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Feb 2016 · 201
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The candle sat shimmering,
On a table,
A sturdy table, a table so stable,
That the candle never once flickered,
Even when parents bickered,
The candle showed us that,
No matter how dark things get,
As long as you have support,
There will always be light,
Because one candle ,
Can light up the whole world.
Feb 2016 · 374
Advices I Tell Myself
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Keep your head up high
Because you never know
What you might find.

Keep your heart closed
Because the right person,
Will be able to penetrate,

Don't speak of love,
until you are completely,
sure that it really is love
both ways. Sometimes
you might love someone
or be in love with someone,
who's never in love with you.
Feb 2016 · 870
She's No Artist
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I drew her with the moon beaming of her rosy cheeks,
Painted her on the canvas with angelic wings,
Surrounded her in a river  of rose petals,
And the watercolour illuminating her flawless complexion.
I made her shine, ten times brighter than I saw,
Because in my eyes she was the light keeping me lit.


She drew me as a stickman...
No clear features or qualities,
Border lining obscenely mundane.
She drew me as a ******* stickman.
Feb 2016 · 221
Lucy Fer
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She descended upon Earth,
Feathered wings drop,
And ever since birth,
She has made hearts stop.

In her teenage years,
She made false promises,
Forcing drain tears,
From incorrect prophecies.

She spoke of love,
Yet had none to show,
She spoke of dove,
Yet no peace to know.

She was lucifer embellished,
In human skin,
She made lives hellish,
To all humans akin.

She preyed on trusting hearts,
Tearing at the threads in place,
Till they all crumbled apart,
from her false embrace.
{Curvaceous Katie inspire Poem]
Feb 2016 · 198
Warmest Embrace
Star Gazer Feb 2016
"When the wind burns torturous,
And the heat scorches us,
Remember that I would always shield you",
she says as her arms reach for my back in a warm embrace,
dislodging all the shards of glass impaled in my heart,
"I won't ever let go, nothing will tear us apart"
She whispers into my right ear.
I gazed into her beautiful black eyes,
An overwhelming feeling that I was soaring in the skies,
I asked, "Are you drunk? cause that's the lamest ****,

....Somehow she knew,
That I meant
**"I would hug you in my arms forever,
I would give you my life,
I would give you everything I am,
And everything I have".

       She didn't hear the words,
But she uttered the three words that told me she knew,
                      "It's all ok"...
Feb 2016 · 118
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Everything that I have loved have lied
And every dove has died.
Every shove, i have sighed.
And every time, i want to die.
         Least that phase passes.
Feb 2016 · 110
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say that 'you have to make your dreams',
I could never ever make such a beautiful face,
You're a thread that strays from common seams,
You're as beautiful as the stars in the silent space.

I gaze at stars but I'm thinking of you,
Looking over the care we showed,
I wonder if you ever do that too,
Then again I'm reminded by the way you glow.

I just can't stop my mind from thinking,
My heart still has a cast so it's not ok,
To let you suffer that feeling of sinking,
For it will be a while to say.

No one emerges from the depths of hell safe,
But keeping my mind on how you held me,
I have never once ever lost hope or even faith;
Because you nestled me in your arms like a warm sea.

Between betrayal and love loss,
If I were to always find my way to you,
I'll go through it all no matter the cost,
Because I know one day you'll say 'I do'.
Feb 2016 · 129
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Between betrayal and love loss,
I fell to my unstable knees,
You made me delete photos in gloss,
And made me feel glee.

You helped me torch memories,
You're like my superhero in a cape,
The way you burnt that letter for me,
And finally helped me make a clean escape.

Things didn't feel rush or fast with you,
Maybe it's cause you're patient,
Or maybe we're under same patch of blue,
But I guess it saves me from chasing.

Thank you so much,
For getting rid of past love items ,
And as such,
Helped me break from the hems.

