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David Lessard Mar 13
I always wind up here
no matter where U start
but it's my special place
so dear to my old  heart
All further thoughts are futile
to that, I am resigned
my mind cannot acknowledge
such ideas of any kind
I am happy and contented
in the spot which I am in
far away from trouble
from the places I have been
Sheltered by my living
it is well within my soul
as I feast upon my pleasures
the things that make me whole
Long walks with my dog, Charlie
curled up with one good book
listening to my music
in a cozy, pleasant nook
The days go right along
year by year by year
and whatever things befall me
I always wind up here.
Be with me Lord
when I am in a fearful place
and of your presence
there is no apparent trace
only darkness that prevails
and there is no shining light
only sadness that seems
to cover me like night
Be with me as I seek the way to You
turning from the clutches of despair
to find the exits that exist
to find the stair.
Be  with me Lord to fight the dark
to resist the ever present foe
reach out to me and guide me
show me just the way to go.
Be with me Lord and be my light
direct me in the street of decency
blot out my shameful shadowed past
I ask for You to rescue me.
There was an old man from Brazil
who gulped a ****** pill
it stuck in his throat
he almost croaked
it hurt when he started to speak
now he's just fine
but his neck was stiff for a week!
David Lessard Jan 31
Outside, the day is warming
inside, the coffee dwindles
I'm getting the gumption to go
just looking out the windows
My reactions slow with age
it's harder to get going
arthritic limbs resist
when cooler winds keep blowing
Don a sweater and a cap
a windbreaker will do fine
thick and heavy trousers
hiking boots to toe the line
Sun shades and some gloves
dog bags,  for my furry friend
who trots along beside me
his devotion never ends
The walk is paramount
all other things are petty
the coffee's almost gone
and now, by God, I'm ready.
David Lessard Jan 18
Forget the past
just let it go
the old days do not last
tell me you didn't know.
Leave it all behind
trade it for tomorrow
the sun above, it will still shine
it's time to end all sorrow.
It's only excess weight
baggage you've not lost
don't be burdened down by fate
no matter what the cost.
Grab the coming days
the future there is calling
cast aside those old, old ways
change and don't be stalling.
The past is only history
you're living in the now
tomorrow's just a mystery
I wish that I could show you how.

play it as it lays
Heavenly Father, hear my prayer
in this new year we still care
for peace and love and hope
give us the strength to cope

Give us the faith to trust in God
for each and every need
the fortitude to do what's right
and on His Spirit, feed

Heavenly Father, hear our voice
for a nation that is bleeding
physically and spiritually
it's not Your voice we're heeding

The world is chaos and confusion
they're calling evil good
they've done away with sin
not doing what they should

Heavenly Father, hear my plea
Your the hope of our salvation
we await Your son's return
to heal this broken nation.
David Lessard Dec 2024
When troubles occur, you laugh
why is that?
I take it is because you have all the answers
and I have to laugh myself
and because I love you Lord.
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