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Mar 2015 · 446
Final Words
Disaster Child Mar 2015
I’m sorry I needed to hear you say it. I’m sorry I was so needy, so desperate to hear you tell me to my face. I’m sorry I wouldn’t let go until you did. But I’ve changed. I know how to take a hint. I won’t bother you anymore. I won’t keep dragging you down, hurting you, taking you to dark places you don’t want to be. I’ll listen to what you’re really saying instead of requiring you to tell me. I’ll read what I’ve been seeing between the lines for a long time, but tried so hard to ignore, simply because I didn’t want it to be true. I know you’re done with me. I’m completely used up. You have no more need for me. I knew it for a long time, but had to hear you say it before I would release you. I know that’s a hard thing to say to anyone, even after you’re finished with them, so I’m done waiting for you, expecting you to. You’re free. Free from me, free from my *******, free from my hurtful abusive captivity. I won’t hurt you anymore.
Last thing I'm posting on this site. Not a poem, but there was just no way to even bother making this into "poetry".
Feb 2015 · 398
Such a Night as These
Disaster Child Feb 2015
I'm always so wrong
There can't be any right
Drowning in the misery,
and blame this night
Feb 2015 · 579
Topical Weather
Disaster Child Feb 2015
Withstand cold
Furies of winters snowed
Weather the pain
Of a gentle rain
Face the blaze
As fires graze
And hear thunder
Storming skies asunder
Titles lame I get it, just meant to be a pun.
Feb 2015 · 610
Disaster Child Feb 2015
I want, oh how I need to run away
I used to have this lovely place
A place I could safely stay

But now I feel such a disgrace
I don't have this sanctuary anymore
It's a sadness I cannot begin to face

I used to bear the key to the door
And I could slip inside when in need
But now the threshold's gone; the horror

I have the energy, and oh what speed!
But I don't even have a faint clue
Where I should go, to where I could flee

I remain frozen, oblivious as to
What I could do, where I could run
I cry in silence. Paralyzed solitude
I need a place to hide....
Feb 2015 · 579
Friends Don't Pretend
Disaster Child Feb 2015
You say you are a friend
A friend until the end
I cannot comprehend
How you can just pretend
To so earnestly lend
The value of a friend
A friend until the end
Why do you just pretend...?
Dec 2014 · 560
Disaster Child Dec 2014
I could make your choice easier
I don't really feel like being "one of two"
It wouldn't be fun, but all the easier
Because I can't wait for you to decide "who"
Disaster Child Dec 2014
Once there was a little brown bear
She had a tree she so loved to climb!
She would climb and climb and she could touch the sky
She loved the view from up high
Now the little bear's tree was sturdy; thick and tall
She knew just from looking around she didn't like other trees at all
But one day she tried to climb a wobbly spruce
It's trunk was so thin and it's swayed so loose
The little bear fell and she hurt her paw
And there hadn't even been a view to saw
So she limped and she squirmed back to her big tree
"Please," she murmured, "I would like to see
The view I have seen many times before
I hope you'll let me climb again, but my paw is sore...."
The tree waved gently, and picked her just a little off the ground
"I promise little one, none sturdier can be found.
I love you and enjoy you, and want you to climb high
I'll hold you for now, mend your paw," then he sighed
"It's up to you to climb, as soon as you feel better,
But my darling bear, though I'm one tree, I will unfetter
For you can climb higher and be safer than others around
Even when you get up very high, and so far from the ground
I won't let you fall, my branches will keep you safe
My daughter, my little brown bear, there's no better place"
And the tree held onto her, only few off the ground
And as the little bear looked up, she found
That the tree's immense love, and it's never ending height
Made for a life time of adventure, a beautiful sight
After her fall, she was scared to again
But then she looked, and a little higher, was her bigger brown bear friend....
For the love of my life, only climb the sturdy tree, and I'll climb it too.
Dec 2014 · 464
Disaster Child Dec 2014
Can we restart?
Reintroduce ourselves
We'll be strangers for the first little while
But just like before, we'll be fast friends
We'll look out for each other
We'll do what we did before
But with all the more knowledge and experience
I want to get lost in your eyes again
I want to learn you starting from nothing
So tell me:
Starting the hour I get off the plane
And we see each other again after so long
Can it be the first time
We've ever met
Dec 2014 · 337
5 Stages
Disaster Child Dec 2014
There are things to lose
But so much more to gain
Dear God help me to see
The value beneath the pain
This person's heart is so
Precious and invaluable
Don't let me lose it in my own grief
And let me know her hurt also makes her lovable...
Dec 2014 · 245
Disaster Child Dec 2014
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around
Does the fallen tree make a sound?
What if the three is a person,
As their life is cut to the ground?
What if that person, is me.
Nov 2014 · 409
Disaster Child Nov 2014
You are what a friend is
The embodiment of companionship
Why do you think you're my shipmate?
It wasn't an accident or a coin flip

