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Diana Bloom Feb 2014
another year older
another year brighter

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
you make me feel
so many emotions
at one time and
i don't think that my mind
can handle it.

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
it makes me sad
that you think that
i don't have enough time for you.
because i have
all the time in the world
especially for you

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
i don't know what you're doing right now.
and frankly,
i'm not quite sure what i'm doing either.
but what i do know,
is that we're under the same sky.
and even though,
you could be watching a movie,
taking a dip in the pool,
or even just sleeping,
while i'm sitting here writing this poem,
we're together.
in a weird little mixed up way.

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
i haven't talked to you for 5 days
5 agonizing days
sitting around
for something

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
am i being replaced?
i don't know what to do.
you make me so happy
and i do the same
i don't want to be forgotten

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
it's nights like these
when i want you
curled up beside me.
i'll listen to your heart beat
while you listen to mine.
we'll wake up in the morning
happy as can be
because we have each other

Diana Bloom Aug 2014
do you find yourself thinking of me,
like i think of you?

do you smile at me,
like i smile at you?

do you cry over me,
like i cry over you?

do you love me,
like i love you?

Diana Bloom Aug 2014
my sweet little buttercup flower
what a joy you are
with your bright eyes
and your soft gentle smile
oh how i cherish your presence

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
sometimes i pretend how life would be with you by my side.
no, not imagine.
pretending is so much more valuable than imagining.
imagining can only take you so far.
pretending can take you anywhere
pretending is realer
and more fanciful.
imagining is cloudy
while pretending is crystal clear.
so no,
i don't imagine us side by side ready to take on the world.
i pretend.

Diana Bloom Feb 2014
do you ever just feel so alone?
once a week?
once a month?
what about every day?
but i suppose,
there are lots of people who feel so alone.
maybe we aren't so alone after all

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
please remember,
no matter how hard life gets,
i will always be there,
i will always care.
if you feel as if you're completely alone,
please remember,
i will always love you.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
writer's block of hard to explain.
you know exactly what to say,
but the words refuse to be written down.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
it's almost been a whole year since we met.
did you know that?
one year ago i would've never guessed how badly you would eventually make me feel.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
old songs bring back unwanted memories.
old songs bring back lovely memories.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
do i like you?
or am i just trying to fill the hole that the last boy left?
i wish i knew.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
when i think of you
my heart is full of sorrow
and i don't like it

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i still think about you
even though i said i was moving on.
and it pains me to know
that you've forgotten about me

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
my life is slowly turning upside down
and i want to stop,
but you're so nice to me

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
it's time to move on,
it's time to let go.
but please know this,
i loved you.
and i will never forget the wonderful memories we had together.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
"you're already perfect"*

you never said things like this to me.
or at least you never meant them.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
if we met, would you kiss me?
i sure hope so.
i wouldn't refuse.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
you make me happy.
i haven't felt this way for a while now.
i really like you.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i wish you were here with me,
so distance wouldn't be my biggest fear.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i feel like i'm drifting farther and farther away from you every day.
we're supposed to be best friends.
we're supposed to tell each other everything.
i don't want this friendship to end.
what's happening to us?

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
do you ever stay up untill the sun rises,
and think of me?
if you do,
i hope you are remembering all the beautiful memories we shared.
i hope you are okay.
because i'm not.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
you first talked to me a year ago today.
and i couldn'tve been happier.
what happened to us?

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
do i like you?
or am i just lonely?
if only there was a way to know.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i miss you.
and although it pains me to admit it,
i'm not afraid to say it.
i will shout it to the world if that's what it takes
for you to miss me back.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i wonder if you talk to your friends about me.
i wonder if they know my name.
my friends know your name.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
memories are what destroys me.
remembering everything that was,
and everything that could've been.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i'm so sorry.
please, can't we make things right between us?
everything makes sense now.
and i'm so sorry.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i want you to know your 2 am thoughts,
your favorite smells,
your quirks and habits,
i want to know you.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
forget about the boy,
and move on.
i know its hard,
but what you're doing is wrong.

Diana Bloom Aug 2014
you make my heart do little flips,
and my palms get a bit sweaty.
i'm falling for you.
catch me.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
it's strange to imagine myself as an adult.
i don't know who i'll be living with.
i don't know where i'm going to be.
i don't know what i'll look like.
and that part scares me the most.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
it wasn't meant to be like this.
you aren't supposed to be there,
when i'm an the way over here.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
do not read scary stories before you go to bed.
you will be convinced something is hiding in your closet,
and turning the lights off will be the hardest thing to do.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
i don't want to be forgotten in this world,
and if i keep missing you,
i'm going to miss out on some wonderful opportunities.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
being your friend has taught me so much about myself.
it's taught me how to be patient,
how to be loving,
and how to be happy for others and what they are blessed with.
and i cannot thank you enough.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
a new boy.
is this okay?
am i making a bad decision?
i don't know what to do.

Diana Bloom Jul 2014
"i'm so tired but i want to keep talking to you"*

just those few words made me feel so special.
but god, i have to stop.
this can't end up happening again.
please let this time be different.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
i want to meet a boy,
who treats me like i'm special.
who laughs and hugs and cuddles.
i want someone to love me,
and never leave.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
we left our mark today.
in a place everyone could see.
we don't want to be forgotten.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
one week
and we'll have been friends for a whole year.
"internet friendships never work"
one week
until we prove them wrong.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
i gave you everything i had to give.
i told you all my secrets,
all my fears,
my goals in life.
i thought you loved me.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
being your friend
has taught me how to be a better person.
and i cannot thank you enough for that.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
you're such a wonderful part of my life.
you keep my secrets and make me happy when i'm sad.
i couldn't have asked for a better friend.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
you bring out the best in me.
and i will forever be grateful
for our beautiful friendship.

Diana Bloom Jun 2014
midnight thoughts of you
flow throughout my head.
do you still think of me?
i don't know if i'll ever be able
to forget about you.

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