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Apr 2016 · 372
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Six years ago, when I was fourteen
And the world was seeing twenty-ten
I met my crush's best friend, also fourteen
But we went separate ways and left it at back then.

We met over Windows Live messenger,
For the younger kids, that was a chat platform
Somewhat of a dinosaur metaphor
And made imaginations of kid's grow warm.

We had a somewhat mutual attraction
Bonded over nothing in common but differences
After a month I asked her out , positive reaction,
So we went to see a movie, following her preferences.

After the movie was done and over,
I told her 'that movie was god awful'
And she says 'I know, I'm not a stoner'
I asked questions, denying my mind to boggle.

'Why did you want to watch it then?'
She replied ' I want to see if you'd stick it out,
And your honesty is an honest ten,
So I'm not really having any doubts'.

I ghosted her, disappeared from all contact
She grew concern but I reassured her I was fine
Then it was in these set of words exact
'I don't think I can be dating a girl I met online'.

Six years later, A few days ago to be precise
As I was waiting the arrival of a train
I noticed a girl, I had to check twice,
Her face was forever indented in my brain.

There she was, 'Tina?' I call out,
She turns around, took a few seconds to think
And without even a shred of doubt
She replied, 'Kevin?', and everything felt in sync.

It's been six years, we have had our changes
But though time was against us, we remembered
As new books get written, new printed pages,
There existed a mark that never burnt in the ember.

'I was meaning to call you', she says politely
'How you don't have my number?'
'Then here', passing me the phone she held tightly
And a smile I did encumber.

Six years, different places, different looks
And yet we ran into one another once again
So although there may be new pages in the books
A story can be written as long as there's a pen.

No matter how many years it has been
She hasn't forgotten my name, nor me
And it will always be stuck in Twenty-sixteen
When I once again met Tee.
~When I first met Tee all over again~
Apr 2016 · 360
Lonely Sun
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You have a little starlight left in you
An undying flicker of burning flame
And the canvas is left to feel quite blue
Yet you keep your head up high all the same.

When you go to slumber, your friends arrive
With their cheers, their happiness and their joy
Yet through dark clouds and blue skies you survive
And brought bright light for others to enjoy.

The sun, that sits like an inmate in bars
Selflessly carried on spreading brightness
And couldn't ever join the other stars
Yet never did the light dim the slightest.
Apr 2016 · 510
The Sky [Collaboration]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The sky feels so blue
It cries for my hands to hold
But I can't reach it.

Clouds can't cover up
The damage humans have done
Sobs water down; droplets
Lets create a little story with haiku - write a haiku in the comments and i will add it along....[.Group collaboration ]

-Poetria for helping with this collaboration
-Hoping more people add in a few more haikus...
Apr 2016 · 758
Helios Sends His Message
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You see, the sky was made blue
Crafted and moulded by the hands of zeus
When he had heard of the devastating news
That people considered him a fiend
He questions ' so yeah I'm a little mean,
But mean is the new cool isn't it?'
Unaware of the implications of being mean,
He was despised from all that is green,
To all that roamed on the grass of green.
He repeats 'so I threw Hephaestus down
a mountain, it wasn't that wrong',
Justifying his villainous acts.
The sky was painted blue,
by the brutal heart that bled
the same hue as sadness.

You see, now Helios he was different,
He was the kind with a kind interest,
Fought for light and repelled darkness,
Because he knew that darkness
Would only stain the sky
More so than it already has been stained.
He says 'There's a light lit for everyone,
A world to share what have been won
For spoils are not meant to feed greed
but to show that even though things get hard
you will always undoubtedly succeed'.

He tells all the people
that 'they are beautiful',
'They are amazing',
and for those who could not see it,
he shone a light,
just so they could see their reflections
In their mirror.
He says 'you are all beautiful
And handsome,
So if I find you dancing,
Please wear a smile,
Because a smile,
Is one of humans brightest form
Of appreciation of the light
I wish you see inside yourselves'.
{So to Bailey}- you are beautiful.
{So to Eriko}- you are beautiful
{So to SPT} - you are beautiful
{So to Lorie} - you are beautiful.
{So to Nameless} - You are handsome
{So to Miss Iverson}- you are beautiful
{So to Carol} - you are beautiful
{So to princess} - you are beautiful
{So to all} - you are all beautiful & handsome.