Thank you turkish delight.
Thanks for letting me see the light,
And for curing my heartbreak
And the subsequent heartache.
Feb 2016 · 325
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm snuggled into bed,
Pillow contacting my head,
Just gazing into the,
Little specks of illumination,
In the night sky,
Wondering whether you,
Are missing me as much,
As I am missing you.
The way I held you in,
My arms,
The way we held hands,
Oh how I miss your,

This bed is a barren wasteland,
A desolately isolated booth,
Where things come to rot,
Because without you by my side,
I might as well be dead.

Who would have known,
That half an hour,
Is truly a torturous,

Feb 2016 · 223
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Sleep evades me,
My dark surly bonds,
To my old acquaintance,
Holds on tight,
Is truly the writers
Feb 2016 · 159
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I once climbed to the
mountains summit and to sum
it up, it was great
Feb 2016 · 247
Diary Entry 1231230138131
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I am now in my second decade,
And I'm starting to notice how things fade,
I have grown a darker shade,
Threw away the arm scarring sharp blade,
I guess it comes with age.
My second decade should start a new page,
Set lights on a new stage,
And I have learnt a lot in my twenties,
Than I did in my teenage years.

When I was a teenager,
I would listen to friends talk of ***,
From future girls to *** with the ex,
It was just an amalgamation of nonsense,
Because it always felt against my conscience,
I treasured something deeper,
I treasured love.

All my childish mind ended abrupt,
When I learnt of this beautiful thing "LOVE",
But in my twenties I learnt,
To never say "I love you" too easily,
Even if it may come ease to me,
Because without forethought it will hurt.
I learnt that love is as quite fleeting,
if it is not with the correct person,
But I also learnt that it's just
One step closer to the right person.
I started to embrace heartbreak,
Adored the idea of heartache,
Because it just meant I'm closer,
Closer to mrs Star Gazer.

In my twenties I had the company,
of my close friend for my first real heartbreak,
She somehow patched up the ache,
And made me laugh which is difficult for me.
She felt like a lifesaver,
Sweet candy to the heart,
Because I found myself feeling lost when we were apart,
But I have just recovered from a broken heart,
And there's still a cast surrounding that part,
But it's been healing....

It won't trust anyone other than her,
But if she's not the one,
I know that I will be thankful for her,
For I know I can trust someone.

Kind heart, listening ear and a sense of humour,
My days will never ever get any gloomer.
Feb 2016 · 275
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Out of all the chairs in the room, she sat next to mine,
She put her hand out and said "give me nine",
Thoughts raced through my mind,
Like "**** a pretty girl sending chills down my spine",
I looked at her fingers, there were nine,
So confused and shocked
at how our hands might interlock,
I told her "you have hands as beautiful like a rock",
Stupid line, I know, but there wasn't much time on the clock,
For she might be out the class and this might be our end.

I tried to fix my mistake,
Told her how I meant her hands,
Were like gemstones reflecting the beautiful sunrise,
And that at the moment it is all surmise,
the only way to really know is if she held my hand.
I looked at her hand she still had nine fingers,
I let the thought linger,
Asked her "what happened to your pinky finger",
She said " I made a pinky swear and then it got so rude I had to chop it",
She had a sense of humour,
Then popped right up, ***** was her pinky finger,
She was pretending this whole time.
I placed my hands over hers,
Wondering how any of this occurs,
She says "you're nervous, that means you think I'm hot",
       With mouth wide opened I exasperated,
"You're not hot, you're beautiful and that's all I've got",
falling back into silence,
she puts her arms around my neck and said,
"You're different, something different"....

I looked around the room,
Said "two eyes, two nostrils, two ears,
two hands",
she interrupted me and spoke,
"Please say two *****, I've always wanted to see one, I meant two",
Shocked I stopped speaking and said,
"We are all made different,
Saw our lives fall different,
We rise different,
We build things different,
Because we are all different"....

She says ,
"So you have two *****? I'm not hearing a no,
That's awesome!"....
Feb 2016 · 295
Star Gazer Feb 2016
A friend once told me that after a breakup,
You just need to be strong and say "enough",
But how could I do that...
    When they make me feel so weak....
made my heart beat in tandem,
       ran through my mind in random,
Made my knees weak.....

