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Hamed M Dehongi Oct 2023
In the heart of the barren desert,
Where sand dunes dance and mirages glitter,
Lived an old man, wise and weathered,
With a dream that burned like fire.

He dreamed of an oasis,
A verdant oasis,
Where travelers could find respite,
And life could flourish and thrive.

With his bare hands, he dug and planted,
Nurturing life in the harshest land.
He planted palm trees and watered them,
And soon, a green oasis arose.

The travelers came, weary and thirsty,
And the old man welcomed them with open arms.
He gave them shade and water,
And a place to rest and refresh.

The oasis flourished, and the old man's dream came true.
It became a beacon of hope and life in the desert,
A testament to the power of one man's vision.

And so, the old man lived his life,
Building an oasis in the desert,
And showing the world that anything is possible,
If you have the courage to dream.
Hamed M Dehongi Dec 2019
You lie in peace , fast asleep
Drowned in dream, so deep

As if you don't have any news
The troubles you always refuse

World and so many men you set
On fire, you might not know  yet

Love you sell around the world
Still you don't buy, a single word

What use of love when inaccessible
I asked in flash, you were available

You know nothing of love, you said
True lover, of end, is not afraid
Hamed M Dehongi Dec 2019
The world as you see

Might be different in reality

The sight as you see

Might be distorted dramatically

Never trust your own judgment

Until no prejudice in your mentality
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
I should have done my homework before
You took the test of love and I failed

I miscalculated the difficulties that may arise
On the way that the destination was your love

I discovered too late that you were so good
That I should've prepared myself to be in level

Now what can I do when I have lost you
Not anything, only the deep regret forever
Sep 2019 · 300
That was never enough
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
We thought it's enough
For us forever
To only have
A perfect love
A pure love
That was never enough
Sep 2019 · 296
He loved two!
Hamed M Dehongi Sep 2019
He loved two!
One usually left him at the sunset
One came to him when moon was shining.
He couldn't decide which one
Was his real love
The official one
Or what was officially
A forbidden love
Hamed M Dehongi Aug 2019
Poetry is painting
With the words

To transfer a message
You keep in mind

To express emotions
You hold deep in heart

Painting is poetry
Without the words

To transfer a message
Can't be told by words

To express emotions
You don't even know

The extreme joy is when
You combine the two
Hamed M Dehongi Aug 2019
One sought all his life
For his goals and dreams

He found most but not all
Still he was know as a success

But he personally felt sad
Deep in his heart a regret

For all things he sacrificed
To be where he had desired
Jun 2019 · 350
Memories of your rosy lips
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
I can write books
Full of love songs
Only recalling
Stories about kissing
Those rosy lips of you.
Jun 2019 · 206
I’ve been expecting you
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Finally, I’ve received the long-expected news
You have come back failed and disappointed
You cruelly abandoned me and went to him
To my rival, I don’t believe you preferred him
I knew from the beginning, clearly as before
You will come back to me shameful again
But I am not that idiot you knew, any more
Now, I have learned so many hard lessons
From my bitter past and experiences in life
Now I am expecting to meet you very soon
You will ask me to give you a new chance

