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Feb 2016 · 143
Diary entry
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My teeth are a perfect metaphorical symbol for my life.
Some parts of my life are crooked never straight.
Some have fillings to fix up all the damages they've received.
Some have chips where where unpleasant memories happen.
Some have decayed out of neglect.
Some are hanging onto its last roots, waiting to let go.
Feb 2016 · 145
Star Gazer Feb 2016
With eyes so beautiful,
A smile so charming,
A personality so bubbly,
It's hard not to notice.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The stars may guide our walks of life,
But it will always be ourselves,
That pave the path we walk.

It will always be ourselves,
That must walk the path we paved.

Like a river flow,
We are a stronger force,
If we follow our own heart and dreams.
Feb 2016 · 150
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Day after day of constant messages,
We messaged one another till our fingers bled,
About anything in regards to our own lives,
But still never will enough ever be said,

Through it all,
She read me as though I was a book,
Because even through all she found,
She wasn't ever really trying to look.

We would talk and through it all,
A close comfort to my heart,
"We'll be friends forever",
And there's a feeling she will never depart.

A great comforting idea of forever.....
The question still lingers on in my mind,
How long is forever really?
Feb 2016 · 116
Diary Entry 2058
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Do you ever get that feeling,
That you're hoping someone is missing you,
At the other side of the night.
Someone who you shared laughs with,
Shared common interests with,
Shared concerns and problems.
What if that person means more to me,
Than I would ever mean to them?
So as mystery envelops that question,
I must ask myself,
Will anyone miss me at all?
Realised that some people i meet still miss celebrities like michael jackson, and paul walker and all that.....

I wonder if everyone I've ever met or talked to, treat me as the not worth it person day in and day out.

Some people I held dear to heart and I just have to wonder do humans reciprocate the feelings.
Feb 2016 · 535
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Branches of a tree cast shadows onto the ground,
A bird nest sat across the dilapidated branches,
Birds fleeing the branch yet always coming back, homebound,
And as the early sunrise came, the birds and tree were ashes.

**"FOREST FIRE! FOREST FIRE!" I would yell,
Stumbling on those words since I was six years old,
Waiting for mum to come back home with a farmiliar smell,
But come nightfall I am without anyone to hold.

The early bird catches the worm,
Well momma left early and came back home,
So as the worms continue to squirm,
We never got the chance to roam.

Momma came back home to an empty nest,
Where the birds were caught in flames,
Existing in their own torturous hell.
Feb 2016 · 220
Diary entry 291
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was a boy,
A boy who could only see the dark nights,
Even as I was witnessing a sunrise,
All I saw was a dark night.
Everything felt bleak and hopeless,
Nothing to see and nothing to do,
Don't get me wrong I was never blue,
For there was no colour that described,
Seeing the skys tilt in my minds,
The grass as slithering snakes,
And the people I call friends,
Turn on me.

When I was fourteen,
Muddled up in the dark world,
That was my reality.
I got to know this one guy,
A heart so cruel,
That was not moulded by circumstance.
I could never look at him the same,
He had beat up a handicap kid,
A kid whos whole life was viewed,
At the height of a wheelchair.
Adding insult to injury he did it,
To steal the kid's phone.

I figured one day I'll see a world,
Where darkness does not blossom,
Where darkness is eradicated.
Yet as I walk around my neighbourhood,
It was never any different.
The people held smiles full of false hopes,
The parents who held their kids hands,
The couples who held each other to make out,
None of them seem to realize,
That evil lurks around.
Feb 2016 · 145
Diary Entry 200000000
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
Violet stop lying to me,
You're not suppose to be happy.
You're suppose to be blue.

I guess words do diverge from meaning.
After all, one two buckle my shoe,
Does not work for I walk bare feet.

What I'm trying to say is,
Sometimes I don't say anything,
For one saying remains true,
Silence is a serene songstress at sunrises.
Feb 2016 · 135
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Look to the skies, look to the skies,
For the cloud surely never lies.
Look to the stars, look to the stars,
For the beauty will heal your scars.
Look to the seas, look to the seas,
For the comfort of the cold breeze.
Look to the lights, look to the lights,
For the hope that lay in between the nights.
Look to the words, look to the words,
For all they require is to be heard.
Feb 2016 · 204
Demonic Human
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Demons lurked around her mellow heart,
Ripping at the bones of her ribcage,
She was exposed to falling apart,
As the demons start to set the stage.

