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David Lessard Apr 2019
Don't write to me of love
it's failed me way too much
left me hurt and angry
left me in its clutch;
I give it only mixed reviews
there's something that is lacking
why do I lose at love?
it always sends me packing;
Unanswered questions left
I'm puzzled by their meaning
I'm confused I do confess
I miss its careful screening;
Don't speak of love to me
it makes my heart to racing
seeing that I'm left alone
to feel the pain I'm facing;
Don't toss me any breadcrumbs
I've had my fill of feast
of silly dilly romance
that lurking constant beast.
David Lessard Jul 2015
Don't tell me that our love is through -
that you want me from your sight;
starting with this very day,
beginning with this night.

Don't tell me our love's done -
that I won't be in your dreams;
that you won't think about me,
and I'll fall right though life's seams.

Don't tell me our love's over -
and I'll be memory;
something you can choose,
if to remember me.

Don't tell me now love's ended -
that I'll soon forget your face;
how can you throw it all away,
and suddenly erase?

Don't tell me our love's gone -
cast out with your last breath;
why does my soul still cry,
denying its own death?
David Lessard Apr 2018
I am dreaming of tomorrow,
when the world turns well;
when we lose the sickness,
and there's nothing left to sell.
When the hate will vanish,
when solid peace returns;
when we learn the truth,
for which the sad heart yearns.
I am dreaming of a new day,
with promises of hope;
with souls of happiness,
that no more have to cope.
Of things that will bring joy,
of things that will bring love;
when each day shines bright,
from the Love that's up above.
I'm dreaming of tomorrow,
when the reality takes place;
when we've no need of dreams,
for the blessed human race.
David Lessard May 2018
Don't waste your time on dreams
things forgotten half the time;
face reality instead
to dream, it's just a crime.

Dreams are great deceivers
most don't make much sense;
why give into fantasy?
it just makes the brain more dense.

Dreams are great pretenders
fluffy magic in your sleep;
if they're taken seriously
they may cause you to weep.

We don't recommend them
(that's me, myself and I);
they are troublemakers
I don't know just why.

Dreams are just delusions
that laugh and run away;
that hide in darker shadows
they never come your way.

I was once a dreamer
but they just passed me by;
and so I soon forgot them
I don't know just why.
David Lessard Jul 2015
Give me a ship that has no rudder,
and a silver sea, to sail upon;
pack a few things to take,
and in the morning, I'll be gone.

Give me salt air and pleasant winds,
under God's blue canopy;
with breezes and the warming sun,
and clouds, for company.

Let stars be my companions,
a moon to call my own,
let the waves, lull me to sleep,
in directions I've not known.

I'll leave behind my compass,
lost in the Milky Way;
a solitary sailor,
free to go or stay.

There's a vessel in the harbor,
in the morning light- it's glowing;
and there isn't a ship, I wouldn't take,
no matter where it's going.
David Lessard Aug 2015
I love the sunshine of the morning's day
when things are still and quiet;
when the cars and noise and traffic
don't create a roaring riot.
When the brightness of the hour,
pushes darkness to it's grave;
when to the coffee's flavor,
I am still a slave.
When the pace of life is muted,
when the breeze has not yet stirred;
when all the music is a bird call,
the only song that's heard.
Then I can face the afternoon,
and take whatever comes my way;
for once in motion, life takes place,
as time slips on away.
David Lessard Jul 2019
Sixty-two degrees at six a.m.,
to the east, the sun a molten ball;
the shadows long and dark,
shady, black and tall.

The trail is rocky,  dirt-filled,
waiting for our tramping feet;
the dogs, anxious, restless,
quick and limber,   fleet.

Two vagabonds just wandering,
breaking dawn's sweet rest;
with exercise and quiet thoughts,
in the arid, cloudless west.

Sharing little conversation,
enveloped by silent dreams;
we passed the cottonwoods,
across hot, dried-up streams.

Early morning  walks are best,
with eager, fellow beings;
blessed by great companionship,
and the earth that we are seeing.
David Lessard May 2019
I'm off to la-la land
to the spot called Nod
I'm sure you understand.

