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May 2016 · 206
Him [Haiku x 5]
Star Gazer May 2016
I avert his gaze
his hand sliding up my thighs
as my voice muffles.

I let out a scream
silence is all I could hear
as I see his eyes.

His eyes pierce my soul
tainting that one part of me
that felt always clean.

I took a shower
I took a hundred showers
but it still lingered.

It will be ten years
it will be twenty full years
but I felt empty.
May 2016 · 297
Brother's Advice To Me
Star Gazer May 2016
'Don't chase girls. Chase a career. Chase enough money and girls will come. Don't dwell on heartbreak, work yourself to death and don't get married, the next time I meet you better be at your funeral because you have worked yourself to death'.

One and half year later
'This is my girlfriend. We're getting engaged. Yeah chase love. It's beautiful'.
Star Gazer May 2016
I realised I don't care
as much as I'm supposed
to, and that scares me.
May 2016 · 318
By The Lake [Haiku]
Star Gazer May 2016
A lake where flowers
Were left to wilt amongst ****
To mourn the lost kids.
May 2016 · 266
Star Gazer May 2016
I saw a flower seed
planted into the ground
and grew by starlight
to be forever dirt bound.

I saw a flower's first petals
So unspoilt, so pure
As I witness the scent
sprayed to allure.

I watched a red flower
go through photosynthesis
growing warm with sunlight
seemed rather intimate.

I saw a flower bloom
amongst a lamp post
under the light of stars
that lit up the coast.

I saw a flower in the night
its petals spread across
the seas coating the waters
with a little bit of gloss.

I saw a flower, so beautiful
so I uprooted the flower
hoping that it lived beyond
the confines of an hour.

I saw a flower, uprooted
from the soil
yet never once did wilt
or ever spoil.

I saw a flower so beautiful,
a rose that casted a shadow
in my heart, forever giving
me shelter and making me glow.

I saw a beautiful flower
a scarlet coloured rose
that could have made me
abandon poetry & prose.

...For I could not call myself
a poet, knowing that I could
never describe the perfection,
of the rose as a poet should.

...For I could not call myself
a poet, knowing that I haven't
learnt the words to describe the
rose that showed compassion.
May 2016 · 171
Star Gazer May 2016
So many promises are made
In the spur of love
But so rarely are promises kept
In the spur of hatred.
May 2016 · 276
Star Gazer May 2016
I swapped a smile for this poem
A pearly gates of a beautiful angel
And though I am not one to smile
Upon gazing at teeth that shone
As bright as the stars, I smiled.
A warmth exuded from a simple
A heartbeat skipped from a simple
A poem was written on a simple
I could write a poem on 'pretty'
But I would rather write it on pity
O' how I pitied myself to not be
Able to stand in front of such a smile.
The smile that speaks volumes
Like a sun ridding the Earth of gloom,
For each smile
Came from a precious and pure heart.
A rose with thorns that held no harm
A rose that was labeled as beautiful
Not out of popularity nor simple looks
But from a combination of looks and heart,
The kindest rose that sat amongst the chaos
We know now as Earth.
May 2016 · 639
I Cried
Star Gazer May 2016
If I admitted what I did last night, most might cringe
as it involves a black object that is about 50 inches,
I won't profess that I had some sort of ***** ***
No, I was on an extreme animated movie binge
And I had snowy mountain equivalent of tissues
Not because I'm riddled with problems and issues
It's because animated movies are tragically beautiful
And though I might not fit into the category of real men,
Because from Superman we learn, real men are steel men
and real men are constituted as muscled men
so by most, I would not be defined as a real man.

Last night I cried with a pair of eyes that grew so red
Not from an outcry that pink eye has finally spread
But from an emotional connection to animation
Because last night, I cried watching The Lion King,
When Simba lost his father, I felt my eyes sting
I cried watching Pixar's inside out
When Bing **** gave his life for his friend
I felt most of all that I had stored inside come out,
It gave me an insight into witnessing depression
And I found myself caught in between the tension,
So last night I felt an emotional connection to animation
And I disposed of many tissues, not out of temptation
From lust filled mind but from animated creations.
So last night, I realised I was more of a real man
Because I expressed how I feel and
That it was ok to cry lake from my eyes
because real men are not steel men
and real men are not required to be muscled men.
May 2016 · 1.6k
Pad Thai [Haiku]
Star Gazer May 2016
I felt unsettled

So I got myself some good

Thai feud in Thailand
May 2016 · 597
Star Gazer May 2016
I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
That 'It'll be ok'.

