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 Oct 2013 dina
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 Oct 2013 dina
Her smiled stretched to one side of her perfectly structured face. And she wanted to know me. I wouldn't, but she did. I spent the night inside the words she wrote me. She asked my favorite color. I said blue, because I was, and because it is. She listened to my dreams, to her they were big, to her I was big. The first day I met her I hid because I was nervous and she is wonderful and I wasn't ready to fall in love yet, but it didn't matter, because any wall she stood behind was transparent, and I saw her. Goodbye was impossible, I made short stories long just to look a little more, because she has eyes I'd swim through, And a look that made you look, so I did. But she had to go, she had already taken the time to give me my entire world, and she wrapped her arms around me, and her shadow was mine. I fell, right into the night I saw her city lights, and my shadow was hers. And then, She slept and that was okay because she is beautiful, not that she needs the sleep to be, but dreams deserve beauty too, and she was next to me. But now when I hide, a wall is just a wall, I cant dream anymore, because I can't sleep, and my entire world is gone. And I never face west before noon , I can't stand the sight of my shadow, because it's not yours.
I would lay on the hood of your car and tell you about the silent parts of the night and I remember the stars were familiar to me. Like
.. I knew them.
 Oct 2013 dina
even if i won't ever admit it,
i want to be remembered.

i think that's why i give
mix tapes and mp3s
instead of picture frames
and flower bunches.

i'll give you something that lasts,
something that will restore
your youth with every lyric
and caress your memory
with every opening chord.

you'll forget the girls in the frames.
they're all just empty smiles
and red satin fading into the grey
of the photo album in your attic.

but you'll remember the girl
who taught you that listening
can be most intimate.
and whose breath
you can always taste
in each crescendo.
 Sep 2013 dina
Holly Jones
I rest my head upon my bed
To feel safe and comforted
The images of you,
Obstructed by veins and skin
To have those blankets;
Wrapped around me,
Makes me feel untouchable
Being myself with no one else around
I feel whole again
I did until you wrecked it for me
That act alone was,
That was unacceptable

You are cruel and horrible
In every single sense of the phrase
Your words left wounds far worse a mark
Then a thousand daggers could ever do
It seemed like centuries past
And I was still bleeding
From the wounds you had inflicted
I bled all your words that you had left lodged
Even in the darkest parts of my brain
All over my wooden floor
You woke me up from my deep slumber
And for that you are not forgiven
Closed eyes are my only salvation from you

My bed,
With its sheets and comfort
Has now replaced you
They flutter shut and I no longer need to see
The darkness you left behind
Veins, capillaries, arteries and more
Protect my eyes
Protect them
From the image you engraved inside my head
What you left deep inside my mind

My heart has been wrenched from my being
And yet I’m still expected to breathe
Was a lot simpler before you arrived
A simple rise and fall of the chest
Has now become nothing
My chest no longer has
Space for you and your remains

My once yellow walls are now stained blue
Blood now covers my wooden floor
You never should have came through my little front door
 Sep 2013 dina
When You Left
 Sep 2013 dina
I lost my heart, I think it's somewhere in the ocean.
I no longer have a home, because my home was you.
Every night I dream about when you were mine.
All the promises you made are shattered into a million pieces.
Like a fish tank that's been dropped, and I'm the fish.
Flopping around on the floor trying to breathe.
But no matter how hard I try, I can't.
You know that I'm suffering, and that I need your help.
But you just walk away without a second glance.
And when you left you took my last breath.

— The End —