Words from Helios,
Apr 2016 · 255
Winter's Rose
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Roses adorned by its precious petals
Held still by the soil and stems
Where winter's snow slowly settles
And snowflakes fall like shards of gems.
Clustered clouds rain overhead
I fall to a fault merely at your sight
And the day that I'll be dead
Is the day that I no longer hold you tight.

The white rain that polishes and feeds the rose
Now pours to form a new seed
And though I suppose
That these words will bleed.
Bleed the love I held in my heart
The love that spawns a rose in the frozen
And though we might fall apart
You are the one I have always chosen
Apr 2016 · 346
A Closed Chapter
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I couldn't bear to see you write poems
About someone I could never be
So I stopped reading
And a number of days later,
I found myself closure.
I looked at myself closer

Felt prouder
~That's when I found the greatest friend anyone can ask for~
Apr 2016 · 182
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Mixed paint
Too faint

I try and try, to no success
Except the only regret
That I didn't save
Enough colours
To paint your beauty
On a Canvas.

You remind me of something
Something unforgettable
A summers day
Spent in dazed
Over the winter sights
that sat in Summer
and skipped right over
any other seasons.
You are the reason,
I can see birds moving
From branch to branch
With flapping wings,
Where every part of nature
Beautiful as you.

It is like seeing the trees
After getting a new pair of glasses
The clarity between the different hues
Is all so wonderful.
I can finally hear my own smile
I can finally see my own laughter...
I can finally taste the taste of a million
colours of paint
That remains flourished
By the simple fact
That no matter what it is,
As long as I'm attempting to paint you
It will always be beautiful.
Apr 2016 · 246
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Those rodents that scurry along the house
Tell them I envy them.
I've been asphyxiated by the confines
Placed upon me.
Tell those furry creatures of the night
That I envy their freedom.
I've been fixated on escaping
Yet I ask myself 'how?-
How do you escape what you've-
known all your life?'
Tell those disgusting rodents
That I envy their existence.
So shall I lay upon the back
Of my breathing corpse
Tell my mother
'I have had enough
Of living a life
Much more rigid
And degrading
Than that of a
Apr 2016 · 190
How Are You?
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The words I relay over and over again
I'm ok, said with a smile or a grin
I wonder how ok I really am?

**I'm ok
Apr 2016 · 195
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I want to be the next toy that you break
The one you toss around at your own will
The thing that you reduce to complete ache
Or the one that you freeze to a stand still.

