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6.0k · May 2014
The Wicked Path Of Destiny
Dark Angel May 2014
I walk the face of earth once more,
a mindless puppet, my strings are torn.
the creaky bones, the bad eyesight,
yet the chance to turn wrong to right.
wars-a-waging, old mans guilt,
the worlds now on more then just a tilt.
parents weeping, children slain,
****** thoughts, fear will reign.
I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk,
he whispered to me, hiding a smirk.
"Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find,
the demon lurking in thou mind."
So off I ventured, to quench my thirst,
of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst.
And on that quest what did I see?

The Wicked Path Of Destiny
5.6k · Dec 2013
Dark Angels Unite
Dark Angel Dec 2013
A single moonbeam falls on her face,
like God revealing an angel.
But she is my angel;
my dark angel of the night.
Like the night itself she moves,
silence and grace in her every step.
Her midnight hair like the rippled clouds,
soft silky strands shining in the moonlight.
Dark eyes, darker than the new moon,
shine with promise of things to come.
Full lips parted in a feral grin,
her very presence touches me
deeper than a winter midnight’s chill.
My dark angel.
I close my eyes;
I am hers;
She is mine.
4.9k · Jan 2013
Heavenly Angel
Dark Angel Jan 2013
I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would watch and protect mankind
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must play in my own kind

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would pray for those in sorrow
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must suffer the torment of borrow

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would worship my god day and night
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must fight for my own right

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would always cling to my sword
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must fight the pain of my fault

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would never know tiredness
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must till the land to grow in abundance

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would weep when man sin
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must pray for my own sin so dire

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would soar endlessly in space
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must check as I walk in pace

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For I would wonder around this world free
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must stand still as a tree

I wish I was a heavenly angel
For my heart shall always be in joy
But I am no heavenly angel
Hence I must behave just like a boy
4.9k · Jan 2013
Show me..
Dark Angel Jan 2013
I know you say it,
time and time again,
yet I wonder....
are you telling me,
or convincing yourself?

You touch me,
and sometimes i feel the connection,
and sometimes, sometimes it's way out there
i see the affection at times,
but i can't help but think it's not enough

It hurts,
when i think that you dont care
whether we last or not, its matters naught
it kills
to feel unappreciated

I need you to show me
that you, that you care
I need not only to hear it
but to see it
feel it...

I don't wanna go,
coz i strongly believe in us
and know that it can work
and i don't want to stay
where always feel unappreciated
4.8k · Nov 2012
The Angel to My Dark Heart
Dark Angel Nov 2012
The day I lost my Angel,
I traded my love in for something of repugnance,
And I by no means even put up a struggle
I never even spoke, Not even showing a single expression.
I just raised my arms towering to the sky above
I just gave up

I ceased to distinguish who I was.
I became nothing, a soul I hadnt ever met or knew.
I had loved you, A feeling that you out grew.
A love I never knew.
I never once considered the repercussions of my emotions
Or my thoughts.

