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Apr 2016 · 377
Star Gazer Apr 2016
People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you, are the ones that are close enough to do it. People that get inside you and... and... and tear you apart, and make you feel like you're never gonna recover. ****. I'd... I... I would chop my arm off right here, in this restaurant, just to feel that one more time for my wife. My old lady, she didn't just break my heart. She... She'd rip it out, she'd tear it apart, she'd step on that ****, feed it to a dog. I mean, she was ruthless. She brought the pain. But she'll never hurt me again.

-Frank Castle in the TV show Daredevil
Apr 2016 · 350
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She was a masterpiece
Not perfected by a facade of brushstrokes
Or a myriad of different colours,
She was a masterpiece
Because she could appreciate her imperfections
Every drip of paint onto the canvas,
Every smudge of ink on the page,
Every incorrect mixture of colours,
She could appreciate that she wasn't perfect
And that made her
A masterpiece.
Apr 2016 · 244
Forgetting A Person
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The hardest thing about forgetting a person
Is remembering their phone number.
The second hardest thing about forgetting a person
Is remembering their address.
The third hardest thing about forgetting a person
Is realising they never leave your dreams.
The fourth hardest thing about forgetting a person
Is you never really want to.

Maybe I don't want to forget you yet
So I let you live on in my dreams
Picking at me with your plot and schemes
Slowly I realise, your face never gets distorted
And I hold you in my memory in hopes they become contorted
But I sit here missing your presence
Just so my conscience sits a little pleasant.

You are immortalised
In my memory
And my deepest dreams.
Apr 2016 · 213
Star Gazer Apr 2016
A fellow poet once told me
I have a self-pitying tone
With every poem I've written.

I will cleanse myself of this affliction-
Rehabilitate that addiction
And send it into annihilation.

I am strong and I will see over the fence
For I can climb any obstacle
And I create my own destiny.

There is no room for fate
In a life where we hold the pen
That write our own stories.

I am the writer,
I am the poet,
I am the one in charge of my life.

I am taking one step forward,
At a time,
To a world by my design.
Apr 2016 · 236
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She said-
'Blood doesn't flow that way'-
And I squealed-
'Blood from the heart does'-
And as I bled out-
A smile formed on her face-
She whispered
'You're dirtying the floor-
When you're done dying-
wipe it up'

'Ring a Ring o' Roses
Dumb pig stepped on my toesies
A tishoo A tishoo
He will bleed out'
Apr 2016 · 517
Sweatshop Cinderella
Star Gazer Apr 2016
A Chinese girl in a sweatshop
Constantly working non stop
As news of a ball comes around
And it's happening in town.

She tells her employers
'Let me go, or I'll call a lawyer',
All said and spoken in Chinese
from the girl who loved trees.

She loved nature from all angles
Even the vines that did tangled
She smiled at any hint of fresh air
And believes it's best to be fair.

Her employers responded 'no-
that she was not allowed to go'
And she wished to see the world
And have her straight hair curled.

She sneaked out the back exit
And gave herself some credit
'You can do this, you are strong
And you won't be out long'.

Along the way to the fancy ball,
As she ran across the town hall,
A woman caught a glimpse of her
And somehow the strange did occur.

The woman gave the girl new clothes,
From a clothing shop that had closed,
Dressed her in pretty pink shoes
That seemed like new news

After dressing up she ran for the ball,
And she knew the fun won't be small,
So as she arrives, through the doors
She realised no one who seemed poor.

It was a party, and a party needed alcohol
To soothe the boredom that settled in her soul,
So amidst her drunken charade
A man appeared before her eyes like a mirage.

Her eyes while blinking met his eyes
And suddenly she was no longer shy,
She spoke eloquently of her adventures
And how she met professors with tenure.

They conversed and he found himself
Placing her laugh on a metaphorical shelf
Doing all that he could to make her laugh
But their time was cut in half.

She had to leave and make her way back to work,
So with a gentle wave and a 'goodbye' filled with quirk
She ran for the exit dropping the sweatshop business card
and he still pursued to chase her despite the facade.

He arrived at the address on the business card
While keeping his suit clean was very hard,
He ventured on to find the perfect girl
Who made his heart race and twirl.

He ran around looking for her
But it never did occur
that there were five others who wanted him
so his chances were quite dim.

The first girl clearly had different hair
The second girl was in a wheelchair
The third girl had a different skin tone
And the fourth girl was no meat, all bone.

The fifth girl however, just kept a pretty smile
And although he only saw her for a while
He could tell she was not the one
That left before the night was gone.

When suddenly birds chirping in the distant
Being completely resistant
Against the heavy metal door
And he knew it for sure.

There she was, walking through the metal door
As beautiful as she had looked the night before.
He looked at her, and asked her out
She was shocked and surprised she barely let out a shout.