You have come to me now and I’m happy
I don’t remember any plans that I made
This moment, that I can see you again
I know now how much love I have for you
Let’s forget all the ugly parts in the past
Only recalling sweet moments, start again
Jun 2019 · 174
Confined in a cell
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
The small window of a cell
The only freedom of the prisoner
He can see blue skies only
During the day, darkness at night
He can travel all the globe
Using his imaginations and dreams
But his fantasy is ever fading
Day by day to shrink and reduce
To that mere little light source
He has just hours in the dark walls
The body is a prison for the soul
It has imprisoned the happy free soul
The soul doesn’t know anything
About limits, borders, the material things
These are facts that only matter
To the body, mortal, confined in the time
When the soul is put in jail of the body
For such a long period of time, in the end
It forgets as a bird in the cage
The ability to fly free in the eternal sky
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
This unjust globe prevents me
Being in a place that deserves me
We go on protest for this every day
With all the talents, the world is unfair
But we need our expertise in the reality
Despite unfair rules, we should justify
There is no point in a painless victory
Those fought hard remarked in history
Seeing the dreamland from far is easy
Who cares when you can’t find an entry
A boat is needed to cross to the other shore
If you can’t find one, you should dare to swim
No change for better without any threatening
On the way to glory, wild waves are roaring
To be great, one should accept the challenges
No good records in history for the jellyfishes
Jun 2019 · 314
She is pleasnt and merry
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
She is a peaceful soul
Looks for true emotions
She stays away from fakes
Prefers honesty and frankness
Her core characters are
Innocence and a simple life
You may think it's stupid
But she's proud about it
You may think it's easy
To make a fool of her
She may get jokes late
She may say silly things
But it's never important
She is pleasant and merry.
22:52, Friday, June 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
On a business trip
Far from you again
It's only for days
But it seems like years
I missed your hug
Kissing on your lips
Wow! Just now, here
A woman passed by
Unfortunately, she has
Put on your fragrance
She never has the right
To do this to me
She reminds me of you
But you are far away!
00:01, Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Jun 2019 · 176
I knew I'm forgiven
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
After days and nights without sleep
Sleep finally forcefully came to me
I had a dream then and very soon
What a dream! sweet as is honey
You were there and you were happy
It seemed that you have forgotten
The fight we had just before you part
I wish the dream was a real one
We could be together again forever
I wish you gave me a little chance
To explain all about these delusions
I woke suddenly and got surprised
By you, standing right in the doorway
You said nothing but came to me
You kissed me, I knew I'm forgiven
9:47, Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You were a bright star
In the darkest sky
You were the red tulip
Among the garden's flowers
Every society or circle
Was proud to have you
It was not a surprise
Many were envious of you
They told lies and gossips
In every chance they had
They finally could succeed
In disgracing you anyway
All those liars and gossips
They were in my favour
I could prove myself as
The only honest lover
All other lovers of you
Judged by ears and eyes
I, in contrast to them
Used just my heart's eye
Ears and eyes on the head
Could sometimes be deceived
But who can see and hear
By heart, never gets lost
Jun 2019 · 242
Be Simple
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Drawing a real scene is hard
Remove details keep it simple
Scientific rules are complex
Reduce unknowns turn it simple
Life on earth is getting tougher
Forget excess, be more simple
Human relations are involved
You do better, being more simple
Express your thoughts effectively
Avoid wordiness it’s better simple
You have to work hard to achieve
What you needn’t if you were simp
Jun 2019 · 167
I didn’t know her rules
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
When she illuminates in the wind
The golden hair under the sunlight
Numerous lovers go on to orbit
As planets in her solar system
They all keep a suitable distance
She burns who dare go too close
The only real honest lover was I
Who was fired by her very soon
I didn’t know her rules and then
Others took the lesson of my fate
Jun 2019 · 193
A broken heart's power
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Two plus two equals four?
Who has power always wins?
Charm and money win love?


But don't underestimate
A broken heart's power
Rules are bent for it by,

Jun 2019 · 245
Fiery Kisses
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Sun sets the horizon
To the torch, it burns
In fiery orange and red
Across a calm beach
It's sunset, weather's nice

You respond her kisses
That are fiery too
It burns to the bottom
Of your heart and soul
They both go wild

Be happy and enjoy
Your summit in love
I ask you something
Think about the places
Love sharing is sin.
Jun 2019 · 184
I didn't enjoy
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
I didn't enjoy
Being in a place
Where at sunset
Meadow meets sun
River meets Ocean
Wind and waves
Sing in background.

I didn't enjoy
All of these
without you.
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You were a bright star
In the darkest sky
You were the red tulip
Among the garden's flowers
Every society or circle
Was proud to have you
It was not a surprise
Many were envious of you
They told lies and gossips
In every chance they had
They finally could succeed
In disgracing you anyway
All those liars and gossips
They were in my favour
I could prove myself as
The only honest lover
All other lovers of you
Judged by ears and eyes
I, in contrast to them
Used just my heart's eye
Ears and eyes on the head
Could sometimes be deceived
But who can see and hear
By heart, never gets lost
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Many lovers lost their love
Because the beloved seemed unreachable