It’s strange how a single ripple in the sea
Can work to transform everyone and everything it comes in contact with.
Never leaving any inclination of its presence
Or its effect apon the vision that is cast into the waters of prospect.
Now I have nobody left,
No one and nothing at all.
Nothing in my heart or in my soul.
The graceful love I showed you.
But who am I to say.
I am just a guy at heaven’s gate                                            
With broken wings.
Hoping that today is the day I may get in.
4.2k · Jun 2013
Your Destiny Angel
Dark Angel Jun 2013
I gave you my love,
Made your heart feel the love,
And yet you denied my love.
I was to love you,
You and I forever.
Say you love me,
That is all I ask.
Say you need me,
As I need you.
Say this love is,
Is the love of a life time.
You shall remorse the night
You took my love.
For I the dark angel
Want repayment with
Your blood.
I will be the voice in the wind,
The voice which will haunt
Your dreams.
The voice which will
Call to you.
You were once my
Everything, the only
Thing that had mattered.
Then my love was
Shattered, wishing you were
Once again near.
Sometimes if it seemed if
I had just dreamed again,
You would be here.
The irony of the dream
Is you never came,
But I will every night,
And haunt your desire.
You shall pay
Pay for this with blood.
I will get my fulfillment
From haunting your thoughts.
That fate which will
Condemn you to
Wallow in blood,
This fate which you
Choose that night.
The night you decide to
Behold the love I gave you
For granted.
I shall not take compassion
In you,
I will now take a diminutive
Vial of Blood!
Just a sufficient amount to make
You never awake
This dream state again.
You will pay for your sins,
Which will haunt you
For an eternity.
I shall sentence my lover,
Sentence her to death,
This is the choice you have made,
My angel.
For whichever way you
Decide you will not win.
You deceived me,
Now it is time to meet
Your destiny.
Bleed my angel,
And before long we shall unite,
Once again.
Breath deep,
Bleed fast,
Pay for your sins
And die for me.
3.8k · Dec 2013
What If
Dark Angel Dec 2013
What if I will never see you again?
If the future is fog and rain
What if we lost all we have today?
If our lives were to go astray
What if this love will hold?
If we will, together grow old.
What if we were meant to be?
If this our life’s decree
What if we are confused?
If the distance makes our love diffused
What if we gave up trying?
If life was simply too trying
What if you are the one?
If we never want for none
What if it will always be you and me?
If that is what will be and will be.
3.7k · Jan 2013
Dark Angel Jan 2013
Broken wings and a broken heart,
That's what left now we are apart.
I was your angel that fell from the sky,
You broken my wings, now I can't fly.
I rushed towards you in a crazy flight,
To stay forever at your side.

You were bad, I never did know it,
Your pretty smile never did show it.
In fact your smile was oh so bright,
And then she called me to her side.
she kissed me softly on my lips,
That's when time just slipped.

All I wanted is what I did see,
And I wanted you for me.
Finally I found myself with broken wings
Amongst many other things.
When I asked why she said: can't you see?
I've broken your wings, so you don't fly away from me.

You started to fly inside my head,
And your sweet sweet kisses kept me fed.
Your love had glued my eyes
It was too late when I finally realized
That you fooled me with your lies
Now I can never ever touch the skies.

This fallen angel will never fly through the air,
Call it mean, call it unfair.
I look to my angel friends way up there,
Flying so high up in the air.
You have broken my wings,
That's the risk that love brings.

My wings, ripped off
by you, they're torn apart
My broken wings,
My broken heart.
I've fought demons and never got hurt
Circling around them with my wings like a bird.
Slaying them down and killing them too.
I never thought I would be beaten by you.
no not my angel, our love felt so true.
3.3k · Jan 2013
Love the Angel
Dark Angel Jan 2013
For you have betrayed
The Dark Angel.
I was bound to have loved you.
Your words invite me,
Unite me,
And still betray me.

Is this how you repay me!
Say you will stay with
Me until death,
Just one life time.
Your voice calls to me,
Unites us within my dreams,
But you have drawn back
Within fear.

In all my fantasies
I have always knew,
The angel above was you.
Your power grows very strong
Over me infusing me with desire.
The desire to love,
To love the angel.

With this fallacy instilled
Within my dreams you
Still betrayed me, my angel.
Why my angel,
Why is it that
You have betrayed me.

I the dark angel had needed you,
You the angel of the night.
You shall curse the day you
Betrayed the dark angel.
To many years fighting
Back the tears,
And now my blood,
Nears to an end.

