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Apr 2016 · 316
Haiku 5
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Her memories live
Yet she was taken too soon
I know not by whom.
Apr 2016 · 147
Haiku 4
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Princess, my dear friend
You are incredibly strong
You're a great person
Apr 2016 · 231
Haiku 3
Star Gazer Apr 2016
To Bailey Martin
Let the blue skies know your worth
You are wonderful.
Apr 2016 · 579
Haiku 2
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Hi I'm Bond, James Bond,
I hate having to despise
The work of these spies.
Apr 2016 · 266
Haiku 1
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The sun loved the moon
Hinted the moon of its sight
With a dying light.
Apr 2016 · 276
Star Gazer Apr 2016
'She is dead', they tell me
Whether it's 10:03 or 12:03
She is always alive to me.

Though her world ended,
She survived
Forever alive
In my memories.

Though she remains forever 17,
She's still alive with me at 11:13
She's still alive with me at 12:13
She's still alive and forever a teen,

with me.
Apr 2016 · 228
When The World Ended.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The skies, they fell to the Earth
The air, stopped all the births,
Birds dropped to the grounds,
And life laid with dead hounds.

Flames lit the very fuse of time
Where greed found a dime
But her eyes had finally met mine
And we will always be forever alive....

When the world ended
Apr 2016 · 325
Forever Sixteen
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I remember the taste of her lips
As my arms went around her waist
Never letting her go from my grips
As my eyes met her eyes with haste.

I remember the world vanished
Trees disappeared, nothing but a taste
Time stood still, all thoughts banished
engulfed in a salivated paste.

To the world, we were shattered pieces
Like new denims completely spoiled
By permanently indented creases
As gene traits and double helix coiled.

To the world, we were broken
But to us we created a beautiful scene
Stories continued but unspoken
Of being and remaining forever sixteen.
Apr 2016 · 166
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I retrace my steps
Pacing back and forth
Twice over and over
Clenching my palms together
Holding in breaths of air
Exhaling as I take another step
I start questioning myself,
'Surely you're going crazy?'
I exchange common courtesy
With my own self
'Yes you surely are sir',
Breathe in, breathe out
Inhale, exhale,
Looking into a mirror
That hangs above a vase
Filled with decorative roses
'You look good?'
Questioning myself again
'Oh yes you do, sir' speaking
to my own voice once again.
'Do you deserve to date her?'
Interrogating my own mind
'I don't know , sir'.

The door opens,
'This is the moment
You've been waiting for
This is the moment
That the course of your life
changes', I tell myself.
She walks through the door
Her pretty eyes that she claims
is 'an optical sight and
nothing more'
Oh but I knew it was more
It was her soul
Completely and so utterly

Her beautiful eyes meet
my ordinary dull eyes.
~First Date
Apr 2016 · 571
Writers Block
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The demons run rampant
Yet no screams pour onto page
Voices slowly dampen
While whispers whistle rage.

Fiends chase the silence
Held hands with beasts
Caged thoughts with violence
Till words become decease.

A thousand thoughts run through my mind
The ink is full but the page remains empty
What I seek for I shall not ever find
And silence forever remains hefty.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I sat there looked into the skies
Thinking of slices of pies
As I texted my lies.

I lied to you about the drop bears
No talons, muscle toned body or steel hairs,
I'm sorry I lied to you but here's me bare.

I bare to you now, the truth in entirety
You're probably thinking '*** he lied to me-
This isn't how I thought this guy to be!'

Here's another truth, I don't just like you,
I really really really really really like you,
In a way that the sky is blue, I just do.

Third truth, I said I think you're pretty
I am not confessing now so you'd show me pity
But you're extremely beautiful, way beyond pretty.

Fourth truth, I told you I didn't want to bother you
The fact remains, that is only somewhat half true
Because when you are busy, I'm dying to text you.

Fifth truth, I said I didn't know how to appreciate art
I think I do, it's about viewing with the heart
And with my heart you are a masterpiece work of art.

Sixth truth, I was at a party and I told you I just sat there
That's a lie because I indeed did something, I was grasping for air
As I resist the urge to text you 'Hey there :)'.

Seventh truth, I told you that you made me happy
That my mood shifted from crabby,
That's a lie because you made me ECSTATIC, not happy,

Now I have bared you my soul
I have told you the truth in whole
Hope you can forgive me, for this...
~I told you a few lies. I don't want to tell you these lies anymore. So the above is my confession to you. All the above is my true thoughts....I'm sorry
Apr 2016 · 178
[Something - Unfinished]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You're just too great
You're just too great sometimes
And I'm sure I'll let the whole world know
When you smile back
I know I'm smiling back sometimes
Underneath the shine of all the bright stars.

