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Feb 2016 · 440
Star Gazer Feb 2016
'A bully is always a coward',
The teachings prevalent in school,
But in glory he showered,
With attributes of being cool.

He grew up as most men do,
And still the sky sheltered him,
The sky that shone its blue,
For once never grew dim.

During school, whilst still young,
The bully broke peoples interest
Deemed singers nerd for being well sung,
Not realising everyone's different.

We can't all be well hung jocks,
We write to ease our pain,
Breaking from shackles, we picked locks,
Through words that don't die in vain.

The bully grew up like most people,
He became a banker somehow,
Robbing interest seemed less evil,
Because it was strictly business now.

Robbing interest through loans,
As though health and wellbeing,
Was a construction only shown,
From the money people are seeing.

The bully grew up,
Never deemed a real coward,
Whilst we hung unto our name enough,
For them to eventually be scoured.

We lived as freaks and geeks,
Always trapped between strange,
As though undeserving of creeks,
Lakes, Rivers, houses and granges.

We deserved it the way the bullies do,
Ever since the start, birth,
Because we live in the same blue,
The same blue that shelters Earth,

We may be the underdogs,
Sitting on the benches,
Butts sticking to rotten logs,
But we may also build business ventures.

So don't underestimate us, simply based on how we look,
Because one day we might be the exact people to save your lives,
So don't ever mistake sympathy for weakness because if you mistook,
We may shatter the lives we help save just look at bee and hives.
Feb 2016 · 415
To Mrs Gazer
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Every mistake I make,
Brings me closer,
To the one I'll put all at stake,
Just to hold her.

The way she will look at me,
Like the way I look at the stars,
The way she will look at trees,
The way I look at cars.

The way she'll genuine laugh at jokes,
Holding her hair back from her mouth,
For whenever she wanted to speak or spoke,

When she says 'I'm happy',
The way I can reply 'I'm star gazer nice to meet you happy'
And get a genuine chuckle.
The way she encourages me,
And the way she'll build blocks for me.

I will meet you one day,
And I'll marry the heck out of you,
You take my word for it,
Mrs star gazer...

I don't know where you are,
Or what you're doing,
But i know you're near me,
Somewhere. ....

Oh please let you be the hottie down the street,
Just kidding.
I'm sure you're beautiful.

Can't wait to meet you,
Your love...
     Star Gazer
Haha. My future wife....who I haven't met yet ......I want to write kind of a future letter and see whether any of it will come up true.
Feb 2016 · 162
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was always sat across the stars
Would find the road but lose the cars.
Immersive into a different reality,
But the price of that gift is my sanity.
Feb 2016 · 127
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I held myself up,
When they tried to hold me down,
Surprisingly strong enough,
To lift myself without a frown.

They held my head down the water,
Expecting that I would drown,
But I will not stand in front of god's alter,
For I am lifting my head and going to town.
Feb 2016 · 176
I Can...... I Bucket too
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I am a glass half full type of man,
Writing and living with an ' I can',
Opposed to its nemesis of 'I can't",
So with a broken leg, I hopped and I ran,
Agonising pain running along my leg,
I tried my best to hold the pain within,
Because I knew I would be living 'I can'.
Can....Bucket? get it ? hahahaha
Feb 2016 · 722
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"He could not dance",
That was what he was told,
And given a chance,
He might have nothing to behold.

It didn't stop him from trying,
Because upon the dance floor,
He felt as though he was flying,
A bird without wings yet could soar.

To afraid to look a fool, he took classes,
Where he was sat between other dancers,
Attention aroused by female asse....glasses,
He found his one true calling, the answer.

He went upon the floor in stride,
Holding every piece of him up high,
And with every inch of pride,
He let out an ensemble of moves without try.

So if they ever said he could never dance,
Best believe that if he was given a chance,
He could make tears roll down faces,
By the way his body move and paces.

So don't let people define what you can,
Or can't do.
Feb 2016 · 212
The Chicken
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The chicken was always questioned,
On it's motives and given suggestions,
To be expected to live it's life without tension,
So between crossing the road in given directions,
Or asked about its formation in natures selection,
It was never a free bird.

Forced to cross the road alone,
Battling depression on its own,
With no space to even roam,
So in the cold, it lets out a groan,
That speaks to heart of stones,
Of its battle against society.
The chicken was never a free bird.

So why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it's masters and joke makers told it to.