You are what a friend should be
Faithful and honest, true and kind
Sometime you put my own efforts to shame
I was graciously given who I would never find

You are who a friend is
Steadfast and helpful, generous and sweet
You are so distinct, so precious and unique
You are mine alone, from head to feet

You are the basis for all friendship
You are an example of what everyone needs
But you are not, my love, for everyone
You are just the one for me
Oct 2014 · 371
That Thing
Disaster Child Oct 2014
If you ever look in the mirror
And think, "this ****'s fat"
I can promise you now and here:
Your man can only think, "yum...look at that."
For all women, but dedicated to my woman
Sep 2014 · 452
For You
Disaster Child Sep 2014
You want me to write you poems
This is all I have to say
I'm so proud of who you are
With each advancing day
You make me proud you give me joy
You are my bestest friend
I will stay by you for always and ever
Past and beyond every single end
Your beauty inspires me so endlessly
Your heart--intimate fashion
You wear your soul so wonderfully
You have my supply of passion
Sep 2014 · 450
Disaster Child Sep 2014
And in a life
Where two people are one
Perhaps the greatest part
Is in strife
Breaking yourself on stone
So that the other half a heart
Is upheld
Sep 2014 · 555
Disaster Child Sep 2014
The worst part
Perhaps the hardest thing
Living in junction with another
Is the part
The time, the realizing
You aren't just self destructive; but her...
Aug 2014 · 429
Hear the Darkness
Disaster Child Aug 2014
Hear the darkness
In the rain
Or the cloud covered moon
Hear the Violence
In the silence
Of a still dead room
Hear the clamor
Of an army
As you sit, silent, pondering
Here the turmoil
Of a heart
In the forest wandering
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Hipster Music
Disaster Child Jul 2014
Listening to unknown tunes
Then the sickening guilt consumes
I'm pathetic, I'm ordinary
I can promise I am not very
Good at this, in fact I ****
Addiction's vile, I just feel stuck
You beat yours, why can't I beat mine
It's always haunting all the time
Jul 2014 · 614
Silly Little Haikus
Disaster Child Jul 2014
Sometimes, I still feel
As if I am in need of
A friend close by me
Jul 2014 · 579
Secret Messages
Disaster Child Jul 2014
Secret messages I did hide
In numerous places, inside
Little notes and pads and books
Awaiting for her loving looks
To see them there in my own hand
Secret messages that I planned
Jul 2014 · 912
The Ghoul
Disaster Child Jul 2014
Hark! the ghoul that's over there!
Hark! the image does so tear,
The heart and mind, a sight so gruesome
What I would not give to view some
Lovely sight with these sad eyes
A beautiful sight should be my prize
But here I sit and here I stare
At the gruesome ghoul over there
Jun 2014 · 518
Disaster Child Jun 2014
Can I just die?
I'm sick of this ******* ******* heart
And this ******* head
I need to get out
Be better off dead
Jun 2014 · 603
Disaster Child Jun 2014
A needle in my arm
Not the kind you think
I'm stitching up invis'ble wounds
The real ones are in my mind
Jun 2014 · 414
Disaster Child Jun 2014
And I realize
The only thing;
The only animal
The only creature I really hate
Is myself
Jun 2014 · 364
Disaster Child Jun 2014
I'm not one to let myself be victimized
But it cannot be any other way once realized
I am also my captor
Jun 2014 · 414
I So Lation
Disaster Child Jun 2014
My mind my cag-ed pr'son
Jun 2014 · 413
Disaster Child Jun 2014
Colours of the sky
Gentle grey blues and pale pinks
Is my head still or is the earth moving?
I need to know why
My every hopeful thought sinks
Am I dead now, or merely surviving?

Stand up or fall down
My hands and feet feel so far
Why am I so high off the ground? I'm scared
Detached from my own
Where my mind gets such a scar
I am not the handsome boy so fair-haired

Helpless struggling
Lost in my fate of death
No chance to survive, but would I want to?!
No longer clinging
Not another wasted breath
Pitiful life dully will continue
Jun 2014 · 365
Tremors (pt. 2)
Disaster Child Jun 2014
Why am I shivering? I can't be cold
My issues are so manifold
Why am I sweating? I don't feel hot
A losing mental battle, so very hard fought
Jun 2014 · 359
Disaster Child Jun 2014
To you ever tremble without reason?
Shake and shudder just because of how you are?
Tremors running through your body
As you try to sit still.
Jun 2014 · 601
Disaster Child Jun 2014
Have you ever reached out
Only to scratch the surface?
The underside of the wave
The riptide of the ocean
Tumbling deeper and faster
The water pulling you down
Tossed about; where is up or down?
Scratch the surface with your hands
never to taste the air again
Jun 2014 · 499
Disaster Child Jun 2014
Don't push, it hurts me so
Why are these hands at my throat?
This is a place I'd almost forgotten
A place of mind caught drowning in the murky moat

I know the pain I know it all
Will it ever leave me and let me be?
A place I quickly remember
Broken devastation no other shall ever see
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Disaster Child Jun 2014
"I trust you"
Oh my dear my sweet
If only I was trustworthy
May 2014 · 431
Where did my thread go?
Disaster Child May 2014
I used to have a button
Held in place by thread
But now the button's missing
I hope that he's not dead!