She found her happiness in him,
And their time spent weren't grim,
For he understood her quite well
And lived life in complete swell.
Apr 2016 · 176
Star Gazer Apr 2016
that held each other when skies bend

who finally saw ends.

faded by ill-fate

damaged without recover.

H E A R T B R E A K**
From one giant mistake.
Apr 2016 · 329
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I never knew Uncle Sam
Never had the dream or hope
To scan and scope
On leaving home.

I would have done so happily,
Just to explore a different part
Of a world where I could lay
My continuously beating heart
To enjoy the new-found

I venture on with my beating heart
To find a place
It sits settled slowly surrounded
**S O U L
I hate this is just a venture not an adventure.
I one day dream of exploring the world - or just travelling a lot.
Starting from when I graduate.
Apr 2016 · 339
You're safe now...
Star Gazer Apr 2016
she mumbled as her arm wrapped around his shoulders,
the day coming to a close as the sun chases the moon,
her touch exuded of only warmth
He gazed at the dimming light then into her eyes
And told her that her eyes shone brighter
Than anything he had ever seen.

You're safe now...
she mumbled as she walks a step away from him,
kicking up dirt and old soda cans along the way,
I don't want to hurt you anymore,
she mumbled to herself while tears stained her cheeks.

He looked up at the night sky,
Where the moon's light touched his eyes,
The cold wind caressed his skin
With the silence of a road that cars drove on,
I would rather you hurt me, than be alone
he mumbled to himself while tears stained his cheeks.
[It's ok-]
[We're all a little broken]
[We're all a lot broken]
[We're all broken]
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
Hopeful V Stubbornness
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Life is not a game for the stubborn.
Sometimes the things we aspire for,
Are like a rose that is more thorns than petals,
And while we hold onto it, the pain settles,
Deeper and deeper.

Sometimes being stubborn is our own flaw,
Keeping us held high hopeful.

Life is a vine,
That scratches at you, the more you hold
Onto what you just can't have.

As one of my favourite anti-hero states

'You hit ’em and they get back up. I hit ’em and they stay down'...

And when life hits you beyond breaking,
You rise your head and see the beautiful things.
New view, new perspective and new things.
Apr 2016 · 206
Me & My Life
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My mother,
Seemed to be filled with wisdom,
Built her own little fort-
And us kids, served in this kingdom.
Although she is fair,
She says every parent always cares,
And she has shown this.
Around the house,
There aren't family photos,
Or portraits of a family,
Because I haven't exactly
Had a conventional family.
Mother once said to me,
'Family is not who's blood you carry,
It's who can hug you like a panda,
When you are sad'.

I have two cousins
Who are filled with vibrant energy
Set on appreciating and experiencing
Every moment of life.
Seeing things through kids eyes
Must be different,
Fighting over
Which my little pony is better.

I have a baby sister-
She doesn't do much.

I have me,
I have been told I should love me,
And I want to write this poem,
To show what life looks like to me.

I have a myriad friends,
Who raise interesting questions
And help me when I'm down.
One of my closest friend helped me
Move from my most recent heartbreak
Posing the question
'Do you live for now, do you live for the future
Or do you cloud your head and live in the past?'.

I had two best friends,
One male and one female,
My bestie ...left this world
In search for a different meaning to beauty,
And my male bestie,
Became too toxic for my search for stability.

That's all there is about me,
I expect no painting,
I expect nothing really.
Just airing who I am,
To a world of people
That I don't fully know yet.

I am me,
And I seek,
All the light,
That settles inside,
I also have all you poets
To keep writing.

You are all beautiful,
And special people.

Lets ride the waves
Till we reach the shores.
Apr 2016 · 188
Misery Loves Company
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Tears flow from one eye to another
Streaming the Earth like a river,
In hopes that it drowns the light
and life that settles inside people.
Tears flow from one eye to another
Forming a tidal wave
That breaks down obstacles
And helps people stay afloat.

Tears flow from one eye to another
With intention of sharing
The beauty that exists in oceans
Through the glands of the eyes.

Lets not share sadness and blame
When we can share happiness and cheers,
Let the light inside burn brighter than a flame
And help dry each others tears.

Lets not give misery what it really wants,
Lets not give misery, company.
Apr 2016 · 428
Primary Colours
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You see, red blue and yellow.
They were all friends,
They had been setting trends,
And each colour had its own personality.

Red was a hothead,
Always jumping to conclusion,
She hated any confusion
So you would have to be precise.
When she loved however,
It was with a burning passion,
And when she hated,
She would make you rain blood.

Blue was peaceful,
Always the sullen eyed boy
He loved the sky,
Love the sea,
But at times he felt all alone,
And as a result,
he lived with the name he was given.

