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 Jul 2013 Nameless One
Chris T
I hear their whispers,
How they talk and point
When going down the street,
How they laugh so cruelly,
Heartless animals,
Mocking every move,
Every cursed feature,
And I pretend not to care,
I've always been good at it,
Acting as if it didn't matter,
As if I couldn't give 2 *****
About what they think,
But deep inside it hurts,
It hurts to know that so many
Are drawn like this,
It kills hope and brings a
Certain misery and dread,
Something I don't need,
So I walk
And keep on going,
Pass the skirts
And painted faces
And tall designer shoes,
"I don't care,
I don't care,
To hell with em all"
But indeed I care,
Don't tell anyone though,
I want to bring this secret
To my grave.
This ones better than that mess from earlier (Ha! Mess, and it trended. I've noticed that my **** stuff trends and what I consider better work doesn't.) -2013/July
 Jul 2013 Nameless One
I’m dangling by a thread
swinging from the moon
and you hold a pair of scissors,
threatening and teasing me,
flecks of empathy held in your eyes.
That’s all they are – flecks
because your grey eyes are truly selfish
and your lashes are coated in dishonesty,
brushing and batting against your
honey skin.
So my mind plays hopscotch on your pavement
and I wonder about the false hope
and the emptiness
you have embedded into my stomach
and my fingers tremble as you snip, snip, snip
Mother I swear
I'll plant seeds in the garden,

I've got a home in east Ohio
and a palm full of bees,
like thunder.

Drawers full of whiskey,
mother I'm trying.

Static voices set the sky to shambles.
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
people do not die.

fall through pavement
or slide under semi-trucks
or glide off bridges
into the soft embrace of water
into a place
in another state

and i don't ever see them
because they moved away
but they will be back
and maybe it's hard to keep in contact
long distance
but someday we'll hang out again
and it will be weird at first
because we will have changed
but after a while
it will feel
just the same
this is how i cope with so much death in my life.
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
Is the first time you got
Under your fingernails
This is
The first time your dad
Didn't come home
This is the first time
Your little sister got
And told you about her
This is the first time you stood
On the top of a mountain and
At everything
That ever wasn't anything
This is the first time you stepped out of your pants
And into another person's
This is the first time.
Maybe all of your parents' fighting was just a test.
Whether you passed or not depends on how
You went to bed, listening
Or how
The palms of your hands looked when you
Held them against hers because
You were taught that you should
Hold it all.
Music is hard to dance to when you've been
Taught to stuff your
Fingers so far into your
Ears that you can't even feel
Your own heartbeat.

You were taught to hate the color yellow and have two left feet.
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
Chris T
Every day
he wakes up
from a bad
nights sleep
and he'll go
and wash
his face
in tiny gray
bathroom sink,
glaring madly
at the figure
in the mirror,
then he'll dress,
fit his
into a suit,
gray and sad
and overused,
right after,
to his kitchen
he'll go,
make dull
coffee and
a dull meal,
on a
wobbling table
he'll gobble
down his
gray food,
and lock his
then to his
gray car
off to his prison,
his gray job,
a thing he hates,
until the sun goes down,
followed by home
where he'll have a drink,
watch the gray news
and fall asleep,
and tomorrow
the same thing,
day in the life
of the fool.
2013. Just wrote it.
I don't wanna end up like the Fool and it depresses me, the thought of the same thing every day. Getting up to work at a job I hate, every day 'till I die. Terrible. A nightmare. And it hurts to see so many trapped in that process with no way out but death. You see them out sometimes, you can tell by looking at their defeated faces and posture and the way they speak, monotonous, a bore. And they'll fake a smile, maybe they have a kid with them, but you know that in their heads they wish that the kid doesn't end up like them. A father, a mother, who doesn't want their kids to think of them as heroes. It's sad really. They've got a wife, a husband, they hate each other. Or perhaps you saw them at a bar, face down on the wooden counter, an unfinished beer right in front. And those ties, like nooses around their necks, slowly choking their life force away. Maybe, at some point, in the beginning of their working lives they thought things through like me. "This won't happen. I'll notice when it does and I'll change things. I won't be a Fool." And the moment of transformation comes and they don't notice until it's been years too late and they've dug themselves to deep and it's over.
I guess that what I'm trying to say is, don't be like The Fool.
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
Chris T
I reread
a couple
of months
ago and
I'm living
in it.
just a bit of humor.
 Jun 2013 Nameless One
im withering
and falling so softly
to the ground
slowly fading away
hidden amongst the crowd
of flawless beauties
and hidden eyes
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