I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
That 'you're amazing'.

I want to hold you
Whisper in your ears
'Please don't give up'.


If Chinese Whispers
Have taught me anything
All the things I whisper
Will change upon
Entering your eardrums,
Soon 'it'll be ok', will be
'it'll never be ok',
'You're amazing' turns to
'you're nothing', and
'please don't give up',
turns to 'just give up',
But know that no matter
What you hear,
I will always be whispering
Into your ears
'I'm here for you'
and I'll always hold you.
~Please believe me when I tell you that you truly are amazing, that you are beautiful, that you are pretty, that you are kind, caring, warm, make me smile, that you do really wear a pretty smile, that you are fun, that you light up the night like stars.
May 2016 · 229
Green Light
Star Gazer May 2016
I gazed upon the faint flash of a green light
Each a fair way from one another
The green light echoes the sound of
A hollow drum caught in a loop.
The green light speaks to me
Speaks of certainty and possibility
As I hid my eyes from the world
Averted my gaze
I come to realise
The green light disappears
With me.
May 2016 · 244
Star Gazer May 2016
Why wait for someday?
Why not make it today?
You can wait for time to pass by
With each second
A different grain of sand
Passing by an hourglass
That captures nothing
But the hours left in our lives.
Wait not for those who cause
Heartache and sadness
Let the grains of sand
Cascade to the bottom
Of an hourglass
And the arms of a clock
tick on
As you wait for love.
~A collaboration between me and my brother.
May 2016 · 313
Star Gazer May 2016
Though surrounded by intoxicated
Hurting and dragging you down
You rose to be a pure soul
Who knows
What it is like to put family
Ahead of themselves.
You deserve the world
And I'm hoping one day
Someone can give you the world,
Maybe one without any inebriating possibilities.
May 2016 · 447
Your face in the stars
Star Gazer May 2016
I stared at the lucent beam of the stars,
time seeped of all value, frozen like-
a deer caught in the headlights of cars,
though eternity passed, my eyes affixed-
on those specks of limitless lights afar.

O' Stars, your name escaped with empty air,
each breath an assault by those who see-
but could never look to understand the lure,
like the heavenly aroma of honey to a bee-
that nestles in the comfort of a hidden hive
under the bumbled branches of a tree.

I fumbled a glance to the celestial bodies-
discovered the smile you left me last night
debossed across my memory of warmth-
escaped from the only visible light
that shared the same blackened canvas
between all that settled as wrong and right.

I closed my eyelids, reopened them like-
A glass window slid to remove the fog
that overlaid the transparent crystal
and with first sight my eyes as cogs
projected enchantment geared into orbs
accompanied by crickets and howling dogs.

Craters, comets, cosmic creations cast-
a vivid image of an established universe
coated in beauty with ink that's colourfast,
and as eternity drone on, the light emitted-
forever remains seen pivoted within the past.
Star Gazer May 2016
There are so many moments, where you let slip the fingers
That was once your source of comfort and warmth,
That once was your home and livelihood.
It could be the last moments as you let them fall off a cliff
Or the last time you realise you'll ever hold the same hands
Or the last time your parents held your hand.
The moment where you let go of someones fingertips.


Beautiful eyes,
Got me magnetised,
If I had a chance to hold your hands,
Though everything destroying the planet,
I would urge myself not to let go
I hope that you just know
That your personality exudes from your words
So I can only imagine what lets out in the palms of your hands.

Beautiful eyes
As beautiful as the skies
And I am one to fall in love with stars
So beautiful eyes,
I ...hope one day my palms won't remain empty.
May 2016 · 405
Star Gazer May 2016
I told you I'll write you a poem
Just so that my words could show them
How wonderful you truly are
But my words could never capture all that you are.
You are nice, but nice seems like an understatement
And dictionary couldn't show what beautiful meant
Because the dictionary defines beautiful as
'pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically',
And some might claim it is all genetically
But your beauty is not just aesthetics,
It's in your personality, in your heart and soul,
And with aesthetics it makes you more than whole.