A thread is prone to wear,
A moment we dread and wait
But why would the thread let go,
Of such a ***** mate?

I hope to find my button;
For he was my friend too
And tie him down with a thread
Forever strong and true
Just having fun cause I lost a button.
May 2014 · 1.1k
Disaster Child May 2014
When we can stand and fight
We can grasp true strength despite
The weakness in our hearts and sins within our minds
We know all it takes is time
To heal all wounds and strengthen our defenses
Old tidbit meant to be a song but hasn't grown up yet.
Disaster Child Apr 2014
Do you remember when we met? I was in a terribly bad mood
Everyone thought I was being  funny, I was really just being rude
You asked what my name was though, not once, but twice
I hadn’t answered; a very simple but efficient device
A way to get most people to leave me alone; cause no one cares
But you didn’t let it slide, you wanted to know and made me aware
Wrote this I don't know how long ago. I wanted to add more but nothing fit.
Apr 2014 · 365
Ridl Role Reppling
Disaster Child Apr 2014
"Run, run, run for your life"
Oh how greatly we deceive ourselves
As if this life is worth running for
As if this life is worth saving
Someone thought that once
He died for what he believed
But May I just say you overestimated
My worth far too much
Apr 2014 · 293
Even Grass Gets Cut Down
Disaster Child Apr 2014
I desire to be strong
But I am merely a blade of grass
Bent and broken by the rain
Mar 2014 · 359
Sad Little Knight pt. 1
Disaster Child Mar 2014
There once was a little princess who loved a little knight
She thought him strong and handsome; a dashingly good sight
He did his best to love her and she thought it so sincere
Her gentleness coaxed him open, revealing a great fear
He was the victim of a witch; so wicked and so cruel
He never shared his struggle though, else he be labeled “fool”
True it was he subjected himself to her twisted delight
Nothing but a sad weak man; he rarely put up much a fight
The princess had wondered about his strange departs
“Where would he go and what is this, a distance in our hearts?”
He was to scared; as always was the case of the poor man
He thought he could defeat the witch, a pathetic little plan
“Or maybe” he started off as he would sit and ponder
“In to the forest I will go but only for a wander!
“For I can parade nearby her place and still avoid her spell!”
It never worked, it never would, he suffered just as well
The princess knew of the witch with which the poor knight struggled on
But she had not the faintest clue of the duration how tragically far gone
She sat and wept, and he wept too, he was not fond of his sin
For it was torment, wretched pain, and still he let it in
not finished but the conclusion hasn't quite come to me yet..
Feb 2014 · 296
Disaster Child Feb 2014
The wind's a haunting whisper
On this foul cold day
Oh! the visions of her
****** by the way
A little aside pertaining to reminiscing A Chill Mourn
Feb 2014 · 307
The Fool's March
Disaster Child Feb 2014
A cry mingles with the wind
The cry is my own by the sea I weep
The water is tempting; drawing me
Should I join my love in the ocean deep?
My vision is blurry—my thinking is worse
That’s when, or so I thought, I began to see
A reflection; no a shadow, no it was her!
She was silent and steady, and right beside me
Her bare feet, her loving gaze
I look up and see such a dark smile
Almost sickening, but beckoning me closer
I am trapped; here I stay trapped by her vile
“You were dead” my mind screams
Now victim to such a haunting specter
How much better off if she truly were
My thoughts set my body a-stir
Slowly I rise to my feet, tears streaming my face
Pulled to her; my head screaming objection
My heart is tearing my chest at a frightening pace
“It cannot be” my thoughts argue
And slowly I begin to listen; stopping inches from her form
“She’s dead and gone; this is but such folly”
Now I listened as my sense continued to warn
I must know though, and so I inquire
The softest of whispers, “But you were meant to be gone”
“My sweet love, but I’m here now, follow me”
The temptation, the seduction, of this midnight dawn
And if I could resist until morn; for this is not the first time
She has shown herself, and beckoned me out to sea
But her gentle voice, her lovely hand
I am overwhelmed; this cannot, I must not be!
Overcome by such wicked thoughts in my head
Is it her, or is it really me?
If so I despise such a fiend for her distractions
But what if it’s only me…
Wading out, to my ankles, to my knees
The crashing waves surrounding me
The moonlit waters, the twinkling stars
I know this story; I won’t wander far
This isn’t the first time
But it won’t be the last
My feet march on
And soon I am gone
A response to a poem a friend did; heavy Alesana influence.
"All that glimmers is not gold"
Feb 2014 · 578
Disaster Child Feb 2014
Are the monsters without
Or the monsters within?
MY head is polluted with sin
Indeed not only is my own
But it is the sole for which I claim
Responsibility; am I even sane?
So if everyone outside is to me,
Why therefore am I not too?
A monster to everyone’s view
Are the zombies them or am I
Festering feuding tearing at the walls of my head
Wanting food, craving blood, needing to be fed
Just for fun. Moderately reflective. Nothing serious.
Jan 2014 · 390
After Hours pt. 4
Disaster Child Jan 2014
Anything, love, you want to devour,
As we take this hot, hot shower...?
Jan 2014 · 410
Reunion of Darkness
Disaster Child Jan 2014
It’s all dark
Why is this so terrifying?
Isn’t this how it used to be every day?
Shouldn’t I feel right at home?
The darkness everywhere
A pale light coming from nowhere
It doesn’t mean anything though
It only serves to torment me
Showing me I’m lost
And can’t get out
My Labyrinth
My home
Is everything quiet and still,
Or tumultuous and loud?
I made it years without scars
Years without severe wounds
Or at least
As far as you can see
You’ll never get inside me though
I don’t let anyone in
Cause I don’t want you lost like I
I’ll be fine
It won’t take long for me to readjust
This is how it used to be
This is home
Isn’t it?
Jan 2014 · 540
I Pity Such Vanity
Disaster Child Jan 2014
You filth! You painted woman you fake creation
How could everyone; how did I used t stare with fascination?
You don’t even seem real, and the reason is you’re not
How did you, just another person get so violently caught?
Your vanity makes me sick…or maybe I feel sorry
What you appear is truly repulsive but that’s what I see
If I stop and for a minute ponder, I feel pity
So scared you paint a person completely
Different than who you really are…
Convinced now you’re just a little star
I pity
Such Vanity
How we do change and see things differently.
Jan 2014 · 437
Wrists and Bands
Disaster Child Jan 2014
I see a lot more than you think I do
I told you I notice everything
Every breath you take every glance you make
I promise my love, I wasn’t lying
I knew they were gone, and you looked so fine
Lovely and bare; precious and all you
Then you put everything back how it was; hiding yourself; covered up
I see a lot more than you think I do
Disaster Child Jan 2014
I cannot but put words to the sight before me
A best friend, sleeping safe in my comfort
There is nothing like it
No words will ever describe
The peace I see
The safe she feels
To rest in my presence
To trust me watching over her
To dream quietly
Her gentle breathing
Her twitching smile
Her serenity is visible
A woman places her confidence in a man
Trusts him to look over and keep her safe
And even from fifty-bajillion miles
She believes me to be doing just that

