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Jun 2016 · 235
Company of the stars
Star Gazer Jun 2016
When people ask me why I enjoy the company of the stars, I honestly don't have one good answer to explain the sensation of just gazing aimlessly into the night. I guess somewhere between staring at the stars, I am reminded of the light that shines over me, looking right over my shoulders to provide clarity to confusion. I guess why I enjoy the company of the stars is because each speck of star light reminds me of home and home is a place I can be me. I could look at the sun, a star in label but I would be blinded by its scorching brightness that I would not have much of a view. I guess why I enjoy the company of the stars is because when I'm looking at them, I'm pretending that I'm looking into your eyes, the beauty they contain is equivalent in every single way and the reason I enjoy the company of the stars is because I know I would enjoy the company of you under the stars. I was told if I walked a bit further, chased things a lit harder, get lost a little longer that I would find myself but the truth is, I have been lost for almost all of my life and it is you that has found me and in a way helped me find myself. I guess what I'm trying to say is, when I think of home, I think of you and all that you mean to me. I'm nestled in between your arms where no harm could ever come past our walls and it is just you and me in an eternal moment of ecstasy and I realised it is this moment that my hand feels the loneliest, because it is craving the warmth of your hand. My ears is having withdrawals to an unknown substance as it is ringing to hear your voice and my heart is scratching at discs and pressing on buttons struggling to stay on beat as it yearns so hard to be near you.
'In a moment of loneliness, your heart screams out the loudest tunes and right now it is screaming for you'

-Star Gazer
Jun 2016 · 438
Bullies [Incomplete]
Star Gazer Jun 2016
You and your kind
Infested the school halls
Crushed souls with dodge *****
Cheered on blood and bruises
Silenced what the heart chooses
By brutishly brandishing names like ******
As though following love made people psychopathic,
You never understood the pain

You built bridges out of our hurt emotions
And told us to cross them
As though underneath our feet weren’t deep oceans
Of pain and tears
That we bled by bleeding our eyes dry.
Jun 2016 · 631
Star Gazer Jun 2016
Trolls are
Faceless behind a screen
Preaching words of places they've never been
And feeding the flame to those who wish to perish,
"Just get another one" to those who had a recent miscarriage
It's all rather barbaric.
To have a tongue of barbed wires
With poison filled salivas
It's all very toxic.

Trolls have destroyed lives
behind words of a keyboard
Each keystroke a string of disasters
Each sentence a blood spilt on unspoilt grounds
And when death occurs they are no where to be found.

Trolls are underground gremlins
Who believe that building a bridge out of the corpses they make
is the only way they will ride to heaven.

Judge not lest ye be judged
But I believe the contrary,
I have not known your pain
I have not known what you suffer
But I will not wait for the words to buffer
For the videos to buffer
Just to hear and read your words
About how I don't belong on this world.

Build your bridges of corpses
Ride your keyboard horses
You won't be able to destroy
What has already been destroyed.
May 2016 · 240
Star Gazer May 2016
Once, my eyes
The remnant of clear skies
I buried my soul behind my lines
And anger behind each rhyme.
I hid my tears behind storms
where rain cleansed blood of war
and separated the gold from the ore.

Now, my eyes
The colour of clear skies
Brought about by a beautiful sunrise
and a warmth exuded from the sun's shine.
I thank you for destroying the storms
and keeping me completely warm.
May 2016 · 771
Curvaceous Katie # 2
Star Gazer May 2016
Curvaceous Katie
Her eyes rained stars
Her smile stopped cars
And though I claim she's beautiful
I am indubitably
Not in love with Katie.

I met her through her friend Tracy
Tracy was the quiet type
But Katie went beyond incredible
The type of girl so attractive
That will drive men to commit Seppuku
But I chose not to fall for her.

