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Denis Barter May 2018
I’m depressed, said the bellpush to the thumb,
and suffer endless ringing, until I succumb
to constant pressures, when jabbed for long.
So please be gentle; don’t press too strong.

Though firm, round and hard when I was born,
I yield to the grind, said the black peppercorn:
Me too said coffee, although I’m seldom refused,
after I'm roasted, and my grounds hotly infused!

I suffer a split personality said Nutmeg: my fate
is to lose my appeal (peel), when my kernel, they grate
to join Mace.  That’s the skin in which I am clad,
which makes a spicy additive.  It really is too bad,

but my life’s a whirl, said the busy spinning wheel,
and no one knows how warped and twisted I feel,
spending hour after hour in never-ending gyration,
reeling a bobbin dependant on my constant rotation!

Whereas I, said the needle, have a unique ability
to make a point.  Though it adds to my capability,
It’s a darned nuisance having to repair holes of size,
relying solely upon the size and state of my eyes.

Next, the steam iron, bragged it could flatten anything,
whilst the electric kettle, then professed it could sing
in harmony with any tuning fork that could thrum a tune,
Ii both were allowed to harmonise  and softly croon.

I’m a hoot said the Trumpet Vine, and gave a toot!
Whereupon the Bugle Plant, snorting a derisive snoot,
said, “you’re nothing but a social climber, whereas I
remember my humble roots, and such as you, I decry.”

Then we heard the woes of the fairground Carousel.
Suffering from “ highs” and “ lows,”  it thought it hell
to go nowhere!  This, despite having seen many sights,
and dizzy from constantly working depths and heights!

But the final word belongs to the toilet brush:.
Bristling with anger, it possessed a red flush!
Perpetually plunged into the depths of despair,
its only avenue of escape, was a place somewhere

unthinkable!  It had had enough of its dead end job,
and was wasting away!  At working it was no slob,
but it was a task not to be relished nor recommended,
having no future of merit, should fall-out be suspended!

At this others agreed, his was a dead end job
be it working for peasant or the richest Nabob.
There were few positions, few notwithstanding
to be found as lowly.  Be it sitting or standing!

Rhymer.  May 22nd, 2018.
A little tongue in cheek rhyme to cvounteract  Spring fever!
Denis Barter May 2018
When I'm within your arms, and you hold me tight:
I fear no cold, no rain, nor the darkness of night.
Firm in your close embrace, I'm warmly protected,
For you are my refuge, that's graciously accepted.
There's a familiarity we share, that's truly like no other,
As are the closest bonds of a sister and her brother.
Your comfort is a nostrum: you dispense it very well,
And with a style and flair that fits, you really do excel.
You're my guardian angel, who protects me from surprise.
Sometimes when accidents occur or a problem will arise;
Timely warnings are ignored or they're totally rejected:
Smugness then prevails; you're discarded and neglected,
But never once do you fail, to fly post haste to my aid!
Proving once again, you're the best coat, ever made!

Rhymer. May 22nd, 2018
Denis Barter May 2018
I had a thought, as I’ll explain,
To go for a walk, out in the rain.
So donned my slicker, boots and hat,
Well prepared for what the day begat.
Having intended to leave and then return
Later.  But doing an abrupt about turn
Just before I left, I thought again,
As to what from my walk, I’d gain?
So without further thought, I delayed
My intention of walking, and stayed
At home.  Now having gone no where,
Thought this a rare happening, to share.
Having the thought, was surely enough,
But as for my reason?  Now that’s tough!
Doubtless I changed my mind before I left,
Thinking I’d have sufficient energy left
To use another day, if once again
I felt like taking a walk in the rain.
But then again, I might simply decide
To stay at home, and not to go outside,
Knowing a walk can be undertaken when
I'm in the right mood to walk out again:
though not when it’s pouring with rain!
Is this sufficient, to possibly explain,
the rationale behind my walk’s delay,
and why I almost went for a walk today?

Rhymer.  May 12th, 2018.
Denis Barter May 2018
When life overwhelms, noise is loud,
instinctively I retreat, away from the crowd:
standing solitary, though crowds mill around,
I seek inner peace until serenity is found.

When walking through a forested glade,
in search of repose, in the muted shade
I’ll quietly meditate and saunter through,
to think on the years, I’ve spent with you.

With my Spirit buoyed, by songs of birds,
I’ve seldom a need for spoken words.
This quiet oasis, allows the world to pass by;
refreshes my Soul and answers the ‘why?’

Watched waters of a slow moving stream
spur reverie, memory or a favourite dream.
Cool winds slowly diminish as evening falls,
to bring pleasant moments of Nature’s calls.

The crashing surf, and its air borne spume:
Lazy dust motes floating across a sunlit room:
A butterfly flitting from flower to flower,
More tender moments that pass the hour.

So whether at work or indulging in play,
I try to make the most of my every day.
Be the day dull or the sun brightly shine,
Such time is well spent, for peace is mine.