The dictionary never gets the words
Kind , beautiful, smart, talented, amazing, wonderful
and heartwarming correct because there isn't
a photo of you that appears under each one of those words
So I'm flabbergasted that I have to invent my own word
You are 'Wondamazing'. Wonderfully Amazing.
You are 'Adorose'. Adorable rose.
You are 'candy kind'. Which as its name suggests, sweet and kind.
I wish I could capture what it is that makes you so special
But I guess when it comes to someone like you
Making up words is not a fun thing, but I just have to.
Stay strong, stay wonderful.
~To the sweetest, kindest, strongest, amazing girl ever.
May 2016 · 346
To Lorie Anne
Star Gazer May 2016
Lorie Anne

You are so filled with wisdom,
If you were worshipped as a religion
Church of Lorie Anne-ism
Because you have a kind heart,
Giving me helpful advice
I know now that with certainty,
I've never met someone that nice
Until I met you.

All my questions have difficult answers
And an attempt to solve them
Is like trying ballet as a beginner dancer,
Extremely difficult
But you have shown kindness and care,
In ways no one else could provide
And i thank you for all of it.
Thank you Lorie.
May 2016 · 657
Curvaceous Katie No. 1
Star Gazer May 2016
Curvaceous Katie
Made the little boys go crazy
Made their little hearts race
Enthralled by a game of chase.

Crazy ken was one of the boys
Who saw Katie as one of his toys
A plaything for lust-filled minds
As though her chest were gold mines.

She wore a smile on her face
And confidence in the form of a bikini
Her ***** wasn’t the least bit tiny.

Crazy ken reflected,
Not sure what he had expected
As he lined his wallet slots with
****** packets
in hopes that in any case
She was feeling up to it,
He would have his *****
become latex encased.

Upon further discussion
A bit of complaining
A bit of fussing,
She comes to agree
On his plan,
After all what good is a tan
If no one can see it.
Crazy ken was certain
That he had packed
His ***** curtain
But as he looked at his wallet
He noticed empty slots
He gestures to Katie,
and decides to ask her,
‘We can still make it occur,
If you lets say were,
To let me go unwrapped?’

She lets out a confidence smile
And held it in its place for a while
‘Buddy, you can go **** yourself’.
May 2016 · 181
Never have i
Star Gazer May 2016
Never have I understood what it was
Like to be finally accepted for being
I preach be yourself to others
While I disguise the emptiness
Of that sentiment.

Never have I not stopped being myself
The kid with the dreams of being an actor
The kid that lives inside the body of an
May 2016 · 189
Star Gazer May 2016
You made me forget all of my past
And made me feel as though
Only the future ever really mattered
Until you became another photo
In a box of photos that will never
Once again see a single ray of
May 2016 · 259
Star Gazer May 2016
You could have been their world
The pillars that held the fabric
Of their complete reality.
The sun, the sky, the stars,
the moon and the oxygen
that coexists to form their world.

You could have been one person's world,
The person who claimed to have loved you
But when their eyes shut, their lights close
and they venture into practise for death, sleep.
They may wake up in the morning
never wanting you in their lives
and never wanting anything to do with you,
But understand this
It's not always your fault, and that's okay.
May 2016 · 206
Love & Regret
Star Gazer May 2016
Never regret that you have loved
But instead
Only ever regret that you have not loved.
May 2016 · 924
Little Rose
Star Gazer May 2016
You are the kindest girl I have met.
Your smile shines brighter than any stars
And if I could I would give you a million roses
And each one would definitely worth it.
You are coated in a petal of sweetness
And though every rose stands
You are a rose that stands out.
Pretty petals of a perfect pretty rose
is a metaphor that doesn't cover enough.
Your sense of humour is fantastic,
The things you say aren't sarcastic
It's humourous and adorable.
You are a precious little rose.
May 2016 · 229
Star Gazer May 2016
I want to write a poem
About a special person
How this special person
Made a frown transform
Made ice turn warm
And made my heart race
made my thoughts pace
diligently back and forth.

