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Dean Bonsignore Jul 2010
I'm sitting in my bed.
My phone begins to ring.
Who could be calling me
On this little thing?

I look at the screen
A text message for thee!
Oh boy, I had thought.
Who could it be?

I click open up!
I read it away.
It was an add.
For some stupid game.

I put the phone down
All ready to sleep
When all of a sudden
I heard a loud beep!

I looked at my phone
And saw one more text
And then another
How many were next!?

I started to cringe
And then I got mad
Why are text messages
So freaking bad??

I hoped it was finished
I hope it was over.
Is this texting?
Or is this torture?
Dean Bonsignore Jul 2010
I want to go to the park.
I want to take a walk.
I want to take a nap.
I want to ask if I can.

Of all the things we could have done.
Without the permission of one.
Of all the things that could succeed.
Why would you have to ask me?
Go on and think for your self.
Or put you're freedom on the shelf.
Because the more you ask me
I'll say no to "Can I PLEASE!?"
Dean Bonsignore May 2010
They shuffle their feet
They trip and they moan
They have soulless eyes
They bite and they groan.

Their all wearing suits
Their hair's falling out
Their teeth are decayed
Their guts strewn about.

Well thats what I saw
When I went to the bank
But I guess that I have
Mondays to thank.
Dean Bonsignore Mar 2010
The story before the story begins.A message to those who don't believe.An origin of the ancient winds.A warning, asking you to leave.A prologue can be many things.The start of a song, or recap of the play.A prologue to the song's they sing.A prologue for the night and day.A prologue always starts.An epilogue will end.But what really fills my heart.Are the messages they send.
Dean Bonsignore Mar 2010
I slight little sneeze, a measly cough.Oh my I believe this is a cold.But I know that my immune system's tough.I know that my white blood cells will hold.And so I ride it out, living my life.Running through blizzards without any clothes.Although the running caused me much strife,I have only this cold to show.And so here I sit in my bed full of sweat.My fever breaking here and there.My sheets and blankets all sopping wet.But I'm way to sick to care.
Dean Bonsignore Feb 2010
Five syllables strongWriting haiku is an artMath and Words combine
Dean Bonsignore Feb 2010
I heard that you're totally.
Yah it's true, yah thats right.
I heard the news, I have the scoop.
I bet your pretty tight.

Although, thats a "ghetto" term
So I don't like it very much,
Only proper english
When you're totally what!?

So when you find out what it is
That you totally are
I'll be sure to stay near by,
And make sure you're not too far.

Because I know that you're totally.
I know that it is true.
That you are totally not me,
But you are totally you.
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