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Mar 2014 · 612
jackie Mar 2014
Is like a swimming pool.
You dip your toe in
To get a feel.
You place your
Foot on the first step,
Ankles deep.
Your hand clutches the railing,
Preparing for the worst.
You descend to the
Second step,
Knees deep.
You breathe in
A long breath.
You climb to the
Third step,
Waist deep.
You're in too far.
You can't get out now.
You lay your arms in front of you,
Ready to dive right in.
Feb 2014 · 455
jackie Feb 2014
Their hair blowing in the wind.
Their arms dancing to the melodies.
Their feet planted to the ground.
Their friends visiting and talking gossip.
Their senses going blank and unreadable.
Their thoughts carrying the heaviest loads.
Their legs wanting to run, skip.
Their hands breaking, twisting, crunching.
Their scars bringing surprise to others.
Their wounds being left in darkness.
Their hope fading, yet calling out.
Their existance being forgotten, left alone.
Their hearts cannot take the stabs.

I realize I am a tree.
Feb 2014 · 362
jackie Feb 2014
We would be laying on a big bed.
We could be watching a movie or laying silently. And we would be cuddling close to one another.
Your skin would be warm and smooth pressed against my cheek.
And a fluffy blanket would be draped over us.
Kisses and shiny glances would be shared.
We would talk about the lost memories and the new ones to come.
The sun would fall asleep as the moon awakes.
Your arm would be keeping me close.
The light and sound would drown out and all you would be able to sense is the love itself.
And we would fall into a slumber as the fairytales come to life in our naive minds.
Aug 2013 · 553
jackie Aug 2013
I think he is it.
He is the one.
The one I have been waiting endless night for.
I talk to him,
But he doesn't know it's me.
His charm,
I want it all.
And I want to be his all.
Aug 2013 · 398
My Love
jackie Aug 2013
Suicide, my love
You have been on my mind.
I think of you all the time now.
I wish to see you soon
And to see how you are doing,
Because I am not doing well.
I know you will help me
And be there for me.
Oh, Suicide, my love
We will meet soon.
Jul 2013 · 484
jackie Jul 2013
Cutting is
When you make that
Tear in your skin,
And the blood oozes out,
It is like the pain disappears.
It is like your feelings are dying to get out;
That opening in your flesh,
Lets them breathe once more.
All your worries,
thoughts, emotions, and  aches
are gone.
You are free from your soreness.
You do not have to deal.
You can finally let out that sigh.
Until an hour later,
And it comes back.
Jul 2013 · 629
I'm Not Sure
jackie Jul 2013
I'm not sure if I
Want to get better
Just yet.
I am happy,
But I miss the sad passion
I used to have every day.
I miss the drowning in my lungs.
I miss the tunnel
I could never escape.
I miss the monsters and demons
That would swim in my mind at night.
But I do not miss
The old me.
Jun 2013 · 390
I Feel
jackie Jun 2013
I feel
Like I am drowning,
But the ladder is right there.

I feel
Like I am in a box,
But with a door open.

I feel
Like I am falling,
But with a parachute strapped to me.

I feel
Like I am alone,
But in a crowded room.

I feel
Like I am drifting off,
But someone's hand is right there.

I feel
Like I am dead,
But with the heart monitor still going up and down.
Jun 2013 · 394
jackie Jun 2013
I try to find it.
My friends and family try to find it.
My therapist tries to find it.
But, what if it is not here?
What if it is with someone else?
Will it ever get to me?
I sit and wait.
Surely it will come.
They say it is just around the corner.
How far away is the corner?
Jun 2013 · 471
jackie Jun 2013
I guess I chose
The wrong path.
I went through
The dark forest,
Instead of the
Meadow filled with daisies.
I walked into the darkness.
I looked back at the sun
And kept walking.

I guess I chose
The wrong path.
I wanted to see
What it would be like.
It is everything
I imagined it to be,
And a little more.
The darkness, the grey clouds, the dead trees,
It all intrigued me.