Seasons change as seasons do
the dawn comes awful early
and if I miss my sleep
I wake up very surly.

The night comes late
the sun comes quicker
in my bedroom window
the birds begin their bicker.

Sunrise comes a-creeping
sunrise brings the light
my eyes absorb the glow
and thus, it ends my night.

So, I'm off to bed at nine
to dream of sugar-plums
and other dream-like things
until the morning comes.
David Lessard Oct 2014
I told you
not to
call again,
but you
don't hear
so well,
our relationship
is over,
face it -
we could
never jell.
We could never
share the dreams,
that lovers often do;
we could never
hold the cup
drink the lovers brew.
Chalk it up
to fate,
to obstacles
too strong;
we were in a
where we,
did not
The fireworks were brief,
one big spark
and one big
it rained on
our parade,
in one long
We could never
grasp the prize,
that lovers often do;
we always came up

and in a moment's

we suddenly
were through.
David Lessard Nov 2014
Everything disintegrates,
what once lived, now dies;
death of things most beautiful,
ends in silent sighs.

Fading into nothingness,
where consciousness is dead;
the union of a hundred years,
is broken like a thread.

Buildings fall apart,
walls come tumbling down;
in the forest, tress expire,
with only nature's sound.

Highways need repair to live,
or they'll develop mars;
out in space the planets whirl,
amongst the dying stars.

Everything disintegrates,
too soon, our love, will die;
but never from neglect my love,
or the fact we did not try.
David Lessard Dec 2016
Father, I will know thee,
much better after death;
once that I have taken,
my final, dying breath.

For we must die,
before we live;
and as Your son,
one life, we live.

We offer up our lives to You,
in fervent hope;
You'll see us through.

For in this thing called life,
our work is but a test;
and what comes afterward,
will all be for the best.

Your truth's a shining light,
a beacon from above;
in life's relentless fight.

A lamp unto our hurried feet,
where hearts and souls;
so often meet.

The glow of day, is fading fast,
the things we love, they never last;
we put our treasured hope in You,
knowing You will see us through.

You are the true, eternal dream,
where things are not, quite what they seem;
in You, we truly, clearly see,
we'll live on in, Your memory.
David Lessard Apr 2019
We walk in evening, in the hills,
the trail is rocky, somewhat rough;
it climbs along a ridgetop,
steep, but not too tough.
We stride with certain measure,
the air is breezy, cool and clean,
we leave the worldly cares behind,
below, the grass is getting green.
A little hike, into the blue,
scattered clouds, dots of white;
the mountains turning purple,
with the diminished light.
An old man and his dog,
enjoying the day and life;
with close companionship and love,
escaping the daily strife.
Our lives are but a shadow,
soon we'll be gone; tomorrow;
blessed to share the end of time,
of happiness and sorrow.
David Lessard Jun 2019
In the shadows of the twilight
I will take my daily walk
and thru passages of time
to my Savoir,  I will talk.
I will talk and He will listen
how went the passing day
whether good or bad
from Him, I will not stray.
From His word I will not waver
to that still small voice inside
that keeps me true and humble
from my arrogance and pride.
Darkness now approaches
fading fast, the golden light
the stars appear in Glory
announcing His great Might.
Gazing at the evening sky
I accept what will transpire
leave mute, the question why
praising Him, whose truth is higher.
David Lessard Aug 2017
The bear grass looks so lush,
in the fading of the light;
it's pleasure on my vision,
as the day turns into night.

The breeze is soft and gentle,
like a lover's sweet caress;
the coolness is a balm,
in this eve of summer's rest.

Jax leads me by his leash,
he knows the way back home;
there is no pressure tugging,
it's like he's free to roam.

In the distance, mountains,
take on a purple hue;
pastoral hills abound,
the sky grows darker blue.

The evening's walk's refreshing,
it clears the mind and soul;
erasing turbulence,
easing living's toll.
David Lessard Nov 2019
With faith, I keep the Sabbath Day
to honor Him, I kneel to pray
giving thanks, for all He's done
from each setting and rising of the sun.

His blessings are too numerous to name
He gives eternal life instead of fame
His holy days I'll keep and cherish
for if we keep His truth we will not perish.

