Better there be liars than what they say
Be True.
Bhere be no faith than the faithful
Be deceived.
Better there be no hope than it be in what
Is not good. Better there be no love that
Cannot make things better.
Better is not vain, better is patient. Better
Is possible. For as God sent His Son..
Knowing on earth there is none that is
Righteous-that men are credulous and
Esteem and fear what is unknown to
Heaven. So why did He come: why will
He come again, leave the perfect place?
Because He felt our pain and knew He
Could make things better. There is here
Nothing greater than Bette For more we
Will have to die and go to Heaven and
Someday return when the cries of God's
People weighs upon His heart enough to
Again undertake what seems less and
Forever unfinished. Why do this--to make
Things better. Here on earth we will take
Vows and be unfaithful, be betrothed to a
Vanity posing as Love. We say for Better or
Worse but the worse is separation from God.
So we cry out for help, Come Oh Lord.
Come quickly. Great is our need as Thou
Knows-Come now and Make things Better.
Until death do us part let us know your
Charity. Let us forgive even as forgiven.