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Star Gazer Feb 2016
I've been wondering so much,
      About when we will eventually lose touch,
But then I realised all it takes to mend a broken heart,
        Is one step forward and a new start.
Feb 2016 · 151
Star Gazer Feb 2016
'My heart is in your hands',
          Human hearts will always remain in transference,
Swapping from one palm to one palm,
                Until it finds the one real and right palm,
That will not let go of that heart.

       The worst thing is that with each changing hands, new bruises emerge,
           Like a fruit in the grocery store that no one wants to buy just yet,
So they squeeze to reassure till another pair of hands do the same.
             Our heart is nothing more than a fruit,
A fruit that is being passed around between hands.

                             I wonder if your hands are warm or cold,
But nonetheless only way of knowing is by letting you hold,
                my bruised and damaged heart,
In hopes you'll be the one to keep it.
Feb 2016 · 224
Star Gazing With Company
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Night descends upon us,
As we sat beside one another,
Gazing into the stars just because
those gents hath brought the night colour.

Thy sweet tender voice,
Speaking of thine love for the arts,
Mine own really had no choice,
But to give thou all of mine heart.

Speaketh on the topic of love if thou must,
But an act so unredeemable,
Is when thou speaketh of love without just,
For thy words preach incapable.

.........As mine own eyes witness the stars and its glory,
.....Mine mind and heart hath truly forgotten that thee art a star,
.........So I promise to heed thine words and thine story,
.......For mine mind wilt at each moment remember thou and thine guitar.
Feb 2016 · 242
Neighbouring Lights
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The stars look so pretty tonight,
Reflecting the glare that is the moonlight.
It is even better when you have company,
Oh how I wish you would come to me.

Hair so yellow like a sunflower,
The way you'd look at stars late every hour,
It is almost like you bathe in its beauty,
But I bathe in your beauty, cutie.

Oh how I wished to hold you in my arms,
Keep you from the dangers and the harms,
This world will throw at you,
But then again even the night sky has shades of blue.

I see you play the guitars, your fingers striking the strings,
Oh how I wish I was the strings, and bring the joy that it brings,
I can see you paint sometimes, just an array of finesse,
I can't say anything more than I think I've been blessed.
Keep your heart where it is at,
For I can not watch it fall in half once again.
                           My world is made beautiful by your presence.
                              -Fellow Star Gazer
Feb 2016 · 189
Neighbours Yet So Far
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Fate will bring us back,
If she really is the one,
But I might be wrong.
Feb 2016 · 169
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He spoke of his love for her constantly,
She did the same repeatedly,
But when a storm had arrived,
She used his body as a shield,
And he felt a part of him die in the impact.
The part that fell in love with her...

      His heart was never the right,
size, shape, form or colour,

        Ever again. ...
Feb 2016 · 556
Doctors Visit
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was at the doctors and had an injection,
In between needles I pondered about life,
Of how a needle lived its life in perfection,
It lived it in absolute lack of strife.

I was never more jealous of an inanimate object,
It was perfect for its purpose unlike me,
I was reminded of all the time I was a reject,
And that was when I began to see.

That every rejection just made me closer,
To being the perfect fit for my purpose,
So I discarded the life of a lame poser,
And started brainstorming at first.

What was my real purpose in life?
Then I realised, it was to live without strife.
Feb 2016 · 216
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Go and hide,
I'll get the shovel,
Where's your pride,
Why the scuffle?

The police are coming,
I said conceal yourself,
Stop your bumbling,
You need my help.

Police will find us,
If you don't vanish,
You have my trust,
Forget the anguish.

Behind the trees,
Don't make a noise,
Don't even sneeze,
Where's your boys?


Guess I'll count to 20.

You guys go hide.

Seekers are cops

Hiders are robbers.

Welcome to a cross between cop seekers and robber hiders.
Feb 2016 · 139
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Love is like a play on a stage,
There are new things to discover,
With every turn of the page,
A stronger bond between two lovers.

Love is like a novel,
It isn't about who wins or lose,
It isn't about who grovels,
Testing the sanctity of feelings infuse.