His commandments keep our body strong
gives us the power of His mighty song
gives peace to the heart and soul
keeping our minds on track and whole.

Follow His ways to the path of living
not by all the getting, but the giving
love's the mainstream of His being
without it, we aren't really seeing.

With faith, I keep all hope alive
with God, it's all I need to thrive
I know He's the answer that I need
and on His Word alone... I feed.
David Lessard Jul 2020
Let us endure, until the final end
facing every trial and tribulation
that comes around the bend
give Him praise and adulation.

Let's preserve and stay steadfast
in the essence of His being
holding to the truth that lasts
to the prophecies we're seeing.

To he that overcomes with grace
in the midst of chaos churning
we must keep a measured pace
for Him to whom we're yearning.

In our faith, we have His blessing
that His word is strong and true
with no doubt, with no guessing
He will stand and see us through.

Though hampered in those final days
we will not deny His name
we'll follow still His righteous ways
and His promises we'll claim.
David Lessard Aug 2014
Fall graciously or do not fall at all,
sin you do not know befriends you;
you do not care to listen to its call,
you are changed, when all is through.

You fell from grace and hurt your soul,
maybe you did not know wrong;
but your conscience knew inside,
that this was not the same old song.

An angel of light she looked to you,
her mystery a sought desire;
she caused your fall and wound,
and burned you with her fire.

We can't know all there is to know,
we're blinded by the golden veil;
we cannot hear our loved ones cry,
when we  begin to fall and fail.

Fall graciously or do not fall at all,
you have no guide, but one;
ignore him at your soul's great cost,
you've a battle yet, that isn't won.
David Lessard Jul 2016
The fat cats live among us,
atop the highest hills;
they don't take generic,
inexpensive pills.
Money is no object,
it must be wonderful;
to be above the simple,
middle-class or dull.
They're gated and secure,
locked up in their own space;
you don't know them personally,
only by their face.
They are the ones that rule
by the power of the dollar;
they've degrees you do not have,
the educated scholar.
The money grabbing miser,
who sits upon his throne;
who seldom sees his neighbor,
and does not throw a bone.
David Lessard Aug 2019
Father, I know them not
whose feet are quick to run
to plot heir evil deeds
such people are to shun.
Those who break God's law
as if it was not there
those who follow others
like them, they do not care.
Father, I know them not
that speak of hate and anger
curse the color of one's skin
they only harbor danger.
They want to shout and yell
to harm the peaceful soul
they never stop to think
what really makes them whole.
Father, I know them not
they scoff at God and love
laugh at law and order
and warnings from above.
David Lessard Aug 2014
I blot the sun out with my thumb,
don't want to burn my eyes;
it's hot enough to fry an egg,
someday, by god, I'll try.

I'll place it on my car's hood,
in the middle of July,
in desert heat outside of town,
I will let it fry.

I'll take a magnifying glass,
in the case that it need be;
and my widest brimmed hat,
so the sun will not scorch me.

I'll take along some pinto beans,
huevos rancheros of a sort;
on corn tortillas with red sauce,
if it's good, I'll take snort.

A Mexican fiesta dish,
with jalapenos too;
then I will burn my mouth,
before my meal is through.
David Lessard Dec 2015
This will be my final poem to you,
to exit, the door that I walked though;
too long, for nothing, I did stay,
far ago, the words I did not say.

You said I was the love of your life,
and consented to become my wife;
but way too far apart we grew,
and out the window, our love flew.

You stopped loving me, don't know why,
I never felt the change, or heard you cry;
it was like a bolt out of the blue,
I was clueless, but you always knew.

Time doesn't matter when love dies,
sometimes, no long and anguished cries;
just a silence that slithers in one day,
just a silence, that does not go away.

Then suddenly the union splits in two,
from troubled times that did accrue;
it's with regret, I voice we seldom tried,
the day you told me that your love died.
David Lessard Jul 2015
Tell me of this morning?
how does it suit your mood?
do you have contentment?
like eating comfort food?

Does it give you peace,
and a heart that's merry?
pack full of satisfaction,
and all your soul can carry?

