         ­   Love you always,
                                                               Jay Gatsby
Apr 2016 · 308
Melted Chocolate
Star Gazer Apr 2016
For me
Happiness is synonymous with chocolate
For me
Melted is synonymous with chaos
For me
Tragedy is synonymous with melted happiness.

To open a bar of chocolate
Only to realize what you have
Is the stain of a thousand crushed dreams and hope.

What is the point of living when even the chocolate I wish to consume can't even maintain its perfect shape?

What hope do we have at finding a perfect human when we can't even have a perfect creation of a simplistic sweetness?
Apr 2016 · 289
Dying Words [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Words float like petals
Of a wilted rose struggling
To remain alive.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
As I looked ahead to a brighter shade of green
A girl with eyes so mean
Said to me,
'You shall not pass', imitating Gandalf the grey,
And I left that day.

I came back the next day,
Hoping that she'd gone away,
But to my surprised,
Her and her mean eyes,
Still stood in the same spot
In the same lot.

I was stuck,
But this time I ignored her,
Never really occurred before,
I just kept walking.

And I passed her,
With a big smile.

She said,
'You learn well,
To never listen to words
of others'.
Fever induced piece
Apr 2016 · 387
You'll Find Your Happiness
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Green trees stand left and right
The sun shines so bright
Cars pass me by on the side
As I carry myself with my stride.

Beautiful doesn't appropriate the sight
As I look upon a greater,brighter light
The sun exudes a comforting glow
As I watch nature blossom and grow.

I could let go of everything I have known
Following the light I have been shown
To a world that finally shown me peace
A peace that settles and never cease.

I have not exhausted my happiness,
And there's no creation of a mess,
I have reached a point of being perfectly happy
And it can happen to you, as it has happened to me.
Apr 2016 · 385
Loved [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I had forgotten
What it was like to feel loved
Until I met you
Apr 2016 · 213
Star Gazer Apr 2016
In the morning,
Let the sunrise guide your walk,
Let the bird chirps
Be the sound of your silence.

In the day,
Let the sun guide your path,
Let the car noises
Complete your comfort.

In the evening,
Let the sunset follow you home,
Let the whistles,
Reveal to you, warmth.

In the night,
Let the stars light your darkness,
Let the silence,
Finish your sentences.
Apr 2016 · 271
Star Gazer Apr 2016
24 Hours
Without you
Spoils the scent
Of loving flowers
that once gave
To the definition of power.
Apr 2016 · 342
24 Hours
Star Gazer Apr 2016
A day, twenty-four hours,
Not long enough that blooms
A bouquet of flowers
But long enough that oblivion
Settles with solitude
Staring into this soul.

A day, twenty-four hours,
Not long enough
To cause a soul to cower
Yet just enough
To shackle and shake the power
Staring into this soul.

A day, twenty-four hours
Long enough
To elevate loneliness into a tower
That I plunge from.
Apr 2016 · 308
Little Ray Of Sunshine
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I once heard
'A happy man is a full man',
But with an empty stomach
And a smile on my face
I believe
'A happy man is a happy man'.

It has finally happened,
My mind has done what I thought
Was impossible.
I believe all of you can too,
You all can be happy.
Apr 2016 · 591
Smile [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
It's been a long while
Since I held a goofy smile
One that exceeds my cheeks.
Apr 2016 · 484
My Origins
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My best friend loved to write,
She wrote haikus to ****** novels,
She didn't beg nor grovel
For the words to touch the page,
But she instructed that 'life-
life is a big stage, each plot,
each character and each scene,
should all be well developed'.

So taking heed of her advice,
I wrote a simple boy meets girl
It was about a boy,
Who had fallen in love with his
best friend.
I titled it 'My autobiography'.

She had also told me,
Every good novel,every good story,
Every good poem, every good anything,
Has a twist in outcomes,
A plot twist in other words.

So as I got deeper and deeper into-
The creation of 'My autobiography',
She told me ' If you can't write a plot twist,
I will write one for you'.

So she decided to flee from the shackles of Earth,
And now it's no longer a boy meets girl story,
A rather ' Boy cries at a gravestone story'.