Love is like a poem,
So beautiful and meaningful,
It isn't about 'lets show em',
But more of feelings that are powerful.

Love is like a dictionary,
For it is filled with meaning,
And hearts never stay stationary,
When a cast of light is beaming.

Love is like a textbook,
It might be fake or real,
But if hearts did shook,
Then love is very ideal.

Love is like ....
Two roses sitting in a field of ****,
Both very alike,
But both very different indeed.

Love is like. ....
Something that moves people,
Two wheels on a bike,
Connected like books in a sequel.
Don't read the above, I don't have a ******* clue what love is
Feb 2016 · 131
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A birdy once told me,
It is not who you are,
that makes the difference,
it is what you're
able to become
that defines who
you really are.
Feb 2016 · 184
Diary Entry 6274929
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Oh how my heart went insane,
If it would change anything at all,
I would bear the weight of a crane,
Just to see and talk to you some more.

The love I was shown ran me over like a train,
Without them my brain and heart is going insane,
My heart had driven on the best lane,
So in my memory, forever a beautiful moment gained,
Maybe we weren't meant to be like abel and cain,
For your name won't ever change,
It will always be.......
Feb 2016 · 197
Missing You
Star Gazer Feb 2016
With each day that passes us by,
You'd think I'll eventually forget you,
But every night I can picture you,
You have become the stars in the night sky,
And I miss you more every night that pass by,
Somehow it's strange that I can't forget you,
Moving on is said in black and white, not blue,
And when you're not around, blue is the only colour I spy.

I wonder whether you just found your wings,
And decided to discover the world without me,
But higher chance is that you feel we weren't meant to be,
So somehow I miss all the joy that you bring.
Living life before valentines day makes me miss you,
I just wish there was a remote chance you're missing me too.
Feb 2016 · 177
Not Deserving [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I will never be good enough
To receive your love.
Feb 2016 · 188
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Roses are red, Violets are blue
Is that even true?
Feb 2016 · 227
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My vision is twenty-twenty,
With my peripheral I see plenty.
My sight is completely appropriate,
If it is not perfect, it is appropriate.
Oh how I wish I had glasses,
So I could take them off in an instant,
Be a different identity,
Be a different me,
The way Clark Kent shifts to Superman,
I want to shift to someone else,
Anyone other than me.
Feb 2016 · 157
Friendly Love
Star Gazer Feb 2016
It was friendly love,
The way they pushed him off a flight of stairs,
Crippled him emotionally to extent, no one cares,
Deflated his ego whenever it was apparent,
Crushed his soul by mentioning the loss of his parent,
Tore his world apart by the cruel nature of words,
Their own ferocity and cruelty they never heard,
For it was not their reality crumbling brick by brick,
Imparting a daunting nightmare for a mind becoming sick.
        *Its was friendly love....

At least that was what they called it...
Feb 2016 · 168
February 14
Star Gazer Feb 2016
No there are no roses at the doorstep,
No gifts or chocolates to be kept.
Just another day amongst the many,
While the stars are in assembly.
Just me and the stars of the night sky,
Coated in the flow of a lonely eye.
The constellations tell me one thing,
I will never have any duo to sing,
Forever destined to be alone,
Just me and my next door neighbours moan....
Happy Valentines day to them,
They sure sound wet with excitement.
Feb 2016 · 3.0k
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The white shadow,
With hooves of diamond,
Yet pigeonholed,
To live the life of a racehorse.

The smiling poet,
With heart of gold,
Yet pigeonholed,
To live the life of isolation.
I was told, sometimes being alone lets out your greatest expressed poems.....
Feb 2016 · 208
Joke 5
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A student walks into a classroom with a jacket,
He darts his eye to the teacher and asks
'Jacket on?'....

The teacher blushed red and said
'No, the opposite'
Feb 2016 · 224
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He lived once,
To see the sun,
To see the smiles,
To see the stars,
To see the moon,
To see the light,
To see the dark.
To see the girl,
To see the sickness,
To see the hospital,
To see the heart,
To see the scalpel,
To see the transplant.....