Did you pray to get it right,
this world of toil and trouble?
or did your so-called friends,
pop your dreamlike bubble?

Did you find you're blessed,
in a thousand little ways?
by  great love and family,
to see you through the days?

Then the sunrise's magic,
and life is one sweet song;
for anywhere you turn to go,
His love will come along.
David Lessard Jun 2015
Just a little while with love,
just a time with pleasure;
just moments in the sun,
laughter, without measure.

Just a walk down memory's lane,
with pieces of a dream;
with fragments of a song,
with life's fast, fleeting scene.

Just a blink of sweet delight,
with romance and with you;
scattered pieces of a heart,
from folks who once, I knew.

Just a shadow from the sun,
that quickly fades in space;
just the lingering perfume,
of the earth's sweet face.

Just a flicker of the past,
when life was always grand;
when in love's embrace,
you softly took my hand.
David Lessard Apr 2018
Once there was a precious love,
freely given,  without measure;
the fulfillment of a hope,
my most glorious treasure.
But nothing lasts forever,
and in time,  I left;
my love was just one-sided,
in my heart, there's now a cleft.
I couldn't thrive on hope,
or a love you cast aside;
a love that wasn't there,
which you in time did hide.
Why beat the drum and holler,
when the music isn't there?
when the one you love,
acts like she don't care.
I had to leave, for my own sake,
all those mournful wasted years;
accompanied by sorrow,
and now, my wasted tears.
I wish you well my darling,
seems so very long ago;
that said you didn't love me,
like a fool,  I did not know.
David Lessard May 2018
My love was like a flower, always blooming,
I paid heed to myself, with much grooming;
to look the very best I could, for only you,
but that dissolved, when you and I fell through.

Now my love is like the dying cracks in sand,
that suffers from lack of rain on barren land;
like wilted plants, that wither on the stalk,
my heart's shunned by mute and empty talk.

Too late for saving rain, the very root has died,
by cold and callous ways you spoke and lied;
some love can still survive, but alas, not mine,
it all has lost its luster and its polished shine.

Yes, I feel like I'm the victim in this horrid tale,
but truth be told, that as both, we surely failed;
for a moment, for a time, it was simply grand,
but it was over when you never took my hand.

My love was like a rhapsody,  of that first kiss,
enveloped in a golden majesty of secret bliss;
but you displayed yourself to be a shallow rover,
and now, for all intents and purposes, it's over.
David Lessard Jan 18
Forget the past
just let it go
the old days do not last
tell me you didn't know.
Leave it all behind
trade it for tomorrow
the sun above, it will still shine
it's time to end all sorrow.
It's only excess weight
baggage you've not lost
don't be burdened down by fate
no matter what the cost.
Grab the coming days
the future there is calling
cast aside those old, old ways
change and don't be stalling.
The past is only history
you're living in the now
tomorrow's just a mystery
I wish that I could show you how.

play it as it lays
David Lessard May 2020
Good Golly Miss Molly
rock  and roll has died
with your passing yesterday
rock and rollers cried.
Long Tall Sally says goodbye
the heart of soul has gone
we will miss the shouts
that sparked your earthy song.
Lucille and Rip It Up
have faded in the light
buried with your mournful voice
that echoes  in the night.
Little Richard gone from sight
with others of his kind
but the music, it lives on
in the framework of the mind.
David Lessard Mar 2018
I can't give you happiness,
but I can make you laugh -
there's too much sorrow now
so on that, I'll pass.
Rodney got no respect
but he left us his laughter -
and we all need merriment
for things that may come after.
The blues are fine in passing
but prolonged, we do not want -
so conjure up a smile
not something that will taunt.
Grieve, but for the moment
but good cheer is for all time -
the sharing of good memories
so better than to pine.
Let humor be a constant friend
put the gloom away for now -
and for the comic geniuses
let's give a gracious bow.
David Lessard Nov 2024
If your reading this, take heart
it's for you and you alone
for the poetry you write
that makes us sigh and groan;
that makes grin and smile
that inspires and enlightens
our each and every mile
that gives us cries of sorrow
that stirs our hearts to gladness,
that tugs at our emotions
that keeps us all from madness.
Ours is a special group
we honor one another
with tales of poetry
for our sister and our brother.
So, here's to you, the poet
may your poems sing loud and clear
may you never cease to write
causing tears and cheers!!
David Lessard Sep 2017
Friendship never dies,
good friends never quit;
they stay always in the heart,
once the bond is lit.