To say the least is that
I never deserve her
Nor her friendship
And in pensive
I wonder whether
She regrets being
Knowing a person
Who will never
be good enough
to deserve her
Star Gazer May 2016
The sun gives the ground the warmth
Where once pelted by hail and storm
The sun dries up the remnant remains
Of a liquified chaos.
Though there are days things get tough
But you are tougher than most
So like a morning walk,
Soon it will be noon, and the walk
Will be a thing of the past.
~Stay strong Lorie. I wish you all the best
May 2016 · 543
Star Gazer May 2016
How do you write about a person whereby words don't exist to describe
Someone who pulls at your heartstrings and makes you feel alive.
I met this beautiful person and I have not had any regrets
Nor will I reach a time I'll ever come to suddenly forget
The dearest and sweetest girl who has made smiles light across my face.
Messages from this gorgeous girl stabilises my world and makes things in place.
She asks me 'Can I trust you?' and though 'yes' was the answer my heart yearned
I have come to learn in my life that trust is not something that is given but earned,
So though I am not a liar, nor a spider creating a web of deceit I set out to earn her trust
The resultant is that I have allowed her to get to trust me , in a way much fairer and just,
But I know with absolute certainty is that I promise to never hurt her
And I can not fathom the people who ever allow it to occur.
She is a remarkable, beautiful, kind , friendly there are more words I haven't known
But I hope that one day , the rhythm my heart beats to when I think of her, can be shown,
Not just in my words but in all the things I am willing to do for a soul as precious
As a rose standing in a world, I want to perform complete loving gestures
Not with the requirement that she returns the love
But simply because seeing her beautiful smile is enough.

She is, in one succinct word  - indescribable
And what I have just described to you ,
Is a minuscule spot of ink on a magnificent masterpiece
With a clear expression of care and kindness that never ceases.
May 2016 · 1.8k
I do not love you...
Star Gazer May 2016
I do not love you as if you were oceans, or aquamarine,
Or the ice cubes that lay to melt as time passes.
I love you as precious petals are to be adorned,
by the stem, in between the Earth and the skies.

I love you as the stars visible in the day
but kept to say all the silent beauty of the night;
thanks to your love for the lit path guidance,
illuminated by a livid canvas, yet alive in my heart.

I love you simply because it is impossible not to,
I love you with every part of my cells and molecules,
so I love you because I can't not love you.

then know; if I live on with every breath, so do you
In my thoughts, my memories and heart,
In my thoughts, you spun the strings of my heart
May 2016 · 290
Love Lost
Star Gazer May 2016
I leapt, upon thy silhouette,
At first glanced of a shadow
Sprung life into mine feet
While fingers slip to let go.

Cursed cacophony of mine
Sung beauty with tragic
And healed hurting hearts
With orderly havoc.

Thy presence lurks around
Like a wraith's touch
But mine heart haunted by
The ghost of love lost, just as much.
May 2016 · 266
To --
Star Gazer May 2016
The stones whereat, in vision, I see,
The courting cries of cicadas,
Are scorns, and all thy noise,
trifled from astray of honesty.

Thine eyes, a testament of beauty
That dilapidate upon
O'! Stars! thy's hissing word
Like Odysseus' deadly deceit.

Thy heart, once purest gold
Untainted by the world
Hath become stained
To mark, a smudge, a scar.

To ---

I know not of worth and value
     Nor can I hold my place in your world.
That honesty and truth is surrendered
    In the wakes of a single lie.
I applaud those who never lead astray
But you my dear, have stained my conscience
Of love and trust
May 2016 · 265
Until next time
Star Gazer May 2016
Dear Princessv
I hope your strength carries you
That your shoulders won't crumble.
It is a difficult time, I can barely imagine,
I give my sincerest condolences to you
And your family.
Until next time

- Star Gazer.
May 2016 · 311
Star Gazer May 2016
Between notions of love
and hate
Between friendship
and tolerance
Between living
and dying
And the chaos
Lays waste to the words
That I falsely deemed poems.

Between the conflicts
and resolutions
Between the characters
and creations
Between the broken hearts
and dismembered parts
And the chaos
Lays waste to the words
That I falsely deemed poems.

Between the hearts
And the aches
Between the healing
And the bandages
Between the feelings
And the chaos
Lays waste to the words
That I falsely deemed poems.

For poetry is
Working words
To power.

This is where this poem bends
Goodbye my dear friends
This is where the journey ends
Not with an explosion but with silence.
May 2016 · 332
A Personal Poem [Long poem]
Star Gazer May 2016
Sunshine and the warmth of the sand of the beaches
While reading what my favourite poet teaches
Distilled in between lines and lines of words
Lay silent sounds shimmering unheard
But I read through all of them, one by one,
And came across one that weighed a tonne.

