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Debbie Taylor May 2015
You are the streak of sunshine
   that breaks through the clouds on high
You are the ripple of laughter
   from happy childhood days gone by

   Without your caring smile
I would be a hollow shell
   with nothing left to give
You are the glimmer of moonlight
   serenading a lovers' embrace
You are the murmur of forgotten dreams
   ricocheting into outer space

   Without your unwavering support
I would be adrift
   in the ocean of life

You are the flicker of flames
   dancing on paintings on an ancient cave wall
You are the echo of drums
   beating to the rhythm of the heart inside us all
   Without your unselfish love
I would remain alien,
   heart beating, only just alive
For Sam, you mean more to me than you know♡
Debbie Taylor Aug 2015
blue is not only a colour
     but a state of being
darkness is merely
     the absence of light
reality is a figment
     of the imagination
and the universe is as big
     or as small
as the mind that perceives
     it to be
Debbie Taylor Feb 2017
We all survive
Till the day we dont
Then who's left survives
Till the day they don't
Debbie Taylor May 2017
will create
of us all
Debbie Taylor May 2017
Like the millions of stars
Which shine late at night
Each star cast adrift in space
Following its own flight
Or the millions of grains of sand
Which scatter the beaches and sea
Blown by wind or washed by water
Each following its own destiny
So scatter the tiny fragments
Of my broken heart
Broken by a man who shot
Askew with Cupids Dart
Now I'm left in the shadows
Of a love that could have been
Wondering aimlessly like a ghost
Searching for the scene of its crime...
Another flashback to young naivity
Debbie Taylor Jun 2015
Deep inside
   where nothing's fine
      I've lost my mind
   to the poet inside

Mind awash
   with turmoiled thoughts
      I close my eyes
   and begin the slide

Words ripple
   awakening forgotten feelings
      I breathe in poetry
   and finally turn the tide
Debbie Taylor May 2015
There is a song in my heart
     A lightness in my step
Serenity in my being
     The cracks in my life are healing
Hope is shining through

Softly, softly, on tip-toe she treads
     Happiness creeping in
Balance winning over chaos
     Sunshine melting the darkness
Hope has won the day
Debbie Taylor May 2015
The sky is an artist
painting beauty for all the world to see
all you need to see this beauty
is to look up at the sky
at just the right moment
and appreciate the spectacular array
splashes of burning oranges and reds
placed perfectly on the backdrop of blue
fading and blending to purples and greys
the wind swirls the clouds
and the sun provides the light
but it takes an artist like the sky
to make a masterpiece
as the last rays of light hit the horizon
the sky absorbs them
and holds onto them
for as long as she can
and she uses them
to make the most beautiful sunset images
just for you and me to see
Debbie Taylor May 2015
The sun rises over the red horizon,
and sets again as the red clouds roll in;
The moon which had once shone so bright
can hardly be seen through the smokey night;
No more do the stars shine as they had before,
and the smokey red sky seems easier to ignore;
Red tinted buildings crowd around the one place
which seems (for now) unaffected by the waste
of the threatening endless sea of dry red sand
and the harsh hot wind that burns the dying land;

Hidden behind the stone walls of that red city
sits an old man, huddled in a chair, mumbling: "Pity ...
Oh, the pity of it all ..." and talks of things that used to be
To tired dusty children perched around his knee;

He watches their intense delight as he tells his tales
of a different world (not too long ago) without hot gales,
of how that world used to flourish in lushous green
- a colour which has never since on this earth been seen -
of how that land was covered by the most beautiful flowers,
and of how he, as a child, used to while away the hours
in fragrant fields of green grass and tall trees spread about;
He told of animals which not too long ago had roamed about;
He told takes of soft white rabbits, of ferocious lions and tigers;
He told tales of history,  of adventure and deadly dangers;

And then he'd fall quiet and smile at the children sadly
as they looked up at him expectantly;
Then he tells them in his own special way
of how such a beautiful world became what it was today:
"Oh, the pity of it all ... We had it all those yesterdays,
but we were selfish so we threw it all away!"
Then the story-teller of yesterdays would sigh in despair,
snuggle up comfortably, and doze off in his rocking- chair ...
☆Written in 1990☆
☆still gives me goose flesh today☆
Debbie Taylor Dec 2015
Thunder in the distance
Rumbling ominously
This dry dry earth longs for those
Precious few drops that promise to fall

The wind blows the dust around
The wind blows the dead leaves around
The wind blows the hot dry air around
The wind just blows and the sky is brown

The wind stills for a moment
And the earth sighs
But the rain does not fall
Not a single drop to quench her thirst
Debbie Taylor Dec 2015
Thunder in the distance
Rumbling ominously
This dry dry earth longs for those
Precious few drops that promise to fall

The wind blows the dust around
The wind blows the dead leaves around
The wind blows the hot dry air around
The wind just blows and the sky is brown

The wind stills for a moment
And the earth sighs
But the rain does not fall
Not a single drop to quench her thirst

There is a long long pause
And then nothing
The wind sighs a silent sigh
And then a drop falls

Another drop follows
The earth holds her breath
And another drop falls
and then another

Pretty soon the rain smell follows
Forgotten is the heat and the dust
Forgotten is the oppression
Only concentration on the drops

Each drop life giving
Each drop rejuvenating and cool
Each drop precious
Each drop quenching her thirst
Bloemfontein SA
Dry does not even begin to describe it
Debbie Taylor May 2016
is deafening
is it
my heart
beating too fast
out of control
my head
padded room
Debbie Taylor Aug 2015
the subscriber
  you have dialed
     is on the warpath
so enter at your peril
Debbie Taylor Jul 2017
order beats chaos
but chaos eats order
for breakfast
a little light humour...
Debbie Taylor Oct 2016
Wild Child
Crouched inside
A naughty grin
As eyes go wide
Hair untamed
Covered in leaves
Acorn in one hand
Ladybird in the other
The trees her father
The earth her mother
Trying to free the wild child within...
Debbie Taylor May 2015
Wondering in the corridors of my mind
     I came across a different time
It was so familiar I felt at home
     At the same time it was so bizarre
          It entangled my imagination
Up was down and down was around
A field of mirrors reflecting sounds
     Like fire flies in the moonlight
I drank in the sight
     and it tasted of long forgotten memories
I touched my fingertips to the sound
     And a symphony echoed in my heart
I breathed in the feeling
     And nostalgia filled my taste buds
I heard the aroma of lavender fields
     Celebrating the first rays of the sun
I tasted the echo of drops of music
     Painting to the rhythm of far-away drums
          And in the middle of it all
               I met my soul
          Why are we here, I whispered
     Because we are here, boomed the reply
Wondering, playing with the senses and pondering the age old question: why are we here...
Debbie Taylor Feb 2016
While you ponder your existence
   Obsessing over the here and now
      Remember there is more to life
   Dreams keep the heart alive and
Smiles lift any water-logged soul
Debbie Taylor Aug 2016
Unlike that famous song
   Words can come easy
When arranged just right
   They can numb or astound
Pack a punch or a hope
   Make you laugh or cry
Deepen the darkness
   Or enlighten the soul
And in the depth of despair
   May bring a glimmer of light
      To ignite a spark in a heart
   Here or in some far-off Galaxy
Debbie Taylor Dec 2015
Work work work your ***
Work your life away
Then happily rest your weary soul
Upon your dying day

— The End —