But I somehow grew strong.
       I am the Hulk.
I am the incredible Hulk.
                    I don't need someone
Who never needed me.
That's the cycle of life.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Why do poets always write about love,
As though it is filled with beauty,
As though there aren't grey clouds above,
And to live and love is human's duty.

Why do poets always write about heartbreak,
As though a heart so filled with void,
Could somehow be expressed of how it aches,
And thoughts of what could be is fully employed.

Why do poets not talk about how life is wonderful,
That love is not a necessary part to life,
That we in all our essence make Earth beautiful,
And that love doesn't start with the word wife.

Why must poets colour coat the beautiful world,
And take away from the blue serene skies,
Ignoring nature and all the art it has hurled,
Filling our head with hollywood dreams and lies
[ One day I'll tell you I love you, turkish delight]
Feb 2016 · 173
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Rise above the inferno that incinerated everything,
Hold your head to the flames that scatter everywhere,
And realise that the fire that once burnt the world,
Is nothing but an illusion imagined into existence,
By the works of deluded minds who saw joy in pain.

Slowly the Earth will burn one day at a time,
When that time comes, the skies will cherish the moments,
For the sun and the sky has finally been apart.
Feb 2016 · 206
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When the bell chimes,
The casket prepared,
Remember times,
When you cared.

Cry not for my soul,
Be glad for I am fine,
I will be perfectly whole,
When it comes time.

Don't remember me,
Erase me from your mind,
For you will eventually see,
That you will always be in mine.

Don't stand at my grave,
Memories eventually fade,
There's nothing left to save,
I will be bounded by palisades.

The palisades known as time.
Feb 2016 · 92
I'm Tired
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I'm ok today,
I'm not sure of tomorrow
But I'm always dead.
Feb 2016 · 114
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I see trees of green,
Red roses too,
I see dead pigeons,
******* that's new.
Feb 2016 · 175
Mother's Confession
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Not many can live with the name
But I live with the name everyday,
I wear the labels and the name
As the product
Of a failed abortion.
Feb 2016 · 389
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say if you've found the

No matter how much pain,
You've suffered,
You'll still look at them,
The way Gollum,
Looks at the one ring.

You would die for the,
Battle in wars for the,

And you would never,
             Discard it's worth.

I need someone to be my,
Or someone to be my,
After all, that is life's,
Final goal.....
Feb 2016 · 223
Demolished Wall
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Brick by brick,
   The wall that we built,
        To barricade us from the world
Reinforced by our promises to one another,
             Strengthened by our love,
                Brick by brick,
                  Came  t
                              ­   u
                   ­                           l
                                    ­            i

