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danielle m Sep 2013
you are my galaxy
you are my sun
you are the stars i use to navigate this night
you are the beautiful planets
you are my zodiac
my orion and my moon
danielle m Aug 2013
how do i miss someone i don't even know
danielle m Aug 2013
You have no concept
Of how I cling to the brief fragments
The tiny motes of times
Like dust
They are barely
I long for you
The texture of your tongue
On my skin
Your palms in mine
I'm in love with a ghost
danielle m Aug 2013
Fill my mouth with flowers
Fill it with dirt
Fill it with your soft tongue
Anything but your harsh words

Crack my chest with bolt cutters
What grows here now
Nothing but a skeletons love
And worms of all sorts

Peel back my skin
Read the lies that I write
Each day I write them deeper
Etched into bone and tissue

Plant a flower in my heart
Please water it with love
I will grow in to something pretty for you
I swear I will
danielle m Aug 2013
the spaces between my ribs
ive reserved for you
please fill them with love
and bind me with your glue

the glue you made from blood
of past girls you robbed
when you promised them the world
and left them dislodged

the powder of my bones
chalked into the earth
writing your name in greys and whites
and weighing up our worth

now im just a shell
writing words to ghosts
these words that no one seems to hear
im your lifeless loveless hoax

danielle m Aug 2013
planting seeds of us
i watered them with my tears
your reassurances fell on my deaf ears
and look at us now
miles and miles apart
all these weeds growing from my heart
poisoning all the good that's left
now nothing can grow
or flourish
and im wilted
danielle m Aug 2013
let's meet in the park
and we can go from there
i'll wear my best dress
and a flower in my hair
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