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Dilectus Jul 2013
i missed you so much it ate at me like a parasite, unnoticed, hollowing me from the inside out, until i saw you again and then the hole it created, as you so effortlessly filled it up.
Dilectus Jul 2013
i tried my hardest to do what was best
with everyone screaming in my ear
to 'let him go
let him go
you're better off'
and then him
in an audible cry from 2,000 miles away
'go on, leave
just like everyone else has
maybe im meant to be alone'
it weighed on me like the minutes on a clock
but i've searched
i've searched
and i don't see what else i could have done
but more painfully,
i don't see what i can do now
i feel nothing but sadness
and i don't know how to fix it
i can not please anyone,
surely not myself
every outcome isn't enough
if i go back,
i won't be enough for him
i can't even be what i was then
and that never met the mark,
and the other's will be upset
and they'll keep repeating
'you shouldn't, you're better off'
but if i keep walking,
both of us will go on,
sure, we'll survive
but i'll miss him forever.
and there will always be that feeling
the one that hasn't left,
that will haunt us both.
i don't know where i am better off
and i truly don't know where he is either
why does the decision fall on me?
maybe this was my choice the first time
maybe i should have let him go
and maybe that's what i should do now
but i don't know.
i just don't know.
Dilectus Jul 2013
there's a dull ache that you can hear underneath my words
if you listen closely,
i don't speak very often anymore
but i still say a lot
to those who are trying to hear me.
this is true on most days.
other days there is an emptying hole
behind the phrases i utter
and anther worse in place of the ones i don't
but no one can see that,
not even the ones who want to,
because on those days no one can see me,
the hole has swallowed me up
with every word
i was too afraid to say.
Dilectus Jul 2013
you were able some how to shift me
when i hadn't spoken to anyone for weeks
you still figured a way to turn me on my side.
i know everything is a mess now
and that regret build high walls
but i am thankful for you,
i don't think i ever said so.
i should have said so.
you taught me so much
i never knew about myself,
and that was the least of what you did for me.
thank you for gently walking into my head
even after i said no one was welcome.
after it all, i am thankful.
Dilectus Jul 2013
i was never good with an embrace.
i never knew how to find a comfortable grip.
i'm so used to staying far away
that i haven't learned what it means to
share a space with anybody.
but somehow in spite of myself,
you found a way to stand upon
the creaky floorboards of my mind
and leave foot prints on every blank sheet
my mind uses to release the words that have
always entangled me.
Dilectus Jul 2013
an air of disappointment in the breath before I speak. sorry Im not strong enough to bring this out from underneath. you can see it spelled in black, behind the things that I sing. then lack of explanation, intention and retreat. forgive me, im cryptic, all of this is new. I’m learning how to walk again but I can’t keep up with you. let me lie down, let me sound a smile in your ear. tie it up like puppet strings and pull away my fear.
because the moon carries a fresh terror, and I’m taunted in my sleep. for what i hide from myself, what im faced with in my dreams. an uneven change of pressure in the space under my chest, failing to contain those little broken breaths.
now promises are pennies to me, I melt them for their zinc. can’t take your glassy eyes on me as I’m standing on brink. dark blue sky and last month’s winds, in the air under my palm. you’re in the window ‘cross the street and im half way gone. trembling in fear, desperate screams from two floors down, I’m shaking, making heavy steps, to an awful heaving sound.
go back inside your bedroom, look away and do it now. ‘cause I don’t want you to remember what I looked like on the ground.
again back in darkness, heart still pounding, fear still real. I’m left with only memories of that rusty window sill.
Dilectus Jul 2013
Half full disclosure
Like half real smiles
You bring the best out of me
Just all the bad sticks around
You're so much stronger
Than I could ever be
And I don't let you in
Don't let you carry me
But I've grown tired
And I've gotten weak
Forgive all the lies
And come after me
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