I thought she was marvellous
One in seven billion.
May 2016 · 410
Broken Bridges
Star Gazer May 2016
I love you for all your petals
That shared a different scent
No matter how the skies bent
I love you for all that settles.
Each stones, each pebbles
Built a bridge with dents
And soon all of it went

I love you beyond my understanding
And as long as you are happy
I can gaze at the stars dancing
And know that I have loved you correctly
Without ever needing your love
In return.
~As long as you are happy. I'm happy.
Sometimes love is strange, it works for some,
it doesn't work for some, but I love you enough
to let you go be happy with someone else.~
May 2016 · 368
Star Gazer May 2016
Creases and tears
here and there
Over again
Traced lines with pen
What once was white
Now dark as night
To fight for love
Below, above;
Hearing each fold
fault as though old
Like paper art
A broken heart.
My heart is a paper art
That has burnt to embers
A pain that I clearly remember.
May 2016 · 501
Star Gazer May 2016
...And I love you more than I do myself.
I love you with a heart that lives deep in the shadows
Where only your light could fetch it out of the barren wastelands.
It was your love that has shown me light
It was your love that I longed for
It was your love that I will die for.
It was you.
May 2016 · 208
Its winter somewhere
Star Gazer May 2016
I'll carry the burden of a billion heartbreaks
As long as I know you'll be happy
May 2016 · 229
Star Gazer May 2016
I wandered a path to where I am now
Each turn taken, each stained page
Detailed everything that has occurred
But surely if you look back into my history
Everything I have seen and done
Has slowly and assuredly become blurred.
May 2016 · 311
Star Gazer May 2016
I really thought you were in love with me.

For the longest time, that was what I
Wanted to believe.
May 2016 · 256
Star Gazer May 2016
When you and a person have fallen apart
You do not have a heartbreak
You have a million heartbreaks
because like glass the one piece shatters
Breaking into a million pieces
but with the heart,
it continues to break even in a million pieces.
So your broken pieces keep on breaking.
**That is heartbreak.
May 2016 · 170
The first time...
Star Gazer May 2016
The first time always hurts the most darl
He whispers into her ear while slowly rubbing her back

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt as much as you say?
She says placing her open hands on her lap.

Falling in love for the first time always hurts the most
He mumbles holding his chest in his arms.

You'll be ok, you will find love again
She speaks the first thoughts in her mind.

I will always love you
May 2016 · 609
Diary Entry
Star Gazer May 2016
I want to love you the way I love the stars. I want to stare at you with pure admiration, inspired to think about the future and let the moonlight dance a little on my skin. I want to love you in a way that I'll be afraid to blink because I fear with a single blink I would see your beautiful face and in another blink I would see your back as you walk away. I want to love like I would be afraid to go on without you. I want you to be my breath of air, my drink of water, my means of life and my everything. I want to love you to the point that I would crumble if you were to let go of your grip, I would shatter and break. I want you to be the adhesive that holds me together while at the same time I will hold you together. I want you to feel your hugs with the sun's rays, I want to feel your kisses with the sea water drifting along the winds, I want to feel your happiness from everywhere that I walk and I want to see your smile twinkle with the stars of the night.
May 2016 · 521
Star Gazer May 2016
Her voice
Did not sound good
It sounded like music
And music was meant
To make your heart race
To make you forget things
While at the same time
Remind you of the past
And help you live in the future.

Her eyes
Were not beautiful
They were like the sunrise
and the sunsets
set on making you feel
a warm glow
and a shine at new beginnings
as well as beautiful endings.
May 2016 · 310
Star Gazer May 2016
We mask the pain we feel
With bottles and pills
Smudged all blue to teal
as we coated the sadness.

We lose ourselves in the process of masking ourselves
Every now and then you wake up as someone else,
That someone might be someone you hate
Someone you could never recognise
You finally lose yourself
Forget who you really are.
May 2016 · 859
Star Gazer May 2016
I need you in the way I need the sun's rays
I love you in the way I love the warmth of the sun
I love you in a way that the skies was held by the sun
I love you in the way that the clouds belonged in the skies
I love you with every light within me

But then what happens after the light goes out?

