The second night we spent together
Was in a warm apartment in the city of angels
You, laying on the couch
Windows open letting the summer air in
And I, dancing around the room
With a bottle of maker's mark in hand
Taking swigs with every chuckle
I laughed as I made my way on to your lap
Your arms holding me like you already knew me
We had only been together a week
But every day felt like an added year
You were so familiar
And on the first night we spent together
Our failed attempts to drift off turned into to talking
You leaned close
And asked about my life
We spoke effortlessly as strangers
Just to become less strange
You listened as I relived every moment
Every second feeling infinite
You told me
You never wanted to leave
That you wanted to stay and make home in my body
I would have let you
But the next day you boarded your flight back to New York City
Your eyes promising return
I said goodbye like I always do,
So accustomed to leaving
It has been three months since that day
And sometimes we talk
Your voice sounding the same as it did in my ear
Only now we are separated
By time zones and reality
Our lives both consumed by busy
There is only so much time in the day to miss someone
And I spend almost all of mine missing you
Thinking back to the night you held me like temporary did not exist
Your touch felt permanent ink on my skin
I bet if you looked hard enough
You would find your fingerprints as evidence
There was no caution tape with you
I let down my guard in an instant
And wore vulnerable
You told me
It looked nice on me
I said that you,
Would look nice on me
You are still so far
But one day when you return
We will start again
A new bottle of whiskey
And only future ahead of us
Until then
I will be here waiting patiently
For you
To come back to me.