I want to be yours.
Apr 2016 · 214
Diary Entry 14
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I hear tunes in my head,
It plays to the tunes of Beethoven,
Then slowly ceases to silence.
I hear tunes in my head,
An imagination of what your voice
Sounds like to me.
If I were to choose between the two,
I would always choose the latter
Because I can dive into my imagination
And because nothing can move my heart
Than the sound of symphonies
Orchestrated to sync with the beat of my heart.
I hear tunes in my heart,
The brass that is your breath,
The stringed instruments that ties my heart,
Percussions that matches the beating,
Of my once silent heart.
~Not dedicated to anyone.
Apr 2016 · 214
Diary Entry 13
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I woke up today. Although the sun wasn't shining, the sky wasn't blue, the bed didn't feel right but I knew if I took a step into today, everything will feel right. I asked myself ' what if today isn't the right one? What if tomorrow's the right one?' then I just keep going because one of these days I would surely have my 'perfect day' once again. I long ago, knew I could never have a perfect day, but I have came close. I came close once. I came close once again yesterday. It's all a build up of expectations, I stopped hoping for a perfect day and slowly made each day perfect.
Apr 2016 · 210
Diary Entry - 12
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I have been there, I don't know whether I'm still there. That dreadful wake where you open your eyes and feel like complete and utter ****. It's a cliche to say mornings like that won't bother so much, fact they bother you more and more but you get along with it. A knife stab across your hand, two hundred times, it'll still bother you that you're bleeding, that you're hurting but if you must get cut might as well wear a smile going with it. I have been to places in my life where tears lubricate my eyes from the complete arid atmosphere, where everything leaves you breathless. I tell you, truly, that those mornings come and go, that every time you look into the mirror you feel a little prouder. I ******* didn't, but I'm sure someone somewhere feels a little prouder every morning, and I applaud these people. I admit, there's moments when you feel like it's a meteor crashing down on your self and everyone around you, the hope you have for love seems like an illusion bestowed upon your worst enemies like a hot cheerleader and an ugly guy prank. It seems all rather too fleeting at times, you could **** yourself but that takes effort and I myself am not one for putting effort into anything. I have known times where I put effort into things, it's all been a calamity one after the other. Yet I held a smile so I welcome all of you to hold a smile as well. You all look beautiful, you all are beautiful, you all look handsome, you all are handsome. Keep living because only by not living will you ever truly be dead.
Apr 2016 · 222
Star Gazer Apr 2016
He looks directly into her sullen eyes
'If you don't take your medication
You will without a doubt die'.
She replies damning god's creation
'I don't care if I cease to exist tomorrow
I have done all I have done,
Should you be blessed to live my sorrow
Know that you have had your fun'.

He wrote a letter wishing she was in his arms
'I'm sorry that I couldn't be better
I'm sorry I couldn't keep you from harm
I just wish that this remaining letter
Will slightly help with your depression,
Know that if you need to hurt someone
I can be the punching bag to relieve your aggression
And although I'm not there, I'm never gone.
Should I meet my doom or other words die
Know that you were forever on my mind '
Apr 2016 · 196
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I walked past her.
I waved.
She waved.
I smiled.
She smiled.
We went on our ways
forever unknown
to one another until
one fateful day in the future.
Apr 2016 · 216
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I remember the days when I called you angel
We kept our hearts hidden playing house
But we were truly strangers to one another.
I remember the days when I called you darling
And kept running back to your side
Like I was caught between revolving doors.
I remember the days when I called you my love
Without knowing the true definition of love
Like I had been illiterate my whole life.
I remember the days when I told you I loved you
Without knowing the extent of what 3 words could do
Like a prophet sitting on a million tales.
I remember the days when I saw your face
I wept, I smiled and I laughed on the inside of myself
Where a knife could never ever penetrate.
I remember the days when I cheered upon your success
Where your joy meant my happiness
Only to realise I placed you on a pedestal.
I remember many things, but I can't seem to remember you,
I can't remember the memories,
They say when you part ways with another,
The memories become experiential,
That they either become coated and distorted
In bitterness or sweetness,
That they become coated in beauty,
But I don't remember the memories,
I don't remember you.
Apr 2016 · 472
Ode To Bailey
Star Gazer Apr 2016
To dearest Bailey.
We're worlds apart
But upon meeting
A kind and nice soul
Coated in pure wisdom
A heart that leaked care
As your own,
I'll remember
Twenty sixteen quite

Though days go by
And so fell the sky
It'll always be
Twenty sixteen
When I found
You for the
First time.
Apr 2016 · 212
Happy Coating
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She did happy people things
Despite all the sadness surrounding
She did happy people things
Despite all the madness surrounding
A smile, a giggle, a laugh
She did all happy people things
Wrote poems about chocolate pies
Wrote poems about blue skies
Wrote poems about muscled guys
She silenced her cries
So I heard no cries
And she left without goodbyes
As she leapt to her demise.
The way a girl gets her hair dyed
She also ...
Apr 2016 · 302
I was once.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I was like you once
Held a frown
That stretched further
And further beyond
The reaches of hell.
I was like you once
Saw darkened spots
Within the sun
And treasured
The shade beyond
The radiant beams.
I was like you once
Saw shattered dreams
And complimented
Their perfect
Resemblance to
The dreams of those
Who actually gave
A ****.
I was like you once
Dying from the inside.