Then I will love you in darkness,
I love you with all of the beats of my heart
Because I don't love you for your looks
For what my sight may bring to me
I love you for you.
May 2016 · 1.1k
Falling To Be with You
Star Gazer May 2016
I can't fight the feeling
that there's a ceiling
capping our love.
I can't help feeling broken
when we haven't spoken
for a while.
I know I long to see you smile.

caught in a game of chase
like when I was chasing you
or you chasing me too.

We kept circling back
to where we met
for the very first time.

Till I realised
you made a home
with someone else
where we first met
and I have been playing chase
all alone
like a dog with a collar
without a bone
just chasing its own
all alone.
Stumbling to make you smile.

Dying just to make you happy.
May 2016 · 241
I felt loved
Star Gazer May 2016
The spaces between my fingers
Were once filled with a lingering love
now seems to follow the westward winds
and have disappeared with your hands.
& Now I don't.

[Dedicated to the beautiful Summer]
May 2016 · 2.6k
Diary Of A Hogwarts Student
Star Gazer May 2016
I came to study the magical arts
But these troublesome three students
Hermione, Ron and harry,
Last semester those three students
Killed our defence against the dark arts teacher
I guess if he didn't stand against three kids,
How would he survive against the real dark arts,
Now this semester they're up to their shenanigans again
I wish I could just Wingardium Leviosa them off a cliff
But if I do that
Or even if I fail my grade this semester
My parents will probably Avada Kedavra me.
*******, those troublesome students, always disrupting my education. ****.
May 2016 · 280
Star Gazer May 2016
They say it takes an eternity to learn of love
Another eternity to comprehend what it is
And another eternity to be able to cherish it.
With you I found love in a second
Which leaves me all eternity to
love you and to cherish you.
Star Gazer May 2016
His smile, contagious to the bone,
Her teary eyes, slowly stares into his;
To afraid to march the world alone,
He clutches onto her clammy hands.

He whispers into her listening ear,
'If you place your head on my chest,
my heartbeat is what you'll hear',
Her eyes dart from his to the exit.

'You'll learn to love again won't you?'
she questions, yanking her hands away,
'Just know I'll always love you',
she adds, with tear filled eyes.

Though the sky did not fall,
The clouds did not shake
the term lovebirds, made small
and now are dead birds.
May 2016 · 303
Star Gazer May 2016
We go to sleep knowing that we are loved
By those who we love
We go to sleep knowing that we are enough
For our prince and princesses.
May 2016 · 911
The beauty of a rose...
Star Gazer May 2016
The wind whispers its song in my ears
Like the leaves of a cherry blossom
Gently touching against my face.

The light comforts the place of your hands
Like the soft feel of rose petals
With the alluring scent residue.

The warmth seeps into my mind
Where the thoughts of you
are properly propagated,

The love I feel in my heart
Is nurtured by the beautiful
portrait that is you.
To someone special
May 2016 · 385
Star Gazer May 2016
[The three words]
like a child loves to play
but difficult to display
I hold back all my words
So they go unheard.
You are as delicate as a rose
And with the whiff of a nose
You give off an alluring aroma
That pushes my mind into a coma
For with your presence
I lose sight over all my questions
And all the answers
Found it's way
To where I found you.
you are one
Awesome girl.
May 2016 · 272
Can you?
Star Gazer May 2016
You can speak of love
But can you cherish it
When it perishes
Shall you heal
Or shall you seek
To find what has broke
May 2016 · 343
Star Gazer May 2016
...And I knew it was bad
When I awoke to the hopes
That I have received a message
or even a missed call from you,
but call it foresight
for when I got out of bed,
I knew you would not be
by my side,
in my life,
near my arms,
in front of my eyes
and I knew you were fine with that.