Padding her soft mind full of promises and trust,
Her trusting heart full of love and her broken soul full of bandages,
Little had she known the demon was filled with lust,
And after he was done, her heart and soul beared all the damages.

He had the face of a boy,
The tongue of a snake,
He treated her like a toy,
And shown her love that was nothing but fake.

He was a boy
And he had the soul of a demon.
{Message to mystery- don't trust to easily. I mean I won't hurt you but there might be others who might. Don't trust too easily}
Feb 2016 · 248
Who am I? #2
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was a kid,
I had teeth like sharks,
Fangs like vampires,
Claws like a hawk,
Motivation like a cheetah after its prey,
Determination for death like a vulture.

When I grew older,
My teeth started getting replaced,
My fangs became dulled,
My claws became short nails,
And day by day my motivation grew dim,
Like a candle burning on its last drips
But my determination for death also subsided.
I became assimilated by humanity.
I became human.

And as being human I did what humans do,
Seek for beauty that exists in a dark night so blue.
I admired the stars,
I am a star gazer.
Feb 2016 · 208
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sometimes a hint of only grey to finish.
Feb 2016 · 178
Without You
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Without you in this world,
There's no world left.
You're a diamond and a pearl,
And I will be bereft.

I don't think I'll be able to live,
Nor will i ever be able to love,
So please don't use the shiv,
Or I'll fall apart like a dead dove.

Please don't. ...
I won't be able to live or ever love again.
Feb 2016 · 217
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You don't have to be perfect.
You don't have to be good.
You don't have to be anything
But yourself.

Which self you ask?
The self that you want to be.
The one that you recognize.

Please remember no matter what
My heart is still with you.

Remember my words,
I love you now and forever.

Remember your own words too.
Even if they were fake,
They are really true.

Please oh please don't give up.
Feb 2016 · 202
Who Am I?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When I was a kid I thought one day,
I could touch the stars.
Now that I am much older,
I realised that I couldn't touch the stars,
The latter makes me feel bleak.

However the beauty is there
And even if I am only allowed to see,
It is a privilege I did not deserve.
I guess I'll always be a star gazer.
Feb 2016 · 189
Ode to mystery
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You are the calm wind brushing against the sea,
So patient, so understanding and so kind to me.
You took the time to message me despite my sadness,
It was like you were trying to heal me from madness.
Gentle feedback to guide my writing,
Messaging you was the right thing.
My mind is a bit more at peace thanks to you,
So now the grass is once again green and not blue.
Trusting heart to make me feel appreciated,
And my loneliness suddenly somehow alleviated.
Your sense of humour is one of a kind,
And this is probably stupid sounding....
But thank you for being my friend.
Feb 2016 · 424
Joke # 2
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A couple of cows was seeing a couples counselor,
But never could resolve their problems.
So one afternoon like a good scarecrow, as they were outstanding in their field, the female cow made a suggestion. I am a dairy cow and you a meat cow, we were never meant to be. I'll always remember you as my big missed steak.

The male cow took a heaving sigh and said
"It's time to MOOOOOOOve on"
Feb 2016 · 236
Blind Date
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She sat there with a blindfold across her eyes,
He sat there with a blindfold across his eyes.
Across one another on a mahogany table,

He started to speak of his past and his fable.
'I love dogs and I love to look at the night sky'.

She spoke of things she couldn't afford to buy,
"I love to shop because it helps the economy,
But mostly it helps one person look pretty, me"

Without sight of her , he shared his false word,
'You look as pretty and beautiful as a pristine bird'.

The blindfolds lifted between the two,
And he did not look red or look blue,

Even if she had a burn scar across her face,
And he said 'You're as intriguing as space'.

She blushed and asked one question,
"Do you still think I'm beautiful?"

And so he spoke of his confession...
'Beauty is in the soul and yes you are beautiful'.