You may think in real love
No doubt should even be available

No! Hesitation is part of love
Even for the purest love, it's sensible

But if you're with one in love
There is not another option available

You should go and fight for love
You might fail, but it is unavoidable
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Some accuse men of being lecherous

"They are ogler, they leer too lousy"
"They stare notoriously at a woman"
"As they want to bite her with eyes"

It's true that some men may will ill
But most men do like the beauty
That is put in a woman's body
Jun 2019 · 262
You can heal this
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
You are shaking
               like a willow in the wind

You are sweating
                like cold metal in dew point

Your heart is drumming
                 like an army on the march

You aren't breathing
                 like a beheaded rooster

You know the matter.
You have public speaking anxiety.

This is not the root
It's only a symptom
Of deep soul's wounds
In your past experiences
You can heal this
By curing the origin.
Jun 2019 · 159
I want a new chance
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
I want a new chance
With my first love

The girl who I met
On my way to school

But this time I have
Lots of experience

I'm sure that I don't
Lose her like a fool
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
One of the worst wounds in the world
I could see in the heart of a husband
I could see clearly all of his sufferings
As a bottom of a tranquil lake, is seen
Trouble had been begun subsequently
When he had loved a woman idolatry
Then after a time period and suddenly
He had fallen in love again, but lustily
He prefers his first love still logically
But he cannot ignore the later luxury
He is now on a pathway, that finally
He will be a lost cheater, eventually
22:18, June 6, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
In a cozy corner
On a lake's shore
We used to meet
For a long time
There was a place
Far from the trails
We could sit there
For long hours alone
We kissed and shared
In whisper many tales
I liked too much
Hold you in arms
We played such as
Two kids would do
Some times we did
That love thing, too
We thought no one
could harm our case
But for every tale
There is an end
Ours was that day
They found us unawares
Our lips were touching
Our tongues were locked
This was huge scandal
Shame burned us both
What hurts me most
Is but another fact
I can't see you
No more, ever again!
16:59, Thursday, June 6, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
She left me that windy evening
When the sun height was decreasing
The globe was gradually darkening
As I knew later, also my own ending
The sun left the sky, she fiery shining
She too left my life, her heart burning
From the words, she couldn't bear hearing
* * *
The sun came back tomorrow morning
She never came back, I'm still mourning
21:43 - Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Jun 2019 · 148
Lost in Emptiness
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
Consider being in a desert
In bare arid desolate, lonely
Abandoned without any resource
All around you a vast eternity
Emptiness, not any living in sight
Terror and anxiety and fear
Of your fate, your end destiny
You have lost all your virtue
You are lost and it hurts you

Vast emptiness, without any edges
Like an ocean, without any shores
You don't even find in you the urge
To go farther, it seems to be no hope

This is how the writers feel
When their mind is empty, clear
Writers' block has stroke them
There seem that it has no end
The virtue of writers is only
Their creative mind nothing more
When it's all clear and empty
No hope remains, terror comes.
It may be in any other profession when you lost your hope in it. A business or job that you have spent lots of time and effort, suddenly at some stages the thoughts come that maybe I'm not good enough at it. Then hope fades.

8:54 - Monday, June 3, 2019
Jun 2019 · 157
Protection or Imprisonment
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
He says it's protection
She says it's imprisonment

He says it's love without any limits
She says he controls me in all aspects

He says she is for him such as his breath
She says he holds me tight that can't breath

Where is the borderline between
Caring and support and respect
And control and feeling of being owned?
* * *
He tells her about a tale
As an example, of a leaf
The leaf was on a branch
On top of a high proud tree
It felt confined on the tree
It left the peace of the branch
But freedom cost was so high
The wind owned then the leaf
Turned it in any direction at will.

But she smiles and responses
I am not a leaf, but a human
I love you so much, it's true
But I can live happy alone
However, storms of difficulties
In life may be threatening strong
I live here with you because
I love you, not that for need.
22:43 - June 2, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Jun 2019
There are risks available
In any new relationship
At first, they show you
Only their bright side
As you go further on
Dark aspects are revealed
Ugly personalities show up

You may complain that
They did deceive you
But let me advise you
Consider again the aspects
That drove you to them
The bright side of them
The beautiful part of them

No one is all perfect
In all aspects of life
And also think critically
About yourself from outside
You have an ugly side too
That you hid at first
Think. How you deceived them?
May 2019 · 131
The most thing that I love
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
The most thing that I love
On earth is that:

Those that are lovely most of the time.
Yet you may hate them from time to time.
When you are confused about their mysteries.

