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Oct 2018 · 205
Daiene Oct 2018
Colossal violence revels in the midst of hostility
Ingenius methods of hipocrisy roams our land
Dressed in superior clothings of mighty brands.

Nihilistic approaches for humanity's growth
Thats how things are done
As the blood red luminant shadows of the crescent moon strucked the heart of masochistic reapers of youthful innocence.

The bitterness of peace and joy did not satiate the evil's hoggish needs
So with their monstrous jaws and claws they haunted everything that screams life and hope
Until all of the land was left with little to no resemblance of what it was before
For now, the little town for which kids seek toys to play
And where adults find palpable joy in the simplicity of their humble abodes
Is now nothing but a mere reminder of how that ghost town was

Where the ugly stench of death and prejudicial entities of mankind lodges.
Oct 2018 · 174
Wandering Chaos
Daiene Oct 2018
Sometimes I wonder how it would feel if I slit my throat.

How would the cold blade feel against my skin as it cuts through my flesh while it breaks all those restrained sadness I chose not to show.

How would it feel like if I die?

I wonder if my family would miss me, if they would mourn over my loss and whisper me the words I so longed to hear or would they despise my dumb recklessness and 'madness'.
Would they finally understand me?

I wonder if my friends would remember me, cry at my wake.

Rekindle the memories and the laughter we made.

How would it feel if I say my final goodbye?

I wonder if death would give me the life I wish I had when I was still breathing.
Oct 2018 · 548
Daiene Oct 2018
this isn't poetry
but just like poetry
it is a mix of reality
and of beauty.

this is but a question
of a teenager
seeking answers,
asking for help.

"What is your stand? Should UN State Members accept refugees? Why?"
if ever you have any stand on this topic pleaseeeee message me or something, thaaanks a lot!
Sep 2018 · 1.2k
Daiene Sep 2018
i love travelling at night
makes me feel like i could write
pieces of melodies that could make me
hold on tight
at every wonder that's in sight.
i tried
Sep 2018 · 246
a story teller's tale
Daiene Sep 2018
riding on a bus
with the wind caressing my cheeks
in a cold welcome
made me feel
as if everything was real.

the noise of every sound from people
from cars
felt like a beautiful hymn
of beauty,
the city lights
and broken tainted windows
captivated the heart
of a starved artist
whose poetry is still
doomed to nothingness
for she was no one but an artist
in the shape of a youngster
with a messed up poetry.
Sep 2018 · 813
not a psychic
Daiene Sep 2018
What would they say if they
could read my mind?

Would they pity or wont they just mind?

They say that i was pretty,
heck if that is true.
Lies, liars thats all that i knew.

idiocacy and scars.

Tainted shadows and
painted flasks.

Children die and parents mourn,
when i die would you cry for me too?

Just because you cant see it doesnt mean its not there, the words he sang had never been more true.

Strangled noises
and pained silence,
thats all that i am,
a bundled up horde of misery covered in a glossy wrap.
Sep 2018 · 673
Daiene Sep 2018
she, a noble fell in love with the piano turner's son
whose smile was as radiant as the sun.
and soon she wished that theyll fall in eachs others arms
and lie awake in the midnight sun.

he was the piano turner's son who fell in love with the duke's daughter
whose skin was akin to a porcelain doll and
whose beauty blossomed like a raging beauty of a flower
that never dulls.

they both lie awake in the blood crescent moon
waiting for each others turn
to trace every crevice of each others memories
of the love they hoped to share.

but they neither knew what was to happen
for love was there but fate wasnt aggreable
it thirsted for rage and anguish
filled with no mercy for the young lovers
for fate knew that they were nothing but fools
who wished for each others embrace
but did nothing to make it transpire.
Sep 2018 · 964
Daiene Sep 2018
Waiting for such beauty
I was filled with thirst
and she the wine to quench
such soreness in my throat.

Whilst I avenge the death of young love
she, a youthful beauty dared to defy death for her lover who
drank his poison and she with a dagger to her heart.

A tragedy,
my misery.
For I who loved her
is now left with not a thing
but agony
and longing
for a fool.

I, a noble
with no wisdom to boast
shame on me for such lack
of wit
to realize that no tenderness
no love
would be spared for me.
for i am no romeo.

I never stood a chance
to this youngster, Montague
even the queen Mob knew
I was nothing
but her father's favorite Paris
and never is,
never was
and never will capture the heart
of the beauty that is Juliet.
Sep 2018 · 169
both sides
Daiene Sep 2018
it took him days to realize that he was in love.

but it took her years to gain the self love she lost.
-09-10-2018 / on a bus in SRP, Cebu City, Philippines
Sep 2018 · 438
Daiene Sep 2018
I dont want to lose you
but I dont want you to be near.
I dont want to hurt you
but all I could do is take
- take away my pride and all my inhibitions
for you to be safe.
Because i am not worth it,
never was and never will be enough
to hold you tight through the night
wishing that the morning after you'd stay.
I just wanted you to be safe
from the monster that I became
from the person I promised you I wont be
from the coward that is myself.

-I love you but you're better off without me.
Sep 2018 · 149
Daiene Sep 2018
as time flew by
you captured me with your smile
ensnared me with your mind
so full of mystery
and poetry.

a galaxy of never ending chaos -
a battle between reality and fallacy.

my heart felt like it was to blow up
for everything felt like a trap.

your beauty,
it was rare
but now
all i can see
is the crisp lines of madness
left inside a nutshell
of someone who was once
as beautiful as you.
Sep 2018 · 165
Daiene Sep 2018
we're (just the same people) bathing in the same midspring darkness
consumed in the same cold and warm depth of the clashing waters
but i drowned
and deeper
i sunk
until i stopped breathing.
Sep 2018 · 149
Daiene Sep 2018
He told me he loved me
-only he lied to me
for he never really loved me.
he only liked me for the things i make him feel
he only told me he loved me to make me believe
twist me, shape me
curse me and bend me
turn me all he wants cause he felt loved.
Sep 2018 · 1.2k
half-truths and lies
Daiene Sep 2018
he said this
she said that.
a string of words
made up
with no sense.

promises encrusted with
beautiful lies.

dressed as
pretty half truths
and beautiful people
disguised in monstrous
shape shifting colors.

a world where lying
is considered as honesty
and truths
as decaying deceit.
Sep 2018 · 3.1k
the prima donna
Daiene Sep 2018
her touch was rough
and unforgiving.
the burn of fire
hence, the sting of ice.
a ballerina gliding along the
calloused parchment
of her journal-
and with that i knew that she was beautiful.

her soul and poetry like a fairy and his bunny
so brooding and enchanting.
she was the symbol of
melancholy and grace,
epitome of the beauty of autumn
and chills of a cold winter night
spent in halls
with loud cheers
and lonely slumber.

a beautiful disaster, they said
lovely, i replied.

— The End —