I am not like you now
For an artist had
Painted colours into
my life,
An artist has painted
Beauty and scenery,
An artist has challenged
My mindset,
To break away from heart
Aches and breaks,
To allow me to see
That after every storm
After every droplet
Of water from the sky,
Is a rainbow.
An artist who made
My frown
Turn to a straight
Then to a smile.
Apr 2016 · 151
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Before I met you
I died every night
But with you by my side
I die every morning
Because I would rather
Die with a sunrise
And your company
Forever immortalised
In the fabric of my
~No I am not dying. I didn't really know what I was trying to write.
Apr 2016 · 315
An Ode To The Artist
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I don't know whether you know it
But dear great artist and poet
You have made me smiled in ways
That leaves me in definite daze
Not for the minutes we talked
But rather for countless days.
I could tell you that your eyes
They are like the calming oceans
So serene yet so filled with emotions
That they seemed to be so pretty
on you, but that's just because
everything about you screams
pretty and beautiful.

'Just another girl' you tell me
But you are beyond breathtakingly
not only for your looks
but for the unobservable,
your kindness, your raw artistic talent,
your chaos amidst all balance,
it's all simply summed into one word
One of my life's greatest pleasure
Was meeting you and knowing
That you will let me wear the title
of being 'your friend'.
Apr 2016 · 164
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You see, the birds
They fly
Soar the skies
And get taken away
By the winds
Carrying their
Weightless bodies.

You see, the humans
They walk
Roam the Earth
Forever cursed.

You see , the humans
They dream
Dream of a world
Where the free, rise,
The small conquers
And the impossible
becomes possible.

Apr 2016 · 384
Star Gazer Apr 2016
If only you'd see yourself
Through my optic vision
You'd make the decision
To never talk to me.

In my eyes of pure truth
That conceals no lies,
You're as beautiful as the sky
Kept hidden by the world.

You are a rose amongst grass
With scented petals of talent
With nary a thought of malice
You are a red rose amongst hedges.

From the bottom of my heart's eyes
You are an angel descended from the skies.
Apr 2016 · 233
Lovers Lane ; 2016
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Here the two eyes did fatefully collide
Though dwelled two souls they were one
And though she was not formally his bride
The battles only began; yet the war has been won.
But still arises new heights to the skies
Though he lost his life a myriad of years past
With warm and calculated lies
She convinced herself his breath was not the last

A million well threaded conspiracies
Yet no sunshine after a storm
And it always appears to be
There's a lingering undying warmth,
That no matter how many years it's been
for her it's ; forever twenty-sixteen
Apr 2016 · 328
Star Gazer Apr 2016
He left that night
Thinking everything will be alright
Caught by a horrid surprise
As he came home to a cheating wife.

He slept on the couch that night
While lovers laid in their bed, twice,
As he lined the couch with tears
And heard the two ******* cheers.

'Keep it down or he'll hear us'
Said the woman with a hand on her bust
'No he's got his eyes closed, let him rest'
Said the man fondling the woman's breast.

He left that night
Thinking everything will be alright
As he came home to a cheating wife
And took his own life.
Apr 2016 · 291
Past Deeds
Star Gazer Apr 2016
If you love me, do not read my poems
For when you have finished reading,
You will no longer love me.
Apr 2016 · 255
Star Gazer Apr 2016
And so he stood with his backs against the stars
Finally abandoning his lust for a bright light
He looks up to the skies
And there lies the brightest star he's ever witnessed
And once again he has fallen in love with the stars.
Temptation and addiction
What a cruel affliction.
Apr 2016 · 250
One Last Time
Star Gazer Apr 2016
High School sweethearts
Yet remained friends
Both torn apart
When high school ends.

Should call for true
Yet days felt blue.

She chose her hearts
Gave him permit
******* starts
Though soon to split.