Rhymer. May 7th, 2018
Denis Barter May 2018
I’d love to write you a letter,
but your name has slipped my mind:
Though a message from me to you,
would be pleasant for you to find.
I’ve exciting news to tell you,
of happenings hereabout;
Though important details I’ve forgotten,
of its truth I’ve never a doubt.
Concerning the doings of neighbours,
or was it some other folks?
The way particulars escape me,
is one of Life’s little jokes!
Then when the missing details return?
I’ll be alone and the hour late!
The point behind telling this story,
is mine alone to relate.
Possessed of a very good memory,
I never forget a face,
And yours is amongst those respected
to hold a singular place.
I’m certain there was a moment,
when I knew your Christian name:
Now “It” I cannot remember,
And your address: does it remain the same?
I’d ask of the one you had married,
but their name escapes me too:
Maybe to address them wrongly,
might further embarrass you?
Were they the one whose frantic parents,
promised riches you’d gain,
If you’d marry and bed their offspring,
the one they called simple by name?
And what of your numerous children?
For surely you’ve had quite a few?
Though perhaps it was some other person
that I’m now confusing with you?
So rather than cause further embarrassment,
to someone I’m not sure I know,
I’ll read and re-check your last letter,
which arrived mere minutes ago.
Seems from this latest you’ve written,
which remains unopened, unread,
The contents adamantly states,
you seriously thought I was dead!
Though I fully agree with what’s written,
the news therein I knew,
And think it nothing but gossip!
Have you nothing better to do?
So I’ll write no more for the present,
you’ve said far more than I would:
Now should you write me another later?
I’m fully aware where you’re stood.
So If I write you again tomorrow,
I’ll try to remember your name!
But thanks for your letter anyway,
I’m truly happy it came.
And should you forget to whom you were writing?
I’ll inform you soon - by and by:
And if this letter seems a trifle confusing,
It’s not half as confused as I!

Rhymer May 4th, 2018.
A little bit of fun in case you thought to write me a letter!
Denis Barter May 2018
Always a country lad was I,
and in the country I’ll hope to die,
for there’s nothing like solitude
found in a land, ruggedly rude,
which thrives about and around.
Where spiritual serenity found,
is removed from noise and bustle
of the endless metropolitan hustle,
that chases and constantly chivvies
office workers and menial skivvies,
who chase a hopeless dream.
All part of the urban scheme
that promises followers gold,
if they trample the lesser bold!
Me?  I let the world go by,
as I idly sit and gaze at the sky,
to watch fleecy clouds pass on.
I blink.  Suddenly they’re gone!
But never wonder to where they went:
what their destination and intent?
Know more will follow as before,
as I spend hours doing no more
than watching, enjoying the day.
Such is this country lad’s way!
Some say I’m wasting my life,
but hours spent free from strife
I’d say with all honest sincerity,
have made my life, in all verity,
a journey of extreme pleasure.
With special moments, I treasure,
captured in my hours of solitude,
allow no one or thing to intrude
that might spoil my sacred reverie.
This is the life well suited to me,
and not one I’ll swap readily
until I go to eternity - willingly!
Until that day, I’ll be content
to see my hours and days spent
in the serious consideration
as to what in all creation,
I’d do if I were city bred?
The very thought hurts my head:
how would I endure the noise?
And as thinking upsets my poise,
I’ll quietly stay sitting a bit,
and listen to what birds say
in their knowing country way!
Yes, I’m glad to be a country lad,
for rustic ways ain’t bad,
and I regard haste as a crime,
so I take each day in slow time.
There is much more I could say,
but feel I’ve said enough today!

Rhymer.  May 4th, 2018
Denis Barter May 2018
Last night I was beguiled by dreams galore:
of sailing ships, pirates, explorers and more,
but the best for me, was of a country scene.
A quiet rustic retreat, where I was often seen,

accompanied by the music of a babbling stream,
cavorting with Nature.  Wandering in my dream
along a brook, where willows danced and swayed,
in choreographed terpsichore, as water music played.

The cadence of rattling reeds: a pulsing even beat,
were as castanets, that energised my restless feet!
There was magic in the music, heard by me this night.
Seduced by its bravura, I savoured the gentle delight,

of soft vagrant breezes, that added their unique refrain,
to the rhythmic tattoo. Enhanced by the beating rain,
perfection then prevailed, with the pleasing music heard.
Complete in all respects, it required no single word

to further foster my enjoyment, of its haunting melody.
As such it was pleasing, and a pleasant treat for me,
though twas a short lived dream; that was soon done!
Of many dreams encountered? This was a cherished one.

Long shall I remember, as a moment to hold dear,
for such entertaining dreams, are a rarity I fear.
Bringing a welcome smile, to replace a morning frown;
raising spirits high, when I’m worried or cast down!

May 3rd, 2018.
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