           **Brick after Brick,
             Stone after Stone,
               Concrete after Concrete,
      Till there was nothing left.
Feb 2016 · 220
I'm Not Giving Up
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Came to be in a place that is dark and desolate,
Because the light that materialized things faded,
Now its almost an abysmal pit of the ill fated,
Yet I still grab at the vines of renowned pestilence,
Stuck in an emotional pretense of feeling sedated,
            Just maybe....
                                If we hang....
                                       On long enough....
We'll eventually descend the same road,
                              ­   Way
           ­                                             Again...
Feb 2016 · 797
Hearts List
Star Gazer Feb 2016
My heart has a list of people,
A list of people I should have loved,
A list of people I shouldn't have loved,
Somehow you're on both lists.
Feb 2016 · 206
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We walked through artillery shells,
We walked through all kinds of hell,
And in the end I had to walk alone,
In this degraded dark battle zone,
I call my mind.
Feb 2016 · 795
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Birds can **** and poo,
I will now talk in haikus,
The way a bird coos
Coo = Bird noises?.... no?
Feb 2016 · 362
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I am not a poet because I lack maturity,
My writing will always be tainted straying from purity,
There may be days I write my heart and soul,
But no matter how much I write I never feel whole.
I saw the world for its beauty but also its evils,
I've seen people be nice but also be decietful.
I am not a poet for I still find the word **** funny,
But I am fine being me,
Seeing the things I prefer to see.
My immaturity is what makes me how I am,
And if people refuse to accept that part of me,
Then I no longer require them in my life.
Immaturity does not mean I'm never serious,
It simply means I can distort my childlike side into this reality,
In a world where I'm taking orders from bosses,
Taking insults from university professors,
Why can't I retain my child like mind?
I am serious elsewhere, I am a stick in hay at work,
I am everything proper and mature,
But can't I be me when I want to be,
Why can't i just keep my childlike humour.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Seeing the world for what it is has been a great experience,
The way people would manipulate through fake appearance,
The way people would **** each other at shopping clearance,
Oh how the world has become a wicked place,
But I am not a cynical mind or a cynical face,
It's just been truthfully so, an Earth of bad taste.
Will be waiting to see Earth meltdown but I won't live that long....
So, I guess I must enjoy the beauty of it ....bit by bit,
No matter how little left there is in it,
Mostly thanks to that lovely girl who sits right beside me in class,
The way she'll let my cynical mind just pass,
As though the nonsensical **** I spout is ok,
Oh how I really love your patience and kindness,
Your warm shoulders and your warm cheeks,
And thank you for looking out for the geeks ,
I don't know why you're so warm to a guy as ugly as me,
To a person who is as impossible at love as me,
But somehow you keep me around and give me hugs when I'm down,
You are the true embodiment of warmth,
And I must thank you for it.
Your warm hugs,
Your warm shoulder,
You are perfect,
Finally can say that and not have to say "almost" before perfect.
Lets hope one day I'm ready to move us forward.
Feb 2016 · 115
Relationship With Poetry
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Always felt so dependent,
As though it's transcendent,
Heart lost in the rhymes,
And soul lost in the lines.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
University is finally over.
No more morning and night classes,
No more fear of failure or low passes,
I'm finally graduating this year,
Hasn't been long but felt forever,
Especially this past year.
From here on it'll get better.

Give love a chance,
Find a little romance,
Find a stable job ,
Don't be a snob,
And keep true to being you.
You are you and no matter how tough thing gets,
You always pick yourself back up.
Now go have a great final year at Uni.
Before the goodbyes and the cries,
Remember the one friend always by your side,
Yes her. Yes you know her. Yes you feel things for her,
Don't tell seems to creep people out.
Don't ever be clouded with doubt,
Also call your uncle up he told you to go work with him remember.

Finally the university years is behind me,
Been a long ride.
Thanks to the people who was with me on the ride....
Smile more you ******, it's a good year for us.
Feb 2016 · 467
Ode To Poop Bro
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Will permanently be afraid to rush into things,
Remembering songs that my heart sings,
I have learnt the lesson that many rarely know,
When you reach one step, there's always another to go.

Never rush emotions of love,
For it might just make you feel like you've had enough.
Always keep your heart encased in a shell,
For then and only then will your heart not ring bells.
Bro, you can't rush love. Yes you, bro you know who I'm talking to. If it's meant to be, it will be, just trust me. You helped me see the brighter side of the world, i put my trust into you but bro you need to put your trust into me and believe that if it is meant to be it'll meant to be, and if she's the one, she'll come back to you and when you rekindle that flame will burn deeper and hotter than anything. Don't mistake "the one" for being the "back up guy" though, so keep your heart open to love but don't let anyone close that heart too quickly because that is how you get hurt.
Feb 2016 · 247
Star Gazer Feb 2016
You're only half an hour away,
I would send you ten flowers a day,
Only if that half hour minimised,
To an almost unseeable size,
So I can feel you the way you feel me...

I only saw you two days ago,
But something feels amiss,
Because even though,
You're close, you're someone I still miss.

Even though the word friend,
Half contains the word end,
I know that as we are right now,
We won't ever end.

I have to thank you for that.
Feb 2016 · 345
Experience From My Prom
Star Gazer Feb 2016
She played with the heart of boys,
Treating their love like toys,
She promised to go with many of them to prom,
Only to tell lies exactly where promises came from.