Her eyes gave tears
He stopped with fear.

Silencing cries
'Keep going friend'
With rolling eyes
'We came to end'

Mumbles once more
'This the last time'
He left her doors
As A past time.
~Reddit Inspired Tale
About how a girl had *** with her ex boyfriend one last time when they graduated from high school. In tears she mutters ' keep going, this will be the last time'.
Apr 2016 · 269
Star Gazer Apr 2016
This distance meant nothing to me
Until I wished I was closer to you
Then this distance became unbearable
Yet this distance meant nothing to me.
Apr 2016 · 248
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I called you my angel
Without knowing you're lucifer
And with your lust for her
I'm left here wondering
Why I ever loved you in the
first place.

It wasn't your boyish charms
It wasn't your perfect white teeth
They weren't that great,
Nor was it your chiseled body,
And it wasn't the fact that
Most of the time I saw your smiles
they were in my direction
I'm certain it wasn't your hair
The way they stand up so naturally
And I can reassure you it wasn't
The kind heart you had shown me
Nor the care and understanding
You placed upon me.
It wasn't the way you called me
Darling or honey
And made me feel precious
It wasn't the time you told
Your friends 'she's mine'.
It wasn't any of those things.
It wasn't you.
Apr 2016 · 258
Take Me Away
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Take me away
To a place
Where morose faces
Take me away
To a day
Where rainbows collide
Needing not to hide
From all the things inside.
Take me away
With your breath
Let me know death
As I do the tango
Yet still continue to grow.
Take me away
To where you stay
I just want to hear
Your heartbeat.
Apr 2016 · 216
Haiku 7
Star Gazer Apr 2016
My days, I conquer
With the support of *****,
Just trying to live.
Apr 2016 · 749
Star Gazer Apr 2016
'Quit while you're still ahead
Or one day you'll end up dead'
And I pushed the limits
Till I was content with infinite
And I woke up the next morning
To the sound of people mourning
That 'quitting' had died yesterday.
Apr 2016 · 295
Love Nor Life
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Heartbreaks and heartaches
yet I know not of love nor life
a thousand garnered mistakes
constructed a road right to you.

Million echoes of your soul
Blind to mine heart and eyes
Like an inanimate doll
Mine ears heard of beats.

I know not of life nor love
Though I were to guess
Blessed by an eternal dove
Mine cries and yours fade.
Apr 2016 · 285
Eternal Truth
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Life is written in chapters
and meeting you, my love,
is the prologue, for my life
has only begun, when I
finally met you.
Apr 2016 · 272
Lost Words
Star Gazer Apr 2016
He claimed to be a poet
Though his words
Could never show it
Because he'd never known
What words to describe
The most beautiful
Artist he'd ever known.

He claimed to be proficient
With usage of words
Yet he could never find
The exact words that came
To mind
When he wanted to write
About the talented artist.

He suggested to a thousand
That his word
With every thought
But yet he saw no change
In his words
When he wrote about
The smartest girl
He'd ever known.

He tried to tie
The threads of his mind
The knots within his soul
Over what words to use
To form a string of words
Befitting someone
As amazing as her.
Yet, none came to mind,
None did occur
Over what words
Described her
Except; indescribable.
Dedicated to the special poet/artist.
Apr 2016 · 198
Star Gazer Apr 2016
This is a story about a sun
He had no friends, none
He'd seen his rays run
And the damage it's done
So he leapt the skies
Till he left the skies
With rented disguise
And lives to hide
As the night.
Star Gazer Apr 2016
She was a lonely soul
Sat alone, alienated,
Although beautiful
It was a trait she hated.

He was a lonely one
Sat alone, up high
Although radiant
He was alone in the sky.

So one fateful day
Noticed her stained cheeks
He wondered
'Why her eyes did leak?'

He cuddled her with his warmth
Kept her in the embrace of his rays
Comforted her with a ray of sunshine
Just so she could finally see better days.

He loved her from a distance
Her sullen eyes began to sparkle a glow
A smile formed on her face
So from afar, he felt happiness grow.