I don't know if this is the right path
But I'm treasuring all these moments
Where I'm holding onto your hands
Chasing our future plans
Only time will ever tell

So you can watch me
As I hide my smile
Hoping your heart
Will still be with me
Till we're sixty
I've still got sins to atone
But I won't be alone.

Your brightness is on par
With the other big stars
Apr 2016 · 221
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Memories like waves
Crashing against the calm shores
Dissipating into nothingness.

Memories like graffiti art
Surrounded by empty admiration
Fading into meaningless.

Memories like chalk
Erased by the creation's touch
Vanishing with the winds.

Memories of you and me
like white ink stains
On a white canvas.
Apr 2016 · 340
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She haunts the barren wastelands,
Her dishevelled clothes and cracking bones,
They say she's the results of sins unatoned,
But she is a spectre of her own plans.
He was born and bred amongst the sands,
A luxurious beach house that housed drones,
Expensive clothing, computers and phones,
He knew not of calloused hands.

She wasted away with every breath taken,
He kept a smile in his pocket, in his phone, on Instagram,
She kept a smile for when she heard the whistle of a tram,
He left nature and beauty around him forsaken.
He lived on the left side of town,
She lived on the right side of town.
Apr 2016 · 214
Star Gazer Apr 2016

I inhaled her scent
What once allured my soul
Slowly became a heavy dent
That will forever leave a hole.

I held onto her hands
What once gave me comfort
Slowly became broken plans
As I realise I was only getting hurt

I stared into her eyes
What once made me felt enchanted
Slowly became my demise
As I took my heart for granted.

Apr 2016 · 433
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She was a strong figure
Not a manly or womanly type
But emotionally strong.
She held a smile all along
While internalising the pain
That kept herself feeding
Her own anguish to the point
that she wasn't herself,
but she held her head up high,
and lived life without a single sigh,
facing troubles head on.

She was a strong figure
Or so I thought
As I awoke to find
Scribbled across the cold
Hard cement ground,
In chalk it read
"I'm done as promised,
I love you mum, dad
& Kevin".

News came much after,
And the fruits carried
From the growing tree
Were anything but laughter.
Half of the story is true. Half of it isn't.
Apr 2016 · 171
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Across the skies,it makes its way in haste
Leaping and floating from place to place
Did it come from outer space?
No one knows.
Large metallic exterior,
Is it steel, could it be made from steel?
is it DANGEROUS????
Voices echoing the same questions
all around,
Is it a plane ? Is it a bird? Is it a hot air balloon?

In the clouds , a bird, no it's a plane-
Wait...a missile?
Apr 2016 · 645
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Created armour that was bullet proof
Science created a pill that was bully proof
A little pill filled with happy magic
But when magic lay to waste
Pill-takers travel in haste
For the wondrous worlds filled with magic
Will collapse and crumble,
Tip over and tumble
For the bully's words will once again
As assured as ink within a pen
The bully's words will wreak havoc
And with no pill to make you feel numb
Words like 'Hey spastic'
Become shells that ricochet off the soul
Into a heart that is filled up with holes
To a point it crumbles
and as tragedy is tragic
collated poems collect dust
like iron sets with rust
the bully's words destroy worlds.

Created armour that was bullet proof
But there is no material
Nor kevlar in this world that is ever
strong enough to shield
from hate, from anger and from words.
For every bully victim within this world,
For every damage soul within this world,
For every hurting heart on Earth,
Just know the pain felt,
The damage dealt
Absorb into the very soul,
Shattering the existence
Despite attempt at resistance,
There is very little can be done,
Except believe that one day,
The heat from the burning sun
Gives comfort enough
To live on,
To breathe in,
To breathe out
And to see tomorrow.
Apr 2016 · 319
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Love is
Holding hands
On green pastures
As your feet
The blades of grass
Right to your heart.

Love is
Running on the sand
Towards the clear blue
That keep both your
As fluid as the waves.

Love is
Kisses in the morning
By endless smiles
The two stare into
Other's eyes.

You know what's good
About love?
Love is chaotic
Love is not cemented
Love is different
For each different people
Love will unite two
People who feel love
The same way.
Whether it'll be at
An art gallery
At an orchestra
At a concert
Or even in a house.

