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Don't ever say
this lifes just not worth living
and don't you ever believe
that you can't be happy
so please don't be
just another statistic
I won't give up on you
if you will do the same
please don't fake another smile
what good will it do
if we don't know you're hurting
why pretend to happy
when we can be happy for real
please understand that you
can be the best
if you learn to love yourself.
 Jan 2014 Dillion Beams
When I see you, my heart should beat faster,
My face should blush
My stomach should knot,
When our eyes meet, my eyelashes should flutter,
My heart skip a beat,
My breath should pause
When our hands touch, a warmth should spread through me,
I should awake inside,
Feel a connection and attraction .
When you hold me, I should feel happy, content,
You should smell like home,
I should look at you and're the ONE.
When we gaze deep into each others' eyes, we should feel longing,
We should feel love,
All the happy emotions flooding our bodies, our brains.
This is how I'll know if you're the ONE.

Maniba kiani © 20/07/13
 Jan 2014 Dillion Beams
Your fingertips on my skin make me feel beautiful
Laying together, ****, I never felt so pretty
Holding me close, your warmth against my skin, I am so safe
Your words sticking in my brain like magnets to a fridge
Only attracting my heart closer to yours
I believe every word you say like a naive child
But I am not afraid, for you are my angel
You have drawn me out of the dark and into the pale moonlight
Children of the Universe, we are
There for one another, connected at the souls
Bond by our fates and desire
I need you so much
Not like a how an animal needs food,
But how the moon needs the sun
 Nov 2013 Dillion Beams
Absinthe, San Miguel
Learning Italian
How to eat,pray, love
She's into me
I know the signs.
I compliment her bracelet
"It's from Africa," she says
I pull her hair
She laughs
"Stupid American boy," she snaps
"Stupid Italian girl," I retort
My name for the night is Giovani
Now Vice. How fitting?
I'm getting drunker
 Nov 2013 Dillion Beams
I've learned that happiness
cannot be found in the form of a little
purple capsule.
I've learned that Pisa will have to wait until next time.
I've learned that the third mushroom
held in my sweaty palm was not as
big a deal compared to the other two opening my mind.
I've learned that a part of me
died that night where we ****** in a
room with no furniture.
I've learned that life is work and that
the molotov cocktail of Dubrah and eay mac
that came spewing from me left an orange tang
upon the floor.
I've learned that pain is better than numbness
and that jabbing a sewing needle repeatedly in my arm
was an educated decision.
Most importantly I've learned that together we are better than alone.
Unhinged again.
Tired and untied,
loosely bundled,
huddled and dodging
rain puddles.
Cold cement, slick and
unforgiving, giving you
sweet/sour visions of
each year gone past.
Longing to be home at last;
warmth and a television broadcast.
Something remains.
Some distance retains
its unsympathetic pains
embedded in the grains of your being.
Being so cold, coy, together, but alone
for the long winter to come.
 Nov 2013 Dillion Beams
 Nov 2013 Dillion Beams
writing poetry for boys is silly
but you aren't just a boy
you are so much more

your smokey cigarette breath kisses
they keep me coming back for more
and more and more

those endlessly deep eyes of yours
blue one day, grey the next
i let myself fall into them
it's impossible to prevent it, but i don't even want to

i've been falling for you
and falling for you and falling for you
for two years now

to be yours at last
not his, but yours
happiness will be real now, not faked

draw me in deeper and deeper
sly boy
for now i am yours
 Nov 2013 Dillion Beams
heartbreak and heartache
ex bestfriend, ex boyfriend
both pouring the salt in my always fresh wounds
keeping me awake awake awake all night long
until i drag myself out of bed to get to school
only to be twice as miserable as i am at night
thank you, i give you both a round of applause
for leading me on for so long
for tricking my head, for tricking my heart
good job
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