Loved the sun,
He loved having fun.
If one were to describe him,
He was rather quite mellow,
And theres a calming presence
That comes along with
the words he speaks.

One fine night
As they spent in each others company
With fine dining and wine for delight
They decided to do something thrilling.
They joined each other
In a night full of lust filled fun
And as blue started kissing yellow,
Imprints of green on the canvas were seen.
Red got a little lonely and decided to
****** blue away from yellow for a moment
As they got to busy acts,
Red and blue left a patch of purple,
that rained along the walls and ground.
Yellow was allured by reds smell,
As a result he snatched her into his arms
Caressing her with his tenderly touch
and so formed Orange.

They formed a rainbow of happiness,
A combination of different colours.
Apr 2016 · 285
Star Gazer Apr 2016
When I finally convinced myself that you loved me,
I could feel the hesitation that sits amongst your soul,
How can you ever love a being built with ugly?
How could one ever love broken pieces rather than a whole?

I could hear the hissing noise of your mind
As you told me you loved me-
With each day, each word spoken-
It became a pinpoint to where I lost myself.
Apr 2016 · 716
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You are a part of a race to the edge of the-
universe as it continues to expand.
While the rocket fuel and the flux capacitor-
Were still in ignition we found ourselves floating.
We stood still in the retrospect of time-
But we were moving light years beyond light years.

That was life after all isn't it?
A constant search and race for things-
That slowly become too unnecessary.

Keep chasing that promotion, till you're at the top-
Keep chasing the green notes, till you can buy the world-
Keep chasing the pocket filled friends.
Because one day the only thing chasing you-
Will be loneliness.

Take a little time-
Appreciate the people around you-
See the beauty within nature-
See the beauty within others-
And learn to love.
Apr 2016 · 296
For You
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Crimes do not exist solely on Earth.
They are also seen on Heaven.
No matter how many times you go to church.
Bearing any one of the seven.

God weeps for you, weeps for change.
Although you do not see the tears and care.
And although you might think it's strange.
God has made the world filled with air.

All for a reason , for you.
Apr 2016 · 471
You Are Wonderful
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Your lips start to shake
As your spirits break
And the pieces of you
Become dipped in blue.

You trust your sight
Because your heart is blind.
You trust your ears
Because your heart is deaf.
You trust your scent
Because your heart reminds you of her.

You trust yourself,
Because you are the only one
Who will not lie to you.

Read the words etched in my mind:
You are wonderful
Apr 2016 · 231
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Being wonderful is not a test of strength
It is a test of character and personality,
It's standing up in the face of tragedy
And proceeding on without halt.
It is not about giving out fault,
But more about accepting blame
Should you really have tarnished your name.

Don't ever let anyone dim your lights
Make sure you let it shine bright
Because with every candle flickering
Is a day we can all stop bickering
And see the real darkness
Is nothing but an utter mess
Created from those who are too weak
To think of themselves wonderful.
Apr 2016 · 238
Star Gazer Apr 2016
When I was a kid, Momma use to say-
Keep your head up high-
And sooner or letter I had better days-
Simply by giving life a little try.

I soon started smiling with tear filled eyes-
Grew stronger with every night-
Started to appreciate the blue in the skies-
and saw every morning as a new light.

I remember that one moment-
How I met my best friend-
And I don't know what it meant-
But that wasn't our end.

Life is beautiful-
If you look at it with blind eye-
And do things for you-
Rather than let your eyes run dry.
Apr 2016 · 348
She the sun and I the moon.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She is the sun,
And I the moon.
Her beauty was immeasurable,
And her sunny day warmth,
Was that of a volcano.

She is the sun,
And I the moon,
We came from different worlds,
Held different times
And lived different lives.

She is the sun
And I the moon,
And every morning,
I would have died
Just so her beauty shone.

She is the sun
And I the moon,
And with every breath I drew
I only ever knew,
There was no girl comparable.

She is the sun
And I the moon,
But as I lay weary eyes at sunrise,
Her spectral figure appears in my dreams,
And I lived for that moment.

She is the sun,
She was my sun.
My light
And my day.
Till she went away,
And I, the moon
Wandered around
Aimlessly at night,
Staring at stars.
Apr 2016 · 171
First Girlfriend
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I was your close ear
And every beat of your heart-
Was all I could hear-
Especially when yours fell apart.

I was your shoulder to cry on-
When the light is bleak-
And the people are long gone-
as your eyes slowly leak.

I was the one to push your back
When the swings stood still-
I cheered you on as you ran track-
and I replaced your happy pill.

I wiped your crocodile tears
When you were alone-
And had no comforting peers-
I held you on a throne.

I became your comforting pillow-
The one you could rest your head-
Softening the surrounding willows-
Acting as your replacement bed.