They are gentle, tolerant, forgiving
Emotive, half part of human beings.

Those I love most,
On earth are women.

Mothers, sisters, and spouses
That men could not live without.
21:25 - Friday, May 31, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I texted you
Because I needed you.

But you ignored!

The message I sent
Got the seen tick.

Yet you didn't respond!

I saw you active
With that green circle
Below your name.

You are texting someone else!
You don't care I'm here waiting!

I called you
Because I couldn't wait anymore.

You rejected the call!

Why she is doing this to me?
Does she is upset with me?

Let's think maybe I mistakenly did something.

I was at the point of no hope
When finally you returned the call

You said you were sorry
That you couldn't respond.

Some kids were playing on your phone!
10:20 - Thursday, May 29, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
She didn't do anything wrong
Her love for him was so strong
They used to listen to folk song
Many happy memories for a long
She thought this she could prolong
That they can be happy for a lifelong

She was wrong!

Once in a sudden, she caught him cheating
With who, do you think he was meeting?
She found out this when he was twitting
Her best friend for a long he was meeting
Not only for once but always repeating
She hadn't done anything to deserve cheating

Except being trusting!
13:20 - Wednesday, May 29, 2019
May 2019 · 162
Love is many things
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Love is sometimes
                                 a chemical phenomenon.

Our addiction to some smells and tastes.

Love is sometimes
                                of biological nature.

Some hormones in the blood push us together.

Love is sometimes
                                with social aspects.

We fill our solitude by being together.

Love is sometimes
                                something spiritual.

We find in each other, our soul mate.

Love is many things
For every human being
But in our perfect love
We have all combined.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
We are all imperfect
As human beings

Perfectionism is fine
In an abstract way

But in the real world
With all limitations

Good enough is okay
Let your work go

Don't be so worried
About its perfection
I've wasted valuable time in my life for perfectionism. I should have started sooner and improved myself in the process. But I waited for perfection and it's impossible. Being perfect in any field is impossible, so it's enough to be good enough to start.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
If that Shirazi Turk would succeed in winning my heart
I'll give up Samarkand and Bukhara, solely for her Indian mole

Serve remained wine, Saki, cause you can't find in the paradise
Such a place as Ruknabad stream and Musall's gardens

Oh! these gypsies who are sweet and set the city to chaos
They drained heart from patience, as Turks take the pillages

My sweetheart's beauty doesn't need my imperfect love
How a beautiful face is in need of paint and powder and mole?

Talk about minstrels and wine, don't seek universe's secret
That is that, no one solved and will solve this enigma by logic

I knew beforehand from ever-improving charm that Joseph possessed
That love finally would bring Zulaikha out of her innocence

You talked to me badly, God forgive you, you said it well
Bitter answer is proper for that red-colored sugar-sweet lips

My soul, listen to advice, for blissful youths like more
That wise old's advises more than their own sweet lives

Hafez! you told Ghazals and pierced pearls, come sing fine
For your harmony in your poetry, Heaven weds Soraya!
Translation of Hafez's Ghazal No. 3 by Hamed M. Dehongi
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I suffered pain from love, don't ask how!
I've tasted bane from parting, don't ask how!

I wandered around the world, and at the end
I've chosen such a beloved, don't ask how!

I missed being on her front door so, as such
My tear is streaming from eyes, don't ask how!

You bite your lips to signal me, don't speak
I've bitten that rosy lips of her, don't ask how!

I myself with my own ears from her mouth
Heard such a strange tale, don't ask how!