My love
Is someone who
Will skydive with me
Staring into my eyes
And as we land
They ask me
'You're ok right?',
And we kiss
As I interrupt
The kiss with a joke
(if I knew I'd get a kiss
I'd drop you from a plane
More often

Or some
Other method,
Just to see her smile)
So we both
Laugh while looking
At each other.
Then again
I haven't found my
True definition
Of love as yet,
It could be as simple
As writing a poem
Or reciting a poem
To each other
Or the simplistic
Idea of just giving
Feedback to a poem.
Love strikes like
A misdirected
For love is chaotic
But beautiful.
I love you.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I close my eyes for a minute,
In my mind I slowly revisit,
The memories of that house
And how I use to be in it
but we're coming to a finish
I'm saying, "I love you both",
And although I say it in English
To the both of you it's foreign,
Probably Spanish or Finnish.
I tell you 'I love you both',
Because you have both
Been part of my growth.
I tell you 'I love you',
even if I can't come around as much
My love hasn't wavered as such,
and when you two fight,
it feels like there's a tight clutch
As I grasp for air in my chest
When the bickering
Will lay to rest.

I love you both mum and dad,
I love you the way you have loved me,
And even if we come from
A different family tree,
Share different facts of biology,
I love you no different
As if you were my biological
and it's apparent,
that we share the same bond.
Apr 2016 · 191
Nice Is A Road.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I can't see another body in a coffin
Waste down and away to nothing
I can't let that rest on my conscience
The way my best friend's did.

She was definitely a blessed soul
But as time ticks to it's toll
She decided to let everything go
But she is not forever gone.

I can't let guilt from someone's daughter,
Someone's son, someone's brother
Someone's sister, someone's father
and someone's mother, rest on my soul.

So I beg of all you poets to extend a hand
To those whose life aren't so grand
Or who believe they are against god's plan,
Extend them a hand and help them.

Even if you're not trained, a simple "hello,
You are wonderful"
or "your poems are
, doesn't hurt anyone.
So please just be as nice as you can.

FOR ***** SAKES...
Apr 2016 · 796
The Good The Bad The Ugly
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Poets, we fall harder than others
We take blows that football players
Could never understand
Because we take internal damages,
We fight off emotional savages,
But we are different.

Different than what society created
Because we are the result
Of what we as poets choose to create
So would you cease and halt
At the thought of a dagger into your heart
Or would you turn it into a work of art?
Apr 2016 · 232
If The Sun Was To Vanish
Star Gazer Apr 2016
If the sun was to vanish
Amidst all the panic
As it takes it's last sunset
People crying over late regrets
Amidst all the panic...

If the sun was to vanish
And I was to die with it
I want to spend my last
Moments with you.
Watching me, and you
freeze alongside the world.

If the sun was to vanish
I would want to shield you
I would definitely build you
A house with my bare hands
Just to keep you alive...

But if the sun was to vanish
And I have no control nor power
I would want to hug you
one last time.
Apr 2016 · 308
A Pen
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Remember me, I gave you that pen?
I'm sorry.... What was your name again?
It's a name that's common so it's ok to forget
I guess an Eric, Peter or James is my best bet?
You know that pen? I bled my blood as ink
I took a carved bone as the tip, hence the pink
Wow, why didn't you keep it yourself then
Because I want you to feel me when you use that pen
That's rather disturbing, I think you need help
Oh well? Where am I suppose to find it, yelp?
No , a professional. Someone who's skilled enough
You don't get it do you, a pen is not just 'stuff'
I wanted to let you know that I would give my life
To see you write your thoughts without a strife
I want to be the sound of a pen against your paper
Or the beat of your heart that never tapers
I want you to know that I have loved you
And giving a part of me to you, seemed right to do*
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I held her hand as she wept salt seas
I stood in front to protect her from the bees
I let her break my heart into shattered pieces
I became her research project as she wrote her thesis
I allowed her to consume my every thought
I took the blame if she did wrong and got caught
But in all honesty, I must surely confess,
I treasured the world less and less
Saw beauty only in her
Even amidst the sight of wonders to occur
Because I just wanted her head on my chest
As she slowly lays to rest.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Stopped at a red light
The wait for it to turn green
Asking 'How long has it been?'
As stars guide the night.
Sudden blackout of all light
As dark as an Auschwitz scene
With monsters and fiends
And darkness sets in fright.