So which came first, the egg or the chicken?
Doesn't matter, they are forced to live their ill fate,
As though by some mistake,
They became the rodent of society.
Feb 2016 · 637
Root One x Root One
Star Gazer Feb 2016
√1 x √ 1 = 1
Root one, never felt like a full piece, never one,
Root one, met another number so alike in style,
Their common interest multiplied and became one,
And that was when they both let out their first smile.

When other numbers counted the bees and the birds,
Root one and root one counted fractions and surds,
In hopes that no one ever knew or ever heard,
They spoke of words like how absurd was the word surd.

Root one who never felt more whole than anyone,
Finally found another soul to make him a whole one.
No need for imaginary numbers of root negative ones,
Because Root One found a positive match, Root One.

So as night approaches,
Root one and Root one now a real number
Surrounded by the petal of roses,
Fell into one another arms to slumber.

Night and day comes to an inevitable close,
Root one and Root one became a complete whole,
This simply goes to shows,
That you don't have to be without flaws to find another soul.

√1 = 1
In another universe, root one was happy being root one,
Because root one found the one within himself, root one.
They say one is a lonely number, so a root one,
Must be the loneliest number with no need for anyone else to be one,
Living a sordid life of loneliness, no other numbers left to join,
And at the flip or toss of a coin,
He will remain a never used piece of conversation,
But this poem must come to a close, no point in elongation,
Root one is a lonely number with no one to root,
But his own self, what a lonely shoot....
Two sides of Root Ones......
Little innuendo intended.
Feb 2016 · 193
Be A Good Person
Star Gazer Feb 2016
This lesson that I will now impart,
Is that good always starts from the heart.
Feb 2016 · 228
Rise Above False Words
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I don't lay my life on the lips of a liar,
The melodic tune of a well strung lyre.
Easy to see, to hear, to touch not so easy to feel,
Resembling a fish caught on the line of a reel.
So cast your shells of hate across my soul,
Just know I will remain intact, whole.
Feb 2016 · 605
Silver Serpent Silverware.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sinister sibling of a spoon,
Merciless metal monster,
Trusting tenacious trident,
Impaling inwards.

Oh how I could trust a fork,
Till that one day,
When my older brother,
Impaled a fork,
Upon my soft skin.

Do I lose trust in the fork,
Do I lose trust in family?
Feb 2016 · 385
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The baby let out a scream,
WAHHHHH! no tears just sounds,
Oh how the baby was full of dreams,
Able to get anything she wanted it seems,
From the fish in the oceans to the fish in the seas,
And she couldn't even barely see...

The above part,
Was not of a demanding baby,
Nor a crying annoying baby,
But of a mothers heart.
A mothers heart,
Where gold sets apart,
And messages that impart,
Love can be shown at the start...
Drenched in sadness but never lacked a laugh,
She held her baby in her arms and continued the path,
Where creatures were under beds,
And monsters were in her head,
She held her baby in her arms and continue the path,
Where monsters hid in closets,
And baby lifted above her head like rockets,
With barely any strength or muscle in her arms,
She kept the baby from all the harm,
And made her soar into the sky like a rocket.

Indicative for the baby to figure out,
That in all certainty and without a doubt,
A baby can soar for its dreams,
And so it somehow seems,
Babies grow up to be people ,
Who are able to now see,
Just like you and me.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was made different,
Same brain, same race,
But I was different.
Same smile, same face,
But something was different.
I could never speak in sibilance,
Stuttering stressed sounds and somehow,
Learning to live with who I am now.

My parents told me to value honour and integrity,
But come eighteen years of age, they came begging me,
To fall on my knees and kiss the *** of my overlords,
Between finding me and growing up, I lost my vocal chords,
Never able to project my thoughts,
Because I was to afraid of projecting a rejected side of society,
I wasn't really being me.

I was like a car losing its tyres almost edging its rims,
I had all control over my working limbs,
But I never had a control of my voice and it seems,
That somehow as I grew up I started to fit into seams,
Never the thread to stick out from the patterns,
Always be the one to stand back and watch the shattered,
Picking up the pieces of their lives scattered.