.....He died once,
To see her happy and alive.
I have no idea what I'm trying to say.....
Feb 2016 · 122
Star Gazer Feb 2016
HelloPoetry; where realising poetic justice,
Is probably the cause of being just us.
Feb 2016 · 147
Who Am I? #3
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He has always dreamed of being a poet,
But in his early life he didn't know it.
Tormented by his own past,
In hopes that they pass,
That their dark fiendish hands no longer cast,
A shadow over him.

Nightmares reoccur haunting his soul,
Of heartbreak and pursuit of being whole,
Those nightmares evoked emotions,
So when screaming at silent oceans,
Was no longer an option,
He turned to his friend ; poetry.

His past keeps a grip on him,
Not letting go of his presence,
He bottled down to his last question,
'Who shall help me when I can't help myself?',
And a twinkle in the sky lit up his night,
He knew the flickering of flame quite often,
But this bright light guiding him,
Was different.
It was the stars,
And that was how he became a star gazer.
Feb 2016 · 460
Star Gazer Feb 2016
As poets we paint pictures of death and war,
We capture the essence of poverty and hunger,
We sing of the fiery hell that singes souls,


We also express love and romance,
We instil the message of family unity,
We draw upon scenic routes and beautiful sights


We never captured the character and nature
Of the black rose creating justice
Through unjustifiable means.
We never talked about Batman.
Feb 2016 · 234
Poet's Affect
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The tiles turned to dust,
The metals turned to rust.
The glass turned to shards,
That is when people turn to bards.
Feb 2016 · 380
Chaotic Poem
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The beauty gave him the first of many,
                     and as a result the beauty became the last.
He could no longer love anyone after the beauty,
                             A light over his life the beauty had cast,
And as a result,
          He could no longer love anyone else
His love for others came to a halt,
                For the beauty made his heart swell.
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
The Artist
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She was an artist, who drew me into her life.
The way she’d paint my name on her canvas.
The way she swept me away with every blank verse.

But one fact remained,

She drew me into her life only to smudge me into different shades,
Painted my name in watercolour as my name was smeared off the page,
And with every blank verse I fell, plummeting into an uncertain oblivion.

She was an artist,
Who got sick and tired of dead colours,
So she drew colours from broken hearts,
And bruised emotions.
Feb 2016 · 252
We Were Never Set In Stone
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We were never set in stone,
To afraid to find the light, we found the dark, alone,
Enticed to start a brand new home.
Feb 2016 · 219
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He refused to grow,
Living life as a one man show,
No room to groom or glow,
Will always be a blow,
From being alone.
He refused to grow,
For growing meant lawns to mow,
ripped clothes he had to sew,
Things he had to know,
And as a result he refused to grow.

...The saddest stagnant sordid reality,
is that even out of the best of his ability,
He could not stop time....
             And as a result,
He was forced to grow
Feb 2016 · 215
Are We Official Enough?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Are we official enough,
To go and do stuff?
Are we official enough,
To fall in love?
Are we official enough,
To eat till stuffed?
Are we official enough,
To finally wake up?
Are we official enough,
To finally break up?
Are we official enough,
To finally make up?
Are we official enough,
To finally unite us?
Are we official enough,
To make love?
Are we official enough,
To have kids?
Parents hate defacto relationships,
For the life of me I can't figure why.
So I wrote a little ....thing....
That details the stages of a relationship....
With a break and redemption.
Feb 2016 · 178
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She fell for everything he pretended to be,
He fell because she made him want to be what he pretended to be.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
The Forest
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When she spoke of birds and bees,
She wasn't speaking about ***,
Enumerating about leaf and trees,
Twinkle over a topic quite perplex.

When she spoke of rain checks,
She wasn't speaking about shopping,
Instead fretting over the birds in the nests,
Trees that perish by wood chopping.

When she spoke of a branch,
She wasn't speaking of business,
She spoke of destructive avalanche,
That pressure trees to diminish.

When she spoke of wood,
She wasn't speaking of phallus,
Or a portrayal of manhood,
She expounded on nature's palace.