Your teeth glowed bright
There was light again
From a poet's pen
I found comfort at your sight.
You barricaded me in safety
And shone the light that saved me.
You should know who you are. You have made me smile a lot lately. I thank you.
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
Star Gazer Apr 2016
A is for how AMAZING you are.
B is for how BEAUTIFUL your soul is.
C is for CARING like your heart of solid gold that is caring
D is for DIRECT like how your honesty makes you direct.
E is for how ELOQUENT your words are.
F is for how FANTASTIC you make me feel.
G is for the GRAVITY that pulls me towards you.
H is for HAPPY as in how you made me so happy.
I is for INDESCRIBABLE.... I don't know what to write.
J is for JOYFUL, in other words how you make me feel.
K is for KIND, you are the most kind-hearted person in this universe,
L is for LIFT, what you do to my spirits everyday.
M is for MUSICAL, as in how your soul sings a song.
N is for NATURAL, for the way I can talk to you so naturally.
O is for OPEN like how you make me feel so open towards you.
P is for PASSION, the thing inside you when you talk about your interest.
Q is for QUARTZ, as in how your soul is a gem like mineral.
R is for RAD as in your personality is rad.
S is for SORRY sorry for this piece......
T is for THANK as in thank you for entering my life
U is for UMBRELLA, no real reason just couldn't find a U word
V is for VIOLIN, you make me unafraid to admit my music experience.
W is for WONDERFUL as in your personality is wonderful
X is for X-RAY like how I'm not afraid to show you my inner thoughts.
Y is for YOU , you are, beautiful, amazing and it all starts with YOU.
Z is for ZEBRA, you see colour when others see black and white.

The ALPHABET is to show you that 26 letters is never enough to describe just how amazing you really are. Sadly there are only 26 letters in the alphabet , if there were 200000 I'm sure they still would not be enough to describe you. So I will describe you in four words.

Apr 2016 · 223
Earth- Science Project
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Waiting with twitching fingers
As the judges come judging
Fear within his heart lingers
''What if they were misjudging?''

The critics were not amazed
As other kids looked at God
''Must have been how he was raised''
They said with a simple nod.

The critics' mouth forms a word
"C+ no better, no worse"
And what god had really heard
was "God you did not come first".

God added Adam and Eve
Just so the C+ was changed
And in his heart he believe
"C+ could sure be exchanged".

The critics came around again
God gestured "Look at the finest",
With a scribble of an inked pen,
C+ changed to a C-
Apr 2016 · 252
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Make me
In a way
The Joker
Be jealous

Words that

A blue
A heavy
Warm Sun

Apr 2016 · 391
Mind V Heart
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My heart screams at me
It's reverberating the words
'She's perfect', let her know
But my mind, my mind clouds
The words that come from
My heart.
My mind is telling me,
'If you do, there's no going back',
So I let my mind
Silence the thoughts that my heart
has created.
I let my mind
Silence the ***** that keeps me alive.
I ask myself daily now
'Will I ever be more than a struggle
Between heart vs mind? Will I ever
Be able to choose my heart like
A dog chooses to fetch a stick
Without any actual commands?'
If I were to let my heart choose,
It would say ' Go tell her you
really really think she's beautiful',
so I go and do that but what
I'm really trying to say is
'I don't think any part of me
Can enjoy life as much as it
Has without your company'.
Apr 2016 · 200
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You are only one person
But you have placed a smile
On the cracked edges of my lips
That have dried of laughter
Over the many days of angst.

You are only one person
But you have shown me beauty
Not only from your soul but
From my own soul that now seeks
A light which engulfs all darkness.

You are only one person
But you have done
What a million people
Couldn't have done.

You have made me appreciate
The morning sun
You have made me smile
At the midnight moon
You have made me live
Within the light
Rather than hide
Within the darkness.

You are only one person
But you have
Made all the difference
To this one person.
Apr 2016 · 293
Moon Light - Sun Light
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You are the sunshine that seeps through drawn curtains
A bright warm sensation that creates clarity of the uncertain
You make me smile in ways I never knew I could smile
And although we have only known each other awhile
You are a breeze of cold wind on a burning summers day
With each breath of word echoes an elimination of dismay
So to think I would be so lucky to have ever met you
And diverged from black and white to different hues.

I have never met anyone as amazing and as beautiful as you,
anyone as smart, as talented, as comforting and as kind as you.
~Dedicated to someone who recently entered into my life and has made me much happier.
Apr 2016 · 740
Bridge To Terabithia
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Love is like a bridge that connects
Two together towards a world
Where thoughts and sense of security
ran wild.