He fell for those lies, believing he was blessed,
So inspired by her love he decided to confess,
He told her of his love for her only to hear,
You're like the twentieth guy this year.

Why oh why must you lay lies upon your tongue,
And draw the breath of air from the breathing lungs,
Just to see them fade into certain oblivion....
Feb 2016 · 120
Fine [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I feel kind of fine,
And somehow that scares me.
Feb 2016 · 237
Star Gazer Feb 2016
To look at the stars in the night,
Requires no skill just admiration,
For they show beauty in light,
To see the side that is bright,
And bask in all its great inspiration.
Feb 2016 · 214
Star Gazer Feb 2016
They say true love lasts a lifetime,
I wonder what kind of love lasts all lifetimes?
Feb 2016 · 118
Stars [10W]
Star Gazer Feb 2016
The stars are so pretty tonight,
What a lovely sight.
Feb 2016 · 136
It's Something
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Her aroma was very heady
Her glare shoots through my soul,
I almost felt that I wasn't ready,
But she made me feel whole.

The way she would look at my eyes,
Almost indescribable sensation,
The way I know her lip won't lay lies,
Only drew me closer to her temptation.

I recollect that moment frequently,
How she placed her hands on my lap,
Following proper social decency,
It made me feel like I was taking a nap.

Coated in complete cordial comfort,
She whispered and mumbled,
"I don't know what you've suffered,
But I want to know", I felt so jumbled.

My heart rate started to fluctuate,
Increasing and decreasing,
Yet she made me felt safe,
I almost froze up and started heaving,

I gazed into her eyes,
Said 'I don't think I feel that way yet',
Spoke confused words and lies,
Because I knew I was ready and set.

We strayed from one another in label,
She remained my close friend,
Always thought of leaving, I wasn't able,
Because I knew what we had will never end.

She will always remain by my side,
Help me hold my head up high,
And through it all with every stride,
She never once said good bye.

Turkish girl?, No she was a turkish delight,
She was everything sweet and hopeful,
Even when I was in the dark, she made it bright,
Because she knew all I wanted was to be vocal.

She would listen to me endlessly,
It felt almost like a heaven on Earth,
And I knew or know, it felt like destiny,
Something I've been ready for since birth.


How can you be so charming and kind,
To a guy who has once left your side,
How do you keep calm in your mind,
The girl who's only ever been polite.

You lent me your shoulder,
And when I was weak and brittle,
You brought out solder,
And said this should help a little.

You always laugh at my jokes,
In a genuine manner as though,
Somehow you knew when I spoke,
It would all be pleasant to know.

Thank you so much for having my side,
I enjoy your company by me every day,
Even when things have been a dark ride,
You know exactly what to say.

With you everything felt real,
Great thing is you're not a poet,
Because words can't describe how I feel,
Only action will be able to show it.

I'm not ready for I love you's or be mine,
So I guess one day I'll be ready,
But you have always ever been sublime,
To let me hug you like a teddy.
No idea if it's real yet.
But it has been warm.
Owe it all to you.
Feb 2016 · 203
Star Gazer Feb 2016
We are all given a finite life,
A finite number of years,
A finite number of months,
A finite number of days,
A finite number of hours,
Minutes and even seconds.
Treasure every second,
Because being alive is a blessing.
Feb 2016 · 245
Diary Entry 2r2 not a poem
Star Gazer Feb 2016
If you were to ask me if I was really happy?
I would ask you, do bears **** in the woods?
I'd bear out my soul,
Tell you I'm feeling whole,
But one word will say it all,

Now I smile a lot but it's a different smile,
Not a facade, a smile I haven't had in a while,
But they bearly notice,
It's all been so grisly,
But I will now bear out my soul,
And tell you that I am feeling whole.