I love you best friend, sleep well knowing
When your eyes flutter open
I’ll be the first sight you see
Never leaving while you sleep or wake
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
And With it Spring Brought--
Disaster Child Jan 2014
Observe, oh watchers!
Look up into the pale blue sky
Do you see it? Can you see it there?
The pale blue smile drawn out
The same twisted smile she wore
On that chill mourn
The seasons change; it is a constant cycle
Spring had come and still she haunts
I was first shocked by her appearance
Then a calm swept over me
Now months have passed and she
Rarely crosses my mind
And yet I see her everywhere
The flowers dance in the cool breeze
It is her breath whispering
The budding branches sway gently
It is her frost covered hair
And each blood red sunrise
Against the vanilla morn
Reminds me of the seeping wound
Against her lovely pale flesh
The seasons change
But the memory has still not left
It did not melt away with the snow and ice
But rather flourished forth
Like the flowers and trees
Oh how I await summer
When it is likely to burn bright as the days
And rest clear as the night skies
Sequel to A Chill Mourn
Disaster Child Jan 2014
Her joy overflowed as she skipped and pranced about
Not caring that they were wandering a busy store
He didn’t mind the locale either, but being so close, he couldn’t be without
And just as their arms stretched til they could reach no more
He pulled her back against him tight
Jan 2014 · 408
Ghost of Life Past
Disaster Child Jan 2014
A trip, a spill down memory lane
Reliving ever stain--all the pain
The truth is there is no "past"
Everything we've done will always last
What we did lives through the present
Never in life to be absent
Jan 2014 · 488
Burn it Down
Disaster Child Jan 2014
dying on the inside
idle on the out
Riot, riot, fireside
Life goes on about
Disaster Child Jan 2014
I know those eyes--I know his heart
They're burning burning burning
Entranced I stare, entranced I stay
My madness has gone its own way
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