I quickly scrawled on a piece of loose paper
In hopes that those ideas won't ever taper.

'Tonight My Heart Writes A Sad Song'

Tonight my heart writes a sad song.

I will write for example ' My heartbeats sings the blues
And the night sky is shaking in silence'.

The stars dimming with every fresh breath of air.

Tonight I can write a heartbreaking song.
I gave my heart to her and she left the next day.

Through nights like these, I sat under the stars
Watching her smile lit like fireflies in the night.

She loved me once, and I loved her too.
Who wouldn't find love within her smile?

This night, I write the saddest song.
To think I held her in my arms before I held empty air.

To hear the sour surrender of silence
I used to hear her laughs, now my musical tunes tired.

What does it matter where she is.
For I know ingrained in my whole, she is not here.

Tonight I will write of emptiness like a sky
That is staring down the Earth without a light.

My eyes gazed upon the faint stars, praying it was her
My heart has found her, missing from my eyes.

The night sky casing us all, changes when morning arrives
And so like us, we too change when time comes.

I no longer hold her that's true, but with a million hearts I loved her.
My songs from my heartbeat, I hoped reached her ears.

Somewhere else, she will be somewhere else,
Showing her shine of a smile to other beings.

I love her no more, just the disdain that kept me going.
Maybe I do love her for my heart faults without her.

Though I held her in my embrace, empty nights like these,
I wished on a falling star to hold her.

Although I had not been blessed by a thousand stars to get to love her,
I let my heart write a sad song in hopes she can hear their beats.

May 2016 · 199
Haiku 8
Star Gazer May 2016
Single smile a day
Keeps all the problems away
So I am smiling
May 2016 · 391
The Clouds~They Cry
Star Gazer May 2016
I still keep the necklace you left me
Hoping that this feeling will leave me
I keep wondering if it'll get easier
But I don't count on easy
I count on the stars because
They were the last thing
That me and you saw together.
I swear I'm getting better
Writing words and loving every letter,
Just living out my dreams
Sewing all the incomplete seams
Just to be seen.
You know, the usual.
The stars blinked to me,
I started to learn morse code
In hopes that it was you
Signalling me.
I guess I've just invested time
Into the wrong things.
The necklace sits on my desk
Never touched my neck
Because I'll lose it
And I'm afraid I'll lose the part
Of me that still remembers you
Of all the times the sky is blue
It had to be blue right before a storm.
Are you actually listening to me?
I'll let you know darling,
I'm not really talking much
Just trying to isolate my mind
And if you don't mind
Please talk to me.

The skies, they rain
If you're looking at me now
It's the rain, it's not me,
Don't worry darling,
I don't cry so don't feel guilty,
It's just a drizzle of rain.
I'd trade everything,
My own life, my own breath,
All I own,all my friends
Live completely alone
Just to see you come home.
But I understand it,
I do.
May 2016 · 210
To You
Star Gazer May 2016
I'm sat here
Wondering how it went
When the sky bent
I remember sixteen
No matter how many days
It's been
I remember you
Coming home
But it's all so different
I guess what I'm trying to say
Is I kinda wish you'd
Come home again
But then
I don't know if I'll be scared
Or saddened
Wondering if you missed me
Knowing that it's history
But I want you to know
What you really meant to me
And though I'd left you
At mystery
I always wondered whether we could come back
To where we first met
Holding the roses on my chest
Telling you you're beautiful, all over again,
But I've only partly mended
Oh how I wish to see you again
Giving you my favourite pen
Listening to the songs we'd love
Only to realise I'm all alone.
I just wish I could tell you
All of the things I paid hell to
I just wish I could smell you
Let you know,
I'm thinking about you
And all the things we used to do
I don't know if I can live without you.
I don't know if this is called living.

Sometimes it gets easier,
The feelings it passes
And with every class,
I come full circle
To missing you again.
I guess you were right
I am like a turtle.

Why is it that thoughts of you
Never seem to vanish
And though time could stand still
Darling know that's not enough,
I need it to reverse
And hope that you can come back home.
Maybe history is cruel
Keeping my mind on you
Just to see me go insane.
You'd walk through every door
But the one I want you to walk through
Is stuck between life and death
And so I promise this...
Even if it takes my last breath...
I will live to be the man
That you dreamed of,
I will live to be the man
That you envisioned to be perfect.