Do bears **** in the woods?
GRAWWWW! Thats a bear noise,
Thank you for bearing with me,
But we bearly know each other,
So I just have to ask you one more question,
Do bears eat bearries?
Feb 2016 · 191
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I danced around the tables,
Sang songs in the steamy showers,
I told my reckless fables,
And I repeat it hour after hours.

I am finally hitting a stride of joy,
As though my sadness and concern,
Vanished to never return,
I am finally happy.
It's been a while but I'm extremely happy.
And I know the above is a poopy poem haha but who gives a ****.
I can finally smile again.
And feel joy again.
Everything surely is going my way.
Feb 2016 · 574
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Being fine with being you,
It's not a struggle that is new,
We battle the demons inside,
Ever since we were five,
Keeping them alive,
By feeding them insecurities,
They need to survive.

Unhappy with our own bodies,
As though big thighs,
Meant being ostracized,
I personally prefer bigger thighs,
Not for the thought of bearing child,
But that they are fine not living lies,
That they could flaunt their mind,
Above the shallow part that is their body.

I remember one day of school,
Being in a restroom, peeing in a ******,
Clinging onto my exposed genital,
A boy who gazed upon my manhood,
Tell me that I was made wrong.
That because my genitals wasn't long,
Somehow I was never right,
Between being too white,
Being an ugly sight,
Regarding my genitals I didn't give a *****.

So purposely I burnt myself on sunlight,
Days out in the open sun in hopes for a tan,
And that was when it finally began.
Words of how I might get skin cancer,
If I ever wanted to get any tanner,
And yet I still took the risk,
Because being accepted for being darker,
Meant being more spiderman less Peter Parker.

Now that I am where I am,
I am fine with who I am,
Because who I am,
Is a path I can't escape,
So I embrace it,
And even if I wore no cape,
Was no superhero to others,
Was different to another,
I was finally able to be more me,
And less like others.
What's good about being a white sheep,
Be a unicorn, be a black sheep,
Because people never count on black sheeps,
To fall asleep.

You are you,
You are beautiful,
You are amazing,
You are you.
You are perfect.
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Never understood the power of subtlety,
Like a chicken is only a chicken outside its shells,
But I watched people encased themselves in shells,
Just to shield themselves in this living hell,
But I for one, could never really tell.
Confusing words like depression with swell,
But the only thing that was swollen,
Was the black coated hearts become sullen,
And out of everything I have gotten,
Is that humans will never show their weaker sides,
To afraid to leave a bad light,
When their inevitable time comes and they die.
Always never trusting the hearts they confide,
So they say 'I'm happy', but they simply lie.
Humans are in a way like unhatched chickens and turtles,
Holding onto their shells until they hang themselves and become purple,
As though listeners will only ever be hurtful.

We keep our hearts locked up and hidden,
To avoid disturbing or even troubling others,
As though an expressive heart is forbidden,
Even when we treat one another like brothers.
Feb 2016 · 458
I Hate Money
Star Gazer Feb 2016
As humans we close of our hearts,
As though your worth is by your shopping carts,
Nothing that really sets us apart,
As though money is where life starts,
And the richer you are, the bigger your heart.

A world where worth is measured in income,
So blinded by the greens and its sum,
That as humans we eventually succumb,
To the phrase
'The bigger your car, the bigger your *****',
Never enjoying anything green or scenic,
Swapped value for profits,
And pray to prophets in the office,
We have been blinded,
By what is inside our wallets,
As though our appetites exists of expensive scallops,
And everything we know is,
only about money.
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Star Gazer Feb 2016
Her name was grace,
A very pretty face,
Slowly she paced,
Into my embrace,


A pretty face,
Yet a ***** soul,
Not even a trace,
of being able to console.


My great aunty died that year,
I had hope she would hold me,
"She probably deserved it" to my ears,
Oh how her false love was like a cold sea.


She would tell me to call her "grumpy *****",
And out of confusion I did what she requested,
She wasn't popular, an isolated soul, a niche,
probably because she had a heart that wasn't blessed.


