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David Lessard Nov 2020
Someplace down the road
Lord Jesus waits for me
He's counting I show up
for His truth has set me free;
He's the prime example
we must follow in His way
He'll give us the strength
to get us through the day.
Someplace down the road
I'll run into my Savoir
His words are full of love
It's Him that we must favor;
by faith and our endurance
we can overcome our trials
changing frowns to grins
changing scowls to smiles.
Someplace down the road
I'll be a resurrected soul
replacing flesh with Spirit
then -  becoming whole.
David Lessard Oct 2020
Hi Judy -

Here I am in sunny Arizona
a mile high, up in the hills
bought myself a ranch house
nothing fancy, no silly frills;
Hope you are doing well
sorry that I left so fast
but our marriage was a shambles
and I knew it couldn't last;
I bet you hate my guts, for leaving
please tell the kids - hi for me
I'm hoping to be back for visits
but for now, I'm enjoying being free;
I will call you when I can
but do not hold your breath
you know I'm irresponsible
and you said it best;
Just a postcard from the wild
so you'll see that I'm all right
gotta say so long my love
forgive my sudden flight.

- Punch
David Lessard Oct 2020
It's a morning like no other
fresh and somber, quite unique;
it's a matchless wonder
of the poetry I seek.
Wrought with burning fire
that lights the eastern sky;
ceaseless repetition
and all that it implies.
My heart is filled with wonder
my soul is full if love
as the morning light progresses
expanding from above.
The envelope of hope
the promise of a dream;
that dwells within the mind
of a vast exploding scheme.
Treasures fade in memories
the sorrow does not last;
as we cling to happiness
to this life that we hold fast.
David Lessard Sep 2020
The wind is rushing thru the willows
they arch and bend but do not break
the gusts of air are strong with power
unanchored on the porch,  things shake.
The green carpet rolls itself into a ball
the chairs around a table fold and fall
large big stuff holds solidly in place
things that go in motion are mostly small,
I feel some drops of rain but not too much
no thunder and no lightning do appear
the torrent of the wind is hard and steady
my dog takes caution - into the house
he won't return outside until he's ready.
I stand, let the hurried breezes hit my face
like a sea captain , most assured, would do
bracing myself alone - against the storm
happy and contented, to see it through.
In grudging, humble admiration, I submit
to nature's sudden,  wild and wacky ways
it's rare and scarce and quite bewildering
it livens up and and embellishes my days.
David Lessard Aug 2020
God is light. Darkness knows it not
this world is blinded by the night
burdened by their heavy loads
they don't know our loads are light.
God is love. We can't fathom hate
and we cannot practice malice
nor abide in hidden sin
lest we lose God's promised palace.
God is life. Eternal life, His gift
by His grace we strive to live
keep enduring till the end
we choose not to get, but give.
God is truth. A lamp that lights our path
we travel on a narrow road
fight off the evil, ugly thoughts
His strength's strong, to lift our load.
God is mercy. Forgiving and forgetting
He's comforting and tender
He does not tally up our faults
and to Him we're all one gender.
David Lessard Aug 2020
Father thank you for this day
that comes softly and quietly
I stretch and yawn in my way
enjoying my coffee silently.
Watching Venus light the morn
before Old Sol takes reign
as the rays on the hills adorn
just as you first ordained.
I take up your book and read
the gospel is full of good news
your words are  mighty indeed
in me - the Spirit renews.
The world continues to falter
confusion and chaos and hate
people have left from your altar
abandoned themselves to fate.
I still pray and repent of my sin
I still ask for forgiveness from you
you've erased where once I had been
forgotten the man I once knew.
David Lessard Jul 2020
Hello Poetry, how things go for you today?
ready for thoughts that come your way?
expressions of pain and love and strife
that hurt and heal and cut like a knife.

Ready for confessions that say enough?
for the things of life that do get tough?
for the constant battle of passing days?
for those that leave and for those who stay?

The world's a stage as Shakespeare said
a famous line from one that's dead
the greatest writer you never did see
he was good for some, but not for me.

My best loved poet wrote of the north
into the snows,  he ventured forth
under the aurora  borealis he strode
in search of a good poem...not gold.

To each, his own, the saying goes
when a poem comes, it often flows
making the writer feel real good
but isn't that how, poetry should?
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