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Dean Bonsignore Feb 2010
Do I call or do I wait?
A conflict I must face.
Is it too early or too late?
I don't want to chase.

A rotary or a cell?
I don't care about the style.
Do I lie or do I tell?
It's been secret for a while.

But have I had a chance to say?
I don't think I ever did.
Did you get those roses?
Because I'm the secret kid.
Dean Bonsignore Feb 2010
Putting up my trust.
I put it in your hands.
I left the girl I love.
To explore forgotten lands.

But you dropped my trust.
You dug your boot into it.
You want the girl I left.
You sent me into a fit.

So ******* hard.
You backstabbing *****.
You want her? Fine.
But you still make me sick.

— The End —