Staring into her eyes, was like staring into the abyss,
Nothing to care for, nothing but a tiny glint of light,
Yet everything about that girl felt so amiss,
Because even though she was bright, she wasn't polite...
Feb 2016 · 334
Killer Katie
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I glimpsed upon a lady,
Completely mesmerised,
Curvaceous Katie,
I couldn't avert my eyes.

The way she paced herself,
Left me with a nosebleed,
I couldn't help myself,
But want her to bear my seed.

Eyes gawked on her behind,
As well as her breast,
I want to make her mine,
But this is all said in jest.

She was despicable,
Almost evil to an extent,
But a frame so irresistible,
And an alluring scent.

That girl is poison,
So even five erections,
My heart was frozen,
I would never show Katie affection.
Feb 2016 · 283
Past 5 Years
Star Gazer Feb 2016
14 was the year of my first crush,
It was so brand new , a new rush,
Confusing admiration for love,
I went around spouting lies,
Of how I fell in love with that girl,
A girl who never knew I existed,
Perishing the feelings, I resisted,
Never gave her the chance to ever find out,
Who I was.

17, witnessing my enemies get demolished,
Studying hard aiming for scholarship,
Overlooked on myself and things I haven't polished yet.
My first girlfriend and I ended,
Way beyond anything that could be mended,
It wasn't cheating nor lust,
a lack of respect for me,
And no matter how much I worshipped her,
She threw coffee in my public.

18 and I'm still not found out,
Mind still somehow clouded with doubt,
As though I'm a teapot without a spout,
Unsure of what remains my true purpose,
Maybe this is a blessing or a curse,

19, I recovered from my first breakup,
Had a crushing sensation that I've had enough,
Of love and trust , almost given up,
But the feeling ends abrupt,
When I witnessed my mother married.
I reached for my phone, hurriedly,
called my ex to see if she's married,
She wasn't.
Stumbled on a revelation,
That my best friend of ten years is dating my ex,
Felt an intangible relegation,
As though I've been pushed into segregation,
Day dawns spent in complete isolation,
Because amongst losing love,
I felt I almost had enough.

20, I found solace in submitting spoken thoughts,
Between finding peace and skill I was caught.
Afflicted with my own self,
I ventured to get help,
In the form of poetry.
I developed a crush for my close friend,
Because where the horizon ends,
I saw her and me holding hand at the end.
I strayed from the path of mutual attraction,
To explore myself and realised,
That although we went to the same school,
We spoke of the same things, lived by the same rules,
We would never work,
To afraid of the hurt I might cause her,
I said there has to be other paths we prefer,
I gave her up like I gave up drinking.
We remained close friends to this day.

21, will be the year that I graduate,
University is over for me,
Busy schedule cleansed up,
Finally able to say I've had enough.
Hanging out with my close friend more,
Because we always had open doors,
To our separate lives.
Hopefully I,
Find a girl that I could feel infatuated,
Set sail into a world so saturated,
Because 21....
is what I make of it.
Feb 2016 · 228
A Bit About Me
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I always felt different,
Saw only bitter ends,
With nothing left to fend,
I saw no horizon bend,
And Averted from trends,
Feb 2016 · 212
Star Gazer Feb 2016
I have always enjoyed getting and being lost,
New things to find, to discover no matter what the cost,
New faces and memories turn to photos remaining glossed,
Energy and time left to expend and exhaust,
In hopes I fall at two roads like Robert Frost,
Because by getting lost, we come across,
different things like a coin, we would have thrown or tossed.
I have always enjoyed getting and being lost.
Feb 2016 · 183
Star Gazer Feb 2016
When people throw words at us,
We can just throw it back at them,
Cause we remain eve and adam,
But the people can't ever fathom,
How god somehow created us.
Fast forward to fated lovers,
In the beginning I didn't think I'd recover,
Because someone took apart my ribs,
But based on the love that I recieve,
And knowing that you will never decieve,
We remain adam and eve, eve and adam,
But the people can't ever fathom,
That we were made for each other.
An idea that came from meeting a friend named eve.

(No I am not writing it for you,  I just thought concept is something)
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