The night came to an end and he hesitantly reminded her,
'You can buy anything  to look pretty for you already are...pretty'

And with a grin and a smile across her scarred face she replied,
**"And no one with a heart as golden as yours"
Feb 2016 · 189
Thank You
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Oh how you continued to read my word,
And made me feel that my voice was heard,
I thank you all Hello Poetry members,
To those who kindly remembers,
That support was what put man on the moon.
Thank you to mystery, Impeccable Space Poettess, Mandie, Nameless, lucinda Julie, SPT, Vanessa , Vicki, Hannah, Misty Bliss, for taking the time to message me. I appreciate and am grateful for all the kind support.
Feb 2016 · 234
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He picked up the dead rat and threw it on the table**,
We as freshmen of high school were always told this fable,
Of the great disgusting James who had no shame,
Oh but no one looked around and put autism to blame,
So while James is being poked fun at,
There's a dead rat at the table we sat.
Feb 2016 · 123
Something #2 [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I will build my dreams
And the future so it seems,
I will sew at seams....
Feb 2016 · 155
Why [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why would God create me?
What a waste of flesh...
Not exactly how I feel, but I know people who feel that way....
Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so why did God create you? To enrich the lives of those around you.
Feb 2016 · 195
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My Queen is a metal in a volcano,
I hope I'm not being abrupt,
But I can feel it erupt,
Because she's a steel lava,
In other words I still love her.
Feb 2016 · 455
Creating A Monster
Star Gazer Feb 2016
....And there he sat,
            From all the tales we told,
He became the monster we believed he was.

A once gentle soul,
                pressured into upheaval monstrosity,
To become a demon,
                 amongst men.

                       *******, ******* and ****,
Were his names,
           Till he was tired of defending himself,
And became those names he was known for.
Feb 2016 · 199
Kings & Queens
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He sat on his throne,
            Never had he known,
That his perfect queen,
            Was part of the scene.

Tethered trusting ties,
            Eviscerating existing lies,
King and Queen united,
            And a burning love ignited.

The King looked into her soul,
            The Queen made the King feel whole,
So as wedding bands and marches start,
            The King has given the Queen his heart.

Golden bells sung of jubilation,
            As two lovers' tales sparked revelation,
That there is always love in the air,
            And sometimes love is in the heir.
Feb 2016 · 102
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I said I loved you.
        I knew I loved you.
But I couldn't love you.
        I knew I couldn't in that way.

My biggest strength will ever remain my biggest weakness.
Feb 2016 · 132
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I want to hug you if the world collapses,
         I want to help you in all that you do.
If should you not be ok
                     I want to be the one to go through it with you

But time is a linear dimension
                And my time has already been over.
I loved you and tried all I could
                And only ended in failure.
Feb 2016 · 350
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"Bzzir Bzauchi Bzzirya"
Said the treptonite whilst hissing it's tongue to a snakelike reflex,
                 *"Cutreen Cutyl Cuttiness"

Said the gorzolias whilst arms flailing at it's rugged pecs.
                                  "WHAT THE ****?"
Said the human with wide eyes staring at the inhuman abominations.
                            "THEY ARE DIFFERENT, SHOOT THEM ALL DOWN"
Said the human as he reached for his weapon of extermination.
               "We come in pea...."
Said the two inhuman abominations....


News Article : *Creatures unlike man shot down in what appears to be a police shootout. The creatures will be experimented on to determine their genus and abilities. Should any uses for their bodies appear, we will publish all scientific evidence of such to the Journal of Scientific Discovery.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Allyson was someone I got to know through words,
Be it fake or authentic,
Humans specialise in creating characters,
But when do characters stop being characters,
And represent a deeper truth of our own.
Maybe Allyson has been fabricated again,
Or that Allyson has been real all this time.
In the end, it's impossible to tell when,
Fiction diverts from reality.
Feb 2016 · 444
Ends Where It Begins
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She saw him, mildly infatuated she said "hi",
He smiled at her and a murmur of "hi"
Her infatuation of him ended, "goodbye".
His mind reciprocated the gesture, "goodbye".
No "I'll see you later, or if fate took us by chance",
A simple goodbye and departure,
**For a childhood love ends where it begins.
Feb 2016 · 523
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The rose grew and blossomed on the farm,
With all her beauty, the alluring scent and charm,
Sadly one afternoon the florist shred her thorns
And in between being lost, being found and being torn,
The florist cut her from the ground,
Where she felt quite homebound,
As she was sold to numerous and countless men,
her life fell to shambles and at time to rot in a den,
She was never the same rose ever again.
Feb 2016 · 225
First Experience [Haiku]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Smiles form cheek to cheek,
I've finally had my first,
Love, Heartbreak, Healing.
I was happy to found love and to experience true heartbreak for the first time. Knowing when to just put it all away is the best feeling. Looking forward to more experience with love and heartbreaks. :)
Feb 2016 · 183
What is that word?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm looking for a word,
A word I've never heard,
A word that describes warm,
A word that can transform,
To mean,
The fuzziness inside that causes the heart to bend,
When someone great calls you a friend.
A word with a strange odd feel,
A word that seems so unreal,
A word that feels like the colour blue in the sky,
A word that feels like the wind that falls off a butterfly,
A word that is so subtle yet so life altering,
A word that describes how the bird's sing.

