"Did that beauty make you? Did that beauty make me? Will that make me something? Will I be something? Am I something? The answer comes: you already are, you always were and you still have time to be. " - Anis Mojgani. 19 followers / 2.9k words
numbers and measures filling my head constantly counting, always under fed i think that you notice me shifting my plate with a fork but you dont notice me fainting in the bathroom or crying in bed i dont think you notice when i skip meals and run for an hour but i cant stop even though i feel miserable and my head always aches i cant stop even though i am consumed with numbers and it haunts me when i wake i cant stop though i've made promise again and i always feel weak i cant stop because i want this, that number to be lower than i've seen. i want to disappear under my sweater and feel light in your arms i've gotten used to feeling dizzy grown to like all the harm so i'll shove off your worry and i'll lie when you ask go again until those digits are smaller than my last.
you stayed with me all night, watching me sick and miserable and enduring my terrible moans, you studied my face and the inconsistencies of my breath, and at the end of it all you still said, 'you looked gorgeous last night, im so glad you're okay.'
shaded windows and broken mirrors gliding paper, too soft to hear you're on the bed rambling off words but i'm clinging to the corner trying not to be heard sick with shallow breathing scared that i will faint i didn't want you to see me so i asked if you could leave but you were slow and wouldn't go so i headed for the door but when i turned the corner i couldn't see anymore.
there was a time when i could feel you through the miles and despite it all my heart felt warm with the thought of you but now i feel like the distance has doubled and i feel so far away from you and from everyone else
there was a time when your words were enough whispering that im the only one, your favorite girl but after all the hours that pass between your apologetic updates i doubt that i matter to you or to anyone else