I flooded her stone, not only with red roses
But with strained eyelids.

The real purpose of this piece is to ask you,
What story would you like to write?
~I'm writing a new story - Hopefully one that is filled with as much happiness as I am feeling right now. It's a blessing to meet such honest hearted and kind hearted people
Apr 2016 · 222
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Stand and stare at the memories
That sit in digital,print and polaroid,
From standard to poster to wallet size
Trying to connect meaning to faces
That doesn't exist
Apr 2016 · 247
The Sun Shines For All
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Claimed ourselves to be failures
Wondering if we inherited
The features from our mothers or fathers.

We called ourselves failures
from the words we heard
spoken by the lips
of those deemed 'socially acceptable'.

We aren't failures,
We are different
And different
Is unique
And unique
is wonderful.

We are all wonderful people.
Apr 2016 · 439
White Chocolate Dreams
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You use to be my dream
Now you visit me in them
You stood there in my dreams
Mumbling 'girl troubles? **** em'

A clearance of problems
As though two words
Somehow would solve them
But it was your way.

Last night you relay
What your words
Would always say
And I felt the value.

*'Don't let a ***** **** up your heart.
It's like letting a bear **** on a Prada bag'.
White Chocolate Angel dedicated poem
Star Gazer Apr 2016
There's a scar across my heart
An imprint of your name
The curvature of every letter
Tends to get better.

You tried to drown me in a pool
I forgave you
You tried to **** me after school
I forgave you
You dimmed your own lights
I'm trying to forgive you.

Maybe I'm kept alone
For the sole purpose
Of reuniting with you
One day.

We are separated
By mortal coil
So when I fall
Upon the soil
Remind me
That I forgave you.

You visit me in my dreams
Left in a ball of light
That keeps me feeling gleam
Even in the darkness of night.
We are BFF's - Best ******* friends.

White Chocolate angel {Dedicated poem}

'Don't let a ***** **** up your heart. It's like letting a bear **** on a Prada bag'  
-White Chocolate Angel
Apr 2016 · 222
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She stood in my dreams
One-fifth guided by shadows
Four-fifth beaming a ray of light
She stood in my dreams
As we lit the stage with our presence
We were merely performers.

She stood in my dreams
Guiding my way to happiness.
Apr 2016 · 372
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She tip-toed around sensitive subjects-
She ate chocolate when she was upset-
I noticed her long hair had a glow-
And her eyes twinkled a star show.

She was the girl that made me forget
Forget everyone who made me upset
So as her words went through my ears
They rid me of shedding any tears.

I forgot everyone in the past, in the moment
Then I stood there quickly wishing and hoping
That she would ask me for my number
But instead she asked me for my Tumblr.

I told her ' I didn't know that's still a thing'
She replies 'Ok, your number? I'll give you a ring'.
A smile lit up like stars across my face-
Baring all my teeth sitting in place.

Let me describe her beautiful smile
I would indefinitely walk a hundred mile
Just to see her teeth shimmer and shine
With a dazzling glow making anyone blind.

She was something I have never seen
A beautiful model in a movie scene
But her looks weren't all that gave her value
She was smarter and kinder than anyone ever knew.

Her heart must have been made from solid gold
From all the things she said and the tale she told
She sounded like a curriculum vitae of perfection
And she believes 'happiness is within creation'.

Her poem to me she recited from the first second
I was surprised by finally receiving this blessing
She was extremely eloquent in what she had said
That I was sure in the moment, i lost my head.

There once was a green grimy toad
Who never knew of his worth
So he sat sedated by insecurities
Ever since birth.

There once was a pretty princess
Who kept her feelings hidden
Because she was always told
That emotions are forbidden.

The toad met the princess
Admired her from a distance
Told her of her beauty
And she gave in to resistance.

A smile formed across her face
Feeling loved and cherished
The toad cried of his ugliness
And she made his insecurities perished.

She kissed the toad
And no he didn't change
Because he didn't need to
He was perfect as he was.

She recited her poem and I knew,
That of all grass green and all sky blue
There was no doubt she was perfect.
Apr 2016 · 229
Star Gazer Apr 2016
His eyes,
They pour a drink,
Dehydrating his pain.