With his shine, she appreciated her beauty
Kept her smile for others and herself
Finally found the repelling sight in mirror
To beautiful beyond all else

The Sun fell in love with a human
Hurried the nights just to see her
That was when daylight savings
Had finally started to occur.
Apr 2016 · 374
Sunrise Meets Stars
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Oh how I adore your light
And though I wear the pseudonym
Of Star Gazer
I tell you
Nothing compares
To the cheers and warmth
Of when a sun rises
To express the coming
Of a bright new day.

Bright orange orb
Exude rays of comfort
Drive away oceans of sadness
And all that has hurt.

A thousand smiles lit
The very light
Of tomorrow's night's
Apr 2016 · 524
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Yesterday wasn't like all my other yesterdays.
Yesterday I decided against my tired self.
Yesterday I found comfort in a rope tied to a beam.
Yesterday I saw warmth in being breathless.
Yesterday I discovered reasons against today.
Yesterday I found myself writing my last words.
Yesterday I found myself a variation of Bach's final words.
Yesterday I wrote 'don't cry for me when you find me-
For I have gone where beauty in poetry was birthed'
Today I found myself a yesterday.
Tomorrow I would have found myself a new yesterday,
But today I have found that I was relieved.
~Optimism Poem~
Apr 2016 · 443
She Asked For The Stars
Star Gazer Apr 2016
So I gave her a constellation.
She asked for the moon.
So I gave her every moon in space.
She asked for the clouds.
So I gave her the skies.
She asked for her freedom.
So I gave her goodbye.
She asked for my heart
So I gave it to her with my hands.
She asked for a better me.
So I gave her my life
In hopes that God creates a better me.
Apr 2016 · 242
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Nestled in the comfort of my own home
I looked to the streets that lay beneath
Witnessed gaps in smiles and holes in teeth
I looked from four floors up feeling like the king of Rome
I looked down upon them as I ran through my perfect hair, a comb.
I have hidden away like a blade inside a sheath,
For foul creatures and poverty stricken lay underneath
And the same roads with them, I will not be forced to roam.

Praise the strength of the less fortunate they said,
Praise what? The pathetic poor peasants?
If I could, I'd have them strung limb to limb like pheasants
And remember my last request shall I be on my deathbed
Let no man who is poorer than I, be within my peripheral sight
For I know that they have not deserved the right.
Apr 2016 · 139
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Happy 4/20 - No I don't smoke.
Just wanted to wish those who do
Enjoy their day :)
Apr 2016 · 276
Star Gazer Apr 2016
They say you learn plenty
When you finally hit twenty
That everything changes
You connect with strangers
Abandon crazy dreams
Let go of balancing beams
To pursue proper prospects
Against all child you expects.

No matter how many years it's been
You will never once again be a teen.
Apr 2016 · 220
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Darkness became her colour and light
As she set her sights on stars
Without realising she was one herself.

She was the brightest celestial body
To ever shone lights on Earth.
Apr 2016 · 259
Empty No More
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Crescent sillhouette beaming
Upon the darkened canvas
Street lights laid over beauty
And the vast sky remains.

No stars lit up the night
No illumination in sight
Till I looked upon your face
For you are the brightest star.
Apr 2016 · 293
Alive [10W]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
If I see not tomorrow
Know that I lived today.
Apr 2016 · 227
Leave Me
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Leave me no air, nor food, nor water
Leave me only a smile
The pearly mountains of hearts desire
That never rains nor ever storms.

Leave me no lungs, nor fingers, nor legs
Leave me only my sight
So I can gaze upon your beauty
For my heart has become blind.

Leave me in chains, while rotting, and dying
But leave me with my memories
And I would gladly fall upon my knees
To meet my makers in another light.