Your first hug sketched my memory-
Of jagged pain and clear discomfort-
On the fourteenth of February-
As I first held you when you were hurt

I made you the centre of my world-
With the thought that we'd last-
And with rocks and insults hurled-
We finally became the past.

I treated you with respect-
Yet you treated me like dirt-
I never knew what I'd expect-
From one who's never really hurt.

We went our separate ways-
We found and laid our path-
I never have remembrance days-
Where I remember your laugh.

You were a diamond in my eye-
That broke under the pressure-
And with every unruly lie-
You begged me for a loving gesture.

It wasn't love, nor was it affection-
We treated each others false ideals-
We were slowly each others infection-
And things fade as paint peels.

It was never a story of love-
It was a tale of two people-
Who finally said ENOUGH!!
and decided not to write a sequel.
Apr 2016 · 263
Life [Old Poem]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Clothes hanger on the floor coated in blood,
It was the culture, the traditions,
Emotions and tears on the face did flood,
Simply based on pure premonition.

A mother's mentality subjugated,
To select between disappearance and remaining.
They claim that existence wasn't ill fated,
But no one choice absolute from mental feigning.

Life is for the taking, prior to taking is life,
This tradition has kept mothers from uncertain strife.
Apr 2016 · 246
Traffic Signs
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Green Light
With full speed, full force and full throttle
I let my heart swim towards you like an axolotl
on a windy and cold December
Trying to escape a lake that's half frozen
And if I were to given a choice, pick who my heart had chosen
It would still be you.

Amber Light
Tempted to still dive into what it was,
I was caught up between stopping and going
But with pure temptation from my heart
I drove it with more heart and less smart
So even if I were fined for pushing forward
I knew it would be worth it.
I chose to drive on, ignoring road rules
As though they became the size of toad stools.
This was my transitioning light,
Not to dim and not to bright,
Settled in between morning and night
and it was as if we were seeing different lights.

Red Light
Everything came to a complete stop,
No movements except
The faint echoes of a heartbeat
still tempted about being able
to go,
observing the rules as set
and hoping that the road ahead
for those who still saw green lights
were smooth.
Apr 2016 · 274
Star Gazer Apr 2016
It was a vacuum, airless lands
And I stood with jaws agaped
Over her pristine gem like beauty
Her smile rained jewels from her teeth.

The best things in life
Leave you breathless
And she, was better than best
She was priceless.

Priceless princess prance
With twists and turns in her step
And while others crawled
Priceless princess leapt.

She leapt right into my heart.
Apr 2016 · 287
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Thick fogs, arid air
Clueless dreamers
With breath to spare
Opposed preachers.

Impossible ensues
Roaming along streets
In dilapidated shoes
As sweat secretes.

Call it luck, call it chance
Running through hail
Heavy breaths & broken pants
For fake friends to regale.
Apr 2016 · 209
Star Gazer Apr 2016
He talks to the past
More than he thinks of the future.
He'd recount on friends he lost
Rather than the friends he gained.
He sees the way the die is cast
Rather than the number that appears
And that in itself is his demon.

He reminisces of moments had
Than the memories that could be
He does what he could
Rather than what he should.
He keeps his eyes on the beauty of last
Until he strives for an impasse.

He has given up on the past
And chased the future.
He chases tomorrow's sunrise
With yesterday's sunset.
He chases cars
That he can't even see yet.
He doesn't live in the past
The way a die is cast.

He lives tomorrow
Everyday after that.
Apr 2016 · 636
Star Gazer Apr 2016
In the wise words of Kendrick Lamar
I love myself.
Who is it that I see high up on that shelf?
Oh, just myself.
I choose not to love another person yet,
Till I can love myself.
So as a result,
I abandon my search for love,
And I will let love search for me.

Cupid isn't as stupid
As we have been told.
So while my life is a dream in lucid
I will wait till I get old.
For the one to fill my heart,
And promise to never break it apart.
Apr 2016 · 636
I'm back
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Candle flicker and flutters
As wax drips down the table
The wax leaving stained scatters
Producing a light that is stable.

Across the page etched new words
In hopes they relieve existing pain
And reach ears that made them heard
And a new beginning is to attain.

I am saying hello to all of you again
As I withdraw on my portrait of goodbyes
To fill ink into my writing pen
And restart our search with new 'Hi's'
I keep having crazy moments in my head....I'll be back so worry not.

[I must thank you Tonya for helping me move on. I am back to writing with your encouragement and your words of wisdom. I thank you]
Apr 2016 · 565
John & Jessie
Star Gazer Apr 2016
It's 10 pm, Saturday night. I'm down in Jessie's place, just to join her in a lust filled night of sorts. Her blonde hair radiating from the lamp on the night stand. I carry her in my arms, both arms out resembling a father carrying a newborn baby except she wasn't my baby, not in that sense anyways. The tension in the air was so thick that even a butter knife couldn't spread the tension, but me and jessie had spread on our mind.