I watched people fall like flies and flies fall like pollen,
And from all of it, the message that I have always gotten,
'Humans will never be perfect',
But it doesn't matter, perfection is mere mortals exaggeration,
Of what it really means to be you.
We live under the same sky, same blue,
So being perfect, simply means being you,
Able to voice your words and keep true,
That the message you're upholding is alive, because of you.
**You are you,
And you are perfect.
[No one can surpass being you,
For being you is something,
only you can do,
Thats why you are perfect]
Feb 2016 · 142
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say today is called the present,
Because it is a huge gift.
I say present today,
Because I'm stuck in class and the teachers
are calling out the list of students.
Feb 2016 · 195
Not A Poem
Star Gazer Feb 2016
One weekend passes,
I attend my classes,
But there's one realization,
That without hesitation,
I am a better man than I was.
A happier man than I was,
For I conquered my first,
Heart break.

Now off to party yo.
So I won't be writing
As much.


Cya lovely folks around.

I'll still read so if you
Message me I'll still
Feb 2016 · 157
Dark Is A Light
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I ventured into the dark night,
Things to be seen and stories to be told,
After all it'll be different at day's light,
So for now I must hold onto every sight,
The beauty of a lonely night in the cold.

Fear has driven me to be afraid,
Not of death, not of disease, but of life
For life meant having bills to be paid,
Bricks after bricks of work to be laid,
And then in search of someone called a wife.

Life is an endless rat race of 'almost' and 'never',
A constant pursuit of how things can be bright,
From love to life we always wanted 'forever',
But this humanly ties I will now sever,
For I ventured into the dark night.
Feb 2016 · 356
Thank you
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You spoke of suicide,
And I fell apart like a lost puppy,
Unsure of how to help,
In retrospect I should have been strong,
Faced the tumbling sky,
With head and shoulders upwards,
But now that you're gone,
I can't help but feel ashamed,
knowing that even with,
Those monsters lurking within you,
I would have stayed.
I guess I didn't have a chance to,
tell you enough.

Happy Valentines day my dear,
you'll have my ear,
The same way you held my heart,
And I pray that year after year,
Your new babe and you won't split apart.
Emotions will always be my handicap,
Crippling how my brain makes its choices.
I was pressuring you to say what is on your mind,
Without realising that suicide was on your mind,
I guess....I should have paid closer attention,
But now ...time ticks over time,
All I'm left with is the memories of you.
Thank you for everything dear.
Feb 2016 · 268
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I saw your mind,
I said *******,
Not on the darkness that lurked around,
But on the fact that you think you're a waste of space.
To me,
You will be the best,
The thought of perfection surrounds you,
So when you think I was afraid of the darkness inside,
And getting upset,
It was not because you shown me the darkness,
It was because you concocted,
A thought that you are underserving of life,
When I could not see anyone,
No one on the whole Earth,
More deserving of life,
Than you.
I will always remember you as the ,
perfect one.
I regret saying *******,
Because I would be by your side even when you had those thoughts,
but I don't regret saying *******,
Because you deserve life more than any one in this world
No matter how darks those thoughts were,
No matter how much your mind thought of fleeing Earth,
you will remain perfect.

"You a waste of space" will always remain *******.
I am glad you found someone ,
Who could make you see the rainbows,
In an otherwise black and white light.
I am glad he / she is able to let you see it that way,
I am glad for you.
I will always open my heart for you.
But I don't deserve you in there,
I the best
Feb 2016 · 830
I don't know
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I don't know who I am,
I don't know what I am,
I don't know what to do,
I don't know what to be,
All I know is,
When you left you took something with you,
Something that made me feel like I knew things,
Something that allowed certainty to flow through my veins,
You took something,
And now I don't know what it was.
I miss you....
And no matter how much I can pretend I'm progressing.
My mind is still thinking about you.
I'm sinking into some kind of abyss
And it scares me.
I don't know anything anymore
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When they all stop caring,
Then you care for yourself.
Feb 2016 · 145
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Everytime someone asked me,
'What is love?'
I would reply with simply,
'Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more'.

Now that I have experienced love,
My answer to the question,
'What is love?'
My reply will always be,
'Baby please fix me,
I'm lonely,
Help me'.
Feb 2016 · 153
False Words
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say write more poems,
The pain will eventually subside.
I've been writing my heart out,
Bleeding words onto a page,
That is barely able to soak it all.
Yet I feel no better than,
When I started to write.