When she spoke of nature,
Her passion burned hotter than a bushfire,
For she witnessed creatures endangered,
And the animals that suffered in our crossfire....

....Our crossfire between money and satisfaction...
Feb 2016 · 626
House To Home
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Home was with you,
And without you,
Every place seems blue,
But only if you knew,
How you made a house,
Become a home.

Now I am without a home,
Left to constantly roam,
For another soul,
That could make me whole,
The way you made a house,
Become a home.

Now I am without a home,
No place to call our own,
No such comfort zone,
And when I'm left alone,
I always just let out a groan.
I always reach for the phone,
But I never hear a dial tone,
I always felt naked to the bone,
With you around this place,
Because you made a house
Become a home.

Now my heart is without a home,
No ribcage to situate in,
No response to any situation.
They say love is patience,
But my heart is not a doctor,
All our memories in a locker,
I reminisce on what was proper,
But my vulnerable heart bear wind,
And there was no way it could win.
You made a house for my heart,
That became a home it couldn't part.
Feb 2016 · 444
Diary Entry 378e
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My emotions are controlling,
But the saying I'm upholding,
"Life is less about consoling,
And more about prevention".
Giving a man a minor sentence,
For ****** with intention,
Is equivalent to a suspension,
Of a handicap veterans pension.
A complete chaotic corruption.

"Life is less about consoling,
And more about prevention",
For what good is encouraging,
A lady to have an abortion.
A victimless crime?
What about the soft spoken,
The fetus just waiting for its time.
Unable to speak like a mine,
The fetus awaits its inevitable end,
With nary support of a friend,
What good is consoling?

"Life is less about consoling,
And more about prevention",
What good is an insurance policy,
When a man shot down like an animal,
By a "rehabilitated" criminal.
What good is a life gone,
When prevention was an option.
Feb 2016 · 205
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A mime while performing a little show for the street watchers notice a woman who seemed to be an angelic presence descended from the Heavens.

He started gesturing in the air, in pretense that he is opening a door and then walking into the door. After about four times of air locking the door, he finally steps through the door and starts to commit the biggest crime a mime could do.

He muttered "You are so beautiful, I had to walk through the door to tell you that you're adoorable".

With a little blush and a little bit of her hands covering her cheeks she questioned the mime's performance, "I thought you're not allowed to speak?"

He took a step back and said "I had to speak just to express mime heart, you beautiful angel".
Feb 2016 · 169
Maybe? [15W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Maybe I was too sure of many things
that I shouldn't have been sure about?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I wrote those words scribbled in ink,
in hopes that its message did sink.
I wrote of how much I loved you,
And to this day it remains ever so true.
I wrote of how you meant the world to me,
From the blue sky to the deepest parts of the sea,
I wrote those words knowing that you were my world,
Of all the harm and pain, time and distance hurled,
We still found one another.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I don't know if I'm a poet
Or a crazed teen
Failing to transition
Into adulthood.
Or maybe I'm just
Too afraid
Feb 2016 · 148
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was confused,
So between being completely lost
Being completely found,
A light shone on me,
To guide me,
That light was you,


I would walk
A million miles
To stay under this light
Feb 2016 · 134
Stuck In The Past
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I will always
Be a remnant
Of your past.
The one who
Cared too much
Did too little.
Feb 2016 · 135
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Forever waiting,
For that moment
Where I miss you,
Transists to,
I don't have to miss you,
Because you're always,
Going to be,
Right by my side.
Feb 2016 · 147
My Heart
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Numb, Ineffible, Waste,
The names I have known,
For the lack of love I have been shown,
But it doesn't bother me for I have grown.
My heart is that of a horse size,
So many inches thick and many more wide,
But if my heart could tell a tale,
It would show you the parts that are black and blue,
From the relentless heartbreaks to find the one true,
It would beat a beat that beats any other beats,
But at times it can be silent, as it settles to eat,
Swallowing anything between itself and me....
Causing convulsions and chest pains
From heartaches to heartbreaks,
My heart is a monster,
Who feeds and eats
**Away at my happiness
Feb 2016 · 322
Quality Over Quantity
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Because finding a thousand souls,
Doesn't compare to finding **the one
Feb 2016 · 206
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I love you,
A million things come from just three words,
But when I say I love you,
It goes beyond words, I want to love you the way birds,

     I want to love you like an albatross,
Reminisce on how our paths cross,
      Hold you in my giant wingspan forming a lover's cross.
Let you make your mark across my breast, crisscross,
To let you know that no matter how far I fly,
     Whether I'm low or a mountain's summit high
   My heart will always ever be yours.