I could smell her alluring scent as I lay her down onto the bed, it must have been the thrill of daring to step into a boundary we had no knowledge existed. Love thy neighbour as heavenly quoted by men and women all around the world, I guess I was abiding by what I have been taught.

A little bit about Jessie, Jessie had these mesmerising blue eyes and had a husband, John,a fine husband, a brave husband who was filled with love.  John wasn't ever one to toot his own horns but he had the right to refer to himself in the third person, why wouldn't John be given the right? He's awesome and extremely brilliant at that. Nothing short of Superman or Einstein is what John has been told.

Jessie has been my neighbour for years, ever since I could remember. I drink a lot, so I haven't exactly the best memory of when or wheres. It was how we met, she was my neighbour and I was hers. Now we were closer, so close to the point that I could see her blue eyes staring into mine.

"Jess, I hope it's Ok, I wrote you ... a little poem. That's not...umm too weird right ?"

"Sure, as long as it's not something too eerie. Don't be too...what's that word?... Sappy" Jessie nodding in agreeance.

The words glided out of my lips like a gold medalist ice skater, with elegance and soft subtle seductive intentions.

'Love is like an ocean,
The sounds of crashing waves against rocks,
That mimic the sound of my heartbeat,
Love is more than an emotion,
Love is the echo of water dripping in a cave,
Love is a poison and a potion,
It is the pollen that fills the spring air,
Love can cause chaos and beauty
It holds onto your hearts and never lets go'.

I ended my recital by looking into Jessie's direction for affirmation of its quality, I couldn't actually pinpoint her ****** response but I'll try my best to capture it. Her eyes, rolled to one side in a condescending and demeaning manner but her smile was filled with some sort of ...actual craving for more.

My lips shot forward similar to the teens 'duck-face selfie poses', and I asked "So... do you ... like?".


I waited for a little longer, or what felt like an eternity in my mind's timeframe.

Silence again...

I expressed my regret "Sorry, I'll recite another one?... Yes? "

"The sun and the moon,
You see they were friends,
But not everything twist and bends,
And even though the sun loved the moon,
He had loved her since yesterday's noon,
When she wasn't even around, he loved her.
Somewhere far away in the horizons,
It clearly never seemed to occur,
In her mind that he was thinking of her.
So every night, while birds and bees went to sleep
He died.
Just so her light could shine above his.
He died.
Just so her close friends, the stars could visit.
He died.
Just so the world appreciated her beauty,
Rather than his necessity."

Jessie still dressed in her singlet and underwear, quickly rose on two feet as a Chevrolet pulls up her driveway. A man with a neanderthal-like figure burst through the door yelling, ' I leave for business... and ya'll ******* in my house? ON MY ******* BED!!'

I tried my best to get past his door, because it was the only way I knew I would be able to keep my current state, the state of being still alive.

Jessie trying to explain everything with words, yes ...trying to use words with what clearly is a caveman.

'Darlin' we didn't do anything, he's just here yappin' on about something with moons and suns. I swear, I didn't do anything indecent'.

The caveman spoke again, in proper non-swearing, non-screaming English.
     'Sons? He was tryin' to put a baby in you? THAT'S IT!!.. Imma **** him!!'

That was the day I met John.
[A K-star and Beautiful Moon piece]

A little story for people who have nothing better to do. It's something I've written a while ago with my best friend. I thought you all should know a little about me before I flee away. I am a 20 year old student, who enjoys humour and it has come at the cost of the most important people and things in life. Uhh I do my best to make people happy or at least try to stay out of their way if they are on their way to find it. In the end of the day, no matter where my brain is or what my brain is thinking about, I can still sing and dance because I have something strong, I have will, a will to make myself happy.  I have had moments where I have wronged some of you ( I'm kinda an ******* without realising ...I just wanted to say sorry).

Last story- Last thing I'll ever write (well in this case edit)...

Now all that's left for me is Essays until the day I can pick up my creative side once again.

Remember there's still ink in my pen.

This is like my third time saying bye.... ... I'm kind of addicted to this site, so I must cut it loose to start fresh. You know, sometimes you have to push your past away, to start over, you have to let go of everything , every emotion, every connection, everything just to be clear minded. I guess I'm doing my best to be clear minded again.

Bye to my fellow friends and poets, my poet friends and everyone.
Mar 2016 · 397
Star Gazer Mar 2016
People don't understand that being hurt
Is like contorting a wound and rubbing dirt
In place of applying bactine,
It's like fighting a disease without a vaccine,
A world where the average relies on being mean.