But I wasn't...
May 2016 · 286
Star Gazer May 2016
I wish I was sober.
I'm stumbling,
and my path
has been one of
crooked winding roads.
I wish I was sober,
and not a man
who is drunk
by the search
of love.
Hoping that love
can ease my pain
heal my wounds
erase my flaws
embrace my strengths
and fix my broken bits.
May 2016 · 201
Empty Hands
Star Gazer May 2016
My hands hurt
Curled by the fingers
Waiting for a hand to hold
That never appears.
May 2016 · 218
Broken Chains
Star Gazer May 2016
I do not love you as if to own you in chains,
I seek not to possess nor capture your heart,
I chose to love you with my being and heart,
No matter what that entails.

And if letting you go to the man you dream of,
Then I will always let loose the lines that connect
me to you.
Just to see you smile.
I wonder how many ways I can say I love you,
But now I wonder not
For I have found I need not show you my love
As I only want to see you happy.
May 2016 · 257
Star Gazer May 2016
So I wait for your words like
an unopened book.
till you message me again,
and talk to me.
Till then, my heart remains silent.
May 2016 · 236
Star Gazer May 2016
But I love your smile
only because they lit the night,
sparkled like candles, twinkled like stars,
until they guided me,
to you.
May 2016 · 257
Saddened girl
Star Gazer May 2016
If you find a girl
With a beautiful smile
do not mask her in sadness.
You must cherish her
whole-heartedly, as God dictated
the way she should be adorned.

Do not try to cover her smile
for her makeup
has concealed herself enough.
If she coats herself in smiles
help her smile some more.

Do not attempt to mask her
as she already wears a mask.
Do not pick out her insecurities
in what her attire screams.
Teach her not of how to find happiness
as she already learnt to feign happiness.
Star Gazer May 2016
You can search the world for a diamond,
To match the lustre that is her eyes,
You can invent time machines
Just so you could spend a little more time with her.
You could search every speck of sand in the desert
That little grain of gold, just so the hourglass
reads a different measurement of time.
You could give her your world
Expect her not to give you her world
Yet things will never be enough,
Because she is perfect and beautiful
And no matter if the sky is green or blue
You know she'll always be better with someone else,
That isn't you.
You'll always consult with the green eyed monsters
Feeding it your insecurities
Because you have no understanding of how
a girl so beautiful,
Would ever take the time to speak to you.
You know she'll always be better with someone else,
That isn't you.
May 2016 · 177
Star Gazer May 2016
It was today
That I learn I could not love you
In the way he has shown you,
I ask myself 'what if I grow to?';
But I was asking the wrong questions,
Because I should have asked
'Will you ever love me the same
As you love him?,

And I should have known
before hand.
May 2016 · 174
Where do I start?
Star Gazer May 2016
And I asked myself,
'What was wrong with me?';
and i did not expect the answer to be
Star Gazer May 2016
I fell in love with Autumn
Not for it's falling leaves
But rather out of boredom
And I now know that I fell in love with the flowers of Spring
Because I did not meet you yet
I did not know the happiness you'd bring
And I am forever grateful now that I know.
As winter came the snow fell around me,
wishing for it to never stop
being around the snow came peace
and calmness wishing you were here.
Winter slowly faded with summer to come
and yet feelings did not fade
But they indeed grew stronger
the smell of the flowers lingered in the air
and everything reminded me of you.
Collaborated Piece with the great Maddii Lloyd
May 2016 · 232
Our love in the sands
Star Gazer May 2016
The sands slips through the neck of the hour glass
And with each grain of sand sifting through the tight confines
I found your hands slipping away , each passing second,
Until our hands no longer touched and you are no longer mine.
May 2016 · 200
I wrote this for you
Star Gazer May 2016
I know not, whether this will reach you
But I wrote this with the sight of your smile in my mind,
The glisten of your hair as the light cuts through;
I wish so hard I could just tell you all in my heart;
And I have laid the words to death for it's right to do,
Yet I yearn to tell you how much you mean to me,
How your beauty is not a combination of one but two,
Your looks and personality has come from the temporal skies,
I begged myself to tell you all the truth,
But I have laid the words to death; for in death,
the words will forever be silent.
May 2016 · 274
Diamond Love
Star Gazer May 2016
I have seen my fair share of beauty,
It's your beauty I wish to see everyday;
of all the diamonds my hands have held,
It's the diamond that is your hand I long to hold.
I am enchanted by your presence.
I have fallen for the feel of your kind heart.