I guess I chose
The wrong path.
I have been seeing
The same things over and over.
The once bright flowers
Growing old.
The once tall trees
Growing old.
The once happy me
Growing old.
Jun 2013 · 500
What If
jackie Jun 2013
What if I want to stay this way?
What if I want to be sad?
What if I don't want to be happy?
What if I want scars?
What if I want more cuts?
What if I want to run away?
What if I want to fail?
What if I want to die?
What if I slit my wrists again?
What if the bathroom floor is covered in blood?
What if I use that old belt?
What if I want to go to the hospital?
What if I don't want this life anymore?
What if I don't want help?
What if I want to stay this way?
Jun 2013 · 409
Just One
jackie Jun 2013
"Think about something else."
"Just don't do it."
"Get your mind off of it."
That's what they say, right?
It's not that easy.
Once you're triggered,
You are triggered.
It's calling your name.
Just one.
Doesn't even have to be big.
Relief washes over you,
As the river of red
Pools at the bottom of your arm.
Your feelings are pushed out.
You feel on a high.
"Just one more,"
You say.
One turns into ten.
And ten turns into a hundred.
And a hundred turns into
a cold,
lifeless body.
Jun 2013 · 580
jackie Jun 2013
As I look out my window,
To the dark street,
Lit by the street lamp,
Everything seems so sad.
As if the trees
Are crying.
And as though the grass
Is dying.
Even as if I am sad.
Sitting here,
Watching the trees
Blow side to side,
I wonder how they feel.
They can never move,
Can never explore.
And I realize,
I am like the trees.
Jun 2013 · 4.6k
A Girl
jackie Jun 2013
There once was a girl
With blonde hair
And blue eyes.
Who smiled and
Laughed at everything.
Who got good grades.
Who was hopeful.

There once was a girl
With brown hair
And blue eyes.
Who smiled,
And hardly laughed.
Who has passing grades.
Who had hope.

There once was a girl
With black hair
And blue eyes.
Who had a fake smile,
And no longer laughed.
Who had failing grades.
Who was hopeless.

There once was a girl
With blonde hair
And blue eyes.
Who smiled and
Laughed at everything.
Who got good grades.
Who was hopeful.

There once was a girl
Who was me.
Jun 2013 · 596
jackie Jun 2013
For I beg of you
To not leave me alone.
Do not leave me alone
With my thoughts.
They are too
If you leave,
They will take over.
They will devour me.
Take me in,
Claim my mind as their own,
And destory me.
Jun 2013 · 506
jackie Jun 2013
I have come
To convince myself
That storms
Are actually my mind.
The tears I have held in
Come pouring out.
The screams I have held in
Come roaring out.
The strikes I have held in
Come flashing out.
My mind is spinning.
Storms are only
A figment of my imagination.
For they are my mind.
Jun 2013 · 556
jackie Jun 2013
I have lost
My strength
Over the years.
You must be strong.
For I,
I am not strong.
I do not
Think I can handle
I cannot handle
Waking up.
It is all
Too much for me.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
jackie Jun 2013
I live in fear.
Fear of
Not being good enough.
Fear of
Not being smart enough.
Fear of
Not being pretty enough.
Fear of
Not being skinny enough.
Fear of
Not being nice enough.
For I will die;
Washed away
In my thoughs
Jun 2013 · 818
jackie Jun 2013
Life is full of beautiful things;
wonderous things.
Swimming at the beach;
Dying your hair;
Going to college;
Growing old with the one you love;
Big cities;
New people;
Playing in the snow;
Picking fresh fruit;
Not knowing where you are driving to;
Decorating your room;
First loves;
New songs;
Laying in the grass;
Starring at the stars;
Meeting celebrities;
New friends;
Visiting old friends;
Butterflies in your stomach;
Painting your toenails;
Feeding animals at the zoo;
Owning your own pet;
Buying new shoes;
Taking a hike;
Getting out of town;
New experiences;
This was mainly just things I like doing or thought would be fun ti do someday or hoping to do some time in the future.
Jun 2013 · 1.5k
jackie Jun 2013
They say you must try
and never give up.
What they don't say is:
it's not that easy.
They let you on your own
to figure out that
trying is just as hard as
being a quarterback;
making the best dessert;
or even standing up and speaking.
I must put effort
and work
and responsibility
and dedication
into trying.
I do not think
I have the strength for that.
My first poem! I hope you enjoy it and can possibly relate to it.

— The End —