When will the pain subside?
Is it in this set of rhymes?
Or has the cure gone to hide?
Leaving me alone without a bell's chime.
Feb 2016 · 107
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Always an angel,
Just one not in my presence,
But still an angel.
Feb 2016 · 278
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The world tells me to
'Don't be afraid to be yourself ',
Well newsflash world,
I hate myself,
I'm a ******* *******,
That should be left to rot.
Feb 2016 · 219
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Oh how many times I verged on insanity,
I wanted to send my hearts notice,
But I convinced myself that,
There won't be a reality where ,
You remotely still have feelings for me,
So my heart goes unheard,
And my voice slowly starts to shake,
For there is so much I wanted to tell you.
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Under The Tree
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Trees swaying against the gentle wind,
The birds vocalize their melodic tune.
Across the tree sat an unloved boy,
Who tried to make sense of the world.
He would ask the birds questions,
As though they were his friends.
Play with a colony of ants
In pretense that they were his siblings.
One fateful day an unloved girl,
Placed herself next to him,
Mesmerised by his playfulness to nature,
She asks, "Do you know what love is?"

The boy pondered and pondered,
Coming up with a simplistic explanation,
"Love is like the tree, it holds everything together",
The unloved girl took the boys hand with hers,
And said,
"Love isn't something figured out,
It's not meant to be known but felt,
It can be confusing as black holes,
To as simple as a bird in a nest."

She took a deep breath with his hands still in hers,
"Love is what I want us two to figure out".

This was how an unloved boy,
And an unloved girl,
Became just a boy,
And just a girl,
For they found love in each other.
Feb 2016 · 130
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I ventured into the windy night
In search for who I wanted to become,
But I never realised,
That who I wanted to become,
Became who I am.
I said this while drunk. Can anyone tell me what I was trying to say?
Feb 2016 · 222
Show Love
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm not sure if it's an affliction
Or whether its an addiction,
But I see beauty of love on Earth,
And I've witnessed it since birth.

We see the beauty in romance
And that's what separates,
Us from the people who hate dance,
Resulting in diminishing hate.
Somehow I still love you.
Hope you can forever be happy.
I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy.
My dream then will be settled.
Feb 2016 · 137
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say noon,
Will come soon,
And the moon,
Won't be gloom,
Like a womb,
A human room,
To hold life.
Feb 2016 · 142
I miss then
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I miss them,
The same way a plant misses water.
But they don't care and probably won't ever read this plus they moved on......just my own little self reflection...

You'll always find better than me.
And I am happy for you.
Feb 2016 · 197
Not a poem
Star Gazer Feb 2016
To my new Hello Poetry friends who has helped me see the light once again. I know I've been an emotional wreckage the past few days, but I thank you all for the support you have shown me. I promise you I will stand on my two feet and carry the world on my shoulder again one day. Special thanks to carol, spt, nameless,rosalind, julie, lucinda and eve who have taken the time to message me and encouraged me to keep on writing as well as made me understand myself better so I can better myself. I thank you all. Thank you Hello Poetry for showing me what it's like to appreciate stars in my life without having to look upon the darkest part of our lives; the night.
Feb 2016 · 170
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I was too tired
to see you for who you are,
        A walking live star.
Feb 2016 · 210
I Just Didn't
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I didn't breathe.
I didn't sleep.
I didn't sing in the showers.
I didn't dance in the day.
I didn't talk.
I didn't eat.
I didn't drink.
Because I didn't see a point,
Of doing those things anymore.
Feb 2016 · 300
Mind Exploration
Star Gazer Feb 2016
One uneventful night I had a dream,
A breed of the creatures that no longer roam the Earth,
A tragicasaurus was what it called itself.

It spoke in a mixture of growls and english,
I was mesmerised by this moment and wanted a selfie,
I reached for my phone but it was missing.

A mixture of panic and fear set in over my body,
And the dinosaur forever remained a figment,
Of my imagination.

If I could capture every one of my dreams,
It would contain only photos of you,
And that would be the most exhilarating,
Most beautiful collection of photos in existence.
Feb 2016 · 137
Star Gazer Feb 2016
There's only so many times I can say I wish you the best,
Before I appear to be a spirit haunting you.

     And this will be my last.

I wish you nothing but the best.
Feb 2016 · 446
Star Gazer Feb 2016
He was a paraplegic,
Cursed to see the world from the height of a wheelchair.
He recognised a woman who loved him without care,
For his misfortune. The woman being quite strategic,
Always said at least you aren't a quadriplegic,
And that was what established them as a pair.
The mutual love and respect they both share,
Because even if he was handicapped she didn't see it.

