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Kawan Sep 2020
When I think about you
I think about the Journey of a woman
Who's been grinding since she was 15 years old
In a world that doesn't care about us
I see a woman
Who did whatever she needed
To make sure her children were good
Still to this day
She has a grind like no other
I appreciate the battle scars on your heart
From being done wrong
I'm amazed at the smile that hides
Some of the pain inside
Kawan Sep 2020
Who are you?
The one who helped give me life
Where are you?
I don't think I've ever seen you in sight
I have a lot of questions to ask you
I wonder if you have questions for me too
I wonder if you're dead or if you're poor
If you're sick
It makes me think
I wonder what you may look like
I look in the mirror to see if I have your features
But I can't tell
Because I've never seen you
I want to meet you
I wonder if you are here
I wonder if you are there
But where ever you are
I wish you well
To my father I've never met
I hope one day
We can sit and have a chat
Kawan Sep 2020
Is there sunshine?
Will there ever be any sunshine?
Or will I only see darkness?
Live in the darkness
Breathe in the darkness
Is there any sunshine for me?
Or am I to forever live in the darkness
My fingers and toes are always cold
No warmth in my path
My finger nails are purple
And they almost look black
I can never tell if its spring, summer, fall, or winter
Its always dark and cold where I am
Is my soul dark?
Or just the place I'm in
Sometimes I see people
Or maybe its just a memory of someone
From when I was a little girl
Sometimes I think I see sunshine
Or maybe its just a figment of my imagination
Sometimes I wonder how sunshine feels
How it would feel on my face and all over my skin
Will I have friends in the sunshine?
But most importantly
Are there others in the sunshine?
Or will it still, only be me?
I'm not afraid of the sunshine
But I don't know what to expect
Maybe, this dark cold place isn't so bad
I guess I won't know
Until I find my way out of the darkness
Maybe one day I will
Maybe I won't
I will like to one day, see the sunshine
Hopefully when I do
It's not too late
Kawan Sep 2020
Ive been hurt, scared, and emotionally abused
Some people don't understand
The hurt and pain I went through
I used to ask myself, why am I here?
Maybe there's a purpose and a good reason
As to why I still live
I have love many
And hurt by plenty
If only you could see my scares
In which i have been permanently marked
If only you knew how I feel
If you were in my shoes
You would feel the hurt
And the pain that caused it all
You will see what i had to go through
And see why i am so strong
All the hurt and pain went on
For too long
I will not give up
I will keep holding on
This pain has made me strong
So I've decided to hold on
And keep my life moving forward

— The End —