His lips
They sing a song
Relaxing his brain.

His nose
They smell a scent
Of a searing stain.

His ears
They hear a whistle
As he fades in front a train.
Apr 2016 · 252
No Tomorrow
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I'll see you tomorrow**

The scalpel cuts at me with precision
Creating a tiny incision
Right across my heart.
Your words scarred my heart.
Apr 2016 · 147
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The winds destructive measures
The winds combined two hearts
The gust of winds
Has pushed your heart into mine.
Apr 2016 · 589
Chameleon Feelings
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I have written 157 poems about you,
And it doesn't seem you read them.
So I chose to write for others,
I chose to make my poem as relatable
as possible so it camouflages into
the crevices of normality.

So that my feelings are normal,
So that they are not of those,
Who have loved and lost.
~I miss you my milk chocolate
I miss you sweetheart

Remember our little poem

{We build our own heaven,
In a world of hatred,
We leave behind the seven,
Make this world sacred.

We love with a burning heart,
So when rose petals fall,
We're never ever truly apart,
When we hear our phones call.}

~Your devil.
Apr 2016 · 291
If I love you
Star Gazer Apr 2016
What you love is not important
I'm sure I'll support it.
If it's a dream that's distorted
I'll push your back and say ' go for it',
if what you love is another person
Even when your plans been thwarted
I will tell you now, I'll stand by you.

So remember this-
If I love you-
And if you love someone else-
I'll push and nudge-
Till that someone else-
Learns to love you-
The way I did too.

Every bell tolls for a reason-
Every heart beats with a season.
Apr 2016 · 190
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Trust was a wall of brick that I built-
And with every lie laid

Bricks shifted and fell out of the wall.
The lies created a wall
From collapsed brick
Barricading my true self behind it.

Every act of facade
Enforced the brick
Making it harder.
Apr 2016 · 261
April 1st
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Dear Me

I'm completely at peace with being alone
I love the direction my life is heading
I am a valuable person
I am in the memories of those who know me
I am lovable.

P.s Late april fools.
           Best regards Me
Thoughts on April 1st .
Apr 2016 · 708
How to write a poem?
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The first line bleeds your pain
The second line bares your soul
The third line cuts at the heart
And the fourth line rips you apart.

Any subsequent line is rinse and repeat
Because life follows the same principles
It will crack you, crush you and destroy you,
And it will always continue to do so.
Apr 2016 · 362
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I walked school halls
Being bombareded by a billion spit *****
I tread mud into every classroom
Because everything in my life was already a ****-stain.
I failed to realize that fertilizer
Supports and helps
Roses and daisies to grow.
So while everything around me was going to ****
I was just in fact growing and learning.

Thanks for helping me grow,
You people of that ****** up high school.
Apr 2016 · 247
Who Are You?
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You are the bird that binds the nest
You are the resultant of two stars colliding
You are the street lights on a cold December night
You are the feather that fell from a phoenix
You are the wings of an angel
You are the smell of shampoo after a sweaty day
You are the warm cup of coffee after a night of drinking
You are every breath of air I have taken in.
Apr 2016 · 664
Star Gazer Apr 2016
If I was given cupcakes
For every mistake
That I have ever made.
I could build a tiny cupcake fort
I could build a full-size replica
Of you out of cupcakes,
Because you have been
My biggest mistake.
Apr 2016 · 259
Star Gazer Apr 2016
the podium
I took a step onto                        
my voice   s     a     i      g
                      h    k     n

and my heart PP OO UU NN DD II NN GG

The nerves kicked in,
My legs started weakening
  I slightly
                  fell lower
                           and lower.
I got back up however,
                         saw what I came to see
said what i had to say.

I walked
Apr 2016 · 962
Meeting you [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You shone brighter than
Any star in the night sky
I have no regrets
Apr 2016 · 278
Star Gazer Apr 2016
There are no storm that lasts forever
There are no chains that can't be severed.
In event of a bad day
Remember the words I'll say
And you will undoubtedly stand tall.
I believe in you.

Life is tough-
Things get rough
But keep growing
& Keep going.
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