Once the chord is tied,
that bind never breaks;
their word is never broken,
however high the stakes.

Friendship never wavers,
through every kind of weather;
whatever happens to them,
they always stay together.

They welcome you in love,
they welcome you in gladness;
and when the sorrow strikes,
they share with you, the sadness.

Friendship never dies;
it's always on display;
it's there just when you need it,
for that is friendship's way.
David Lessard Sep 2018
Morning walks are pleasant walks
on open endless plain;
the dew is glistening, clinging
from flowers in the rain.

The quietness is hallowed
free from noise and stress;
it calms the walker's mind
and lets the mind undress.

What is left -  is beauty
of Nature's winsome view;
reflections of a palette
of what you never knew.

Colors from a scrapbook
of mountains, sky and sun;
artistry of Nature's hand
now here, but not yet done.

Morning walks are my delight
on the narrow, meadowed lane;
meditation... of a sort
from flowers in the rain.
David Lessard Oct 2018
From pictures far away
I watch you slowly grow -
behind the scenes of silence
the images do flow.

I pray for you and love you
being ostracized not fun -
my family is too far away
but what's been done is done.

From pictures far away
I see your smiling faces -
from my visits long ago
there isn't any traces.

We smiled and laughed together
don't you remember when? -
it took me by surprise
when it all came to an end.

From pictures far away
from a Facebook page you're making -
I gather back the love
that keeps my heart from breaking.
David Lessard May 2018
The first fruit of the spirit is love,
the second is joy, the next one, peace;
these are the building blocks of God,
without them, they will all cease.
The fourth is goodness, then gentleness,
and faithfulness then follows;
these are His attributes,
without them, faith rings hollow.
Kindness and long-suffering,
come afterward, to keep us strong;
and the final one is self-control,
to stop the urge to do some wrong.
All fruits of the Spirit, rightly so,
laws to keep us on the Way;
along with daily contact with the Lord,
as we bow our heads to humbly pray.
To meditate on, to fast and study,
to savor truth of God's great Word;
to listen to the song unknown to others,
the melody no one else has ever heard.
David Lessard Oct 2018
By their fruits you shall know them
the best fruit brings satisfaction
to mind and mouth and gut
foul fruit brings a different reaction.

The sweetness of wine is a delight
the mastication of a fig is pleasure
all bad fruit is cast aside, like sin
the ripeness of a pear is a treasure.

Watch your fruit as it still grows
cultivate it as you would your life
when it's at the peak of its perfection
you can partake of it without a knife.

Mold your life, as you would your fruit
don't neglect it, and please, don't let it rot
follow his commandments as a guide
just as his beloved son on earth has taught.

Be a light to those that do not know the way
be kind, be faithful and be observant
so in the afterlife, he will say to you
"Well done, my good and fellow servant."
David Lessard Nov 2014
Full moon over Pinetop,
over purple mountains crest;
it's daybreak straight ahead,
and I am headed west.

I stop to have my coffee,
a Denny's up ahead;
why did I rise so early,
from the blankets of my bed?

I cannot sleep past light,
that steals into the room;
I need to get past town,
before the traffic's boom.

I'm just a stranger here,
my place lies far away;
I cover many miles,
before the noon of day.

But the full moon over Pinetop,
stays in the memory;
of enchantment in the sky,
just alone for me to see.
David Lessard Feb 2019
The wind was cold and chilly
blasting over corridors of sand;
the underpass took us through the overpass
echoes in the tunnel part of my plan.
My dog's name rang out like thunder
bouncing loudly off the concrete walls;
in the desert, far away from town,
far from any sight of malls.
Hints of rain formed in the clouds
but it just added to the walk;
in the hills of little growth
where there is no needed talk.
Traffic's noise was quickly fading
as we climbed into those hills;
they took us west of busy streets
from formal dress and fancy frills.
Out under under skies that ran forever
to mountain ranges rising tall;
where we ran out of highways
or the sight of any wall.
David Lessard Nov 2017
I will send some sun to you,
you can use it when you choose;
it's air-mailed just for you,
and only you,  to use.