We create little worlds with each person
and with each person leaving
our little worlds vanish with them.
Apr 2016 · 335
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My regret
Is that I didn't ingest the pills for you
My regret
Is that I didn't lend my wrist to be cut
My regret
Is that I didn't suffer the insults instead
My regret
Is that I didn't bear the depression for you

But my greatest regret
Is not being there for you when you needed me.
Apr 2016 · 200
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Silent skies, seeping sunshine.
Birds chirping,butterflies fluttering.
No rain cloud nor storm in sight.
The serene sound of ambient traffic.

I finally am sure that this may,
I won't be feeling any dismay.
All thanks to you.
Apr 2016 · 581
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Claiming same *** relations
To be the pitfall of a nation
Cleansing complete souls
Causing shattering and holes
In the name of fictitious practise
Of a religion that asks us to act as
A dictated definition of normal.

A savage hypocrisy
Between finding love
And finding acceptance
With belief that
Same *** relations
Calls for some repentance.
We forced kids out of homes
Pushed adults to take their lives
Yet still claim we support
Their conquest for love.
Where kids held their heads in shame
As though they are ones to blame
For all the wrong turns the world gives
And all the insults they receive
cut deep into a part their flesh doesn't enter,
Into their hearts.

We tried to play god,
Generate a society of facade
And the resulting chaos,
Heartache and suffering
is merely a start.
So until same *** relations
Is fully accepted
We'd always be indebted
To those who walked
In silent shambles,
Indebted to those
Who became voiceless
Not from fear
But from tireless
Nights wide awake
Struggling between themselves.

We tried to play god,
But instead god played us.
We live to love, to learn , to grow, to age and to die.
We should be able to live how we want, to love who we want, to love how we want, to die with who we want .

~If you preach hate at the service those words aren't anointed
That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned
When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen
I might not be the same, but that's not important
No freedom 'til we're equal, **** right I support it~
                           -Macklemore (Same Love)
Apr 2016 · 217
Four Scars
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I have four scars on my face.

The first one from a little girl
Apparently snatching toys
Is the equivalent of stealing
Hearts to a five year old girl.

The second one from a *****,
A ***** was lodged into tissues
And while weeping, I
Stupidly used a tissue that left
A ***** size scar.

The third one from a party,
One where I thought it would be
Smart to play traffic police to
A fight between two teenagers,
Screaming 'stop and go' for turns
Of punches.

The fourth one is a scar
That started in my heart,
A permanent indentation,
A resultant from too many sad days,
That forced a frown to be my natural face.
The fourth scar is the scar
That made me lose my smile.
Apr 2016 · 397
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She stood in the shadows
The darkness consuming her image
With scars and scabs across her wrists
She shoulders the burdens of assault.

She stood amongst the shadows
Welcomes each and every inflicted pain
Contemplating how her breath is a burden
She holds herself stumbling to a fault.

She stood side by side with the shadows
Holding their hands as she crosses the roads
Keeping silent about their identities
As she cries and calls for help with her scars.

She held the hands of her shadows
As they lay an arm across her shoulders
The shadows reflected the images of relatives
The shadows became the mimic image of her uncles.
Apr 2016 · 251
I Don't Know If You Felt It
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I don't know if you felt it,
The way that my heart melted,
Like cheese on a summer surface
Just trying to find a purpose.

I don't know if you felt it,
The way our bonds just belted,
Restraining our two souls together
Wondering if it is for the better.

I don't know if you felt it
Like an ore and a rock smelted
We succumbed and fell apart
Now there's a break in my heart.

I don't know if you felt it
The way that my heart melted
Like cheese on a summer surface
Struggling to find any purpose.

**I don't know if you felt it.
Apr 2016 · 289
Time Heals All Wounds
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Sands passes through hourglasses
Where every grain of counting sand
Casts away the ache that passes
Onto a different body, a foreign land.

Each grain of sand running through the hourglass
Pieces of a heart shattered shall surely pass
As each grain of sand is a band aid
Covering wounds in a slow embracing cascade.
Apr 2016 · 194
Your Eyes
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I gazed into your eyes,
And I want to bare my soul,
Without the coating of lies,
Bare it in its entirety, whole.

I gazed into your eyes and I realised,
That they are what dreams are made of.
Apr 2016 · 270
Superficial Artificial
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Creating a surface
For a new purpose
As they cut,tuck, snip
and continuously clip
on their body.

