(a message about global discrimination)
Imagine a World today with only love Where no one fights, pushes or shoves
Humans racing to share embrace The only thing worn is a smiling face
Working together in nature's land Linguistically silent so as to understand
No passports are needed to travel afar Always feel welcomed no matter who you are
People all happy, through peace we co-exist No war-time armies here for us to enlist
We reap what we sow, no one bears greed When nature provides us all that we need
All join hands together to end all the crime Let's learn from mistakes past now of our mankind
Knowledge is the key to all future instruction As we empower the weapons of mass seduction...
World Peace Now! Love Conquers Hatred! End Discrimination!
(c) 2011 David John Clare - All Rights Reserved in Perpetuity ▶ S
For my great uncle...Truman Clare
We can't help what we look like, be kind to all brothers and sisters...