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The colors grow dim with the night
And the light of day will fade.
Sitting crosslegged on a stump
I bid my farewell with a wave.

My palm is hollow for yours;
There's a stump by my side.
My partner, how you wandered –
You wavered into a lie.

How I wish I could revive
The connection we shared, my dear,
And how, you'd never wave goodbye–
For you promised to stay near.
Winding roads envelop mornings
changing how I feel
as the sun rises
over half a million faces
all aglow.  
The air bears the scent of flowers
like those I have seen
within blue flames of truth
on the horizon of nothing more
than how your presence
seeks my attention
like falling snow.

I feel my pulse expanding
and I grow weak
as my skin glows soft
like poems
that have kissed the roses
around my thorns,
and my soul keeps the best of you
in my hands.  
My joy crashes
against  sands pure as thoughts
of the wildest forest
embracing its own lands.

Your voice finds me
with an understanding
that springs into my mind
making the ground I walk on
become a heaven
born of words.
I smile secretly, as if I  have begun
to read something
living inside a storm
rushing to be let in
and dancing on paper
to be heard.

Half a million faces
and all I see is yours,
telling me
I am the treasure you find
on those winding roads.
The air bears the scent of flowers
from fields
that continue to live
throughout the winter
warmed by blue flames of truth,
seeking my attention
like falling snow.
Copyright @2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
My halo has plummeted
And I have broken both my wings
I don't think I will ever be the same again
As I no longer have these things

Yesterday I was young and innocent
I had never been kissed
Now I have fallen and can't find my way
And my innocence has gone amiss

What happened to the young girl
Who looked upon the world with starry eyes
Who always told the truth and never felt the need to lie
I am afraid she has been exposed to this world

It is a shame that growing up our innocence does take
And how our halo's plummet from our brow
The way in which our wings do break
And we lose that trusting heart we have somehow
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Because we aren't what you want us to be,
You shut us out completely and refuse to set us free.
Why can't we lock you up for not being the same as us?
If we could all work together there would be no need for such a fuss.
and what is normal when it is not defined by you?
It is only a word, that much is all we can be sure is true.
Society is telling us how to live a respectable life...
Yet they don't know our situations, they don't know our strife.
No person can walk a mile in someone else's shoe
If you were born into a different life who knows what you would do?
So we guess the question we are asking is why should you shun us..
When really you have the same biological potential to become us?
Copyright @
 Jan 2013 Dark Angel
Dev A
I'm all alone with no one to hold.
One second I'm here
the next I'm there.

Everything used to be so clear.
But now,
now my eyes are closed.

I can't see the light in the sky.
I can't see the way out.
All I see is an abyss of darkness in my heart.

It's all thanks to you.
You didn't listen when I asked for help.
You shied away, even though you knew me best.

Now I'm standing 5 meters away
Watching you watching me,
And waiting.
Just waiting.

Hoping these wings will grow back
with one simple act of kindness
on your behalf.

But I'm falling farther and farther
by the second.
Titanium steel and broken wings are pushing me down.

These masks that hide the emotions
are becoming harder and harder to put on.
All because of a broken promise
from a fake friendship.

This pain that you have helped to cause
is hidden behind a mask.
Making me feel alone in this dark world
with my eyes closed to all
waiting for you waiting for me, to make the first move.
But I'm no longer here,
I'm gone forever.
A lone prisoner in my own life.
a mix of a few of my other poems.  just thought it would be fun to add different lines from different poems :)
 Jan 2013 Dark Angel
Louis Fraser
Young n my brains wired
Struggle to gain
Mis-directin' blame
I fade tired
Hopped up n snotty
Girl got a body
I'm scarin' off the hottie
Followin' footsteps wrecked
Strugglin' keepin the path in check
Hard graft when select
Mirages part
Any truth I have left
I'm still holding onto lies
(Lies I've heard a thousand times)
They said, "Everything will be alright."
So then, why is nothing fine?

I'm still holding onto dreams,
Dreams that only you could make come true.
But how is it that I still dream?
I cannot sleep because of you.

I've lost all hope
and lost all faith.
You say it wasn't you,
It was my own mistake.
 Jan 2013 Dark Angel
Tyler Maurer
I put the gun in my mouth an wrap my finger round the trigger

I bite my tongue feelin like a fool

Waiting for a chance to make it right

Id rather just end this ******* fight

Watch me splatter my brain across the backseat

I hope to god it doesnt look neat

My finger was on the trigger but my bloods on your hands
 Jan 2013 Dark Angel
Andrew Jiang
(My heart is a stone
encased in ice age glacier
tucked away in the nuclear bunker
surrounded by the Great Wall
if the Mongolians  can't get to it
what chance have you?

Let's say you do manage to Mission Impossible reach it
Let's say you somehow Ocean's One steal it
Let's say you also The Bank Job keep it
How are you gonna get through that ice?

It's so cold Russians call it the nuclear winter
It's so cold Kobe rubs it before the game-winning shot
It's so cold Lucifer uses it as a cooler
It's so cold Ice Queen is now the Ice Princess

the trembling rosy lips dissolve the very bond
into silly little ice crystals and snowflakes
resonate so passionately with the frequency
of my stoic heartbeat
the dancing electrons revolted against
ionic-bonds and hydrogen-bonds
the frenzied molecules traded their neighbors
for love, traded themselves for furor
traded ice for fire
traded stone for flesh

and you, traded I for me
hanging ever so desperately on your
red trembling lips
consumed mercilessly
like the very last cigarette
knowing the consequence of letting go:
like ash the wind shall carry me away
a thousand burning ambers flying into the night
like the fireflies on their last journey
I shall melt quietly into darkness
reminiscing about a block of ice.
I was just trying something new, morphing 2 completely different styles into one poem.
I can't get anywhere anymore.
Can't write a word, take a step, or even inhale
without doing it with some kind of motive.

Already, this poem, or passage, or whatever it is,
isn't even for me anymore.

It's for them.
The constant audience I never have.
The ones who make me look around
when I stumble in a deserted house.

The ones who make me feel like I'm in a sitcom,
and have to make comments on the state of things
to the shadows of an empty room.

The ones who make me feel
like there's a method to this madness.
Or that its at least being documented.

The ones who let me know
I'm not alone, and never truly will be.

Here's to you, *******.
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