   But that might not be enough
Because love is more than just things and stuff,
   So when I say I love you,
I want to love you like a seagull,
       Keep you sheltered under my wings, keep you whole,
I want to love you like a seagull,
      Tell you, like a seagul stealing food, is my heart you stole.
I want to hold you under my wings and lift you up,
      Or let you fly freely when you've had enough.

I just want to love you,
     Love you like expression of birds,
For I want it to be felt not heard,
           And that's why I want to be your loverbird.....

      But what is loving you really?
Feb 2016 · 217
We Were Never Set In Stone
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We were never set in stone,
I called you on your phone,
But all I'm getting is dial tone.
No, it wasn't the time zone,
Now I feel somehow alone.
It wasn't that you weren't home.
It was because we were never set in stone,
A cement slab without solidifying finish,
And all the memories shared start to diminish,
We were never set in stone,
All we were,
Were a myriad of complex emotions.
Feb 2016 · 308
I Met A Guy
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Late last summer I met a man,
Wheelchair bound from tragedy,
I asked him about his life's strategy,
He simply replied he didn't have one,
But his words remained "I HAVE WON!"

He told me how he came to be in the state he was in,
He told me of a car accident he was in.
He said, "In a car accident only the car wrecks",
I guessed that was why they called it a car wreck,
He said "You aren't handicapped if your soul stands *****,
If your heart and soul stays strong, it's not cause and effect,
It is simply a matter of standing back up, soul wise".
Feb 2016 · 123
Could I Ever Be Loved?
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Could I ever be loved?
In between finding out,
And finding doubt,
A love had sprout,
Because in between finding out,
And welcoming thoughts of doubt,
I found you...
Feb 2016 · 162
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You were my best bet,
Not someone to be won,
Not something I gamble on,
You were my best bet,
To be what humans call the one,
But the notion of betting has long gone,
Because with you nothing could go wrong.
I could hold my head in my hands,
Think of all our little beautiful plans,
Cherish one another like albino and tans.
You were my best bet
The one who I could never forget,
A heart and soul of gold, a perfect set,
But we haven't solidify anything to treasure yet,
Because even though you were my best bet,
You were also my last bet.

You were my last bet,
Because I unwilling lost,
And subsequently I'm feeling lost,
But if our paths should cross,
Just know that words won't be loss,
But the photographic memories set in gloss,
Will remind us of the way our teeth sat across,
One another like dental floss.
Feb 2016 · 114
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Through a twist of fate,
I made a mistake,
Of thinking hearts could be traded,
As though they could be sold and bought,
Till I realised I sold my heart for nought.
Feb 2016 · 187
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They use to tell me that being a poet,
means being gifted and talented with words,
as though small simple words weren't heard,
We stray away from simple words that people know of,
To much more complex, intricate words like amorousness,
Because love can only be felt by overcomplicating the term,
As though love itself is an entity of no value can confirm.
Feb 2016 · 158
Small Brain
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Ever since I was small,
I was told I would not amount to much intellectually,
It didn't bother me that I had no brains and was silly,
Because what I lacked in mental capacity,
I knew I could make up for with my heart.

Having a small brain,
Meant that I wasn't trained,
To see love as a cynical object aimed to taint,
It wasn't ingrained in me that logical reasoning resonates pain,
All it meant was that I had a choice to follow my heart.

So I would always follow my heart,
Whether it'll be with someone far apart,
Or falling for someone falling apart,
Someone who didn't know how to start,
Someone who lived in a shopping cart,
I knew love meant giving away my heart.
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