Leave me to waste away and die
As long as you do not leave my side
And let my concluding moment
Be to gaze upon your beauty, one last time.
Apr 2016 · 1.7k
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I'm sitting here listening to a song
Wondering how I was so wrong
I used to think the days were long
But with days comes longer nights
It's hard to determine wrong or right
The way my face lit up from fright
As I knew I'd have to spend it alone
Thinking I'll be fine, I have grown
But a house is never ever a home
When I have to spend it isolated
And I hear echoes of words
Words that may remain unstated
As I get into a slight altercation
With my own mind, debated
Whether I should feel happy
Whether I should feel crabby
Whether this world was a big cage
Or that Earth was rather a grand stage
These purple walls feel black and white
And although the stars lit up the night
I'm left with the thought of how
Every star will eventually burn
Stabbing thoughts at every turn
As I start to think about all the encounters
All the people I have met
All the people I have yet to meet
And whether we were parallel lines
That were never meant to meet
Or we were somewhere in an
Almost asymptotic situation.

I had hoped my lives was not TanX
As I think on how my mind's been vex
Distorted , contorted to a fault.

I'm randomly thinking, over thinking
Just wondering whether I should be fine
Or draw upon another line
That separated the nights and the days
Where I was no longer dazed
By the fact that I have no real words to speak
And if I did, I would not know where to seek
As I keep my mindset on a ranting style
Letting it run wild
With thoughts of whether I should show concern
Over people of my past
As though the relapse of a friendship is evident
But it's not like lives became relevant
We kept thoughts to ourselves
Racking brains to sizes of elephants.
I ask myself,
Over and over again
No, I beg myself
Please pick up the pen
Just write your thoughts
Show the world your inner den
And then
I'm caught between writing useless words
That go unread or unheard
Fleeting like the migration of a bird
Just in and out of no real value
But I touched on many personal topics
And in a rather ectopic
Way this has become my personal diary.

I want to tell a story
It is about a star in the night sky
Well you see, this star
She was a bright one
She kept her light on
Just to guide the world home
And in her own life
She made those who felt alone
Felt appreciated, felt loved
She stole many hearts
Broke many hearts
And indeed broken as is
She knew how to fixed hearts
Sewed them up with threads
From the very veins that ran
Through her own heart.
Well you see one big problem
This bright lustrous star
Met a floating comet
This comet, you see
He wasn't a nice one
He wanted lights, gone
And kept his heart imprisoned
Inside a ribcage that
Resembled the cages
Within a hidden cave.
She, the bright light of a star
Was drawn to him,
Couldn't get near him,
Yet couldn't get far from him,
And so she knew of a solution
She let her lights dim,
Just so she could see him,
Just so she could hold him,
And with her fading lights
She left one night
Set up on a different life
When she knew nothing
Nothing could ever be right.
He, the comet felt stupid
Because although they floated
High above in space,
There was this asteroid
Named cupid
who tied their hearts together
And so he cried on and on
He cried till the tears were gone.

Light years pass by
He, the stupid comet
Met another star
That shined brighter than he
Have ever seen in a long time
Except he could only admire
He could only admire her from
A distance
In attempt at persistence
He realised her shine was warm
Her shine was comforting
Her shined stopped the hurting
Her shine lit through the curtains
Although she was different
Different to the old star
Yet the comet tried and tried
Wondering whether the part
Of him, that usually crashes
The Earth have died
Or whether he was just tired.
This comet had many uncertainties
But one thing was certain
He had not deserved her warmth
So he believed the Big Bang
Had made the comet and the star
Light years apart for a reason
And although the comet
Admired the beauty of the star
The kindness shown by the star
The care shown by the star
The warmth of the star
He knew maybe his life
As a comet was to only
Get along with a comet
And so with a conflicted mind
The comet found himself
A solution, the one thing
He had ever done right,
That was to bring the night
So that the star would
Always be around.
In the end of the story
Whatever the comet chose
Whatever the comet did
He knew within his mind
That no matter what
He would have made
A new marvellous friend.

The comet's light
  ... died...
within this last
  . ..line...
Apr 2016 · 205
Haiku 6
Star Gazer Apr 2016
To miss Iverson
You sure write lovely haikus
Care to teach me please?
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