You my angel shall
Turn to meet your fate.
The time is too late,
There is no debate,
No way to change your fate.
A couple months old, wrote it after a pretty bad break-up
3.2k · May 2013
Dark Angel May 2013
these walls i'd built for so long, so tall
crumbled beneath me and the monsters within
broke loose with a vengeance untold even in lore
and i welcomed them with open arms, for they are my own

and as they eat my heart whole, i knew one grows
one darker, yet stronger then the last
one that doesnt just break with each hurt
it accepts that hurt, and makes it stronger
making it nearly invincible, unbreakable

on the outside i seem just as i was, broken
but i feel whole like i never have before
for i am the mosters that i tried to keep in
the ones i caged because i thought them too dangerous
but they were just the pieces i was scared to put back
i am now who i was always meant to be.
this was pretty much just an explosion of emotion. something id held inside for too long
2.8k · Feb 2013
The Words You Want to Hear
Dark Angel Feb 2013
I can prove that, i can be there 24/7. Because, i have so much to give.
and want to wait, and been waiting, for just one person who I dont know
if she would ever come. I can be the most patience guy, that could wait a life time,
just to see her love again, or just to see her walk by, with out her knowing the crush i have.

I want to show you, that i can be real, being just myself,
make you laugh, and make you smile, when your bursting into tears,
make your day just by smiling and wave, or a hug and a kiss.

Not to implore, nor beg, but rather look into your heart,
and there speak the words, that you always wanted to hear.
See your feelings, and hear your thoughts as your heart beats fast.
Calm your anger, and soften your rage, and when it gets out of control,
I can and will be or become your punching bag.
Dark Angel Jan 2013
A breath, yours
soft, hot, chilling
the ear, mine
curved - an art on skin
the meeting of both
explodes, a confetti of feelings
a beat becomes a throb
throbbing madness
of that breath that still flows
a begging of hearts
a pleading of souls
begging the emptiness of body
an urging of minds
that breath that still flows
into begging hearts
fills the pleading souls
walls crumble
on soft ground they meet the heart
received, converted into trust
by the breath that still flows
excitement abides
eyes meet and hold
gazes into abysses of longing
a tide covers the belonging
the connection of two hearts at sea
joined by that breath that still flows
into that skin, that art
is but the wind with memory
spun, ebbed, blown, twisted by time
made into dreams fused with reality
the tail of one, the head of the other
its that breath that still flows
2.1k · Jan 2013
I'm Ready, are you?
Dark Angel Jan 2013
I see You there, across the room
as you stare blankly at the screen.

What I wouldn't give for you to just glance my way
There's not many

I can smell your perfume from here,
suttle yet enveloping my every sense

How could you not realize I'm right here
ready to take my life just for 1 single dimpled smile of happiness
Just for me

If i had you in my arms but once
you'd realize the depth of my feelings is deeper then the darkest ocean,
higher then the brightest star

So I'm ready for you, ready for when you realize im here,
to realize your other half is but a few meters away

Ready for the moment I've been dreaming of
for what seems like an eternity

I'm ready for you... But I guess your not.
1.9k · Jan 2013
River of Tears
Dark Angel Jan 2013
Let my tears flow
for a love that i've lost
and maybe they might with them
take away the feeling of loss
to pave way for a brighter day

Let my tears flow
for it's as certain as the day dawns
that i shan't ever find one like i had
for the gift of love come from deep within
and the rest maybe mere pretence

Let my tears flow
on and on and on, let them pass
the sorrows reside in my heart not in my eyes
if i cannot loose what aches me fervently
I can, maybe, like i just did, loose what i love

Let my tears flow
and wash my eyes from the fog of dismay
i may be able to able see clearly what i just lost
though not sure if i can regain or get an equivalent
at least, let me see what i had and let go

Let my tears flow
they are all i have left to loose
and i honestly don't want to keep them
if i can't keep a love so divine
why keep the tears then?
1.8k · Nov 2012
tethered heart
Dark Angel Nov 2012
I see you beside me
but you don't even turn
do you even see me here,
admiring your every flaw?

I just want to hold you
tell you I'm here
I want to be your comfort
everything you hold dear

Just to hold you, if only i could
I'd be your armor, your protection from all
but all you see is what's in front
you don't even see that im starting to fall

the dreams i've been having, oh the torture
they make me feel empty, lonely
and make me want you more every day
and more terified to my feelings portray

So I'll just stare from a distance
pretending i don't see you either
even though i crave every inch of you
knowing that you have my heart forever tethered

— The End —