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Within the hills of Erin, stands a maiden gazing upon the sky,
Looking to heaven, praying with passion, for a prince to dry her eyes.
The winds call out from the starry night, as angels come here her plea
"Angels in heaven bring me a man that would fall inlove with me."

Without a word, or even a sound her angels shed a tear,
Having felt sorrow for this maiden who daily lives her fear.
They brush her face with silken wing drying tears from side to side,
Looking into their gaze she knew, that her dreams would come alive.

As the angels ascended back to heaven, their wings made fair wind blow,
And as they rose through heavens gate, a man began to show.
A gaze upon this man she had, and how it made her fly,
For the closer he came this man of hers, as she began to cry.

Are you he who has come to me in my greatest time of need?
Shall you comfort me, and hold me close, and love me as was forseen?
Fair maiden yes, I am he who has come to love you true
No more worries, or tears of pain from those who brought to you.

As she stood before this man, a shock came to her in size,
His wings caressed her body full, together trapped in time.
I am here to hold you now, never to let you go,
I desire nothing more than for our eternal love to grow.

She placed her head along his chest, letting her sorrows fly,
She had her dream with her now, standing at her side
He lifted her eyes to meet his gaze releasing all her sin,
As he brought his lips to hers, she knew he let her in.

This tale has meaning, you know it to be true,
This tale was written for no ones heart but me and finally you.
I see in the day or so since i posted this, that it has grabbed quite the eye of the public. i just want to say thank you. and one day i hope to outdo myself in newer words for you
I had locked away my true thoughts and muzzled my true voice
for far to long.
Was it a character i desired to be?
Were my words to be but a joke to break the awkward silence?

When you start to be social only to lock yourself up
to exist with your demons your becoming a dangerous
person to yourself.

My work once flowed now it sits half finished  great starts
stalled endings.
My skills were learned from not the comic arena
and i could imagine my journalist friends  laughter mocking
me even now.

He's slipped  finally lost in cheap jokes  gone from
anything that speak's of his true voice.

The people didnt thirst to know John.
for my well penned alter ego was the one they all knew and so blindly

Old friends check in.
Messages on my phone i'd sooner erase than
respond to.
Had I slipped in some form of insanity?
Embracing dellusion  to mask my failures in life?

I was a writer ,A troublemaker  and owner of laughs.
A good time for many yet emptyness was my reallity.

As from  the TV screen reflected change and madness.
For crazy is a close friend of chaos.

I got in the game to make a mark but what was the price?
A destroyed marriage  a relationship  heading into
the very same direction.

What had I become but some twisted monster
and tormented soul.
A sad afterthought  to a sick joke.

Deppresion can  make us into something no mirror can truely
The chamber stayed loaded  the glass my curse
seldom these days full.

And what she wanted I could never give  like sunsets
red cast gold flaked embrace i was a moment.
And moment's can't forever last.

No child should know a madman's life.
And a selfish *******  I knew was my role.

Empty streets and smokey old bars  were my  path
and what to anyone could i truley give?

Pain was the fuel hours my sea to sail alone.

The chamber was full but soon one would
be missing.

A tale cant be read untill it's finshed.
We are but moments.
And moments can't last forever.

— The End —