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Muse Feb 2016
There are rumors of a ghoul
Who stalks abandoned places
They say he is never full
And he wears many faces

He can hide in a memory
While you visit a loved ones grave
He can hide in the obituary
Of someone you couldn't save

He can feast on the living
While he is fed by the dead
He can constrict your breathing
If he can get into your head

He can eat away dreams
And leave behind despair
He'll split lips at the seams
To hide that he's there

His games are the worst of all
He'll pretend to be gone
Then laugh as you fall
Then he'll keep feasting on
Muse Feb 2016
He wants to be a soldier
To die for his flag
To find a purpose
To be a hero
To help
To save
To save
A friend
His nation
To find meaning
Something to die for
He wants to be a martyr
Muse Feb 2016
Lust, Wrath, Envy, Passion
Aren't just a passing fashion
Don't try to fight your sins
Embrace the beast within

Open Pandora's box
Discover what it unlocks
Why are you afraid

Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Consuming
Break the guise you're assuming
Don't get caught on their hook
Don't be a slave to a book

Open Pandora's box
Discover what it unlocks
Come on break the chains

Sloth, ***, ******, Magik
What's life without a little havoc
Don't let them decide who you are
Sin is fun if you don't go to far

Open Pandora's box
Discover what it unlocks
Take control of your fate
Muse Feb 2016
My dreams have been deferred one too many times
I'm beginning to wonder if those dreams were mine
Dried up like a raisin in the sun
A festering wound starting to run

My dreams have been deffered
By the nightmares I preffered
Over the reality
Of human suffering

My dreams have been deferred one too many times
I'm beginning to wonder if those dreams were mine
They stink like rotting meat
Rot and sugar over bittersweet

My dreams have been deffered
By the nightmares I preffered
Over the hypocracies
Of human niceties

My dreams have been deferred one too many times
I'm beginning to wonder if those dreams were mine
They're a sagging heavy load
That I fear may explode

My dreams have been deffered
By the nightmares I preffered
Over the insanity
Of human society

My dreams have been deferred one too many times
I'm beginning to wonder if those dreams were mine
Largely inspired by Langston Hughes "A Dream Deffered"
Muse Feb 2016
The Universe opens your mind
You're Eye is no longer blind
The Truth breaks all lies
Love is an eternal tie
Strength comes from within
Pleasure is found when forgiven
The Self is greater than Fear
Constructive critisism, and tips are welcome(obviously) This was more of a quick thing I may come back to it later
Muse Feb 2016
I remember a dream I had not long ago
I sat with a stranger that I seemed to know
We spoke about the stars and the planets
We talked about Gods and who planned it
We questioned if we are slaves to destiny
We shared the answers of lifes mysteries
Then the darkness cracked releasing light
Our time was up, but we tried to fight
We suddenly realized we've been here before
The he said you were never afraid to die before
So I let go and fell off of the black stone
Through the light and awoke all the answers gone
Muse Jan 2016
The peace that I hope to find
I find within my own mind
But as soon as I start to dream
The dreams I dream are filled with scream
I struggle to hear my thoughts
These peaceful thoughts I had sought
Filled with silence cloaked in peace
The tranquility just beyond twisted trees
The place beyond the shadow men
A quite meadow or peaceful glen
Vibrations I to ride until I ascend
Upward away from spectres  I descended
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