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danielle m Feb 2014
so much time has passed since our last kiss
tears to fill empty swimming pools
i will never stop loving you
these are the longest hours of my life
danielle m Feb 2014
why dont you just bury me in this sand
throw your discourse over me
throw your shame and your blame and all
the things you thought you liked about me
danielle m Feb 2014
the spaces between your ribs i've reserved for me.
i spend my time in your exhalations.
the time i lie and count the stars and wait,
could stretch across the universe i have created for us.
the decades i wait in between your sighs i fill with  space and time.
you and i and nothing but this empty infinity of intangibility

danielle m Jan 2014
mouth to mouth we find each other
i breathe in your fragrant smile
i put my hands to your chest
to reassure myself i'm alive

i press your fingers to my lips
sigh your name out loud
chasms filled with dirt
abound with flowers now
danielle m Jan 2014
today could be the day i give my heart away
i could throw it off the roof and hope it floats to you
danielle m Sep 2013
the boy on the moon
well he might as well be
take england and shove it up your ***
i hate your english accent and your stupid long hair
and the fact that you left me here
that smile that you left me with
has turned into lava tears
i look at this moon
fairy delusions
are you looking for me too
danielle m Sep 2013
thats all we ever are and ever will be


just a series of almost interactions

almost together
almost beautiful

almost whole
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