And I know I'm not much
Nor will I ever be right enough
But darling know that I'm going
To do what's right by you.

I will be a loving husband
I won't ever be a has been,
I'd give my wife
A man with full abs,
I'd give my wife
All the pieces of my heart
And though it's only words
Know that I've tattooed it in my soul
That I will be the man
You have always dreamed of.
That I will hold every piece of you
In my arms.
~I promise, I'm not crying, missing you. The skies...the clouds are stormy, and they just rained a little.
May 2016 · 242
Star Gazer May 2016
Ever sneak a glance at the stars
Realizing the flashing white lights
Imitates a team of soccer players
Kicking a ball through an open field
Offering sweat and heart to victory.

White as the night, the stars lay above,
Heavenly bodies rain hail of beauty
If only they could talk back
Tickle the fancies of astronomers
Tell the tale of a thousand nights
Accumulated in the dispersion of lights
Kissing goodbye to the canvas that is night
Earth bound stars shooting through the sky
Reached the grounds yet shined in the dark.

If only time was plenty and life was plenty more.

Memories of stars come and gone
Invisible to those who don't look to love
Shrinked to an infinitesimal
Surrendered lights of a burnt out star.

Yesterday's night differed from todays
Operated under a different hail
Umbrellas sheltering a different beauty.
Apr 2016 · 298
Sun-Sky [Unfinished]
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The sky and the sun have been acquainted for long,
Yet they bicker, fight and sometimes don't get along
But when nights inevitable vanish and stars gone
They stood by each others side as the sun in the sky.
Now one day the sky had the courage to speak his mind
The correct syntax and metaphors of what he could find
He said 'Sometimes, I love that you give me my colour,
That you show me all the hidden beauty to discover,
And you have always been like my lover'.

The sun beamed a radiant ray into the vast sky,
Eviscerating the clouds that kept the beautiful sky hidden,
Though the love between the sun and the sky is forbidden
So although their hearts and storms beat to the same rhythm
They were never meant to stay together with one another
So the sun, the sky, the warmth carried empty title of lovers.
Apr 2016 · 192
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I sat across from you looking into your eyes
I have sat across you for a week now
And I know not what your words tell me
For I looked at your beautiful eyes and ask how.

How is it that you're so pretty?
How is it that your eyes glow?
How is that your teeth shines?
And how did I just now know?
Apr 2016 · 372
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Our eyes locked together
Chained for the better
I wanted to speak
But I didn't want to upset her
Working the courage up
I said 'What's up?',
I felt very foolish,
What's up? Who says that still?
She's looking nervous
Maybe she's thinking it was perverse
Like somehow up
was an innuendo on a *****,
I tried again, to reassure her,
'When I said up, I didn't mean my *****',
Oh god, I just said ***** to her,
She's throwing all kinds of strange looks
Do I tell her I'm copying some game books?
Do I tell her , I'm just kidding? Is it too late?
I stopped myself.

Waited for a response.

She's still staring into my eyes
Captivating my truth and lies
Her eyes the colour of blue
Well more azure, but as azure
as sure as the sky.

Her mouth gestured a smile,
Then her hands started moving,
Is she signalling me to hold her hands?
She's moving them an awful lot,
What do I do? What do I say?
I went and grabbed for her palms,
Interlocking my fingers between hers
And as it occurs
the man nearby looks at me
'She's speaking in sign language,
I think she's mute',

I took my hands away,
Hiding from the embarrassment,
I hope she doesn't consider it
I looked around,
Unsure of what I was to do.

I speak again, and last time I did,
It didn't go well,
So why would it go well now?
'I'm sorry for how awkward it's been,
I'm just a dumb and stupid teen,
But I think you're extremely pretty,
And if you don't mind can I take you out to the city?'

She looks at me , nods her head.
Then under her breath, I hear ,
'I would love to'.

Bright red like a tomato,
Apr 2016 · 300
To Lorie Anne
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You have been the star beaming lights through my dark nights
I wish I knew how to show my gratitude to you
The helpful voice of reason that showed me left from right
And made sure that my heart aches don't leave me askew.