Touch on makeup
That you're fake enough
To finally become
a shine in the sun
that is considered hot.

Create a creature
that contains features
of more plastic
as well as more tragic
and less unique.

A facade
that becomes so hard
to ever let go.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You know you're a poet
When you have walked the tightropes
Of being placed into a confined label
And still look up to a brighter sky of hope.

You know you're a poet
When you hear echoes of voices
That resonate within your mind
From all the mistakes and bad choices.

You know you're a poet
When you can see shades of colour
Within a black and white film
And see value beyond the dollar.

You know you're a poet
When the winter comes you cheer
For all the new found imagery
Like the sight of snow that is white clear.

You know you're a poet
When spring has arrived
You think of a spring in a step
and how a pen-spring is alive.

You know you're a poet
When heartbreak is motivation
For a chance to write sullen words
And heart ache becomes a wonderful creation.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Why are you lying there? Get out of the road!
You're a metal that won't ever corrode,
Why are you just lying there? GET THE **** UP.
There comes a time when ENOUGH IS ******* ENOUGH.
Stop lying there, a car will ******* crush you,
Apr 2016 · 232
Star Gazer Apr 2016
... And so I said 'I love you'
As you lay the same words
And so I wonder if it's true
As you lay the same words
Whether your 'I love you'
Means anything to you
As it means to me.
Apr 2016 · 406
He Posts A Poem
Star Gazer Apr 2016
He posts a poem
He sits and waits
Hoping people can relate
To the words on his pad.

He posts a poem
He keeps eyeing for comments
Hoping for critics and commends
To show his words have value.

He posts a poem
Finally peace
With his internal demons,
He posts a poem
To silence the torment
His words completely absorbent,
Killing each demon within him.
He posts a poem
To extinguish the flame
That is to blame
For all his sadness and despair.
He posts a poem
Not for anyone else,
But for himself,
A seemingly innocent task
But an internal cry for help.

Once again
As he posts this poem.
Apr 2016 · 322
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Sitting on stairways
Listening to the air waves,
He sits on the stairways
As he stares away
Into the furthest constellations.

He questions divine creations,
'Did God make the stars,
Or was it always ours?
Do the specks of light
That lit up holes into the night
To assemble shapes of kite
Just to build a bit of beauty
Dream a drab of duty
Into our world?'

With stars,
Comes people to admire them,
Who aspire to them,
And we are left thinking,
As we sit with a sinking-
feeling while sitting on stairways
Sitting on stairways
as we stare away
into the night skies
loving the night light.
Apr 2016 · 576
Hell [Haiku]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Hell is the sadness
Of losing a best friend and
becoming alone.
Apr 2016 · 251
The Painter
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Brushstrokes upon the canvas
Drew herself in middle Kansas
Still wearing the bright red shoes
That sparkled like it was new.

Paint dries upon the coloured canvas
She felt like she needed more practice
As each paint spot smeared and smudged
But the brush held won't bend or budge.

The artist didn't change her imperfections
But described that each succession
Of brushstrokes that was made wrong
Was just the planned portrayal all along.

She says 'You see, people, we aren't perfect,
We may touch up with makeup on the surface,
But none of us is in anyway completely flawless,
So chaos,mess,destruction whatever you call this-

Just know it's a reflection of how humanity really is,
There's an edge, a curve, a bend,a bulge, a twist
And it is these mistakes that make us exists
As humans'.

She said as she took upon a new canvas
And freely painted her soul amongst the whiteness
And even though it might have been interpreted
As darkness or a dark-mess, to her it was her soul.
Apr 2016 · 290
War On Society
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I've heard of men
Dying at war
Answering nations call
Or coming back
With a burden
Known as PTSD.

I've heard of hearts
Bursting from hatred
Flames igniting monks
To defend what is sacred
I've heard of hearts
Healing from love
And flames burning
For progression of
A society.

I've heard of people dying
At a battlezone whilst
Watching the alive
Die with them,
All suffering the same fate
Yet I'd never imagined
That racism somehow survived
Kept breathing and alive
By bigots who have no better cause
To fight for.
Racism somehow survived
By the flames that burnt
Destruction upon society
Rather than progression,
Racism somehow survived
As though bigots
Lacked the knowledge of sobriety,
Left their brain intoxicated
From all the colors they hated
Till they became rotten.
How the **** did racism survive,
When we couldn't even bring our soldiers home alive?
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