Every action has an equal or opposite reaction,
What am I to do, I've no clue on how to love others;
I've no clue on how to love others that isn't you,
I fall, stumble and plummet at the sight of your smile,
For I have not learn to love others, the way I have, you.
May 2016 · 217
Star Gazer May 2016
A painting is chaos, and chaos is human;
But a painting of you, is a divine creation
I do not look for your face in photographs
Because unlike paintings, I know that,
A photograph is perfection in a moment
And you are perfection in an eternity.
May 2016 · 411
Star Gazer May 2016
When I was a kid, I rushed growing up, learning things
I wanted to be able to do my taxes before I even had a job,
I wanted to be married before I even knew of love and trust.
I remember, peeing in imaginary burning cities made of porcelain,
betting on who would sneeze first with a nose full of feather.
Now I struggle to get out of bed, I find it hard to keep focus,
I've learnt of heartbreak, learnt of drama, learnt of dangers
and although I learnt how to do my taxes, I found no fun
on simplest things, and I am not enjoying growing up as much
As I had expected because....

**Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street
then getting hit by an airplane.
[Reddit inspired poem]
Star Gazer May 2016
Let love be a sea that keeps you afloat
Don't let love be a wave that drowns you.

Let love feel like the touch of stars
Don't let love sear your skin with every touch.

Let love catch your heart and soul
Don't let love capture your free roaming spirit.

Let love be alive to no fault
Don't let love ever come to a halt.

Let love embrace one another like the sun and the moon
Don't let love ever split the light at noon.

Let love cascade into your heart strings
Don't let love slip by.
Star Gazer May 2016
The sky, they cried for the ground
Each teardrop an anguish hidden
as painful hugs out of desperation.

The moon, they shined for the stars
Each glimmer of lucent light hides
its utter admiration for the stars.

The birds, they wanted the warmth
Of the nest with the company of
a collective grouping of birds.

The Man, he wanted so much for the
shine within the person he loved,to
appear, that he allowed his own lights
to dim.
May 2016 · 1.5k
Meeting You
Star Gazer May 2016
Meeting you...

*It was like learning to ride a bike
Without the comfort of training wheels
It was like learning to swim
Without the dangers of water
I will carry it through the rest of my life.
May 2016 · 210
Star Gazer May 2016
There she was with a smile
And though the scent of
Sadness lingered amongst me
Things were alright for a while.

And alright is more than I deserve...
Star Gazer May 2016
I remember being a kid,
I could never find the words
to explain how I felt,
so I gave my eyes the chance
to explain how I felt,
they became reddened,
crimson from lonely nights,
scarlet from speaking too much,
and with tears as words,
one day my eyes stopped talking,
because it came to realise
no one is listening anyways.
May 2016 · 258
There were days
Star Gazer May 2016
There were days
when I could still see your tears
and pretended I didn't care,
pretended that it didn't bother me.

There were days
when I could see that you
struggled and slipped between
the cracks of all the different issues.

There were days
when I pretended I didn't know you
that I never ever knew you,
that I didn't care.

There were days
I hated myself more than ever
because I couldn't find it
in myself to not care about you.
May 2016 · 264
Star Gazer May 2016
I live in a spiders web:
a silver thread tightly tied
between my head and heart
only to ever be consumed
by a spider that lurks over
my body.

I live in a world:
known as Earth.
May 2016 · 473
Love Yourself
Star Gazer May 2016
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I've found love
without you.
It's with a smile
and a mirror
and he will
always be nearer.
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