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Muse Mar 2016
We call her under full moons light
The blessed beast of the night
We dance around the blazing flame
Call the blessed goddesses name
She comes cloaked in white wolfskin
The Lunar goddess of our Coven
We are drawn into her mystic trance
She joins us in our wild dance
Through the night we twist and turn
Our souls reach for the life we yearn
  Mar 2016 Muse
Arlo Disarray
a strong pair of hands
wrapped tightly around my throat
the air supply has run so thin
that I can barely choke

the lights around are twinkling,
and it's the swellest sight I've seen
my vision's getting blurry
like I'm walking through a dream

my belt is coming undone
and my pants are sliding down
I don't know where I am
as my head slams on the ground

my ankles being grabbed
as I'm dragged across the floor
are we already done?
but, Sugar, I want more
Muse Mar 2016
It's getting so hard to see through the haze
Distorting their faces until I avert my gaze
It wraps itself around the mind I call home
Enchanting my eyes to seeing only monochrome
It sits on my chest to eat my dreams at night
So I force my eyes open until they see light
Reserving sleep for the safety of the day
Waking to find I'm wasting my life away
Muse Mar 2016
I feel like I'm running in place
And when I reach a steady pace
I feel like I always fall on my face

I feel like I've been falling forever
Wondering why I can't get it together
I'm just waiting for it to get better

I just wish it would stop raining
That my dreams would stop fading
Then maybe I could stop my petty Complaining
Muse Mar 2016
She sits in darkness dancing with death
A death in her family and a friend last breath

She is afraid of being alone with her thoughts
Thoughts of suicide is all lonliness brought

She is told that she is beautiful by men
Then comes home to a family who contradicts them

She feels hated by her brother and even her mother
A mother who treats her like **** unlike any other

This is the life she's excepted she calls it luck
Bad luck gave her a world where no one gives a ****

She believes her life can't change sufficiently
But I think one day she may see differently

There may be hope when she talks about dreams
Maybe her future isn't as bleak as it seems
Muse Feb 2016
Prepare yourselves for the most spectacular feast
We have assembled only the most remarcable meats
First on tonights menu we proudly present misogyny
Now I know what you're thinking misogyny is so 1920
I know it may not look like much but it has a prevelant flavour
Next up we will be eagerly serving poverty
I know you don't like spilling your wallets for paucity
But a helping of this meal is a good impression to savour
Our third delectable course of the evening is racism
Now I know how you all prefer dressed pigs
Regardless this dish has a lovely taste remenisent of slavery
Our final irresistible dish of the night is war
This meal is very complex a mix of racism and patriotism
It's a dish no biastophiliac could possibly pass up
With that we conclude our all American Repulsive Eaters Feast
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