You are an amazing person and with a very helpful heart
I hope this poem reaches you and that 'thank you' is just a start.
Apr 2016 · 609
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I bumped into a girl in an elevator
Hair as crimson as the devil's eyes
Voice as sweet as the devil's lies
And as the elevator stopped at my floor
I left out the silver lined door
Thinking I'd never meet her again.
It was in between lost and found
That I saw her once more,
The girl from the elevator.
She speaks to me, noticing the same things
I had noticed,
If I had a diary, today would read 'note this:
you met a lovely girl in an elevator',
She asks me 'Hey do you like s.....?'
Forgetting her words she started
Hissing like a serpent,
The wait for her to ask
Is extremely agitating,
'Sugar? Sweets? Sushi? ***? What is s....?'
My mind questioning itself.
She continues
'Do you like sandwiches?',
My mind again going into overdrive,
'was that an innuendo? Did she mean....?
Does she have a friend that I missed?',
'Yes' I replied,
Shaking my head to the side
Playing a little shy.

She bought me a sandwich...
And we went our separate ways.

To this day ,
As far apart as she and I are,
I would always hope
That the girl I might fall in love with later
Is the girl that I met in the elevator.
Apr 2016 · 197
Thump Thump
Star Gazer Apr 2016
The sound plays over and over
The little song of your heartbeat
I wonder how it is that I can
Keep that sound on repeat.

The volume of the sound lowers
The echoes starts to fade
And I wonder how such a heart
Could suddenly change shades.
Apr 2016 · 327
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I'm not much in number of years
But I have shed a number of tears.
People tell me 'spend less time with the heaven lit-
And surely one day that somehow you'll benefit'.
Days grow long
and nights carry on
But I resume my task of staring at the stars
In hopes that they don't venture on far
But I know truly,
No matter how far they go,
They will always be in my heart.
Apr 2016 · 246
I'm tired
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I'm tired of living my life on the lines that people speak
I have lived half my life on lines that people drew
Now I judge my own mind wishing that I knew
That sometimes you don't have to fit in with the popular.

I'm tired of being pigeonholed into a category
I have seen the imprisonment of my own personality
Where the only existing escape goes against normality
And society has become a flock of wardens.

I'm tired of colouring in between the lines
Or slaying dragons to rescue the damsel in distress
And though the dawn rises to a new end, I must confess
That keeping in between the lines, keeps me safe.

*I am not dead, but nor am I living...
Apr 2016 · 277
Star Gazer
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Acquaintance &

Good & Great friends
Apologies, This
Zany creature
Expects you all to be disappointed
Rightfully so.
Apr 2016 · 315
Rainy Days
Star Gazer Apr 2016
We never really knew whether this was our heart's calling
Or knew how far the both of us had actually fallen
We merely understood that we enjoyed the teasing and playing
And we learnt to appreciate it even more when it was raining.
It started with simple ideas of loneliness and singularity
Then it became a rather complete ******* plurality
We'd find words to describe the sensation as we climaxed
Only to come to no avail over how lost we were in our tracks
And it'll occupy a permanent space in my memories
Entitled 'Rainy days: my bestie taught me to write stories'.
Apr 2016 · 248
Star Gazer Apr 2016
They say when you feel
A certain way about someone
A song always seems to come along
And reflect your emotional state.
For you, that was a silly love song
By Sir Paul Mccartney.

My feelings for you
It's not quite big, not quite small
It's not quite short, not quite tall
It's just there
And to be fair
The world is a little better
A little more beautiful
A little more amazing
With silly love songs.
~Welcoming Tashalee
Apr 2016 · 536
Why A Poet?
Star Gazer Apr 2016
You write for enlightment
The purpose of writing
Is capturing a lightning
That is gone in a flash.
Being a poet is
Wrapping up flames
With nothing but paper
As the resultant ember
Becomes an assault
On the limitations
And confines
Placed on humanity.
Being a poet
Is being a star
That is either dead
Or carrying a burnt
Just to guide those
Who are lost
With the light of love.
Apr 2016 · 346
The Scar
Star Gazer Apr 2016
I left at noon
made it afar,
the silver moon
like a Sapphire scar

Like that scar i earn
none can perceive
For it's a mental burn
that won't ever leave
~My take on 'The Wound' by Thomas Hardy
Apr 2016 · 314
Star Gazer Apr 2016
Love with a love that burns brighter than the sun
Because when your final breath comes undone
You'll know that love will leave you wishing
That you have loved deeper, loved harder,
and loved more.
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