People don't understand that being invincible
Doesn't shield you from love the way you had hoped
And standing in the crosshairs of a ******'s scope
We come to realize that Cupid is a deadeye,
He's capable of hitting anyone without try.

Even the strong falls in the face of their emotions
And even an alchemist has no true cure or potion
For this affliction,
Known as love.

I have loved you for half a year
And although that isn't a long while
I have cried a billion tears
And I have loved you with a million hearts.
I write this last poem dedicated to you
To remind you that you are beautiful
And hope that you find the happiness
That you seek for.
Mar 2016 · 406
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I have always tried to write
So that my demons are kept away
Not everyone puts up a fight
And so the demons see light of day.

I write this last piece for the friends
Who have seen me through insanity
For those that believe that 'things end'
And now my words are living in vanity.

Thank you for the multiple experiences
Showing me that life in essence is beauty,
That there lies things beyond appearances,
And now I guess I've served my time, done my duty.

I bid you all a fine farewelll
Praying for all of you
To live life in swell
And escape matrimony with feeling blue.
Thank you all. Most importantly thank you to Ashley, Eriko (you'll make it to be a successful artist. Talent tends to drive success and you are talented. Don't ever stop painting or writing) lucinda, Blaine (you have been one of the toughest people i know and I want you to see that you are an amazing person. Although the skies might fall and the ground might shake, I know at max you'll bend never break. I hope you get through everything just fine and I am glad that as long as you are happy I'll be fine to go on. Keep your head up high, there's beauty everywhere around you but most importantly it's in you) nameless (all the best with your literal shawty if I remember correctly. Keep going bro, you'll find love and live happily one day. Btw you have a talent for writing maybe one day I'll read a published book) , bailey (sorry about that last collab idea- maybe one day in the distant future. We share the same stars but even some stars dim. Thank you for every advice you've given me. Keep on going, especially the spoken word poems,you have a lovely voice .... I meant poetic voice....but you also do have a lovely literal voice) , carol (keep on going carol. You might be the fastest runner or furthest jumper one day. Don't let anyone take that light within your heart away. I know you'll keep fighting. And ps; I 100% support you if you were to call your coach an *******). Thank you to the murderer, princess (I believe in you dear, tough situations don't always last but tough people do and i know you are tough. Promise to do your best to keep fighting and i hope the kindness in your heart doesn't dissipate. If you message me I will reply, I'll be by your side like I promised)  julie (your students are lucky to have you, thank you so much for your wisdom and motivation for me to keep going) and most importantly thank you all. Oh right, thank you to the kind, warm and caring soul, thank you Hannah. You all have digged me out of the pit I've fallen in and I can't have anyone to thank except for you.

All the best ♡
Mar 2016 · 750
I blame myself
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I sat here blaming everyone else
When I should have been blaming myself.
I should have stood by and helped
I should have faltered myself
Just to help others live on.

I blame myself for my best friend being gone
I blame myself for my father passing away
I blame myself for the world's decay.
I blame myself for my mothers sadness
I blame myself for all the people's madness.

I blame myself for not having been a better person
And I know this for certain,
I blame myself for not being serious enough
I blame myself for not knowing how to love
I blame myself for the hearts shattered
I blame myself for the words scattered
I blame myself for this disgusting piece
I blame myself for the world's decease
And I blame myself for blaming myself.
Mar 2016 · 281
Fake It Till You Make It
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I held a smile that stretched cheek to cheek
But inside my room everything is dull and bleak
Outside of my room, I am a vibrant rainbow
But inside my room, I bury a pain no one knows.

I relive the memories of a shattered tie between friends
Because no matter how positive I try to be, things end,
And I keep my head held up high outside my room
While inside I fold my arms and descend into gloom.

I smile for you but I cry for me,
Tissues that wipe away eye seas,
So that inside my room I died
and outside my room, I lied.
Inspired thought poem
Mar 2016 · 350
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I used to love the sunlight
And the moonlight
Because I saw your face
Reflected from them.
I stood in the shadows now
Dodged the sunlight,
I sat in the corner of my room
Hid from the moonlight
Because they reminded me
Of how you
Broke what wasn't yours
To break.

I watered a garden of sadness
I watered orchards of ache
Flowers only bloom
In the face of people's gloom
Every rose petals
Lives from a pain that settles
Inside all of us.
Grandparents told me when they are sad they plant seeds because even though they were internally or emotionally dying at least something else is living or growing.
They told me there's more to flowers rather than just scent and appearance.
Mar 2016 · 369
Star Gazer Mar 2016
... And there she stood
Trying to figure what's bad or good
         As her palms crashed the gravelled ground
She asks herself, 'How did I fall this far?'
     Pacing herself back and forth
In an attempt to sweat the addiction from her pores
             And her hands shaking and trembling.