She was blind,
An affliction through her whole life,
The scent of the rose that promised her, to be his wife,
And she didn't mind.
For something between the two connected them.
Feb 2016 · 150
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Ringing in my ears,
Shivering from fears,
It's setting in again,
Locked in a den,
The panic attack,
No more heart track.

When will my mind forget,
Or am I just not ready yet?
Feb 2016 · 258
Hypocritical Amateur Poet
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Words are invisible like
***** and *****
Until they are
shown in a black light,
Known as action
Feb 2016 · 130
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Congratulations to all who found love.
Happy valentines day.
Feb 2016 · 296
I'm Sad
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Upon resting in bed with a girl,
I asked her 'do you want to spoon?'
She gives of a shocked face and says,
'Fork no'.
I looked at her with a smile
And mumbled 'that's not very knife of you'...

Come dinner that day,
I broke a dinner plate and decided it was funny to say,
' dish is a dishaster'....

I haven't talked to her ever since.
Feb 2016 · 136
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Set phasers to the moon,
Elevate the rocket,
I knew it was just a phase.
Feb 2016 · 108
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why can't I move on?
I'm a walking tragic incident....
Why can I not move on?
Stuck to roam my mind,
A mind that is partly gone,
What is it that I need to find?
Feb 2016 · 147
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The die had been rolled,
We were lifted off into another reality,
One without fatality,
And we were sold,
Just like the houses in monopoly.
Feb 2016 · 145
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Where the corpses lay,
No signs of life, just death,
Stealing a life, biggest theft,
Bodies and limbs in vast array,
Drawing on their last breath.

Where the lead had been cast,
Nothing but rotting flesh,
Some of it quite fresh,
Now their life; a thing of the past,
Where blood and bullets mesh.

War is a tragic hell,
Death, decay and injuries everywhere,
And for some all that is left is hair,
But who can really tell?
For war is not fought with care.
Feb 2016 · 162
Two Paths Two Hearts
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Two hearts formed in stone,
Sorry that I couldn't split them apart,
Never roamed alone,
The love these hearts shown,
Is what kept two hearts becoming a heart.

Two paths branch out in a lively crowded park,
In hopes that I could travel both, I could not,
one path encased in nothing but dark,
the other path padded in soft bark,
And I chose the path where things went to rot.

These two paths shown me life changing affirmations,
In a way they showed me the world,
The paths showed me that everything is built on foundations,
A common bond that can't branch off without relations,
It showed me how two hearts remain strong despite things hurled.
Feb 2016 · 134
My Story
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Me and momma never really had much help,
She would work days and nights to provide,
While I stayed at home looking after myself,
Reassuring that I always stayed inside.

When I was six, I told her that I hated her,
She didn't shed a tear or get angry,
She said "I won't ever be a back patter,
But we are blood and that's family".

When I was six, a year after fathers death,
She cried at nights and I would bring her tissues,
Not really sure if I understood myself in depth,
I just knew that that's what you bring people with issues.

When I was six, she said once more without a bush to beat
'I won't ever be a back patter,
But you will be able to stand on your two feet,
and life will remain easier."

"We only have each other in this life,
And that means at times you have to be tough,
And you aren't a kid, you'll be a man for life,
So all I can give you is an open door when things get rough".

I think ever since I was a kid, ever since then,
My fathers funeral was the only one I was ever weak at,
So as time passes I do cry now and again,
But I am a man who never felt weak no matter where I sat.
Feb 2016 · 175
Clouds [Terrible Poem]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Clouds formed a lively smile,
It's ends extended for a mile.
The cloud didn't know pain,
Just waiting to drizzle rain.
Luminescent ray passes through,
And it held together like glue.

Clouds are a strong bond,
Pouring storm on anyone.
Feb 2016 · 187
Not a Poem
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Happy valentines day to those who found love,
I hope you have a great day.

And to those who don't have love right now,
it will be ok, we still have chocolate.

Chocolate is a different kind of sweet,
A different kind to love.

Happy valentines day to everyone
Feb 2016 · 181
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I can show you two worlds,

                     One with peace,
                     One with love,
                     One without poverty,
                     One where generosity blossoms like flowers,
                     One where smiles are shared.

The other is a wasteland,
Barren in its effect,
A mixture of love and hate,
Poverty is deep rooted,
Corruption runs rampant,
Sadness and despair flows,
Sometimes happiness runs,
                                         The latter is Earth.
                                            We don't come in peace.
Feb 2016 · 224
Uggh [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm such a loser
Always stuck in the past.
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