You can save it for a rainy morn,
or when the clouds are gray;
or when the fog is present,
it will brighten up your day.

I'll send some flowers too,
can't hurt to have a rose;
or a daffodil or two -
so pleasant for the nose.

Best off all, I'll send some love,
you'll feel it when it comes;
the type that's always with you -
and guess what? it never runs.

Rare and treasured gifts,
for those that feel left out;
that still try hard to figure,
what this life is all about.
David Lessard Jan 2018
Give me back the days,
the ones you stole from me;
when love began to fade,
take back the hurtful things
you said,
the lies you cruelly made.
Then mend my heart and
heal my soul,
and give me back the dream;
that long ago - began with you,
when we were once a team.
And say the words that touched
my mind,
that only lovers know;
that satisfied and comforted,
and caused my love to grow.
Give me back security,
that made me safe and strong;
and I'll forget the pain,  and
forgive with each day's song.
Give me back the stolen hours,
and we'll make a brand new start;
give me back... my sanity,
before I fall apart.
David Lessard Nov 2014
Without Your love dear Father,
I could not write these rhymes;
You've been there during troubles,
You've seen me through tough times.
I found You, rather, You found me,
towards the latter part of life,;
You're my refuge and my comforter,
through all my toils and strife.
When no one else stood by me,
You're strength was there to share;
You saw me through each obstacle,
when no one else did care.
You gave me courage, mercy too,
You forgave my greatest sin;
accepted me, the way I am,
looked past where I had been.
All you wanted, was my faith,
to love the Father and the Son;
to put You first, above all else,
and die for You when life is done.
David Lessard May 2018
God calls to us,
by His great power, we're led;
to become His children,
not something else instead.

The world cannot receive,
the message that He sends;
the flesh rules thought and body,
and the sins, they never end.

We worship in the Spirit,
to us, the flesh is dead;
Jesus over came the flesh,
as on the stake, He bled.

Carnal mind and carnal thoughts,
are a barrier to His way;
no flesh can see the kingdom,
it that,  it has no say.

God calls to us;
the chosen and the few;
to dwell with Him forever,
a creation made brand new!
David Lessard Apr 2018
God is faithful...are we?
are we doing things we do not see?
doing things we think are right,
scoffing at God's will and might.
God shows we?
do we let all others be?
turn away from what is wrong,
we dance and sing the same old song.
God shows we?
or from commitment do we flee?
just deciding to live together,
for a moment's passing pleasure?
God is merciful...are we?
at what cost,  at what fee?
can we offer up - compassion?
or is that something,  we just ration?
God we?
do we pray on bended knee?
God's the Rock of my salvation,
and of our very troubled nation.
David Lessard Jan 2020
There is beauty in His being
there is beauty great and strong
there is beauty in His seeing
there is beauty in His song.
There is justice in His voice
there is justice in His power
there is justice in His choice
there is justice He will shower.
There is mercy in His heart
there is mercy in His eyes
there is mercy on His part
there is mercy none can buy.
there is wisdom in His laws
there is wisdom in His soul
there is wisdom with no flaws
there is wisdom He makes whole.
There's forgiveness in His arms
there's forgiveness in His word
there's forgiveness without alarm
there's forgiveness when He is heard.
David Lessard Aug 2020
God is light. Darkness knows it not
this world is blinded by the night
burdened by their heavy loads
they don't know our loads are light.
God is love. We can't fathom hate
and we cannot practice malice
nor abide in hidden sin
lest we lose God's promised palace.
God is life. Eternal life, His gift
by His grace we strive to live
keep enduring till the end
we choose not to get, but give.
God is truth. A lamp that lights our path
we travel on a narrow road
fight off the evil, ugly thoughts
His strength's strong, to lift our load.
God is mercy. Forgiving and forgetting
He's comforting and tender
He does not tally up our faults
and to Him we're all one gender.
David Lessard Jun 2020
Heaven is my throne and
the earth, my footstool
He shouted from the
thunderous skies
where is the house that
you can build for me?
bolts of lightning were
the only replies.