      She pulls out a one hundred dollar bill
In exchange for a white powder
           And as she snorts the powder
Falling onto her hands and knees
                 Realising she wrote her own fate.
Mar 2016 · 302
Forcing a Smile
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Faint echoes of applause
As the day approaches a close
Darting a death stare to the sound
As the casket gets lowered to the ground.

I was too emotional exhausted to exchange punches
And the memories of our late night 2 a.m lunches
Flooded my crimson teary eyes
As I hid my tears by looking at the skies.

I should have fought for you or at least with you
Way before my days became stained with a permanent blue
And there are no do overs so I can't relive it again
And for you sweetheart I dedicate my tear stained pen.

Next time write me a message and I'll fight for you
I've left a felt-tip pen buried next to you.
You use to make the ***** jokes of the felt and tip
Write a to-do list and I promise, not one item skipped
But I know you, you'll probably write something like
1. Live life
2. Smile
3.Try to eat healthy (that doesn't mean an all fast food diet)
4. Go play basketball
5. Go find love
Mar 2016 · 215
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Strangled struggled as the light gleaming in her eyes darkened.

She was caught between a tormented soul and one on its way to find peace.

She came to me in my dream and spoke of serenity. In her distorted words she says 'Serenity is found in the sound of your last heartbeat'.
Mar 2016 · 170
Star Gazer Mar 2016
If my mum has taught me anything
It's that you can't let death
Take the light out of life.
She told me that when father passed
She was waiting for an impossibility
She told me she was waiting for his return
And in her mind she knew for certain.

So she sat in sadness till I reached adulthood
And I spent my childhood
Watching my mum struggle day by day
And I would still enforce our family tradition
That 'I love you's' are shown in silent actions.
The darkness of death
Leaves the light in anyone
Feeling indebted to a soul
That no longer roams the Earth.
I chose to live,
Even in the darkness of the world,
Sitting in the corners of shadows approaching
**I chose to live
Mar 2016 · 170
September 2012
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Where my life became chaotic
Where I lost control of everything
Wheee I lost everything.
Mar 2016 · 186
To you
Star Gazer Mar 2016
I took a step towards the moon
I promise sweetheart I'll be with you soon
Just need to finish up some business,
I mean what's 30 years anywas right?
I have missed you,
It's been kind of a relief
That you visit me in my dream
Every night.
One day I'll walk to the moon
And never turn back
I promise.
I hope you haven't been feeling lonely
Don't worry, the feeling is mutual
Life on Earths ******* boredom
Since you've left.
Don't worry sweet heart
I'll see you in my dreams
It gives me the chance to tell you
Things I never got the guts to say
Like the way your eyes remind me of cupid
The way you walk reminds me of cupid
Your smile shines even from the moon
And you remind me of cupid
Because I love you.

What is 30 years really?
I'll be with you soon.
Mar 2016 · 344
For Bailey
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Constellations come into creation for one purpose
With each star is a new set of lights
And each new set of stars
is a chance
to see the light glistening over our lives.

We may not be the wisest, We may not be the smartest
We don't need to be anything other than us
the harder the struggle
The better the tale.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
In that moment I shined
As i realised your eyes shined,
And teeth glistened leaving me blind
I took time to trace the trail of the tides
That left me separated from you.

On opposite ends you shot a smile
Your teeth gleamed like white Pietra Firma tiles
And I would have walked a thousand miles
Search through a million isles
If you were ever lost and couldn't be found.

You were superbly, majestically beautiful,
You gave meaning to the fictitious word cutieful
And I would have acted the stupid fool
Just to see that glistening smile on you,
Because you deserve every chance at happiness.

You kept all million hearts in racing,
A million thoughts patiently pacing
You would overcome anything you're facing
Rather than any thought of forgetting or erasing
Because you kept every night bright.
Mar 2016 · 240
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Night arrived early
As the moon envied the stars
So city lights shone
Mar 2016 · 247
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Memories and the pain linger
It becomes a part of me for life,
Even when I married your dad,
And became a common house wife
It lived with me.
Every remnant scar sitting on my skin
All the ache I have felt,
Not just physically but emotional.

You wouldn't understand
The tears that flow endlessly
Accompanying the memories
Of a mother burying their child.
I have a brother, oh well had a brother
My eldest sibling,
At 12 he died due to being malnourished
And my mother was brave, she had courage
She let out only a single tear
And buried him.
It was war, you had to be strong
or you would have been broken.
You would have been silent
But in thoughts, you were loudly spoken.

