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  Aug 2015 Dark n Beautiful
Deep is my love for the people
take your pain and make it fade away
Love you until you can love yourself
Sit beside you until my last breathe
Here to hold your hand always
Promise to be there in time of need
Indeed a friend to your friends
Treasure the stories you share
Keep you in mind as i walk the line
Hold my head up because i know you
Remember you when i pass other souls
Smile at the sun because you have done so much. Understand life's ups and downs
No need for perfection on the ground
Live because you have a friend who made a promise
Remember even from the far
you are loved deeply by your friend.
©Ashty H.
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
scars all
the victims
sweet revenge
attacker castrated: open wound bleeds

Tetractys, a poetic form invented by Ray Stebbing, consists of at least 5 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 syllables (total of 20). Tetractys can be written with more than one verse, but must follow suit with an inverted syllable count. Tetractys can also bereversed and written 10, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Double Tetractys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1

Triple Tetractys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10

and so on.

"Euclid, the mathematician of classical times, considered the number series 1, 2, 3, 4 to have mystical significance because its sum is 10, so he dignified it with a name of its own - Tetractys. The tetractys could be Britain's answer to the haiku. Its challenge is to express a complete thought, profound or comic, witty or wise, within the narrow compass of twenty syllables." - Ray Stebbing

Example #1:

from you
your ego
your blaming me
i am a free spirit who has no past
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
August is wonderful month for star gazing.
Camellias, dauphin Oise and renuculars in full bloom this August
How much sun does my August Moon flowers needs;
the more sun, the more golden the texture shine  on through

Here came the brides, marching down the aisles with theirs fathers
While, the theme of Goldenrod, Sunflower yellow, Saffron and Dandelion takes center stage,

August is a month that stands its own merit
an excellent month for bird migration, but not for illegal immigrants
August's birth flower is gladiolus, its comes with, calm, integrity, and infatuation

August is the wayward month no less.
Star gazing at its best
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
I heard of this poem that’s circling the universe
It’s known to be trending faster than the speed of light
With words of encouragements and positive feedback
each verse represents life, hope , truth and hope.

Its poetic use of words is organic, it unblock
release and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit
That poem was the last thing you remember
Leaving you with a clutter-free peaceful mind

Who?  Why?  How?  What!

*Sunna Shelley Wong said, “At every moment in a life or in a poem, the formal choice is between answering to that which is alive, or attempting to enslave it.”

Ink runs from the corners of my mouth.
There is no happiness like mine.
I have been eating poetry.

From "Eating Poetry
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
I always know when I’m in love
My heart reacts to the sound of your name
Like pounding waves on a stormy day
Until I received the text you sent yesterday
My love for you fade so fast like excitement.
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
Stop badgering the witness!

Love is a mysterious thing poker face
Even though we tend to think of soul mates
as a symbiotic union, we have to be open-minded

Marriage is a business transaction
We've all had nights we can't remember...
or wish we could forget

as we all recalled it was the mindset
that triggered strong emotion into an explosion
that separate the thing called love.

It’s have been more than twenty odd years since
the Weeper's victims left over tears, that never faded.
the dead  never felt neither pain nor anger

The jury is still deliberating long and hard with miles
  to go on the public views, so once again
if the gloves don't fit you must acquit
  Stop badgering the remaining witnesses America
Love is a mysterious thing, poker face
HOW many of you remember the O.j Simpson case..
Dark n Beautiful Aug 2015
How to love the summer rain
that cold tingly feeling, but to
feel your arms around me,
I do remember that

The warmth of your lips against mine
I didn’t expected that
The sound of your skype voice makes my heart race
I turned up the volume just to heard you say my name

Or was it to tune out the tip, tap, tip, tap of the rain
on the window pane
But to feel your arms around me
Oh! how it warm me like the morning sun
and tingles me like the cold summer rain.

So what the different between you and I?
I will always love you more than the
Summer rain:
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