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 Mar 2013 Deity
Jake Spacey
you know how fair this skin is
and still you concentrate your eyes
burning it like the sun, supposedly obliviously
staring at whats now a dark caste
made of leather, perplexed... but smitten
throw it over your shoulders like
your grandmother's hand knit scarves
and embark into the snow
I'm  Home

I got my own place today
And I did this without you
Turned the key and unlocked the door
And saw the empty rooms

The empty rooms reminded me
That although you wont be here
I'll have a chance to fill the rooms
With memories I'll hold dear

I can paint the walls with colors
Brite and pleasing to my eyes
Cover up past pain and hurt
Now knowing I'll survive

I can look out each new window
Or look in and see the views
And never see a memory
Of the times I spent with you  

I will place my pictures on the walls
Let your memory fade from view
And rearrange my future
To allow for something new

This new place I have will be my home
Where new memories will be made
It all began when I turned the key
As I walked in today

I'm Home
I'm Home

Carl Joseph Roberts 
I tried to show the emotion and hurt and at the same time the healing. I also wanted to stay true to both the physical as well as the emotionaal move.
 Jan 2013 Deity
Before guns wore make-up,
We used to put pennies in our socks
So we’d always walk on the root of all evil.

Now Wall Street angels frolic through satellite clouds borrowed
from youths educated by universities of smoke and plastic bags.
(The tears of a child are homage to the waning gods)
For in a day not far away,
Over the painted moon of the Morning Son,
The sun will rise wearing the finest war scars money can buy.

And the screams of humanity will be heard from Venus,
Forgetting that the reciprocal of   L-I-V-E   itself  is     E-V-I-L
And perhaps death is the life meant to be lived.
John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'?
 Jan 2013 Deity
I remember the morning Tuesday was invented—
how gleeful we sang across the streets—
forgetting that the day after tomorrow would be Thor’s day
and that one we didn’t own, too.

I remember the bathroom stalls, the sins of Leviticus
we survived
comforting our confusion with the indulgence that God too
love man, kind.

Let the purgatory full of half good men sing about their sins
with pride and laugh at the moons and stars for being without limbs
and tongues to protest their innocence and Idontgiveadamnisms;

For I remember being fed the tenets of heterosexual history in elementary school
yet wondering why queer gods are the ones named after the planets.
In the loving memory of David Kato Kisule (c. 1964 – January 26, 2011)
*If We Keep On Hiding Away, They Will Say We Are Not Here*
 Jan 2013 Deity
The unorthodox are the true prophets
for their ways are those of the future,
so in the now, most kings get their head cut off.

But as death is the greatest prophet,
for it never fails to come true,
their martyrdom proves their ways truer than the footsteps of their fathers,
so in the face of adversities;
never be afraid to be a lonely Jesus on the Cross.
“Most young kings get their head cut off”—Jean-Michel Basquiat
 Jan 2013 Deity
We sipped boulder rock from refrigerators doors
and watched the heavens hand out food stamps with IBM logos.
“ode to Mehmet” we sang, and licked the Mossberg—
fixating on the blue collar philosophy that lived in our empty wallets.

Trash cans filled with water bottles stared at us to find our essence—
the one we had lost while being fed quintessential American idioms
in state-of-the-art classrooms sponsored by slaves and Popol Vuh blood.

Six million years of human existence trivialized down to a single sentence—
* Man loved God, man wrote, man conquered God, and now man loves science* —
scribbled on SmartBoards afforded by fire burning from Prometheus’ female liver.

Trees sing with oxygen no more for the sake of making paper,
and eyes soak in the words on paper for the sake of making paper.
Trees make the avenue but the future holds an Avenue of no trees—
… for in the land of the free, anything but freedom ain’t free.
 Dec 2012 Deity
david kent
I watch as you sleep
and over you roll.
You open your back like a blueprint to your soul.
Right up the center
there’s a staircase to your mind
with a door to your dreams
which I wish I could enter.
I sit and I stare at the map on your back
and my finger tips step
and slowly walk the line
up and down your stairs,
tracing my fingers along your spine
just to know it’s there.
For if it weren’t, I promise this,
I wouldn’t know what to do,
for it’s what’s holding you together
and I’m holding onto you.
 Oct 2012 Deity
Samantha Steele
When I pleasure myself
And I think of you
You going hard and fast
Being merciless
My thighs begin to tremble
I grasp at nothing
I get louder
My chest heaves
And my back arches
And im raking my nails down your back drawing blood
And I think you like it
And that it spurs you on
Faster and harder
And im trapped underneath you're body
And our moans fill the air
And I burst
And im coming down
And I rember that your not here
That there was no ***
And that it was all my imagination
And I just sigh and go to sleep
Wishing for something I can't have
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