I can remember the scorching bridge
Running barefoot on hot metal
And witnessing crowds of family
Falling to knees to artillery damage.
The smell of human flesh being burnt
As crisp lay upon crisp, nothing felt fine.
I kept going however, at a young age
That's all you could really do after all.
I was born and then it happened,
There was no enjoyment,
There was nothing prior to it
So I kept running in hopes
That maybe we can actually
one day experience
what being a kid really is like.

You haven't realised how much is sacrificed
Through love and kinship
When you haven't seen blood flow like river
staining the palm trees where corpses lay upon.
We won't be able to appreciate every aspect of life
But we surely appreciate being alive.
I asked mum to talk about her childhood.
Guess I have been lucky to have had a playstation,
I have been lucky to have a television.
Mar 2016 · 318
Where Did You Go?
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Where did that little girl go?
The one who ran around tirelessly
Till she spewed up the juice she drank
As she darts a happy eye
Towards me and says
'Don't worry I'm on a juice cleanse'.

Where did that teenager go?
The one who ran around tirelessly
Trying to solve the problems of the world.
"No matter how hard you try dear,
You're never going to save the environment,
No matter how hard you try dear,
You're never going to cure AIDS right now,
No matter how hard you try dear,
You can't fix every relationship issues,
No matter how hard you try sweetheart,
There's just no way you can do all that alone."

But she tried, oh how she tried
and as tears ran down her cheeks,
she held a smile
with her eyes
still shimmering of a fading light
she said
'You watch me. I'll do it all,
I'll prove you wrong
I am a ******* champ'.

Where did that teenager go?
The one who objected to the ideas of impossibility,
The one who did her best to prove everyone wrong.

"She's never going to make it to 18."
they said derisively towards her,
they said holding barbed wired words
across her shattering heart.

Why didn't you try to prove them wrong.
Where did THAT teenager go?
Why didn't you prove them wrong?
~7th grade conversation
We were so strong younger and as we grew older,
Our strength slowly diminished.
We tried standing our grounds but life
Only became a bigger battle ground,
A deadlier war,
A heavier boulder to carry.
Mar 2016 · 468
Growth And Decay
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Ash is rubble, and rubble is fire
We burnt our love with heart's desire
Just to captivate what is left in our hearts
A flame that never needs fuel to start.

Collapsed structures to fallen bridges
A thousand memories in a single picture
We caught eyes over the blazing sun
And reminisced on all the damaged we'd done.

Tears is to water as water is to oceans
We packed Evian bottles of emotions
Making sure no word was spoken or heard
Because exposing ourselves became absurd.

Who would expose themselves to flame?
Who would expose themselves to blame?
Who would expose themselves to falling apart?
Who would expose themselves to a broken heart?
I would.
Mar 2016 · 297
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Because not loving is loving
Because letting go is not letting go
Because not caring is caring
Because no words spoken is speaking a lot.

Just because
Mar 2016 · 479
Do You Remember?
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Do you remember that time you walked into the street light?
As Stephanie sat there cracking jokes about being extremely bright.
Do you remember how we used to swim in that terribly cold pool?
As you lured me close to you and pushed me underwater like a fool.
Do you remember when I sang for you?
Jason Mraz's I'm yours
As you were doing your homework or as you called it 'chores'
Do you remember half the things I won't ever forget about our time?
As you left me with the memory of the last knock combined with wind chimes
You look beautiful in my memories.
Yea, I pudged out when you were gone
Don't worry too much.
I'm not really living anyways,
Just trying to.
Star Gazer Mar 2016
Girl : Be a little classy say scenery not view
Boy : view, it's a view.
Girl : it's a scenery. A scenic scenery. A memorable scenery.
Boy : You're a beautiful scenery. See **** doesn't make sense.
Girl : That's different.
Boy : What's the difference, that's just a sun. You're much prettier.
Girl : Such a sweet tongue, how many girls hearts have you broken?
Boy : None. Yet...
Girl : One day you'll miss having someone to look at scenic sceneries with.
Boy : I have you for that don't I?
Girl : True that but you'll still miss it when we grow up.
Boy : Who says we have to grow up?
Girl : We all do.
Boy : Nuh uh
Girl : Trust me you'll miss having someone to go look at views with.

One year later

Boy : I already do.
Mar 2016 · 304
Love Lesson
Star Gazer Mar 2016
If the last year has taught me anything
Its that love is all about correct timing
That love is a beautiful emotion
Comparable to the grandest ocean.
Love is more than just timing though
It's not a tale to tell but a way to show
That there are empty 'I love yous'
Which only ever come into view
When things start turning more sour
Slowly and surely, hour by hour.

If the last year has taught me anything
It's that if it's with the right one
It takes more than just timing
To keep the feeling of love from being gone.

Thank you for teaching me this lesson.
No matter how much you love someone, if they don't love you back then that is a clear indication the two are incompatible.
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