What is that word?
Thank you for calling me your friend.
Feb 2016 · 105
Right Side
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The birds chirping, the breeze hitting my face,
The right side of the bed and nothing out of place.
The little ones' laughter echoing in the house,
Water impacting on my tender skin as I douse,
Warm showers in a winters morning,
Is such a great feeling.
Feb 2016 · 131
True Story
Star Gazer Feb 2016
In my car with my shades on,
Listening to some jay songs,
Feeling like nothing can go wrong,
Then I ran a red light,
And got a $300 fine.
Feb 2016 · 172
Conversation With A Friend
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Her : I think we are fated.
Him: I think I fainted.
Her: I hope this loving red doesn't become faded.
Him: Or that both our hearts won't be jaded.
Her: Maybe we could work this rightfully so.
Her: So do you love me?
Him: ****. Poopcakes.
Her: ...seriously dude?
Him: Banana **** ice cream
A conversation I had when I was a bit younger.  Much younger. I like the old me.
Feb 2016 · 254
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"Oh! That's so random."* said the girl in pink.
Her beautiful eyes an enamouring ice blue.
She spoke with a vivacious smile as perky as a wink.
"Oh? That's so random?" questioned the boy too.

So as he stared into her eyes,
A strong attraction like cloud to skies,
He knew they weren't telling lies,
And to his strange surprise.

It was random, beating in tandem,
His heart rate fluctuated,
He finally said "my heart for you is random"
With a coltish smile she said *"i guess we must be fated"
Feb 2016 · 274
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Flickering light, that sets mood to the night,
How thou kissed me with thy warm sight,
And thy tainted smile set alight the moon,
Emitting warmth from dusk till noon,
But thou is just a figment of mine mind,
Oh how thy disappearance so unkind,
A temporary trance of colour and heat,
May rise to the sky or fall at mine feet.
will-o'-the-wisp whisk mine soul away,
To where thy light shines all day.
Feb 2016 · 185
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Just go...
Doesn't matter where
Just know....
I'll always be there.
So show....
Me your pretty smile
And know
That's how to live a while.
Feb 2016 · 135
Joke # 1
Star Gazer Feb 2016
People and cars have one thing in common.
They brake.
Feb 2016 · 137
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A man in a coma is told "move away from the light"
A man in a tunnel is told "seek the light as it is only right"
So I am sat here confused in the dark silently still,
Wondering what my next move is and what to do,
"oh wait never mind" i just forgot to pay my electricity bill.
Guess saying"you're only as good as the light people give you" is true.
Feb 2016 · 422
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Atop the mountain gazing down,
I witness a collection of goats,
And right by then sat a small town,
Filled with gold, and boats.

I shifted angles and looked to the back,
A bunch of buffoons with nothing,
Staring at me as I screamt attack,
Ten, twenty , thirty men all coughing.

"It must be the ***", said one bearded buffoon,
"it must be the weather", said another,
And one with a scar said "it must be the moon"
And then finally "it must be my ****" said my brother.

They all ran towards the town, plundered the gold,
Made it so that the children could never grow old.
Feb 2016 · 135
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Today I get up a different person.
They have broken my heart
So I will say unto them
**** it.

No point feeling sorry for what's dead.
And theres no way that will come back.
So **** it and **** the people involved.
I rise with a smile today.