Like Hafez who is a stranger on the way of love
I have reached to such a rank, don't ask how!
Translation of Ghazal No. 270 from Hafez by Hamed M. Dehongi
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
As I kiss you
Down on your neck
I smell the aroma
Of your skin and hair

You've been always that sweet
This made me on high beat

As I pet you
Back on your shoulder
It heals my own
Pains and daily worries

You've been always that comfy
That made me feel I am lucky

As I hug you
Hold you so tight
I am most serene
Peace is in your embrace

You've made me always feel calm
The secret is that you have the balm
11:08 - Monday, May 27, 2019
May 2019 · 264
Dawn and Dusk
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Sunsets are beautiful
They create great sights

Memories rush to mind
Dusk and then the night

At nights we had many
Times, we never forget


But sunset is an end
For a shining day

A day that has begun
By a beautiful sunrise

Start of the light is
Less liked than the dark


I used to like sunrise
More than the sunset

Until then that I had to
Part you at the predawn

Dusk became my favorite
It's time I wait for you
14:04 - Sunday, May 26, 2019
May 2019 · 266
And I suffer
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
He kisses you with affection
                                                   and I suffer!

He wrongly thinks he owns your heart
                                                   and I suffer!

I can see regret in your eyes
                                                   and I suffer!

I know, I'm a loser, who's lost you
                                                   and I suffer!

You blame me for all came to us
                                                   and I suffer!
00:58 - Sunday, May 26, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I know no better place

                                           Than your embrace

I know no better rhythm

                                            Than your breath

I know no better music

                                          Than your heartbeat

Why we live in a world

With three dimensions

That the time is also

The fourth dimension

I hate this system

I only can be at a time

Only in one place that

You may not be there

I hate the time

Cause it passes too wild

When I’m with you

I don’t need any dimensions

Only one point in space

Where you are

Without any time to pass.
May 2019 · 372
Book worm girls are rare
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Book worm girls are rare
In society and today's culture

A girl sits all her afternoon
In her window frame since noon

With a cup of tea, and a book
Boys say She's mad, don't hook
Thursday, May 23, 2019
May 2019 · 195
Our souls dissolve in sync
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Such an enormous feeling
rush to me when I only
hold your hand, in mine.

What effect a hug has
to do with my soul?

What effect a wet kiss
can have on my heart?

Let me don't ask about
when our body can join.

Our souls dissolve in sync
but our mortal bodies, can't.

They can join just partially.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
May 2019 · 272
Life is unpredictable
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
You are proud
you are ahead
in your life
from your mates.


Life is unpredictable
they can try hard
you can't foresee
even a moment later.


If you've succeeded
reach a better point
it's not guaranteed
you stay forever.
Wednesday, May 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
She lays her head
       On your chest
Looks at your eyes
With her searching eyes
After such a wild act
You had moments ago
Both of you exhausted
Sweat on your brow
Your heartbeat high.

With searching eyes
She asks you again
For the thousands of time
Do you love me?

Don't be angry with her
Don't say how many time
I should say I love you
Don't say I showed you
My love in bed minutes ago.

You ought to be happy
When she asks this
Even if it's the millions time

Because it means that
She loves you so much
you are her most valuable
Belongings in her life

Be happy and proud
That she loves you
Pure love from the heart
Smile and kiss her
On lips and on the brow
Say dear I love you
The same as you do.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
May 2019 · 154
Beautiful face is a gift
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Beautiful face
For a woman
Is a gift!

I agree with you
That internal beauty
Better than external beauty.

Who said that
One can have only
One without another?

One can have both!

Beautiful face
For a woman
Plus beautiful soul
Makes perfect angel.

They are who are loved
Both by sensory lovers
And by spiritual lovers.

You, who consider yourself
Not a beautiful woman
Don't go mad at me, but yours
The point is that, beauty is
Relative, and depends on the viewer.

There is at least a pair of eyes
That see you the most gorgeous.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I waited too long,
For the perfect time
To begin the journey,
From the status quo,
Toward the desired point.

The perfect time,
Never knocked on the door.

I finally found out
That trying is also
Supposed to be
Part of the journey.

Therefore the right time
To start is the time
You think about a goal.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Moment of peace, for soul and heart
Is when we kiss, and bill, and coo

Our foreplay that you love the most
Before we go forward, to the main part

You lie afterward on my chest still
I peck you, or neck, from time to time

Your silky soft skin on my rough one
Drains all my worries and stress, at once

This is what I enjoy the most in life
I wish we could do it always for life
Monday, May 20, 2019
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