Tell me quickly if
you you've a tongue
answer me now,  if you can
I'll ask but once -
this one time only
where were you
when I created man?

I am a God above all gods
asking only for your love
for your support unto my laws
that come down from up above.

I will forgive if you repent
if you're baptized, and don't fear it
if you're agreed - to receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I will bless all those that bless you
those that curse you I will curse
if you're obedient to my ways
and fear me not, for the worse.
David Lessard Dec 2014
I won't be there, when you wake,
in my heart, you've drove a stake;
there is no more that I can take,
and so I'm leaving, for My sake.
In your heart, you have grown cold,
it's to another,  you've been "sold";
you are too brazen and too bold,
alas, there's nothing more to hold.
I'm too **** sick, of all your lying,
well past the point, of simply crying;
long way past, the trials of trying,
now, I feel like... it's all dying.
You treated me like worthless trash,
my dreams and goals you've bashed;
you only wanted jewels and cash,
it's no wonder, I feel lashed.
You've broken every cherished vow,
but to your wishes, I'll not bow;
I'm going to up, and leave you now,
and I'll survive, just don't know how.
David Lessard Jun 2016
I don't think that I can find you,
when you're wrapped up in your shell;
when you go inside yourself,
you're demeanor's hard to tell.

I can't sort what's right or wrong,
all I know is, there is trouble;
and I cannot penetrate,
the hardness of your bubble.

You still remain a mystery,
someone, I thought, I knew;
someone I thought I loved,
but now, I can't see through.

You've gone and lost your self again,
a transient to the world;
locked in a web of silence,
no longer seen, unfurled.

I don't think that I can reach you,
to the place where you have gone;
and you've faded in my thoughts,
like an old, forgotten song.
David Lessard Jul 2019
You vanished from my life
just like a dream-
I wasn't what you thought
not what I seemed;
but then, love is often blind
and deaf and dumb-
we went our separate ways
not even chums;
committed to a wall,  unseen.

A barrier that none can see-
an obstacle that bars our way-
built for only you and me -
when one has nothing more to say.

I only wish you happiness and cheer -
good luck in your endeavor dear -
now, you've got one less to fear -
when long ago, we grew so very near.
David Lessard Jul 2017
Goodnight my friends,
I'll see you in my dreams;
in the land of Nod -
life's different here it seems.

Reality's distorted,
I may awake in screams;
to a nightmare straight from hell,
it scrambles all my dreams.

I want the sugar plum fairies,
to dance around my ears;
to lighten up my outlook,
to stifle night time fears.

Just a nap at twilight.
will put me in the mood;
thirty little minutes,
it wouldn't be so rude.

Night comes faster at my age,
as do all things in time;
goodnight to all my friends,
as I end this silly rhyme.
David Lessard May 2018
It's the quietness of evening,
slumber creeps, comes to me;
and takes me to the sandman,
that always waits, so patiently.

I fight with little effort,
the weariness, too much;
I bow to eyelids drooping,
sleep has me, in its clutch.

I feel the heart grow heavy,
the brain waves, getting slow;
bed's just around the corner,
calling sweetly, this I know.

Just a goodnight poem for friends,
for fellow poets and their words;
who spread the rhymes we love,
where good poetry does merge.

Goodnight my hellopoetry pals,
let's all drift off to dreamland;
and hope that, in all the dreaming,
it's something we can understand.
David Lessard May 2018
The heart is tired and growing heavy,
the body's calling me to sweet sleep;
I say so long for things today,
as the land of Nod in stillness creeps.
I will dream and not remember,
I will wake, let's hope, refreshed;
even in the fog of early morning,
as sleep and wakefulness, are meshed.
Goodnight to friends and fellow poets,
thanks for all the joys you bring;
that tug at our emotions daily,
that cause the weary soul to sing.
Sharing grievance with the world,
sharing every happiness;
without your voices heard and raised,
your poems would all be sorely missed.
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