**** them. **** everyone of them.
Now begone memories.
I am starting over.
Feb 2016 · 148
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Two things makes me feel concerned
You're not ok and seriously hurt
You're out with your new boyfriend,
I prefer the latter.
As long as you are safe and happy,
I know I would be able to live with myself.
Feb 2016 · 327
Diary Entry # 5
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I want to lay my head on your arm,
Get away from all the harm.
Been wondering if its the right thing to say,
But you always look beautiful every day.
It will be hard to forget such a soul,
The one that made me feel whole.
If only I was different or better,
My heart I will leave to you as debtor.
Now things are not the same,
Been wondering if I'm to blame.
Guess it must be me who's at fault,
For why else would your love just halt.
Soon it will all be fond reminders,
For me to find someone with your kindness.
It will all be a thing of the past,
But here's to the rhyme that's last.
Don't build a wall around your heart,
There's no way to tear it down once you start.
Stop closing yourself off to people,
You deserve better than me.
So your next love will stay by you.
In a way that I could never,
Give you things in a way I could never.
Feb 2016 · 212
Star Gazer Feb 2016
In the blink of an eye,
One day its "us", the next its not,
This has gotten my heart in a knot.
Blinking eye stares into the sky
Wastefully wondering why.
The clouds form your face a lot,
And my heart feels like its been shot,
And its still beating awry.

Heart beats bleeding bruises,
For I fell for the perfect angel
And this heart is forever grateful
For letting it have what it chooses.
No matter how short lived
I thank you for what you gave, given, gived.
I won't forget you. I'll still love you forever.
Feb 2016 · 191
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Memories fade in and out
It is without a doubt
There's just no way to forget
This deep feeling of regret
For not being better than I am
But you're as far as Uncle Sam
So when tales or two are told
There's always that lack of hold
That keeps a hole between two
The pain ever so true
Distance is a grudge harbouring mistress
And difference is a hateful princess.
So now that you're indifferent about me
My feelings haven't changed selflessly,
I must let you move on, no matter how much I want you back,
But if I could rewind time like a vinyl track,
I'll rewind it to where I first talked to you,
When I was coated in nothing but blue,
But you helped coloured me in rainbow,
I still love you but all I can do is say so...
Should have known to let you fly free,
Even when I felt stuck and lost at sea,
Should not have been the shackles holding you down,
Should not even make a sound....
But somehow I betray my conscience,
Because you were my drug of dependence,
And I can do nothing but say sorry,
For the chains, the shackles, the locks and lack of key.
Go fly free with your new lover dear,
And when it gets all dark, don't fear
For you found the light you deserved,
As for I, I'll make myself reserved.
One thing though, don't seal your mind with a lock,
No matter how dark,there are people willing to knock,
And try to understand you.
It'll all be somewhat new,
But don't shut yourself off.
You deserve the world.
But the world doesn't deserve you.
Feb 2016 · 292
Becoming a Brother
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Being a brother means
Checking for the monsters under the bed
And not becoming the monsters.

Being a brother means
Being the one to chase away the nightmares
And not be the cause of the nightmares.

Today I stand on my two feet as an older brother.
Feb 2016 · 199
Diary Entry #4
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Mimicing people who are ok,
Ostracising the heart,
Vowing to never bother the other person,
Imagining a life where you are ok
Never sleeping because demons lurk
Giving up hope of getting back together.

Openly admitting that you miss them
Never really did forget or stop missing them.

I don't think I will ever move on
But one day my emotions will be gone,
So when that day comes, I'll cherish memories,
As I pray to the gods that overlook the seas.
I won't ever be able to fully move on,
But its trying to is what counts right?
Maybe all in all I'll find a way to stop loving you,
But the chances of that are very slim.
But you've moved on....and all I can do
Is to wish you all the best.
And to let you know, he/she is lucky to have you.
Feb 2016 · 248
Demons Fight Dirty
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When the dark night kicks in,
I am left to fend of my own demons,
Loneliness and regret fill up my body.
They try to drown me with my own tears,
But I won't let them.
I won't let them.
I won't let them.
They made their way into my bed,
Crawling onto my fluffy pillow,
And fill thoughts into my head.
A million thoughts trying to,
Bury me into the ground...
I won't let them.
I won't let them.
They take me as a friend,
But how their words did bend,
Oh what a tragic end.
They surround my being,
I guess I did let them.
I guess I did let them.
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